Do they have cell phones?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Do they have cell phones?

Post by touchedbyanangel »


I know that sounds silly, but I'm wondering how they manage to make telephone calls. The reason, I ask, is because I had something strange happen last week. :roll And, again tonite!

My mom, whom I live with, has a sleeping problem, she has suspected that she has sleep apnea. Last week she went to a sleep study at a local sleep diagnostics center. During the afternoon on the day she had to go to the sleep study, there was a phone call, she didn't answer the call, but, noticed that all the numbers on the caller id for that call were zeros, it also displayed 'unknown name." She didn't mention it to me until later in the day, and, I didn't really think much of it.

I had to have her at the sleep study at 8:00 pm, I dropped her off and went home. I was supposed to pick her up the following morning a 6:30 am. She had told me not to be late, and, to set the alarm clock so I wouldn't oversleep. Of course, I forgot to set the alarm, :duh ,(and went to sleep late.) I didn't really get much sleep as I was worried about being late. It was around 4:30 when I finally fell asleep with one eye open. Well, that eye shut not long afterward.

I was awakened by a phone call, as I fumbled around looking for the handset, it rang three more times. I finally found the phone and answered it, (and, while doing so, I glanced at the clock, the time was 6:18 am. I was going to be a few minutes late picking up my mom), there was nobody on the other end, just the dail tone. As I was ending the call, I looked at the caller id, the number was all zeros, 000-000-0000, the call came from "unknown name." The first thing I thought of after that was that the Mid-Wayers had woke me up. But, that wasn't what was the strange thing that happened. :bana:

This is;
When I got to the sleep center, and went inside, the technician met me at the office entry door and told me I needed to call an ambulance for my mother, she said, that they had woken my mom up at 5:00 so she could be processed out. The technician said after waking her up, she was unresponsive, and not able to answer questions. They said she seemed confused and didn't know where she was, and who anybody was, or why she was there. It was almost 7:00 and she was still in this state of lucidity. I went into the bedroom she was in and looked at her, I asked her if she knew who I was, she did, and I then asked her if she was okay. She didn't answer me, and that's when I noticed that there was something that just wasn't right with her. I called an ambulance and got her to the ER.
After examing her, they believed she has suffered a minor stroke, probably due to her pace maker.

I told the technician, later that morning, that thier monitoring of my mom, and thier actions after waking her up, had probably saved her life. The Mid-Wayers had woken me up just in time to get to the sleep center so I could get my mom to the hospital before anything else happened. She stayed overnight, she got some much needed sleep, and came home the following day. I told her of the phone call, we both just can't believe it. :bana:

Now, for the rest of the story;

Tonite, after getting home from running an errand, I went upstairs to my bedroom, I looked on the caller id of my phone, to see if anyone had called while I was out. There was one wasn't from "unknown name-000-000-0000" was from "unknown ame..555-555-5555. :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: that spooky or what????

I going to sleep now, I wonder if the phone is going to wake me up in the morning?

Good Night, and God Bless :)

Touched... :loves
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by Geoff »

Dear Touched,

The answer to the question is that they are electrical beings, so messing with other electrical devices is real easy.

Sending prayers for your mom.

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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Thank You for your prayers Geoff. If anyone every doubts that the Mid-Wayers are real, let them read this thread.

Last nite after posting the lead message, i went to bed in the downstairs bedroom. (my dad's room),I was upstairs in my bedroom most of the evening working at my desk. There is a small aluminum table next to the bed which I keep a lamp, the portable phone, a cataloge from a supplier of mine, and sometimes a scented candle in one of those small glass jars. Last nite I had been burning the candle as I do when I'm up stairs for a long length of time.

It was the phone on the table that I got the 555-555-5555 call on. It is the only phone on that line. It's actually my fax line, i also use it to get online from the computer downstairs in the dining room. That's where I am at right now.

This morning about 5:30 am uscdt, my mom woke me up to turn off what we thought was the alarm on the freezer, which is in the pantry and laundry room at the foot of the stairs going to the upstairs where my bedroom is. The alarm that was sounding was exactly like the alarm on the freezer, so I was pushing the buttons on the handle of the freezer to shut off the alarm, but it wouldn't go off. Then my mom said maybe it was the fire alarm at the top of the stairs, I agreed with her and went upstairs to look. THAT WHEN I SAW THE FLAMES :ncool:

The smoke was real heavy but , I could see that the fire was on the table. The table sits alongside my bed, and against the wall. It was on fire!! :shock:

I immediately told my mom to get me a wet towel, I ran down the stairs to get it, I was choking on the smoke, and realized that I only had minutes before the upstairs would be fully involved. We didn't have any time to waste, we didin't even have the time to call the fire dept. It would have taken them at least 15 minutes to get to us, as we're in the country. The house would be gone, or close to it, before they arrived.

My mom gave me a we towel and i went upstairs on threw it over the small table. It was just enough to douse the flames. but there was other small fires around the table, I had my mom wetti ng towels downstairs. I went a got them and doused the rest of the fires....whew, :D

I am still trying to catch my breath, and coughing up black stuff. I know now why people don't usually survive fires like this, when there is heavy, hot smoke, it takes only momemts to choke you. I was crawling on my knees to put the fire out. My mom's sleep problem ended up saving both our lives this morning. Her light sleep enabled her to hear the upstairs fire alarm.

The 555-555-5555 must have been a warning of what was to come. It has certainly changed me, and my mom. We both know "without doubt,"

THAT THE TIME PROMPTS ARE REAL. :bana: :bana: fire, and saved by the Mid-Wayers.... :cheers: :cheers:
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by luvinlife »

Yes, I believe they're "electrical" beings....lights flickering, cell phones, many things.

Love, Clare
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by Geoff »

Dear Touched,

Whoo boy. What an episode. You are not wrong, it takes about three minutes, sometimes less for a fire to engulf a room. Fire Alarms are certainly good, but you were very lucky that not only did it wake you all, you were able to put out the fire.

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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by Shield »

Amazing. This may have changed but at one time there were no working phones in the U.S. with a 555 exchange. That number was reserved for use in tv and movie scripts to prevent people from calling numbers they saw in shows and movies.
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by Sandy »

Dearest Touched,
Oh my goodness!!! What a rough few days you have had! I am so thankful that you all are alright... and I am thankful we have loving friends about us assisting us, as they are allowed, with life's ups and downs.. What an amazing story! I got chills and I would love to give you a big hug for your own quick thinking which saved your home. (((((HUGS)))) I have one small request. Well, more like something to think about and consider, would you please see a doctor about the smoke inhalation you endured. It can be very dangerous and while you appear alright it would still be wise to have a health professional look into this. Okay, no more nagging from this far away sis. ;)

Your Mother and family are in my prayers.
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Update on the fire,

After settling down a bit, I went upstairs to examine what may have been the cause of the fire. I know everyone is thinking that perhaps it was the candle. It may have been, but the thing is, the candle was almost gone when I went downstairs to get online before going to bed. I went online around midnight, and went to bed around 1:30 or so. I had been upstairs for hours with the small candle burning. I had to empty some of the melted liquid wax out of the glass container because the flame was real small, and , about to go out. What was left was about a quarter of an inch of wax at the bottom of the glass container.

I continued to work until midnight and turned out the lights when I went downstairs. I don't recall if I blew out the candle, but I usually do. But, the flame may have been real small and and I didn't realize it was still burning. However, the amount of wax was not enough to keep the candle burning for very long. The fire alarm went off at about 5:15 am or so. That would mean that the candle would have been burning for another five hours after I went downstairs. I just find that hard to believe. There couldn't have been enough wax to keep the candle lit for that long of a time. As far as I know, the table wasn't on fire when I went to bed, the alarm would have gone off, it didn't, I would have heard it.

(The fire alarms in the house are not the ones you get at the hardware store. They are the expensive ones that detect even the smallest traces of smoke. Just recently, to test the aIarm after changing the battery, I blew a puff of smoke out of my mouth from a cigarette, at a distance of about ten feet away from the alarm, and after about a minute the alarm went off. These alarms are very sensitive.)

My mom didn't realize it was the fire alarm, so she spent about ten minutes trying to turn off what she thought was the freezer alarm. When she couldn't get it to go off, she woke me up and told me to fix it. The rest is history.

Anyway, I cannot be sure, but it could have been the telephone that was on the table. There was also a weather radio, that was on a little bookcase next to the table, it was on fire too. I had brought it down the stairs, by it's cord, when I first went back down to get the wet towel from my mom, I tossed it out the back door and into the backyard.

If the candle is what started the fire, it would of had to have been hot enough to start the towel, that was covering the table, (through the bottom of the glass container), on fire. The fire would have then spread to the phone, and the weather radio, which were at the opposite ends of the table.

OR, the telephone started the fire on one end of the table, and then spread to the weather radio on the other side of the table. The weather radio started to burn after the telephone, as, the smoke marks, on the wall and ceiling, are much greater on the side of the telephone. The smoke marks, where the candle was setting, are almost un-noticable.

If the latter is true, then it begs this question;

Considering, that this telephone, was the phone that recieved the 555-555-5555 call, can it be possible, that the phone became unstable by the energy that was used to make the call from the Mid-Wayers realm? Perhaps, the phone was called again, in the wee hours of the morning, just as what happened to me when I got the second 000-000-0000 call last week with the incident with my mom, and the sleep center. That call came at 6:18 am.

I cannot prove any of this, as the telephone was destroyed by the fire. The caller id was the only proof of the first 555-555-5555 call. The 000-000-0000 call came in on the regular phone line downstairs. I believe those two calls are still on the caller id's on the downstairs phones. (Just a note, we have not had any problems with the downstairs phones, and, they are identical to the one I had upstairs.)

Sorry for my meanderings, it's just so mysterious. I'm just glad it wasn't worse.

Once again, I'm going to bed, don't know if I'll get any sleep, I'll have to try and keep one ear open, JUST IN CASE!! :sunflower:

Touched.... :loves
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by Sandy »

Dear Touched,

The Midwayers are now masters of manipulating electrical energy and would not have done anything that would possibly have caused harm to you. They are simply not allowed. Their manipulation of the numbers on your phone would cause no more harm to you than anyone else placing a call to you. So please don't worry about things from that end. You know, I was thinking though, that it might be helpful to have a member of a fire department come to your home and inspect the area of the fire. They are usually well trained in the nature of fire and may be able to tell at a glance where the flames originated. :finger:
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by luvinlife »

Wow, Touched! Thank goodness you are okay. And, yes, I agree that this is very mysterious. Please keep us posted if you find out more. Be safe.

Love, Clare
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Hey all,

I want to thank y'all for your prayers for my mom, who is doing good, and your concern about what happened. I have to concur with Sandy about the Midwayers, I do not believe they would do anything to hurt us. It would be directly contrary to thier divine purpose. It was simply the candle that caused the fire, the metal stem that holds the wick got hot enough to start the fire. The cloth beneath the candle's glass container smoldered for hours before finally starting fire and began the chain reaction of events. Lesson learned, "NEVER PUT A CANDLE ON A SURFACE THAT COULD START A FIRE." (no matter what the candle is in.) :bana:

:sorry: For taking so long to reply, it has been a very troublesome month, not just with me, but it seems everywhere around the world. That said, I didn't really want to bring this post back up to top of the page. There are many much more interesting things to read about here, especially with all the newcommers. I'll take this opportunity to say welcome to all of the newcomers this past month.

:bana: Now, as many of you know, I don't usually post a message, unless, something strange has occured. Guess what? Okay, you guessed it..something occured, and, I don't know what to think about it. I promise, I'll make this short. :bana:

This morning, around 11:00 am usacst, I went online and came here to read new stuff, as I usually do at that, and pm. I actually was on site at 11:10 am. I read some posts, and went offline so I could go do some things in town. When I got back, a little after noon, I went upstairs to check the new phone for any calls. There was one missed call. The number the call came from....555-555-5555, I just couldn't believe it. I then looked at what time the call came in..11:10 am...the time was exactly the time I was here earlier.

I'm just nervous about what it may mean. I will be staying up late tonite, just to make sure nothing starts on fire. I have checked all the alarms to make sure they are working. I don't take those calls for granted after what happened before. Any thoughts anyone? :sunflower:

Your's truly,

Touched... :loves
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Re: Do they have cell phones?

Post by Sandy »

Hello dear touched,
I am glad to hear you now know how the fire was started and I am sorry that it has been a difficult month for you.

I am not sure what to say about the prompt numbers you have just seen... I know after what happened with the fire you have every reason to be a little jumpy... But I have an idea...only an idea, nothing concrete from my own personal thoughts and experiences. First, as you know, often the Midwayers will prompt us in ways we accept...In other words if someone says a prompt means this and we like it and accept it they will often use our acceptance as a rudimentary way of bridging the communication gap. I have seen this happen in my own life. When I came to the board I read what George had come to accept as 11:10 for him. " It means they want to talk to him (now us) " and for me when I get 555 and so on...It signifys change. So for me and from my own acceptance I would be looking at the meaning from those view points. but as I said earlier...that is just me. As you see this is hard for someone outside of you to say, "yes, this prompt and combination means this etc..." We can offer suggestions from our own accepted experiences but hard to say more than that.
I wonder if you would feel better trying to calm your nervousness and heart if you could find a way to quietly pray and meditate asking for guidance about these meanings that are surrounding you. I know I am not much help tonight am I? I would sit up with you if I could. We could play a nice game of Hearts or something... ;) :D
But since that is not possible and I am a lousy hearts player anyway, instead I will send love your way and ask for beautiful things to manifest in your life. Take good care of yourself, sis. :kiss:
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