In this world, overflowing with lies...

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Skekzyz »

Even the most open-minded, yet diligent, and critical truth seeker can and will be deceived at least occasionally.

With that said, I would like to introduce myself.
I am a child of God, as we all are, in my late 30's and I have used the online moniker Skekzyz (pronounced Skek' zees) for more than a decade now. I live in Montana, am single and childless. I have no problem with being "alone," and as near as I can tell have never experienced "loneliness." I prefer heavy metal music to most other types. I have rarely wanted to follow others or do as they do or act as they act to the point of actually abhorring being a part of the perceived majority or "in" crowd. I have never had an overwhelming drive to acquire money, although I did have the ideation of wanting to "make a million dollars by the time I was 30" while I was still in high school. I consider myself a jack of some trades, master of none, and would like to have/find the opportunity to go back to school, but pushing 40, it does not seem all that likely. I am, however, relatively well educated, and continue to try to learn all that I can on subjects and generalities that interest me, but find that I, more often than not, struggle with the limitations that this mortal form imparts. I do know that seeking truth and helping others are very high on my priority list, these days.

A brief synopsis of how I came to be here today:
I was raised catholic, my mother insisted that we go to church every Sunday, and I attended 1st grade at the school that was associated with that church, my teacher was a nun. My father could not afford to pay the tuition for another year, so I went back to public school for 2nd grade, but we still went to church every sunday. Until, at some point when I was about 10 years old, the church told my parents that my younger brother and I would not be allowed to progress beyond holy communion in whatever ritual came next in the catholic church if they could not tithe 10% or whatever it was. At this point we basically stopped going except for easter and christmas, it really didn't bother me, in fact I was pretty happy about it, I didn't like church and hated the smell of the incense. I attribute my loathing for most perfumes and artificial smells to that and the Camay soap my mother would "wash my mouth out" with when I would cuss, which I learned from my father mostly. She also tried Tobasco sauce, I love hot food, go figure...
After attending public school for 6 years, I had been influenced by a varied assortment of secular people and activities. Along with the influence of my father keeping hard alcohol in the house, and my mother using it in Hot Lemon Toddies for my cough when I was sick, to my grandfather letting me have sips of his beer when he would visit, and the fact that my mother smoked, I was introduced to inebriating chemicals very early in life.
During 7th grade, I read George Orwell's "1984" (the year was 1984) and I was into Van Halen and Motley Crue and I was smoking cigarettes daily, at school, during lunch hour, but because of the "rich kids" at that school, when the year was over, it was decided that I should return to the catholic school that I attended as a 1st grader, in order to avoid fights, and bullying that was almost as frequent as my daily smoking. It is my perception that all throughout my life, whenever I found myself with groups of "peers", be it school or work or jail, where it was basically not my choice to be there, and there existed other immature males in the group, that I was usually the target of ridicule and the one to single out to be "picked on." I still do not fully understand why even to this day that, put in that type of situation with other males, I tend to be the recipient of abuse from the more immature of the lot. Don't get me wrong, I have some ideas why, I just don't fully understand it.
8th grade was marked with less abuse in that environment, but it was not absent. Tobacco was of course totally forbidden there and I stopped smoking during school with a few exceptions, and was even "busted" with "roll your owns" at one point. At least the punishment for that was to transcribe a part of the "Holy Bible" instead of a previous similar repetative writing punishment that I recieved from a teacher in public school for allegedly calling one of the girls in class the "C" word, which at the time I didn't even know, I had to ask my dad what it meant, and of course he told me. Nearing the time of graduation, I had the longest hair of any boy in my class and the principal (looking back on it, she would have fit the look of a "butch" woman at least to some extent) wanted me to cut my hair for the graduation ceremony. My mom tried to defend me with, "but Jesus had long hair." To no avail. This was my first glaring encounter with outright hypocrisy.
At some point during the summer between that graduation and high school, I tried marijuana, having basically rejected alcohol, disliking the taste and the vomiting that a shot of stolen vodka had induced, mostly from the taste. Hideous stuff that vodka, I must say. The marijuana I smoked tasted pretty bad too, but I also didn't feel anything from it. Looking back on this, it was probably just leaf and the kids that I smoked it with didn't have that much at the time. But for some reason, I wanted to try it again. I'm not sure exactly when "Just say, NO!" became a complete and total joke to me, but if anything it created a forbidden fruit syndrome. I understood that it was a plant and that it was supposed to get you "high." But I also "understood" that other forbidden drugs where man-made chemicals and really were more dangerous for you. During freshman year, I smoked it whenever anyone had it, I loved the way it made me feel, nothing like the numb lips and sick stomach of alcohol. But I had been told that marijuana was also supposed to make you hallucinate, well to me that meant see things that were not there. This, marijuana, did not do, not for me. So I started asking around, and people told me "mushrooms" (but they had to be the right kind) and "acid" or LSD. This I searched in vain for, but soon after getting my drivers license, I met a friend who wanted to drink beer and after conceding that I could not find mushrooms or acid in this town, and had struck out even on the weed front that day, that we would have his, "old enough," friend and neighbor buy us beer with my allowance/gas/lunch money that I never spent on lunch. And that is when the demon of alcohol really did take ahold of me. Then one day, this friend who had basically become our beer dealer, said he had mushrooms. I went frickin' nuts, I didnt have but the 3 dollars for the 12-pack that we were planning on getting. (yes cheep beer was $3 for 12 cans then can you believe that?) I begged him to front it to me, I had searched and searched for something that would do to my vision what pot had done for my mind. I got so insistant that he eventually took me into the room he had them in in his trailer and made me shut my eyes and open my mouth, well I was a little hesitant but I figured, what the hell, I want to try this and there's a pretty good chance he will just pop one into my mouth and we could go get the beer. He shoved a handful of them into my mouth and I started chewing after the surpise wore off, then I was ready to go get the beer, they both said, "No, no way get yer ass back home, you have about 15 minutes before you start trippin' balls, man." Well I had rented "To Kill a Mockingbird" so I could do a book report on it and figured that would be something to do and stay away from my parents so they wouldn't notice. I had to watch the movie again to get the book report done but I still hadn't seen that much in the way of "visions" it was mostly colors and wavyness and such. And it certainly wasn't something that I wanted to go and do the next day or the next weekend like I did with beer and weed. But I still wanted to see things, and I had heard that LSD was the real vision maker, little dancing cartoons and such, and it was supposed to "open your mind." Well I eventually found acid and I liked it but it lasted too long and the visions were a little better than the mushrooms but basically the same "trip" and only once did I ever come close to a bad one on it but was still cognizant enough to realize that it was just the drug. Well, and that walking outside in the dark without a flashlight was bound to make me a little paranoid about what might "get me."
So in the interest of making this long story a little shorter I'll jump ahead to a period in my life that was continuingly clouded in alcohol use and abuse, and of course the relatively benign use of cannabis. Almost every time I found myself in trouble with the law was a direct result of the alcohol, but even though I saw that, and did quit for almost two years, I continued to drink, even after doing the "the thing I could never do," I continued to drink. Even today I am not 100% dry. But after writing this, I hope that I can keep my mind on the hate that I have for demon alcohol when the thought of wanting a beer enters my mind. But good things have come from my use of this drug, demon alcohol, the strife that it has caused in my life has brought me time and time again to searching for God, not religion, which I abandoned long ago if I ever even sought it. So I started reading the bible, to center myself and to try to attain any form of peace, with myself and with the world around me. But having abandoned religion and it's pointless rituals, I read with a very skeptical mind, gleening only what really rung true to me in it's pages. What I found was most of the bible was as much hog wash as "Just say, NO!" Except for a few words attributed to Jesus, the bible was basically useless to me. I knew there had to be more, but I was content for the time being to focus on the main points that He tried to teach. Love God. Love others. Then shortly after being under the thumb of the state for doing "the thing I could never do," a friend of my mom's who knew that her and I were spiritual, gave us The Urantia Book. So having gotten all that I could from the so called "inerrant word of God," I started reading. I have never read most of the structural parts I and II, mostly because I find them very hard to understand and basically
pointless in my current situation. The History of Urantia is interesting, but again basically pointless, or so I thought when I started reading it. I just now picked it up and find that I have a book mark at Paper 77 The Midway Creatures, hmmm... But part IV The Life and Teachings of Jesus is what really caught my attention. Previous to finding The Urantia Book I had obtained and read a book Titled "God Calling" and now upon finding this information about the 11:11 time promts, makes me wonder if that is some of the first modern day communications from Micheal, as it fits almost exactly in line with what I find here. I have not as of yet hunted that book down and compared anything, but will probably find the time to look into it, someday. So here I am, vaguely remembering the start of the fiction story I once began to write with no goal or structure in mind and only got so far as to mention the street light going out as the main character passed beneath it on the side walk in Phoenix, Arizona, becuase it happened to me so often then, I expect, that I'll see that happen again some time soon and now I'll know what to do...

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Skekzyz,
I very much enjoyed your writing and hearing a bit about your life and thoughts. You have quite a way with words and an honesty and openness that is refreshing in this confusing age where often what we see isn't always what is real.

I must say I was apalled by the harsh mandates the Catholic church forced on your parents. It is very upsetting for an institution under the guise of Christ's banner to treat others in this way. Something we all know Jesus would not ever do. I too follow the simple teachings of this wise loving High Son of God.... Love God, Love others and am working on learning to love myself and all my many faults. Not easy for me...

I'm glad you have found your way to these boards. Welcome!
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Shield »

Hi. Skekyzy, I would have to answer yes to your first question. I just turned 57 and for the last few years often wondered if I had alzheimers or some other mental defect since much of what I saw,read or heard just didn't seem logical to me.

I am a history buff and after reading about German propaganda prior to and during WWII and seeing a clip of a former KGB agent explaining how propaganda works reached the conclusion much of what is said to be truth these days is propaganda,half truths and mis direction. After watching several documentaries I have also come to believe a lot of what is recorded in the bible was mis translated,that several writings were left out and this was done to suit the motives and intents of the religious rulers of the day. The kind of rulers that will tell parents their child can't advance till tithes are paid etc.

It did take a while for me to un learn what I had been taught in church but now see logic in all of what I have seen here.

I wish you well. :)
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Geoff »

Dear Skekzyz,

Welcome. If you liked God Calling, you will love "our own version", which aligns with the Urantia Book but is far more to the point and practical, and readable. You can get excerpts on this page:

The Guiding Light Within

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by 1111:1111 »

It was awesome reading your story. Unfortunately I think religion has nothing to dobwith 1111. I also think angels have nothing to do with 1111. People give too much credit to sources outside themselves. Find your own truth. Yeah this site may claim midwayers this and that...but its not proven fact. Imo we are approahing some strange times and the world will see some major change. No use in ignoring it. If this phenomenon was simply about an angel wanting to say hi then I hate this phenomenon. However I have found my own truth...and it points to major world change and it also points to eleveners getting up off their lazy butts and helping the world become a better place. Leading by example through love compassion and understanding. Religion is not about that.
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Geoff »

Dear 1111:1111

It may be your opinion that there are no midwayers, but I think the evidence is on our side. In fact I think its reasonable to claim its proven. What can you produce as evidence that our evidence is unsustainable?

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Sandy »

Dear 1111:1111,
It is painfully obvious that you have not read any of the information on this site as well as posts by the people who post here.

You wrote:
Find your own truth.
Is that not what we encourage people to do as they go deep into meditation? I believe I have explained this to you before and so now I suspect that you are here to spread misinformation about 11111 and this site. And this we will not allow on this board.
Imo we are approahing some strange times and the world will see some major change. No use in ignoring it. If this phenomenon was simply about an angel wanting to say hi then I hate this phenomenon.
That is as you said "your opinion"... I have explained this before to you as well. It seems you simply do not wish to hear and are determined that your opinion of us and our commitment to our 11:11 work is a joke. We do not encourage people to ignore what is going on in the world but rather to build and strengthen their "inner resources" which helps in all areas of our lives and most especaially during hard times so many people are so sure are ahead of us. It is most important to live in the now...the present. It is the only place that is "real", A place where we can connect with inner energies and guidance that is not found as we toss around theories of the future or the polar opposite our lives in days gone by. In saying this, though, one must use common sense and decernment in planning for your families future... That is diffeernt from spending all your time on troubling thoughts of what is to come. Fear is paralizing and debilitating. It also, in my opinion, helps manifest that which we are fearful of.
However I have found my own truth
That is good that you have found what lights your fire. But you must allow other people to find their truth as well. As I said before...Once individuals are connected to spirit energies through some sort of stillness meditation their paths flow in innumerable direstions. They often become Lightworkers, people who have gotten off their backsides and are spreading attributes of Light in any way that it is presented. This is not religion. This is simply being and claiming our own Divine inheritance.
However I have found my own truth...and it points to major world change and it also points to eleveners getting up off their lazy butts and helping the world become a better place. Leading by example through love compassion and understanding. Religion is not about that.
That is a very general statement and I assume that most of us right off the top of our head can think of some religious/spiritual type person who imparts leadership, love and positive change by their behavior. The trick here is not to look at religion as a whole but rather look to the individual. Their beliefs may differ from yours and mine and thousands upon thousands of others in the world but that does not change the fact of their life or their existance

We follow Love here and where it leads. I think that says it all 1111:1111. Hard times may be upon this world and we are not slack, as we persue the work we are given by outfitting as many people as we can with inner skills to survive what life and this world brings. It is what we do here. It is our job as "lightworkers!"
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by George »

1111:1111 stop being disruptive with your vague (I have my own truth) theories
when you are too lazy to check up on the excellent proof this group has accumulated since 1972.

This is a last warning.

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by LurkerAbyss »

1111:1111 wrote:It was awesome reading your story. Unfortunately I think religion has nothing to dobwith 1111. I also think angels have nothing to do with 1111. People give too much credit to sources outside themselves. Find your own truth. Yeah this site may claim midwayers this and that...but its not proven fact. Imo we are approahing some strange times and the world will see some major change. No use in ignoring it. If this phenomenon was simply about an angel wanting to say hi then I hate this phenomenon. However I have found my own truth...and it points to major world change and it also points to eleveners getting up off their lazy butts and helping the world become a better place. Leading by example through love compassion and understanding. Religion is not about that.
It is funny that you should mention "leading by example through love compassion and understanding" because over the last, approximately, 48 hours I have pondered and meditated upon the most recent posts you've submitted and come to the conclusion that they exhibit quite the opposite.

Clearly I am not the first to respond to your comments this way, however, what you will most likely consider a passing of judgment by a bunch of folks that you think "don't get it", is rather a personal reprimand in the name of the love, compassion, and understanding which you imply yourself to support. Again, not to pass judgment, but I have dealt with too many individuals who radiate similar attitudes and leave the impression that soul growth and spiritual development are things which can be entirely intellectualized and rationalized.

You emphasize the value of leading by example through love, compassion, and understanding, and yet your posts continue to be nothing but critical and condescending. The quote in my signature and the words of others before me quite clearly note the purpose of this board, that is, to lead others at the starting gates of spirituality and let them run their own race, "find their own truth" if you will. You yourself state "find your own truth", and yet you undermine and criticize others' efforts to do so because they aren't seeking what YOU feel is the "correct" truth. This is a hypocrisy equaled and then-some by the "religion" concept you claim to despise.

It has occurred to me that you are not being completely honest with others nor yourself about your words/actions. You veil your efforts behind the guise of "truth and liberation" but yet what you're doing is seeking to nurture feelings of security and superiority in your intellect and spiritual ego.

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by luvinlife »

You "Go" guys! :bike:

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hello Skekzyz :hithere

Apologies for not personally addressing you and your post sooner. I enjoyed it very much, and although I am a lot younger than you, I feel like I can relate to a number of things. For one, "heavy metal" as you called it became a huge part of my life and lead me to online communities who, although most of them were pretty exclusive and damning of anyone who didn't like metal, were still intelligent people who felt and experienced what it was like to be somebody misunderstood and excluded by the popular majority, and as such could identify with such a surprisingly diverse and intriguing type of music/art that is also misunderstood and excluded in the same fashion.

I also have my experiences with things like mushrooms, which only a couple of times alone brought on incredibly terrifying yet enlightening experiences, and marijuana use which I never really did in high school but afterward when I worked full time in a meat department it consumed every waking hour of every day that wasn't spent at work. It seems like nothing next to the experiences of others, but for almost 3 years I would wake up six days a week and go to a job and company which I worked so hard for it felt like I had sold my soul, and then come home and just smoke, smoke, and smoke almost 2-3 grams a day at times, until I would literally pass out and end up dragging myself to bed for the next work day. I remember when I quit my job, and quit weed as well.. I had a total nervous breakdown after only 2 days without it, I just collapsed in my bedroom and cried my eyes out but it wasn't long after that when I had mind-blowing spiritual experiences with a new, clear mind that have changed how and who I am since I started posting here again.

Lastly, I also relate to your feelings about religion. In high school, I mingled heavily with Christianity and Buddhism, trying to find a "happy place" between science and religion, spirituality and philosophy. Prompting which began in high school led me to the Progress e-mails and this board, which ultimately has been a huge help with pursuing my own truth and spiritual direction beyond dictation and dogma that is so mainstream.

I appreciate that you have shared so much with this and been so candid about your experiences, as such I have tried to do the same with my response. We are not a community of people who collectively and strictly believe in this or in that; we are all just like you, knowing that there's something more than what we've seen and heard, and searching for it on our own unique paths in our own unique ways.

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Shield »

luvinlife wrote:You "Go" guys! :bike:

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by 1111:1111 »

Hmmm..I simply stated what I think...and im instantly attacked by forum members. Better yet forum owners. Suddenly because my outlook on life is different from you means that im trying to degrade you. Sounds more like you guys take offense to people who don't believe in the same things as you....

How is thatvany different from forccing religion upon someone. You've pretty much taken a phenomenon and made it a religion. To where only those who share your view point are welcome. Imo that is the opposite of what the phenomenon is about. I did not attak anyone on this forum yet I become subject to attack from a simple belief. Before you guys wave judgement on people you don't even know...look back on your ownself and realize that if you truly were of the love YOU speak surely wouldn't have reacted to my opinion so strongly. Have we not a handle on our emotions?
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by LurkerAbyss »

The people who run this board do have a sense of "this is what we are about", but it is not a matter of "this is what you must be about". Your comments appear to be base and hypocritical, as it seems to be a continuing matter of you accusing us of being a certain way, with others responding that it is you who are acting that way, only so you can again go "no it's you acting how you accuse me". And again, you show less interest in DOING right and more interest in BEING right.

It's nothing to do with you having a different outlook. You draw the "you don't know me" card but if you knew the people here any better you'd realize that we have unique and personal beliefs. We operate as individuals who differ and yet share similar threads of Love that allows us to be tolerant and open-hearted towards the differences we face.

It is one thing to be different and offer your outlook, your opinions, and even disagree in the interest of love and understanding. We, however, are not the ones who go around saying "you think this, but you need to realize this....SIGH", as well as "this site claims this and that but it's not fact" and then offer no "facts" in return for healthy debate or informing purposes. Many of us are of the understanding, and often discuss, that there is more that follows this phenomenon than simply "angels wanting to say hi" as you so put it. But at the end of the day, as I have said before, this board is run with a very specific task in mind which has gone far over your head.

And you are wrong. The reason anyone has acted as strongly as they have is because they ARE about the love they speak of, which you insist is a total joke and that "we might think that but we NEED to think this". You could've posted and offered your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, suggestions, whatever in a far less pretentious and self-aggrandizing way than you did and not have incurred responses like the ones you've received.

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by George »

Indeed, nothing constructive from 1111:1111

It should be over now.

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by luvinlife »

Cheers!!! :bike:

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by theunim »

Hi Skekzyz, like you I just joined the forum this week. I enjoyed reading your post. Welcome to you!

I was also raised catholic by my parents. I did not go to a catholic school but I did go to CCD classes every week that my parents signed me up for, to have me progress all the way up to confirmation. I don't think I was ever a devout Catholic during my youth - I felt lazy about going to church and when I was in high school, I almost stopped altogether except for special occasions and what not, since we had moved from one neighborhood to another, so we had to change where we went to church, too. If anything, I felt attached to the church I grew up with, not the one in the new neighborhood. I also had a few other things that led me away from thinking being Catholic was the be-all I needed in my life. My grandmother, bless her, was a Protestant and at times, she taught me prayers and songs, brought me to church a couple of times (as far as I can remember), and mentioned that her beliefs were slightly different in such-and-such ways (for example, images of Jesus and the like were not something she thought were proper). After a while, she stopped and expressed that it was because my parents would want me to be raised Catholic. By then, I thought this was a little weird but I went along with it. Who am I to say otherwise to my elders at that time? My parents, the way they conducted themselves until I was in high school, also played a role in my unraveling belief in Catholicism - they would become unreasonably angry at times and claim they were right, then proceed to be in church and never go to confession themselves about their unreasonable anger. I held all of that against them for a time and thought that if they were the perfect examples of what Catholics should be, then I wouldn't want to be one myself.

Outside of my family's influences, I was observing different things in school that would also contribute to my conclusions about the religion. As I grew up in elementary and intermediate school years, I had a couple of best friends who were Muslim, and we would talk about our religions every so often, especially when it came to times of Ramadan and Eid, or coming to their houses and seeing their pieces of religious art and how they practiced. It was from them that I learned, for the first time in my life, that Jesus was a prophet in their beliefs, they had many of the same prophets that Christians did, and their Allah was the God that Christians acknowledged. It was around that time in intermediate school that I started to feel that religions, since many beared so much in common with one another, were kind of unnecessary, and the views and arguments between one another's practitioners didn't seem quite right.

Finally, I think the last thing that made me doubt my religion the best was the moment I asked one of my past teachers (don't remember right now if it was sixth but, I believe it was my sixth grade teacher) up front if she had read the entire Bible, and she replied that, yes, I've read it. It's the best Christian mythology." For someone to call the Bible holy, I heard and believed it because it was what was taught to me; but for someone to call the Bible mythology, previously unheard of and definitely, at one point, something I almost considered blasphemous. But, eventually, recalling back that situation, perhaps it is not entirely bad that my teacher told that to me at that moment.

Anyway, that is my experience. Very tame compared to your life, Skekzyz! I hope you do not mind the long reply.
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Geoff »

Dear theunim


Although this forum gets accused of being "religious" from time to time, we don't believe that we are, and there are many folks who are still religious (belong to a religious group) and many who are not. Angels are not religious, just because they are found in some religions. And if you learn to contact your angels, they are wonderful teachers of Truth, but only if you are open to it.

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hey theunim :)

I really liked your post. I know what you mean, as growing up I really spent a lot of time thinking and changing my beliefs about religion. The family I've grown up in hardly taught me anything religious or spiritual, but the friends I made in public school were mostly Christian so I was influenced in that direction. In high school, World Religions class in grade 10 was when I really began to educate myself and think differently about things as it broke a lot of the stereotypes and ignorance I had. Like you, I began to see the similarities in humanity that fueled religion and felt it came down to different names, different rituals, for the same thing. It was also around that time that I started seeing 11:11, did some research, and became a much more open-minded and open-hearted spiritual person which continues to this day as I have learned so much just from thinking outside the box.

In high school, I was mostly influenced by the philosophy of Buddhism and how open it seemed to be, as it didn't seem to really contradict my Christianity at all. In the last year or so, I've discovered deep appreciation and understanding for Islam as well, but unfortunately I find it is one of the most difficult religions in the world to discuss or reconcile with anyone I know.

As a young child I was also very much interested in the ancient mythology and today I am able to put that together as well with everything I've learned and now believe. The search for truth, beauty, and goodness has brought me love and understanding that I am eternally grateful for.

I am happy to have you here.

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by peacockplume »

Hello Lightworkers all,,,,,

This is your ole PP coming in for a blast! and quite the blast it has been...

I have thoroughly read each post, and it quite amazes me (not really), but it is interesting to notice that at whatever age we end up at in communal discussion, that we share alot. early life,,,school years,,,young adulthood...has put us all through the to speak. For those here who have gone through their trials and are still learning might not really remember, or maybe didn't have to experience such an internal war that some just have to go through.

The fact is...that we are all on the same road,,,no matter what path we take and there are many turns and twists to get distracted with...

I know,,,I've been my youth,,,heavy metal was my favourite,,and I fess up to still having a soft spot for a few oldies. Aging has many wonderful God,,,I don't have to do that again.....but it was an experience that I learned alot of lessons from. That's what living is...learning alot of lessons (for those who chose the hard way), and a tad easier lessons for the not so rebellious. Doesn't really matter,,,,whatever trials we go through, they are all for our individual soul's growth.

I remember the times that I thought that nobody understood where I was coming from,,,until in time I realized just how opinionated I was myself.

It is very difficult to voice your opinion without sounding judgemental,whether you are right or not.

We are in changing times, as everyone in any spiritual group knows, but we must remember to allow each other our own growing pains, and help to ease them...when asked. It does not do any individual any good, for themselves or those to whom they are speaking to,,,,to be telling them they don't know what they are talking about.

As a group of caring people here, we are more than willing to assist when asked, however our focus is not to have to defend our personal beliefs,,or the teachings of higher beings than ourselves. Our focus is to learn what is offered and see how it can improve our lives and those of others.

I thank everyone here for sharing their stories and just remembered that it doesn't matter so much what has happened to us, but how we deal with it.....that's our growth..

Love and blessings, PP
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by Sandy »

Hello dear ole PP,

As always it is good for this "tad rebellious one" to hear your two cents on any given topic...
And it is easy to miss in the flurry of emotion to remember this fact...
that we are all on the same road,,,no matter what path we take and there are many turns and twists to get distracted with...
I thank everyone here for sharing their stories and just remembered that it doesn't matter so much what has happened to us, but how we deal with it.....that's our growth..
Nice! :sunflower: Well for one who always seems to take "the long road" to understanding and enlightenment, I should have a fair amount of growth by the end of this mortal engagement. ;)

It is good to see you on the board, sis. :kiss:
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sis, :hithere
Well for one who always seems to take "the long road" to understanding and enlightenment, I should have a fair amount of growth by the end of this mortal engagement.
Yeah,,,I think that's the general idea...but can you just imagine the difference if we came in with that wisdom and carried on from, what a different world this would be. Dream on....well,,,perhaps that is just what happens when we leave....more this sadly abused beloved planet, gets to be the training ground.

Gee what was I thinking....I kinda forgot for a milli sec...that we are on the road to The Age of Enlightenment,,,,all this IS the prep! and as each generation evolves, we slowly drop all the negativity until finally one day,,,,we're remembering what it was like to have been back in these times...

dreeaaam dream,,,,,remember that song.....dream, dream, dream....

I better not get started :lol: :lol: :lol:

sending you love and to the writers of this thread, that I didn't even give a welcome to.....

Welcome to the MB all who come seeking truth and wisdom by the sharing of all experiences...

Bless Your Hearts,,, PP
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Dearest sister PP

Your post made me smile, particularly the part where you were "dreaming" about the "what ifs" of coming into this world with increased wisdom, and then the realization of "oh hey, we're on the road to the Age of Enlightenment!".

I have some very good news for you. Indeed, what is happening actually IS happening. The generations that are blooming and ones that are to come ARE here with much increased potential and receptivity to wisdom and harmony. This is the beauty of being a Light Worker in this world; what may take one person 60 years to grow into and realize and put out into the world, may take the next sprout a mere 20 or 30 to reach the same truth and wisdom and thensome.

We, as a species, with the inevitable help of Mother Nature as well, are slowly but surely EVOLVING, right before our own very eyes.. at least, those who have "eyes to see" and "ears to hear".

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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by luvinlife »

Yes, I see and feel a change. :finger: I know that my own children are being prompted.

Love, Clare
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Re: In this world, overflowing with lies...

Post by peacockplume »

Hi bro Lucky,

You are so right on,,,you have no idea what it means to me to see and hear someone your age...being where it did take me 40 yrs to get there...

(I hope you're appreciative of all the hard work us babyboomers have done to pave the way LOL)..

and something else to ponder....when something is happening on a planetary level or whatever level you want to name,,,like for say the general raising of happens to everyone...regardless of age or things learned....the extra age just gives one a bit more experience to have garnered the wisdom (hopefully) to help the others understand it. The young ones (for the most part) don't think the 'elders' know what they are talking about,,,but we (for the most part) do. most assuredly....

Really nice to know you are here and part of this family.

Love and Blessings...PP
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