Brand new member of this phenomena

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by vengeance661 »

Well, first of all it's good to finally find a place to be able to discuss some of the things that have been happening lately. I won't bore you with the details so...long story short (as it can be).

I'm not at all a religious person. I was raised Catholic but am at the point in my life where I feel that religion itself is actually a serious flaw of the human condition. I can't pinpoint the time when I came to this realization but I'm sure that something is telling me there is a power far greater and more powerful than religion as most people are comfortable with. I've been reading some of the posts here and I've recently done a bit of research because frankly, I'm looking for answers.

I began seeing 11:11 on a consistent basis about 1 year ago. At this point I'm sure the countless instances are no accident. It's funny because you start playing games with yourself. There are times I've found myself being conscious of the phenomena and looking at the clock intentionally to see 11:11...this never works. It's ALWAYS happens when the whole 11:11 thing is the furthest thing from my mind. I look at the clock and BAM, there it is once again. This is nearly a daily happening at this point.

The most recent truly memorable event is that the day I really decided to start researching all of this I was watching tv and began discussing this with my wife. I flipped on a football game and I swear on my life the play clock on the screen was exatcly 11:11. This peaked my wife's interest and I continued talking to her about what has been happening. Honestly, it took HER to point out to me that the date was in fact 9/11. I hadn't even thought about it prior to her bringing it up.

The other day at work I was discussing with a co-worker the 2012 prophecy and the validity of the many theories behind it...of which I'm skeptical. I walked around the corner of the building all alone and the light attached to the top of the building went completely dark. This has never happend in 5 years of employment at this place. Cold chills ensued and I picked up the pace to my car.

I definitely feel like I think about many things more deeply than many people I know. I often times feel as if I can almost judge a person's intentions within a few minutes of meeting them. Those close to me would tell you that I am always right about these... intuitions, if you will.

I'm confused and I'm not sure what to make of all this. There is much more to say but since this is my first post I will yield to the board for some help.
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Re: Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by Sandy »

Hello Vengeance661,
Welcome to the message board! I enjoyed reading your first post and learning a little bit about you and what has brought you to this internet door.
I hope you enjoy this site and feel comfortable with the people who post here. As you may have noticed, we all walk to the beat of our own drummer. I can understand your views on religion but I am wondering if religion doesn't serve a purpose at this time for some people in the world. I think religion and even spirituality is only as meaningful and beneficial as the heart that holds it dear. It reflects perhaps what we truly want in the way we elevate it in our daily lives. So you have some people who find great peace, direction and spiritual joy within the confines of the rituals and dogmas of religion. But, like you..that's not my cup of tea, though. I am sort of a hienz 57....I do have leanings, opinions etc... but they really don't lead me by the nose. Generally believe what I feel hear and see in meditation from my trusted Celestial friends and from my God within..

You wrote:
I'm confused and I'm not sure what to make of all this.
This is probaby a good place to begin...

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You may find these threads helpful too...

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

Please take your time. As you acquaint yourself with the site and the people here, I hope you find answers to your questions and new friendships with people who share similar experiences.
Anyway, take a look at the FAQ's when you can and if you have any questions, fire away. :)
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Re: Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by roxiedog13 »

Funny but I agree with both of you. Growing up we attended the Anglican church but not frequently
because of my parents conflicting work schedules, and six siblings was hard to organize. Even when
I was young I wasn't sure about the whole concept but I continued to go. As an adult with a family
of my own we started to go frequently and became a big part of the organization and though I doubted
my faith we continued to go. After some major upheaval in my family life I just stopped going. I
guess I had a good look within and realized I never really had the "christian" faith in my heart. Like
Vengeance I do believe in a greater power . That being said I am not critical of any belief whatever
that is and I do recognize that most people need spiritual direction. For me at this time I am
happy where I am knowing that I have a connection to something much greater than myself. Something
tangible at least that I see every day and which gives me a peace of mind. Some day when the time is
right I will dig a little deeper, but for now I am in a really good place. :hithere
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Re: Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by luvinlife »

It's ALWAYS happens when the whole 11:11 thing is the furthest thing from my mind.
That's when we know it's a prompt! Welcome from me, too. I totally understand what you went through and are going through. I, too, was raised Catholic. As a matter of fact, the church was the most major part of my life. It's when I started asking questions, and the answers I got just didn't "sit" right with me that I began my spiritual journey, and here I am! I believe that as long as we are loving human beings and are not judgmental (which many organized religions are), we're on a good path!

Love, Clare
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Re: Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by vengeance661 »

Thank you all for your replys. I like this place already!

My comments on religion were meant to give you a notion of where I'm coming from. I have very close friends who are devoutly Catholic and others who are dedicated members to other churches/religions. My view, put quite simply is..."anything that gets you through the day." I understand the need for others to have a defined set of religious beliefs. It's the negative side of organized religion that prevents me from embracing it. The greed, the huger for power, the intolerance of other religions, the fear based rules and guidelines, the guilt placed on members for not giving, giving, giving. Whatever higher power exists, in my opinion would frown on this...but to each his own!

btw- I realize there is no correlation between the 2012 stuff and 11:11. I just mentioned it b/c I was doing this big picture thinking/pondering and bam, the light above me goes dark as I walked beneath it.
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Re: Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by 11light11 »

Hi! Thanks for sharing your story! It's so interesting to me! I loved how you saw 11:11 on the football game right when you were telling your wife about it. That is so wonderful. I hope you enjoy this growth process and find new surprises every day.

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Re: Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by Daddy - O »

Welcome to the board :hithere

Daddy - O
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Re: Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by 11light11 »


It's been a few days since I read your post, but something occurred to me that I'd like to share with you. I related to what you said about having a hard time with religion. I felt that way for years. I was raised in the Catholic Church, but left it when I left my parents' home (and subsequently learned they themselves were atheists -- a funny thing, since we went to Catholic School for 8 years!). As time passed, I found myself increasingly irritated with Christianity, as I frequently was told by followers of the faith that I "had not found the light," that I was a sinner for not taking Christ as my Savior, etc.

I still had faith in God, and believed in my own private way, but was not a member of any particular faith tradition (I'm still not). A few years ago, I started asking God and the Angels to help me find a more moderate view of things -- to stop having feelings of hostility toward other religious beliefs or practices. I didn't even have much hope that this would ever happen -- and I can't even explain exactly why I asked for help with this. But somehow, I knew it was silly to feel a desire to come to the defense of other religions -- Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism -- and yet also feel a desire to condemn Christianity, as the "bullies" (as I saw it).

In the past several months, I've found that inner hostility has almost totally dissipated. It's almost all gone.

I first became aware of this when I was watching an episode of "Intervention," in which a young man was suffering with severe addictions. He had been adopted from the streets of Calcutta, India, by an Evangelical Christian family in the U.S.A. They raised him as one of their own, and it was clear to me, as I watched the episode, that they loved him very much.

He complained that they preached the word of the Lord far too often -- he was tired of hearing about Jesus all the time. Their answer to this was that he is their son, and they were raising him within their own belief system. They believed that Jesus could help him, and for the first time in years, I found myself agreeing with them. First of all, it was clear they were sincere of intent. But second, parents do have the right to raise their children in their own faith tradition. He was arguing that he was "really a Hindu," and that is not correct. He was rescued from the streets, and would have likely died before he reached his teen years, had he remained in India. He had a new identity now, he had a new family, a new set of siblings, a new home. He was given a new chance.

I could see that those parents approached religion and child rearing with equal measures of sincerity, devotion, and love. I did not agree with their beliefs, but I did agree with their hearts. And for the first time I was able to appreciate and uphold the intention of their behaviors, where in the past I would have sided with the young adoptee.

I do think that we can find an answer to anything that troubles us, and it may just be a quieter version of what we felt to begin with. What I wanted was to feel generosity springing up within me, in considering any belief system. After all, part of what had disturbed me about Christianity was their assertion that they were right, and others were wrong. If I felt that was not fair, then I was doing the same thing by insisting my way was right, and Christians were wrong.

The place I've wound up is a place I feel more comfortable with, and a place where I am able to find that other forms of worship are all beautiful, in their unique ways.

I hope that whatever you are looking for, regarding your spiritual quest, and your view of others, helps you to find peace.

Thanks for sharing with us! Hope you don't mind my long story. I thought it might help.

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Re: Brand new member of this phenomena

Post by Shield »

:hithere I just read your post and saw the football reference. Thought I would pass this along to you. Last Sunday I could n't sleep so I decided to get up and check the football scores. I had not idea what time it was but as soon as the ESPN screen displayed I looked at the clock on my lap top. It was 11:11.

I am an avid fantasy football player and for some time have wondered if I spend to much time following the hobby and should devote more time to spiritual learning.
Seeing the prompt just made more uncertain about the question. When I saw your reference to football I kinda got the feeling, It,s ok. Enjoy your hobby and things will evolve as they should and we will be there when you need us to be.
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