pets giveing a message

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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

Poor little Dallan. He is certainly going through a tough time. I hope and pray he improves and blesses you and your husbands life. Please keep us updated on his progress, Alicia.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Alica1979 »

So, The cat I and my husband have been tending to had gotten progressively worse, He had seizures all night and just completely out of it. My husband and I decided he may not be able to save. We took him to the M.S.U. Small Animal Clinic. We surrendered him as a stray. I taped the seizures to show the vets. They were glad we brought him in did everything they could and was grateful we documented the seizures. So they could see what was going on. Unfortunately they were not able to save him. I feel so bad for the kitty but at least he did not have to suffer a slow painful death on the side of the road. He is with God now.
The veterinarians were very nice and very enthusiastic about helping. They were so appreciative that we were able to stay and answer all there questions. What was a bit scary was that they wanted to make sure to cover all bases and we were advised to go get a rabies vaccination. There thoughts was some of his symptoms were similar to rabies. Got the call today and he was negative for rabies. He never bite me so i don;t think I'd get sick anyways. It's so rare these days that was a slim possibility.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

Oh Alicia,
I'm sorry. You guys certainly did all you could to try and help the little fellow. It was nice to know he had someone to love and care for him in his last days. That's important for all of us, human and animals alike...

You know I completely forgot about rabies! :shock: Whew! glad the tests came back negative. I've heard the rabies vacine is very painful.
Take care and thanks for letting us know he has passed on.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Ang »

So glad I read this thread this evening. I lost my beautiful russian blue to cancer last weekend. She was only 2 1/2 years old. She became ill about three months ago and I kept her going with the vet's help on antibiotics. I think that story is right though, the first big down turn was when she was ready to leave this world. I found her in the bath and rushed her to the vet. She tried really hard to keep going for me but in the end the disease overwhelmed her. I miss her enormously but from the start she was destined for a short but good life.

Thanks people :loves
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

Oh Ang, I am so sorry! It hurts so much to loose our animal friends! My son and daughter-in-law have had a struggle the past 5 weeks with their own cat who is about the age of your "little girl." He is having all kinds of urinary track problems and is still not completely straightened out even after surgery. :(
You know a lovely man, Bing, told us once that he used to see his basset hound darlins after they passed on. I am of the opinion that, because of the love between us,the connection with our pets will not be completely severed . Makes me happy to feel I will see these guys again someday as they have truly helped me stay balanced in this tough world.
Love, :kiss:
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by LolaandLight »

I had a cat that had gotten lost from her mother. She was too young to be on her own. She had been born to a stray cat. She was a beauty. I had to give her a bath as she had climbed into a car and was covered in gunk that would have harmed her. After the bath I lay on top of her to keep her warm. After that, I was her Ma-Ma in her mind. She followed me everywhere. She was afraid of people and never would come out when we had company until my son was born. If anyone held him other than my husband and I, she woud stand in front of them and growl. She also would growl at the door when people walked down the hallway of our apartment building.

At the age of eleven, she developed kidney failure. She had hidden that she was sick for I don't know how long. So, by the time I got her to the vet, they recommended dialysis. I was newly single parent and could not afford it. So, they gave her the shot to put her to sleep. She laid in my lap fading away for almost a half an hour. The vet said that he had only seen large dogs hold on that long. She had kept breathing even after the time he said her heart should have stopped. It wasn't until I told her that she had been a very good cat that she let go. If I had knwn that she was holding on for me, I would have said something sooner. I now have two large dogs and they, like her, think that I am their Ma-Ma. Everywhere I go, I am folllowed by these sweet, huge lap dogs. I will have to remember what you all have said about telling them it is okay to go.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Ang »

Thanks Sandy, i hope I see her sometime, just to know she's settled in the realms ok.
Love Ang :loves
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Alica1979 »

First off Thank you for your kind words. i am sorry to all of you who lost a loving member of there families.

My cat Oreo whom I've known as for as long as my husband,LOL She is his kitty. Decided to visit me in dream land. At least that;s what I think. I had this weird dream the other night about going to school and what not. I won't delve in to it to much...I went in to a class room where Oreo was laying on a desk and I go over to her and pat her on the head. As I leave the room to go down the hall way to my next class i guess. She comes running up to me and follows me there. She never runs along side me in real life. I go in the room it's a music room. My husband is in there Playing an instrument. Normally in real life he plays guitar but, in my dream he was playing an Oboe? Those large instruments that look kind of like a giant violin. He had it plugged in to an amp. Crazy right!? Well, he starts playing like crazy it's sounds really good. Oreo runs up to him and jumps on the instrument. Like she is riding it. LOL This orange cat is on there too. Then My husband just stops playing and tosses it a side. Orange cat leaps off. Oreo gets stuck in strings and one snaps! I see white fur (she is black and white) fly up and can't see her that well because there are things in the way. I think he caused her to get killed or injured. I yell what the heck (name)?! What's wrong with you?! He just is like what? Then Oreo comes running up to me like she is missing a paw. i rush up to her and am like are you o.k. kitty. Poor Baby! Then I see she is fine! I was confused. I then woke up. More messed up is when i open my eyes and look above my head Oreo is asleep. She wakes up and looks at me. I am like how ya doing Oreo? Then I look at my husband and want to slug him.LOL! He would NEVER be mean to her in real life. She is his Baby! I just feel she was having dreams and I was dreaming and being so close in proximity. We merged a bit. I am slowly learning that I am some what sensitive. Makes sense. I have family members who are very sensitive. I wonder if there is a way to broaden my horizons as it where. If I could have any gift it would be to talk to animals telepathically and have full conversations with them. Be so cool. I'd find a lost kitty and say hey there kitty are ya lost? and it could tell me where it lived so i could take it home or tell me it's a stray and I could give it a good home. Yeah Know? Wishful thinking I guess.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

Hi Alicia,
Your post reminded me of an article I saw in our local newspaper a few weeks ago. It was about a woman who could do what you wished to do, communicate and talk with the animals. From the article it seems she was trained in Reiki healing and also in something called Neuro Linguistic Programming. Here is the web page.
(link now gone) (Look under headings to left ... animal magic workshop, animal NLP/Reiki Healing,Press releases)

I have been browsing the different postings for reiki/animal reiki on google and find it facinating. This may be something that would be right up your alley. Take a look at some info in a google search and if this appeals to you perhaps it will be possible for you to find a Reiki master who could help your dreams of communication/helping your animal friends/(and of course people too) come true. This board has many members who are Reiki trained and I am sure they would be glad to answer any questions you may have about this healing art.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Alica1979 »

Thanks I checked out website. Very interesting stuff!

If anyone interested I have a few facebook pages i created for fun "Nappin Buddie" and "Dreams" pages. Nappin Buddies is for talking about your pets sharing stories, pic, info whatever. Dreams is talking about dreams you have and what not. Sharing dreams getting info on them stuff like that.

Also does anyone ever notice the sequence 1:11 other than 11:11. I notice both. I joined this forum because of the 11:11 but I wondered if you all notice 1:11 as well.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

Hi Alicia,
I too sometimes see 111's. This is what the author, Doreen Virtue says about that number.
111 — Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Alica1979 »

My cat Oreo is doing well she ha this great knack for knocking my glasses off my face when I look at her. Literally! LOL But that's not my question. I am wondering if it is possible to be reincarnated then can animals reincarnate? I have a few dogs at the house I live. Both are Pit-bulls and both are girls. Such nice dogs to. Two big babies. Well The Brown one Mocha, has these quirks. She likes to chase moths and has other qualities not unlike a cat. She acts more like a cat at times then she does a dog. Is it just that she was raised most her puppy-hood around cats or maybe that she was a cat in another life. It's really crazy how much she acts like a feline. The white dog Kilo, acts like a dog and has been raised around cats as well. So, It got me thinking ....ya know? Any thoughts?
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

Dear Alicia,
Your Oreo sounds like a little character. Is he a black and white kitty? I was wondering if that is how he got his name Oreo. Hmmm Oreo cookie dunked in milk would taste good about now. :lol:

Anyway, our question is an interesting one. And I am sure I can't answer it. :lol: There are many people in the world who believe in reincarnation and many who don't... with all that aside (I don't really want a debate on reincarnation/a belief started...) If you (you... being used in the abstract) believe in reincarnation and it is indeed your "truth" then perhaps a dog acting like a cat might be entirely possible. I think from people and books written on this subject, reincarnation begins at the most basics of Life forms and progresses every higher as lessons/ karma is ever more balanced. Well something like that. ???????? It seems perhaps you can take parts of former lives with you buried within what makes you who you are in each concurrent life. Deep meditation often frees bits and pieces of memories and allows a complete understanding helpful in balancing karma. Now once again ...this is not a debate on reincarnation. Just an answer from perhaps a reincarnation point of view... :lol: We all have our paths to get us to God in the end... ;)
Good to see you on the board, Alicia!
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Alica1979 »

Yes SHE is a black and white. I'll try to post a pick of her on here. Yes, I agree I did not want to start a debate on reincarnation real or not. I just was curious if any one else had an animal that acted like a different species at times? I apologize if I offended any one. How has every one been doing as of late? Life going good?

(link now gone)

LOL! I didn't realize till after i added this link of her pic. It was taken 01/11/2010
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Krystalshard »

I know this post is older, but as all pet owners (borrowers), I am compelled to join in: Our family dog of 13 years , a Golden/Chesapeake "Beau" was a wonderful pet for us while the kids were growing up. Loved Daddy a lot, a great protector and all. About three months after he passed away, I was waking one morning and before I actually opened my eyes, I saw/felt him come to me, put his front legs up on my lap and we exchanged a hug.
It was so real, I was so moved... I was bathed in the love and contentment. I will always cherish the memory.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jean,
I got goosebumps of the good kind when reading your post. I remember Mr. Bing had a similar experience after one of his bassets passed on. It is such a beautiful thing and I am so pleased you experienced this. It is a great comfort and something to remember when viewing the hole in our hearts after a beloved pet passes on.. Thank you. :D
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Geoff »

Krystalshard wrote:
It was so real, I was so moved... I was bathed in the love and contentment. I will always cherish the memory.
Dear Jean,

It was real. Pets that are much loved, continue. Someone will be looking after him for you.

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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Krystalshard »

Will be cool to reunite with EVERY one we love, yes?

Dog smilie, kitty smilie....etc etc!
From the snowy lake land,
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Geoff »

My partner Janet has saved hundreds of kittens, and generally owned 2 or 3 cats at a time. I am wondering if there are limits, like we have here, for the numbers of pets one person can have? LOL.

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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

:lol: I can just imagine your Janet with swarms of kitties following her in the afterlife. :D I bet she would love that...oh dear..what if it were swarms of parrots? :shock: Well, maybe my two feathered darlins will be a lot quieter in eternity. ;) :finger: They've been very good this morning and allowed me to meditate undisturbed. :D :sunflower:
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by luvinlife »

Count me in on a believer in pet's afterlife! :bana:

Love, Clare
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by linda1111 »

This happened a long time ago but worth mentioning. I came down my stairs with my cat in my arms, and was almost to the bottom of the stairs when my cat's head did a 180 turn, so I looked at where he was staring and just for a few seconds, saw a figure in white standing in front of a family picture, then it darted in an adjacent bathroom. I felt it didn't know I was coming down the stairs, they were carpeted and I had socks on, because it took off so very fast when I turned to look at it. I know it was an angel!

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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by Sandy »

8) Wow you have had some fasninating experiences Linda! I found it interesting that you cat noticed first and alerted you to the presence. Animals especially cats can be very perceptive at times it seems.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by devoted »

There's an advertisement on the tv over here in England for pet insurance that refers to pets as "The hairy heartbeat of any home" :D . . . I think that's a lovely terminology for a dog or cat etc.

In my experience, my dog has been helping me become more of who I am . . . my cat has been training me up to be a good servant to her . . . and they are constant inspiration. They remind me to think positively and when I'm stressed they just know and come to me. Stroking them calms us down and puts us in a more meditative state.

I have been nudged by both of them at times to have my attention drawn to prompts.
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Re: pets giveing a message

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Devoted!

It IS amazing what pets can do for us! At the moment, I have 4 cats, and an issue with chronic pain. One of my kitties KNOWS when and where my pain is flaring up, when I sit down he jumps on my lap and starts massaging (using his paws in a padding motion) on my achiest areas, it is WONDERFUL!

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