A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

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A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by Geoff »

This is another "old" book. Published in 1901. The source is Franchezzo, who by his own account lived a very bad life, and is now trying to get himself out of darkness. I only got the book yesterday, and so I have only read the first 20%, but it appears, to my existing frame of reference, to be a very good explanation of the dark planes, what happens there, and the conventional way to progress out. If I have a concern, it is that one could easily start to be scared of what might happen to one, as of course none of us are, or have always been, perfect. So, if you read this book, I think it would be imperative to also read what James Padgett channeled, about the quick way out of darkness. As an example, Padgett talked to Julius Caesar, still stuck in the dark planes after 2000 years, yet he was able to get out only months later. You can read all those messages, and many others on this page.

It is rare to find these channeled stories of the dark planes, to the extent that many people don't believe they exist. I see even Deepak Chopra is saying there is no right or wrong, and ignoring that there are always CONSEQUENCES to our thoughts and deeds.

Right at this very moment George is sending out some messages from Bzutu, about the Borderland. That makes the subject frankly confusing, and I hope that Bzutu confirms that the Borderland, as he has defined it, is not these places described in this book.
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by Geoff »

Is funny (not) how things come together. Here is this very book I read:
There was one man whom I saw who appeared to be enclosed in a cage of ice; the bars were of ice, yet they were as bars of polished steel for strength. This man had been one of the Grand Inquisitors of the Inquisition in Venice, and had been one of those whose very names sent terror to the heart of any unfortunate who fell into their clutches; a most celebrated name in history, yet in all the record's of his life and acts there was not one instance where one shade of pity for his victims had touched his heart and caused him to turn aside, even for one brief moment, from his awful determination in torturing, and killing those whom the Inquisition got into its toils. A man known for his own hard austere life, which had no more indulgence for himself than for others. Cold and pitiless, he knew not what it was to feel one answering throb awake in his heart for another's sufferings. His face was a type of cold unemotional cruelty: the long thin high nose, the pointed sharp chin, the high and rather wide cheek bones, the thin straight cruel lips like a thin line across the face, the head somewhat flat and wide over the ears, while the deep-set penetrating eyes glittered from their penthouse brows with the cold steely glitter of a wild beast's.
Like a procession of spectres I saw the wraiths of some of this man's many victims glide past him, maimed and crushed, torn and bleeding from their tortures - pallid ghosts, wandering astral shades, from which the souls had departed forever, but which yet clung around this man, unable to decay into the elements whilst his magnetism attached them, like a chain, to him. The souls and all the higher elements had forever left those - which were true astral shells - yet they possessed a certain amount of vitality - only it was all drawn from this man, not from the released spirits which had once inhabited them. They were such things as those ghosts are made of which are seen haunting the spot where some one too good and innocent to be so chained to earth, has been murdered. They seem to their murderers and others to live and haunt them, yet the life of such astrals (or ghosts) is but a reflected one, and ceases as soon as remorse and repentance have sufficed to sever the tie that links them to their murderers.
Other spirits I saw haunting this man, and taunting him with his own helplessness and their past sufferings, but these were very different looking; they were more solid in appearance and possessed a power and strength and intelligence wanting in those other misty-looking shades. These were spirits whose astral forms still held the immortal souls imprisoned in them, though they had been so crushed and tortured that only the fierce desire of revenge remained. These spirits were incessant in their endeavor to get at their former oppressor and tear him to pieces, and the icy cage seemed to be regarded by him as being as much a protection from them as a prison for himself. One more clever than the rest had constructed a long, sharp-pointed pole which he thrust through the bars to prod at the man- within, and wonderful was the activity he displayed in trying to avoid its sharp point. Others had sharp short javelins which they hurled through the bars at him. Others again squirted foul, slimy water, and at times the whole crowd would combine in trying to hurl themselves en masse upon the sheltering bars to break through, but in vain. The wretched man within, whom long experience had taught the impregnability of his cage, would taunt them in return with a cold crafty enjoyment of their fruitless efforts.
This suggests there can be "packets", but not all are packets that one encounters in the earth plane and surroundings. "Astral shells" seems easier to understand than packets.
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by Paul »

Hi Geoff,

That is the question that I want answered too. I think the UB gave us only a partial answer to the description of the afterlife. I believe that Bzutus answer concerning the borderlands shows that we receive more of the truth when we are ready for it. And that they can only give us approximate truth if it is too soon to reveal the whole truth.

I would like to know if there are the dark realms as described in Life in The World Unseen and many other sources. It seems cruel until you realize that each person puts themselves into the realm that best suits them. Just as you mentioned Julius Caesar being in the dark realms for 2,000 years until he got assistance to advance to the next realm. I know that there is the law cause and effect. We cannot escape the consequences of our own actions that we committed while living on earth. I do think that most of us will go to Mansonia one. But there are individuals that have lived such a cold hearted and cruel life that they may find themselves on one of the dark planes.

So what about it Bzutu? Can we have the whole truth, so help you God? (wink) We would all really like to know what we are to expect when we arrive in the next world. We have also heard about individuals that are stuck in the astral plane because they do not believe that they are dead. They may have been atheists that now find themselves very much alive, but they believe that they are still living as humans on earth. We all look forward to your further enlightenment.

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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by Geoff »

Paul wrote:Hi Geoff,

That is the question that I want answered too. I think the UB gave us only a partial answer to the description of the afterlife. I believe that Bzutus answer concerning the borderlands shows that we receive more of the truth when we are ready for it. And that they can only give us approximate truth if it is too soon to reveal the whole truth.
The UB is very limited on the subject, and all in all is only a few pages. But that said, it is a good helicopter view, one that you will not find in books such as this one.
Paul wrote:I would like to know if there are the dark realms as described in Life in The World Unseen and many other sources. It seems cruel until you realize that each person puts themselves into the realm that best suits them. Just as you mentioned Julius Caesar being in the dark realms for 2,000 years until he got assistance to advance to the next realm. I know that there is the law cause and effect. We cannot escape the consequences of our own actions that we committed while living on earth. I do think that most of us will go to Mansonia one. But there are individuals that have lived such a cold hearted and cruel life that they may find themselves on one of the dark planes.
These areas are all in Mansonia One. Technically I gather it has three major sub-spheres. Folks that are just normal nice folks, do arrive at the upper levels of Mansonia One. (Having now finished this book, I think that in common with Spiritualist practise, Franchezzo numbers the spheres differently, and indeed I think he numbers the sub spheres of Mansonia One, as individual spheres, so when he says he is in Sphere 3, its actually the top of Mansonia One, and when he says Sphere Seven, its probably Six - because he does not know of Mansonia Five or Mansonia Seven, and thus for the two extra he adds, he also misses two out.)
Paul wrote:So what about it Bzutu? Can we have the whole truth, so help you God? (wink) We would all really like to know what we are to expect when we arrive in the next world.
I assume you have read my personal effort, which I doubt is far wrong: Getting the Hell Out of Here
Paul wrote: We have also heard about individuals that are stuck in the astral plane because they do not believe that they are dead.
This is the issue, and its not helped that basically George has in the past had not the slightest interest in this topic, and does not generally interact with dead humans. I took this up with Bzutu one time when i was with George, and Bzutu gave his "packet" speech, and sadly, I did not think it helped. If he had used the term thought form, I would have understood readily, but he did not, as I asked about earth bounds. Now maybe that was my fault. (added later) Now I have read this book some more, I may have too much info. Its VERY comprehensive, and it seems that there are thought forms in addition to astral shells. And elementals are described too.
Paul wrote: They may have been atheists that now find themselves very much alive, but they believe that they are still living as humans on earth. We all look forward to your further enlightenment.

Being an atheist has nothing to do with arriving in the dark planes. It is wrong choices that does it. Belief can hinder one's progress, but is not a cause of compensation, unless you are a teacher/pastor etc who leads others astray with your false teachings.

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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by George »

Hi Geoff and Paul,

Should the writer of the icey cage story have wandered into my clinic, rather than into the "Spirit Lands," I would have referred him on, not to psychology, but to psychiatry, for an indepth profiling exercise. I think he just resurrected hell, and there's no such place, IMO.

It appeared some of our subscribers had to learn something about Ouija boards, some about not tackling "round the twist already" drug cases, and I will move when Machiventa orders me, but now I don't want any more of it -- it's negative stuff in my view -- and my free will, to NOT be involved anymore with such transmitting, will be honored.

The universe does not teach us Y1/T1 psychic phenomena, it's all back to front and upside down, so I guess a half dozen encounters like the Virginia Jamieson release and the German Nun, and others, were necessary for the 2 recent Borderland transmits, but I got lessons in playing golf. I'm not a pro golfer. I flew an airplane, but I'm not a professional pilot. I placed bets, but I'm not a hardened punter. Yesterday I made it clear I wanted no more of this stuff.

Having said that, the Chief, in his communication totally left mind out of the equation in the latter part, but he did earlier indicate that mind has physicality, and I feel that mindal intent is seen by us as motion in the psychic realm when there is no such motion.

In 1997, we, a bunch of young students (5 homesick guys and girls I adopted in a mock ceremony) and I were watching a late night French movie in our college rec room. Chantelle looked up because she distinctly heard high heels in the adjoining dining room. She saw nothing. I heard the measured sound of high heels on the polished floor, but saw the tallish lass in her out-of-fashion party dress. No one else heard or saw a thing. Another French exchange student got goosebumps all over, but that was it.

Three of us got nothing. The apparition was a "don't talk about it" thing in that university, but I did find out, eventually. Eight years prior, that lass had come home from a college binge, died from acohol poisoning, or some sort of allergy, in her locked college room, and was not found for days -- shame to the college. To me there was nothing there but a mind and an intent, plus a vague identity that for the 100th time went looking for something to eat -- no idea about the passing of time.

Incidentally, Chantelle and the other girl, Monique, were being trained by me in learning the AC, not the other three kids.

God bless.......
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by Geoff »

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by Geoff »

And I have now extracted the chapter on the Astral Plane, because it seems to be the most comprehensive coverage I have ever seen. Read this and you will get an idea about:

1. Spirits, in the astral plane
2. Astral shells in the astral plane, which once were the covering of a soul.
3. Thought forms of various types which never housed a soul

Some more explanation is also give of the issue of earth ties, and its very good at explaining that these various astral forms, which may appear very similar to us earth folks looking with spirit vision, but nevertheless can have vastly different "densities" and thus appear quite different from their side of the veil.

Some of the other things that are discussed, I think are conjecture on the part of the more advanced spirit guide, but the Astral Plane is something they can experience, hence they can describe it, even if understanding the whys might not be accurate. For example they do not seem to know the bit Bzutu gave us, about the merging with Gaia, of the Astral Shells, once the negative issues are resolved. But as in the quote I have above, they do understand about the resolution part of it:
They seem to their murderers and others to live and haunt them, yet the life of such astrals (or ghosts) is but a reflected one, and ceases as soon as remorse and repentance have sufficed to sever the tie that links them to their murderers.
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by brianm »

Geoff wrote :
For example they do not seem to know the bit Bzutu gave us, about the merging with Gaia.
Do you mean the developing three Deities that we are "down-loading" into?
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by George »

Brian writes:
Do you mean the developing three Deities that we are "down-loading" into?

To most She is known as Gaiya (Gaia), or Mother Earth, but She is the Oversoul of the planet and in reality the Embryo of the local Daughter of the time-space God the Supreme, Urantia. The other time-space Gods -- the Infinite and the Ultimate -- we really know nothing about. Ziltch

Urantia is the one who protected me on countless white-hot fire-walks, and the Virginia Jamieson release is what made her decide to talk with me -- a kind of thankyou.

http://www.1111angels.net/old_files/E_A ... ist189.htm


There is (or was) a chap in a US jail, posibly put there by mistake, who at times hears from her, also. I don't know of other receivers.

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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by brianm »

I really must thank you, George, for all of the information you pass on to us..... especially for the transmissions that are meant for you, personally; Your "stripes", "prizes" or "gifts" that you are generously sharing with all of us! :D :thumleft: :thumright: :D
Thank You.

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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by Paul »

Hi George,

Is Gaia the one that wants to clean up the astral area surrounding our earth? I remember that Bzutu referred to that realm as to the side, an oddity. He spoke of information packets.

I had a thought concerning this George. Just as our Father fragment comes to dwell in our minds and spiritualize us as individuals, then God The Supreme is concerned with the whole of time space mortals and their positive spiritual experiences. He builds up an archive or a library of our positive personal experiences that contributes to the building up of his personality. He keeps a record of the whole of all the seven superuniverse personalities in the time space realms. One day when all seven superuniverses reaches the stage of light and life, God The Supreme will emerge as a unique personality constructed by trillions of beings in the seven superuniverses and their experiential lives.

If that is the case, then God The Supreme's daughter keeps a record of all the positive experiences of the humans on planet earth. This contributes to her personality just as God The Supreme builds up his personality based on the whole seven superuniverses.

Do you have any thoughts on this George? It would be appreciated.

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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by George »

Hi Paul,
Is Gaia the one that wants to clean up the astral area surrounding our earth? I remember that Bzutu referred to that realm as to the side, an oddity. He spoke of information packets.

I had a thought concerning this George. Just as our Father fragment comes to dwell in our minds and spiritualize us as individuals, then God The Supreme is concerned with the whole of time space mortals and their positive spiritual experiences. He builds up an archive or a library of our positive personal experiences that contributes to the building up of his personality. He keeps a record of the whole of all the seven superuniverse personalities in the time space realms. One day when all seven superuniverses reaches the stage of light and life, God The Supreme will emerge as a unique personality constructed by trillions of beings in the seven superuniverses and their experiential lives.

If that is the case, then God The Supreme's daughter keeps a record of all the positive experiences of the humans on planet earth. This contributes to her personality just as God The Supreme builds up his personality based on the whole seven superuniverses.

Do you have any thoughts on this George? It would be appreciated.
I gotta be careful here, because I cannot understand all I get, but I know the Supreme is classed as SHE -- all the way through the entire downstepping -- SHE as in caregiving. We are the ones who must clean up the dimensions in which these strange parcels exist, so it's only supposition on my part that the 1911 killers of Virginia Jamieson had resolved the situation with their victim by that time in 1974, and it was up to us -- Bzutu and me -- to clean up for Urantia.

I'm sure he didn't need me, but I had regrets about not listening to him 6 weeks earlier and had asked for an inportant task. He gave it to me when the job came along.

Samuel spoke of Urantia being a greater future contributor to the whole of the Supreme compared to the embryo of Panoptia, because there is so much more action here. He likened our individual experiences to be Urantia's cerebral neurones. SHE later said it was a good analogy, but hardly perfect.

Yes, IMO your "total archive" with Urantia having HER 'hall of records makes sense, but as experience, not personality. You can't miss Urantia's personality. It's complete. SHE kind of melts you and you "glow" for days. :)

Gaia, is Urantia, is all that is, right up to the outer stratosphere. We walk on HER body, talk to HER mind, and you can feel the love in HER.

Hope this helps......
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by Paul »

Thanks alot George. That clears things up.

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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by jfarris »

WOW! Guys this thread is great! :bana:

I am understanding things much more clearly! Thanks for your posts! :mrgreen:

Light and Life,

Jody :mrgreen:
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by George »

This is a moment in the life of the Planetary Supreme:


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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by brianm »

That must have been absolutely mind-blowing, George.

At any point during your experience did you ever feel uncomfortable or frightened, having been so totally overcome and powerless?
Have you ever since experienced it again? If so, was it because you initiated the contact, or did SHE just gather you up again for another "embrace"? :D :shock: :D
Have the Midwayers had anything to say about it?

Sorry for all the questions, George (I do have more). If you want, answering just one of them would be appreciated.......

Cheers, Brian.
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by George »

Hi there Brian,

I asked Teacher Tomas through another receiver in Idaho (2000) to explain why it had to happen in the middle of a lecture and he said it was: 1. The Planetary Supreme Embryo 2. He intimated it was a reward for a function I performed (I saw the Virginia Jamieson case clearly) 3. My state of mind triggered it 4. My Thought Adjuster had brought that memory of the future with Him from Divinington.

And I might think it had been most inopportune in that psych lecture, but it was not. It was precisely as it should be.

There were a number of other "light-up" events, but I don't know if they were related to Urantia.

God bless...
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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by sammy »

George wrote:
And I might think it had been most inopportune in that psych lecture, but it was not. It was precisely as it should be.
Absolutely fantastic. This would be wonderful! To help open the closed eyes and minds of others.

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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by George »

I didn't answer this question:
At any point during your experience did you ever feel uncomfortable or frightened, having been so totally overcome and powerless?
Not at all. It was great! Machiventa Melchizedek told another receiver, "George is almost fearless." Something to do with them thinking of using my funds for a project not approved by me.

They backed off. MM might be right. Fear kills spiritual growth, and once you've been fully dead, you lose all fear if you happen to get revived. I was. If you don't get revived . . .

CELEBRATION TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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Re: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands

Post by George »

Sammy writes:

<<< Absolutely fantastic. This would be wonderful! To help open the closed eyes and minds of others >>>

It scared the wits out of one student. The poor thing regressed on the spot and shouted in a squeeky ten-year-old voice, "What's happeningggg? What is he doingggg?" :? :mrgreen:

That voice still rattles around in my memory. What a whoosh! :lol:

Gotta run . . . :bike:
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