seeing my dead father I know I was awake

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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by brianm »

Im sure none of you know what the heck im talking of thats ok.
It seems to me that you are very troubled by "things", Mustangocd .
I would suggest that you let us know what you are talking about so that we can at least try to help you.
There is no safer place than here :D

Cheers, Brian.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by Sandy »

Hi Mustangocd,

I don't know why we all have different talents and abilities...but it must make for a very interesting universe. George's mom used to talk to what she called the "saints and the angels." She used to know things...for instance if a child were missing the family would take one look at George's mom and if there was a tear rolling down her cheek they new the outcome would be bad...Her father was also gifted and so was George who astrally traveled as a toddler and saw the midwayers at a very early age... Now as for me...I was as straight an arrow as there comes... No natural phychic abilities what so ever...yet with effort, dedication and perserverance I have a Celestial Teacher and have opened my heart to thye healing of others...We can all help...we can all make a difference. We just have to believe in ourselves and surround ourselves with the Creator's Love... All things are possible with the love and energy of the God flowing through us.

I may be way off here, but if you have special abilities..abilities derived from God...understand them, learn about them even celebrate them. They are nothing to be ashamed of.

And I second Brian. This is a good place to discuss things that trouble us.
I know much of the world is not very accepting of some of these things we talk about here...but maybe that is simply because they are a little fearful... Hollywood has made some pretty grim stories and have distorted or generalized some very complicated subject matter... The world is not black and white...It is full of the most amazing colors and experiences...

Anyway Mustangocd, please forgive me if I have missed the boat completely and misunderstood what you are saying... We are here when you need to talk.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by luvinlife »

I agree totally with Brian and Sandy. I think that fear can be a huge block. Also, our "culture" seems to look down on all of this. I know that in some "religions" they preach that it's from the "devil". As Sandy said, these are gifts to us from God.

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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mustangocd »

Well here it goes.

As I grew up I figure my mom had mothers intuition I seen things that she would know as I got older I realized as she told me she knew things. I guess I always scoffed it off. I know some of you mentioned the term midwayers or something like that I really don't know what that stuff is. Just know What I saw. I started to experience things like this also when I was young I just figure it is just a matter of knowing what is going on around you. And like well its the most probable thing that would happen. Although if you read this whole thread you will know I seen things that doesn't fit. Everything from mom being told by grandma she died. before anyone called I seen it no one can tell me different. No I don't tell anyone no point.

But I have found since mom and dad died I have had a more open mind since I seen dad 3 times. I think maybe is more of a understanding or willing not to put it away. say yea right! Or a embarrassment that I'm nuts! Id like to think I'm a educated person that has reasoning to explain things.

I have things happened to me when I was young and I was able to accept it rather than believe it. Strange things. Things i felt from inside. It was the same things i seen my mom experience as I got older. She knew things. I thought maybe moms intuition I guess.

Anyway things come to me. I only recently after talking on this forum with you I shared this with anther person. I never did this before cause I thought no one would believe me. So I started to tell this person everything that comes to me. The person thought I was nuts but gave me the benefit of the doubt to see this threw. They were amazed with how accurate I was. Things come to me I would tell this person things from people calling me to what they would say even though I haven't talked to them in some time. To telling them who was sick and was going to die. I couldn't tell them when but surprisingly was called in 2 days and I had the right family person that was dying. I was asked if I would tell that family member before they called me I said no. I felt it wasn't my place. But I was right.

Sometimes I know exactly what it is sometimes I know impending doom. From this person I know asking if a creditor calling them to knowing the year my folks were going to die.

After knowing what was going to happen in my life as in folk dieing I didn't wanna know for me. When I feel stuff coming on I do whatever it takes to not think about it and avoid it. I don't wanna know. weird huh? I learned the hard way with mom and dad and knowing they would die.

Sometimes I just know impending doom no idea what it is but I know its close to me. Just happened this week Sometimes it hits me like a ton of bricks. will bring me to tears. yet I don't know exactly what. Sometimes I do..

I found out my sister has the same things that happen to her. hers is different than mine. But she knows things. my other siblings are not this way but one brother it seems that he has this a little. I don't talk to him about it. Although the 11:11 thing that happened to my brother that has nothing He told me about this 11;11 thing I didn't tell him I started at the same time. he'd think i was nuts if I told him. Although after he told me about seeing 11:11 thats how I ended up here. Looked up 11:11 on the net just out of curiosity. See what google came up with .

OK so now all of you really think I'm nuts.

I can tell you this at times I hate this I want it to go away I dont wanna know because im right so much that I dont want to know. The person I shared these things told me yes they doubted what I said but now says wholy cow. Say its a gift I say its a curse. You really dont want to know these things When it comes to things about me I soooo totaly do what I have to not think know anything when it comes.

So I never believed in this. Its hard when its you.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by Sandy »

Hello again Mustangocd,

I can assure you that none of us here will think you are nuts after what you just wrote from your heart. There are several people on this board who share your gift and one jumps readily to mind. Her gift, like yours are indiscriminate and sometimes It is very hard to know what she knows...Perhaps she can help you manage it or give you some ideas how she deals with it. Bless know when people in your life will die. No that can't be easy and I can certainly understand why you may look on it as a curse.

What you are receiving, the intuition, because of the nature of it, I believe comes from a connection with your own very special part of God that dwells within you. It is information of a Paradise (heavenly) kind I think...and there is a reason you are receiving it. You seem to have a very caring heart. You are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. And you, for whatever God's reasons, are given something very important, something very special...pre knowledge. How you use what you know could be the difference between acceptance and peace with it or the continuation of what feels like a burdensome curse that carries such stigma and weight in your own mind. Think for a moment... This special intuition can also be cultivated in knowing what people's needs are at one of the most important times in their lives, their death. It is a most caring service that some perform even in the next realm to help those who have recently transitioned to adjust. It doesn't have to be limited to death either. It can service the living too! This is something you are already familar with as is evident in your posts that are filled with caring attitudes towards those who are a part of the world around you. As you respect and develop your intuitive gift and the communication welling from within, a peace will ensue because you are actually walking and talking with God and it is from there that you derive your strength. It is from there that all of us derive our stength and determination to persist against what seems the slim odds of success. Lets face it, the news is filled with ugliness that man/woman do to each other and the world at large. The outlook is mind numbingly gloomy! But luckily we know there is more and we know that none of us are alone and without needed celestial help and guidance. We mentioned Midwayers...They are very close to us and are celestial kin who work with our angels and were actually born on this very earth a long time ago. They love our common Parent, God too, and they also love us, their human cousins, dearly and long for this world to be peaceful and full of light for all our sakes. They work tirelessly for the health, welfare and good of all of us. Here are a few URLs that might help explain about Midwayers and their role and our board's purpose here ... The reason this site was begun.
We are light workers, Mustangocd. We try to help those around us in what ever way is presented for us to help. We do not always know if we have made a difference but it doesn't deter us. Because it is in the trying, in the loving, and the offering of a hand up that we fulfill a purpose of sorts. We learn from the situations good and bad that occur and use it to further our understanding and love of others and even ourselves too, as the case may be.

I don't know exactly what I am saying here Mustangocd... I guess I am gropping for a way to show support and to help you understand that you are safe here and not alone. If I/we can accomplish this and help you to see that we do not judge you, that you are accepted into our 11:11 board family with love and even real joy... that you do not have to carry this burden alone anymore, then maybe we have reached a small beginning and maybe you can see a spark of hope. Hopefully others who understand and have experienced what you have for themselves will assist you, and maybe, down the road, it won't be so hard to carry this burden anymore. I'm glad you opened up and I am glad you are here. I am glad and proud to call you a new friend.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by blue nova »

OK so now all of you really think I'm nuts
there is nothing 'wrong' with us mustangocd......ok ? trust me.... :loves

intuition.....all souls are born with....there is no discrimination. how come some seem to be more intuitive than others ????? all depends on the individuals karma.

the information contained in Truth.

everyone views or perceives information/situations differently. someone may perceive death as an end....another may perceive death as transition to life. some view death as bad...others view death as not bad. it is in the eyes of the beholder....

intuition...curse ? if you want it to be will be. or, one could see it as gift,,,such as i do. it is help us 'navigate' soul through 'life'. a 'navigation' tool..... :D

it is, as all must learn how to use tool in proper way.

i am learning through meditation and yoga...kriya yoga.

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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by Paul »

Hi Mustangocd,

I believe that what Sandy wrote was beautiful and to the point. I would just like to add my two cents worth.

We live in a five sense reality world. Because we live in that five sense, third dimensional reality we not believe that anything else is possible. We are taught by the powers that be, the educators, the scientists, etc., that you can only believe what you can see. Any other phenomena can be explained away using five sense three dimensional logic.

Yet, we have scientists talking of the quantum world where infinitesimal particles do not behave the same way that they would behave in our macro world. Brian Greene, a famous physicist, talks about eleven dimensions, not just the four that we have grown accustomed to. So, if there are an alleged eleven dimensions, could there be differing realities from our own five sense reality? I say definitely!

There are things that the close minded skeptics can not explain logically. They will die trying, but there are certain things that just cannot be explained logically by the tenets of the five sense world. It is when we open our minds to accept the possibility of other realms of reality that the floodgates open up. The universe was always there waiting for us to reach out for it.

We live in the linear time frame. Because we live in that linear band of time it is hard for us to imagine that the past, present and future can come together at one place. We cannot see it in our world, but such a phenomenon is a reality. Our Father lives outside of time where past, present and future converge. Because of that He can see the whole picture. It is like He is sitting on a high mountain overlooking the terrain and having the ability to see all. He has given you some of that ability. What you have received is a gift, not a curse. Think of all the people you can help by letting them know that their loved ones have not died, but have passed on to another reality. Think of the broken hearts that you can heal as a result of the gift that you have received.

The materialists can stay stuck in this five sense reality, if that is what they want. We can respect and love them for they are stuck in the stage of ungrowth. If they want to mock and ridicule individuals that have certain psychic gifts, then so be it. We cannot let others dictate to us what we are going to do with our lives. They are not living our life. We are living our life. But we do not have to be stuck in their self imposed box with them just to please them. We choose the open air of infinity and the endless opportunities of eternity.

So my friend, consult the Father within. A piece of the infinite Father now dwells in your mind. It is this fragment or Spirit that seeks to spiritualize you. If you free your mind and allow for realities yet undiscovered you will be let loose from the prison that this world wants to incarcerate you in. There is a piece of the infinite mind dwelling in your mind. For you there are endless possibilities. For you there is a precious gift waiting to be unwrapped. When you, upon your own accord, unwrap that precious gift, the universe will be standing at the ready to do your bidding.

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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by blue nova »

.......i saw my grandparents when they uncle....friends....father-in-law.....many others. i have seen souls leave body.

i see dead people at night. i see souls...that still have bodies they reside in....i see earthbounds...i have seen angels...all kinds of obe's i have had....

the list is endless.....

we are souls first...bodies second. one could say...we live double lives. a hard or physical life...and soft life, that of soul.

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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mustangocd »

Its a hard thing to understand for myself But I know what I know. I never would tell anyone about it nor try to make them believe if I did. I know its what you make of it as in a gift or curse. I really wish I could make good thing out of it. Like when I was young. But it really seems to get the best of me makes me very upset inside because of impending doom. Although my mom had good things she knew when she would be coming into money LOL. No such luck here! lol.

I don't think this is related to seeing my father though. Maybe it could because I'm open enough to see whats in front of me or possibly us all, I don't know. I just know I really miss them. And all these other things don't give me any peace. I read all your comments and been thinking really hard how to try turning things around.

I realized one good thing is I call my sister when I know she is thinking of me. I call her and say yes. She really gets a laugh out of it. Tells me she is talking to her daughter and say well I gotta call your uncle and the phone rings. So I guess there is good things. She calls me when She knows Im sad she says she can feel it. So there must be a family bond. My mom would be happy to know that. To tell you the truth though if someone off the street came up to me and said this happens to them I wouldn't believe them. Must be my personality
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by Sandy »

Hello Mustangocd,
The change we all desire for what ever way we can imagine, whether it is a changed attitude towards a person situation or way of being etc., has to have a beginning, right? It doesn't suddenly spring into existence overnight in most cases, not without a hefty dose of Divine intervention anyway. We must all do our own homework and no matter how much we wish to behave "this way or that", to feel positive and progressive, even just to feel happy and well adjusted... we still learn the lessons bit by bit, overcoming hurdles whether they be in the physical world or in the realms of mental where the battle is so often won or lost. We all win a few and loose a few of these battles with our own will and mind, yet the strength is in the continued trying, the lessons learned, the finding another reason to smile and feel good about yourself and those around you as you are doing here...
I realized one good thing is I call my sister when I know she is thinking of me. I call her and say yes. She really gets a laugh out of it. Tells me she is talking to her daughter and say well I gotta call your uncle and the phone rings. So I guess there is good things. She calls me when She knows Im sad she says she can feel it. So there must be a family bond. My mom would be happy to know that.
The seeds of happiness and well being are tiny but with persistent nurturing they grow into something amazing...(still working on mine...they're just sprouting as I frequently forget to "water". :roll: )

Have a good week end! :sunny:
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mustangocd »

I know its like all of you say its a matter of how I use it when it comes to me or think about it. I Have a hard time trying to turn it around. Fri I knew someone close to me died. I could feel it. I even told the one person I have just started to share this stuff about me. I was so upset I left work when I was going to work late. I got the call a hour later imforming me .

I wish I knew what the purpose was and why I cant shut it off. These things torment me. I try to think I'm just wrong and everyone gets feeling and its nothing. I'm a grown stable minded man, This stuff doesn't fit in, including seeing my dead father when I was awake. I still to this day try to figure out this. Intuition at times can tell a person hey you know they are sick or hurt and common sense tells you Murphy's law. I try to explain things to myself. I think about seeing my father every day when he appeared to me. Why and how and was I losing it.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by luvinlife »

Mustangocd, it's okay. Don't think of the negative side of this. You are gifted and have been given this gift for a reason. Death is not a "bad" thing for those who have died. They are still with us, just not in the human body form. It was written in another post (I think by AJ) that the people that are "left behind" are the ones who are unhappy. The ones that passed on are in a much better place. Just KNOW that you are loved.

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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by Sandy »

Dearest Mustangocd,

Maybe it would help for you to consider what death really signifies for the person who has left this earth. Is it something to be feared or something wonderful and nurturing for them? May I suggest a book written long ago by Anthony Borgio entitled. " Life In The World Unseen." You can read a discussion about it and view the free PDF that Geoff has put together here. I read this book over a year ago and my heart felt light and joyful as I began to contemplate the new experiences and wonders we all will enjoy as we walk through that "door" between this world and the next. It also has caused me to rethink the way I should react to death... although I must admit it is much harder to put into practice... this changed attitude. I just recently lost a beloved spiritual soul sister and I do miss her...Yet the bottom line... death is becoming less and less of a separation for many of us. As we lighten up and grow in our spiritual life and gifts it may very well be possible to continue in unimaginable ways a relationship with those who are learning in the "new sphere of Life". This does not mean that we should abandon our own life here and spend it singley reaching out and wishing for contact because of a longing or missing... Our passed on loved ones have things to do as well...and new lessons to be learned...our heartaches can be a distraction to them. Instead, perhaps, we should simply make the most of our lives, growing those experiences of caring and love that will last us an eternity and aid us in all our endevers now and the lives to come.
Why you have the intuitive gift you do is anybody's guess, but it has been given to you by God..the Source of all there is and this vast all knowing Being does not make any mistakes! Perhaps you should consider gentle meditation... something geared to understanding these gifts and the desired peace. Allow God to provide the answers. They will come if you truly wish to hear.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mustangocd »

Well I have been stressing about the anniversary of my dads death on june 1. Being the care taker its just tough and very vivid the days leading up to this day. I know I will make it thew it, I always do.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by LolaandLight »

Don't stress over this anniversary. Accept that this is happening for a reason. You are being educated and alerted to the fact that your parents are watching over you. It is a blessing even though it may be spooky for you now. Read the information available on this site. I see dead people sometimes, folks that I don't even know. I never see them fully materialized. I finally figured out that they pop in to tell me something because they know that I can see them. You are being guided by your parents from the other side. They must have been very special spirits even if they were not completely concious of it during their lives. Or, they just didn't discuss it with you or maybe anyone else to avoid being perceived as crazy. You aren't crazy. You are blessed.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by luvinlife »

Lola, I couldn't have said it better! Mustang, I know that you will be fine and that you are loved. Hang in there!

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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by Sandy »

HI Mustang,
It is good to hear from you again. You have friends here who will support you as best we can as this anniversary approaches. You are very much loved. :D
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mm1111 »

Dear Mustang,

I really understand what you are going through. In 5 days it will be the second anniversary of my mothers death. I also took care of her and know how hard it is to keep the images from comming into your head. She was just as stubborn as she was sick and was fighting it the whole way. I just recently started to be able to see her in my head as she was before she was sick. I think that just takes time. This might sound crazy to you but I was able to communicate with her but not see her. I had been planning on spreading her ashes for this anniversary (my step dad wouldn't let them go and I was about to ask him to do it), then my stepdad called and said he had already done it by himself. I was crushed but very happy to know she was free. She couldn't go foward untill she was free in her mind I guess.
My advice for the anniversary would be to go somewhere special for you in nature if possible. Talk outloud and tell them you love and miss them and want them to be happy. Please know they will be there with you. I hope to hear more about your experiences and may you have comfort on the anniversary.
Much love, mm1111
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mustangocd »

I have been having dreams about mom an dad, They are tearing me up inside well on outside too. I know they are just dreams.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by blue nova »

keeping u in my thoughts and prayers mustang... :kiss:

sending Love & (((Hugs)))
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mustangocd »

I thought with time things change. But it doesnt today I had lunch with my sister and listen to her talk. It seems she has had the identical thoughts same as me about mom. I mean identical. imean identical. I didnt tell her I was trying to keep my composure.

Then 2 weeks ago I found a cardboard tube in the kitchen now remember its been 5.5 years since mom and dad died. I bought there house from my siblings. Anyway It was a letter and a photo of a person that was going threw radiation same time as mom. We talked to him every radiation treatment, it had a photo and letter in it to my mom. where the heck did this come from. im not that bad of a house keeper the kitchen is spotless.. i dont think after 5 years you find things in a kitchen area. I have been looking up his phone number and tying to contact him. Also I feel mom around and then one of her brothers die.. I get a call. anyway all of you have been very supportive to me.. it helps. I hope you dont think im crazy... because I already do...
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by Sandy »

Dear Mustangocd,

It is good to hear from you again! :hithere
I am sorry to hear that one of your mother's brothers has died. I hope and pray his transition was peaceful. It does seem that your "special gift" is still strong in you, huh?...
I keep thinking about the rolled up tube with the photo and letter from the other radiation patient. The way it showed up out of the blue after five years... It seems like there must be a reason you were to see it. Does the letter give you any clues? Is there anything in it that could be seen as a grain of inspiration from beyond???? ... something that would help you at this point in your life?
I hope you get to the bottom of it.

Please know that we don't think you're crazy and even should that be the case we would still love you anyway. ;)
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by luvinlife »

Mustang, I have had things like that happen also. It's almost like they're out there saying "Look, I'm putting it right in front of you"....there's a reason for everything, and there was a reason that you found that picture/note at that particular time. Also, my sister and I have had the exact same dream on the same night about our mother after she died.

Love, Clare
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mustangocd »

well Im just not sure what to think of things at times like the tube in the kitchen. I just blow it off in front of my wife I dont tell her of things that I go threw although I did call her when I saw dad. I thought i needed to get locked up. The tube that was in the kitchen i just wouldnt address it. Things come to me as I said. I wonder at times is it a dream is it mom or dad telling me something. or is it just common sence. You know if somone told me what I know I wouldnt believe them! isnt that the pot calling the kettle black.
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Re: seeing my dead father I know I was awake

Post by mustangocd »

Well its been some time since I left a message here. I havnt seen my dad anymore. Although both mom and dad come to me in my dreams. Think that is normal. I still do keep seeing 11:11 or 1:11 or 11 all the time. I hit DVR stop on TV cause I see it in the background sometimes. I like things now being a little normal other than knowing when bad things are to come. But at least I dont think I have screw loose now.

I was wondering if others that have had very close bond with there folks, do you still think of them every day or threw out the day? Is this odd. Sometimes I think of things and for a split second want to grab the phone to call them.

Hmmm I started this thread few years ago. Time goes by fast some things seem like last week.
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