Dark Workers?

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Dark Workers?

Post by jimmyb222 »

I see myself as a light worker, I do meet few on occasions but I seem to attract a lot of dark workers into my life and I don't know why. Once I have dealt with one another one appears on the scene. They all seem to pick on me but why? They don't seem to pick on the middle people they always pick on the light workers.

Is this because they can sense my calm and loving nature and do not like it so they try to suck away my happiness, spiritual energy and soul. They try to fail my efforts in life and get kicks out of it. It always seems to end in aggression though, I used to bottle up everything said to me but I see red when dark workers pick on my, I go mad and want to hurt them. They always seem to pick on me for having red hair or tell me that I'm useless, ugly and ask me what would you know about having a hard life/pain etc. (obviously I don't tell them that I had a major episode of depression and financial problems/unemployment as a result)

I just seem to get laughed at. I love who I am and I wouldn't be any other way, I like helping other people as much as I can, I have time for anyone so where am I going wrong in the eyes of these lower workers.

Last night I went out with my friends and one of my friends boyfriends has always bullied me, he is always trying to start fights with people. I've been angry with him in the past and had a go at him because he was abusive to me. Last night I went over to where my friends were, he was there too and he just decided to punch me in the face (don't worry I wasn't hurt) So I tried to hit him back but I was dragged off by my friends but which time I was in this red tunnel of adrenalin and rage (I don't know where this comes from but I change into a mad man and just want to hurt the person who has hurt me, its like a berserk mode or something, like a switch in my mind). He left and started walking up the street I didn't go after him.

Why are all these people coming into my life, is there something to learn from these experiences, what am I suppose to learn from them? Am I suppose to help them (they don't listen to me they just laugh at me), Is it a sign of the times or what. Have I spiritually and mentally evolved to a level of compassion and drive, healing and calmness that people who make out that they are the best are greatly jealous of or what?

If anyone knows then please help me :)

Love and Peace always
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Post by MichelleP »

Hello Jimmy,

Only you for certain knows why anything happens in your life. Your inner guidance will tell you. What I will say is No one can hurt you unless you allow it. There are many people in the world who are simply not happy and subsequently find hurting others helps them to hurt less themselves. On one level you are drawing these types to you. But it doesn't always have to be that way. The important thing to remember is you are in control of how you define yourself. No matter what anyone says or does to get under your skin it means nothing. They are just words. So why give those words so much power to hurt you? These negative people are in no position to be any sort of authority on the quality of another. So rather than let what they have to say define you choose yourself how you define you. The next time someone tries to get at you simply tell yourself to stop and refuse to acknowledge what they say. It may be tough at first but over time you very well may be able to break their control over how they make you feel and subsequently break attracting them to you. Because you seriously do not deserve to have such people in your life. My best to you.

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Post by welfki »

what beautiful advice- once again, thank you for your insights


hello :} i don't think i've read any of your post before- seems you've been here for some time though.... hi :hithere
i'm sorry you were physically harmed and wish you the best
it took a lot of strength to retain yourself and not chase after him...thank you

after reading
I have time for anyone so where am I going wrong in the eyes of these lower workers.
i am reminded of
There is never a need to get even, for all are learning their personal lessons.
straight from todays post- "scribbles 156 from lytske"

i could be wrong, but maybe there is something for you to gain in reading todays lessons(messages from celestial teachers)...if you haven't already

adding you in my prayers

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Post by jfarris »

Hi Jimmy. Its nice to meet you! :hithere

I don't know if I have any answer that will do you some good. But I'll just say what I know, and if I don't know, I'll say what I think. So take all of it with a grain of salt.

When you said:
Why are all these people coming into my life, is there something to learn from these experiences, what am I suppose to learn from them?
I think that they indeed might be coming into your life to give you plenty of opportunity to resolve your rage/anger issues. It might be that you are to increase your self mastery, in the self-control arena. Maybe to help you become 'wise as a serpent, but gentle as a dove..' One thing for sure, if you have reactionary 'buttons' to push, there will always be something or somebody to come along and do just that.

Why are all these people coming into my life...
Because you are attracting them to you! Either because of the part of your vibration which lies in common with them, or by refusing to seperate yourself from people, situations which are toxic, or in the very least, unprofitable from a spiritual progression standpoint. The evidence of increased spirituality is manifested outwardly as a greater respect for oneself in all things: appearance, health, choices, environment, etc. If not for the sake of self, because of the God fragment which dwells within self.
Am I suppose to help them (they don't listen to me they just laugh at me),
The answer is no. Unless they ask for your help, advice or opinion. Simply stated, one should never proffer advice to another unless it is specifically asked for. And believe me when I say that this is an ongoing struggle for yours truly :oops: .
A person who truly desires to help others can many times be overzealous. I know that this is true in my case! But nonetheless, it is a major character flaw and almost always (screw it, i'm going with always)gets the wrong result. This sentiment is in the UB somewhere, i think.
Is it a sign of the times or what.

Call it what you will, but I definitely believe that a great polarization is underway in matters spiritual here on planet earth.

Have I spiritually and mentally evolved to a level of compassion and drive, healing and calmness that people who make out that they are the best are greatly jealous of or what?
IDK. It was true in Jesus' life--that we know for sure. But unless you believe yourself to be on par with mastery of self on this level, I would probably go with 'or what'. I don't intend that to come off as fececious. What I'm saying is that you know better where you are in your spiritual progression.
We all have the potential to develop the mind of Christ, as well it is our mandate. Although rather uncommon in humans, it is clearly within our realm of attainment. According to JC, '..even greater things than these shall you do...'

As far as the jealous, the envious and the haters--they definitely seek to bring us down. These negative thought forms emanate from them and travel toward the intended recipient. Then they basically hover around us seeking the same negativity within our aura as in the aura of the sender. If we have these vibes within our aura, they resonate with the thought form and it finds lodgement in our energy.
On the other hand, if there is no such negative energy within the field of the intended recipient, then the thought form cannot attach to us and it returns to the sender from whom it originated.

Sorry this was so long. Hope it helps! :D

Love and Light,

Be Real. Remain teachable.

“Seek after those values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in your life experiences, for Truth is Love, Beauty is Creative, and Goodness is the Will of the Creator..."
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Jimmy,

It warms my heart to see you on the board again.. Everyone who has posted on this thread has given us so much to think on because we all experience a sullen and angry person from time to time, even on this message board where, although physical blows are impossible emotional blows can scar just as deeply. So many thanks to Michelle, Eric and Jody.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to hurt you. :(
I think you are a very special person and I love you very much.

God bless you Jimmy,
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Post by whitebird »

Hi Jimmy !!! Hi to everyone, I am brand new here, my very first post.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I certainly can relate. I feel there is a negative force that keeps testing lightworkers. I have experiences with meeting difficult individuals throughout my life. It is painful, because we don't go looking for objection, but often times this is the result. I feel misunderstood much of the time when I am stuck in ego- fear. When I focus on the true answer to any question: love, then I am in my soul state and it has a magical, protective quality, it seems to repel any dark energies. It takes practice, eventually the soul being emerges.
I found my soul about 2 years ago. It was through much personal loss, and years of abuse that I emerged healthy and whole. It was indescribable and miraculous. I maintained that wonderful, loving feeling for almost a year. It slowly began to disipate when I forgot the answer to all: love. I struggle to get back there, and I thank my angels for guiding me to this forum, as I have a sense of being back on the path.
As far as being a lightworker, I feel it is our duty to look negative honestly in the eye with love, compassion, and empathy. This should help diffuse and heal the situation. I was referred to a quote:
To what God gifts are given, much is expected. Something along those lines !! Not sure if any of this resonates, I hope so !!

Much Light and Love to all !!
Vera aka: whitebird
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Thanks everyone, I think that this resolves it. I think I may have had these feeling in my heart to rise above if all originally but let the anger get the better of me. I guess I should meditate and focus on my heart energy rather than mind energy as it might help me feel more self worth and help me to protect myself spiritually.

love and peace jimmy
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Post by sammy »

Hi Jimmy! I noticed the 2's after your name...I had the 2's for years before I started getting other prompts. The 2's are like a dear old friend to me.

You wrote:
I guess I should meditate and focus on my heart energy rather than mind energy
Balance is the key! I know it was already mentioned in the above responses, but I felt compelled to write it anyway...

(I have not mastered this by any means...but...) A few years ago I noticed I could calm my extremely hyperactive, stubborn as the day is long, energy sucking son :bomb by feeling like I was walking around in a HUGE bubble of love energy :loves and pushing that love energy at him. I did not have to say a word. I just had to remain in that feeling and feel the energy flow to him. What a difference it made!!! :love

I have read a portion of a book recently that mentioned we will draw to us those who need what we have. If this is correct, I would expect that you will continue to see/experience these people/energies that you mentioned above. You will need to be able to constantly draw in universal love to fill yourself to overflowing in order to be able to offer it to those who need it.

Above I wrote "balance is the key". I have a theory that when you can open and balance all your chakras, universal energy (which I experience as the energy of love) will keep you filled to overflowing.

I believe that universal energy/universal love is the key to many things. I feel it as God's protection, I feel it is His gift of happiness to us, I feel it is His healing...I believe it is all that matters. This energy is HIS gift, and God entrusts us with gifts in order that we may share them with those in need.

Much love to you Jimmyb222!!!!
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Post by Petra Wilson »

{{{{{{Jimmy}}}}}} Rise above these idiots!! You are a smashing guy and much loved and respected here!
And I think your red hair is gorgeous!

Love, Pet XXX
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Post by gypsie »


So cool to have you back and it's been great connecting again!!!!!

GO FOR IT :cheers:

love ya Gypsie xxx
Love is an action and not a word...
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Cool, thanks for all your help guys! I definitely need to spend more time meditating, using my chakras and generally cultivating spiritual energy from the universe to overcome this! And as for the 222 I used to get this all the time when I was going through a really hard time but I usually get 777 now, nearly everyday sometimes 2 or 3 times!

Love you all
Jimmy xxx
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Post by lilly »

Hi Jimmy
Great to see you back!! My new job has 222 in the phone number.....so cool!!
Love lilly xox :D
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Post by sammy »

LOVE THOSE 2's!!! :sunny: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunny:
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Post by westie »

Hi Jimmy, hi everyone.

we have never met before, but truly sorry to hear what happened to you. It does seem when you start to grow and understand things and evolve in oneself, a fog starts to lift and a certain clarity starts to be instilled. I wondered if the person lashing out feels or sees something as well and like a jealous child wanting some of your lovley sweet choclate life, wants its as well and reacts, because it is the only way he knows how, because he knows and feels you are different.

Try not to see these people as bench marks in how you should be.
Is this because they can sense my calm and loving nature and do not like it so they try to suck away my happiness, spiritual energy and soul. They try to fail my efforts in life and get kicks out of it.
only you can do this. On many occasions I can look back and tried to quantify who I was through other peoples eyes. There really is only one person who can quantify and validate ourselves and through the help of guidance.

As the wonderful words of Michelle...
The important thing to remember is you are in control of how you define yourself

Anyway really sorry to hear what happened, I must say however, curb that adrenaline, in saying that, my kids can still get me to 0 to 60 in 3 seconds...some things will still happen I suppose, and also having hair is a bonus...trust me, especially in this weather. Hope you dont mind me popping my nose in.

Take care

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Post by Sandy »

Hello whitebird (Vera)

I just wanted to slip in here and give you a big warm welcome to the message board. Your light is shining brightly! :sunny:

I love this...
I found my soul about 2 years ago. It was through much personal loss, and years of abuse that I emerged healthy and whole. It was indescribable and miraculous. I maintained that wonderful, loving feeling for almost a year. It slowly began to disipate when I forgot the answer to all: love.
I agree. Love is the answer. I forget that sometimes. But it is really is that simple, just love and "the way" will be shown to us. :happy

Thanks for reminding me. :wink:

It's nice to meet you! :D
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Thankyou all for keeping my spirits high during this time as I try to get this out of my head, I need to be strong but I am a sensitive person unfortunately and things like this always seem to bother me more than they should lol.

I got a text from my friend asking why I lashed out and got angry with them on Friday. Unfortunately she to is guilty of judging me as a person. Its taken her 3 days to send me the message. I guess I got to the point where I just hit breaking point. They judge me for everything I am, my dress sense, hair, the car I drive, my job, how I act, my choice of style and the music I listen to. The list does go. Her boyfriend was bullying me because he has more muscle than me but although all these things differ from how they live they are in fact what make me an individual and they are the very things and way of life that make me happy to be who I am.

I need to tell her and her boyfriend that enough is enough and that although they may or may not realize how much damage they are doing to my mental well being that they need to treat me with equal respect the other member of the group do not get treated this way so neither should I. This is not a group I spent a lot of time with it is a group who knew me as I was before I was depressed, someone who took all criticism in a bottle and never said boo to a goose.

Since suffering depression due to being bullied at work I have risen a much stronger person although less tolerant, for depression cause be caused by suppressed angry, I have to let it out. Maybe they feel that they can still get away with it but I do need to control my angry and like said before focus on and transfer love energy their way until I have mastered it and people can see for themselves that there is no need to judge who I am as a person any longer.

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I understand

Post by luvinlife »

Hi Jimmy! My 15-year old son is going through the same thing. He's a beautiful soul and just keeps attracting mean "bullies" in his life. He asked me why God doesn't answer his prayers...and I have to say, that sometimes I wonder too. The one thing I tell him, which I can tell you is that you are loved and they (the bullies, the judgers) are the ones who are hurting. Think about it. How can anyone feel good about themself if they are hurting someone? It just can't be possible. Love is strong. Love will win. Love yourself. That's what I tell my son. Things ALWAYS have a way of working out.

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius
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Post by sammy »

I went through this with both my sons, the older one more so than the younger one.

I'm gonna have to ponder this one a bit. I KNOW love IS the answer...but I know those words didn't help the bullies from breaking the self esteem of my kids. (It's been regained now...) OH!!! Thank you Angels!!! They are GREAT now!!! It was tough while they were going through it, but now they have the social skills of great salesmen (or politicians! lol) It DID make them stronger. But dang it was awful trying to help them and get them through it.

Remove yourself from the bullies as best you can. Hang out with only those who really care about you. (It took my sons a few years to find these friends :? ) Try your best to mentally send the bullies love.

Really, it's all you can do. Don't let them drive you to anger...that's a bad place and hard to pull away from. Just love. Just Love. Jimmy - Just love!

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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

jimmyb222 wrote:I usually get 777 now, nearly everyday sometimes 2 or 3 times!
Hi Jimmy :D
777 - The angels applaud you, congratulations, you're on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more miracles to occur

It sounds to me like some very special friends think you're doing great Jimmy :kiss: And so do we. I'm sorry to hear about the bullying situation, absolutely nothing wrong with red hair :wink: But all jokes aside, it is never fair to be bullied, i hope this doesn't come across rude but perhaps you need new friends with some form of respect about them. You sound as though you would be a great friend! And as others have mentioned, bullies are often suffering pretty badly themselves, and that's why they treat others this way. Sometimes the best thing to do is be the "bigger" person, ignore it and rise above it, it's not easy but you can do it! Remove yourself from the situation.. make new friends.. Others and their silly words can only effect us as much as we allow them to, i really believe.. of course fists are another matter.. after being bullied my whole life, and it did hurt me, i'm refusing to let anyone bully me any more!! :sword:

im sending you hugs! :kiss:

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Do dreams come true?
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Thanks guys, I'm feeling a lot better today about things, I guess I've got all the negativity out of my system now. Like I said, I don't always see them much now. The 2 in particular are more acquaintances than good friends anyways. I have made a lot of new friends in the past couple of years, people who do respect me, people who ask for help, advice some people even look up to me now and its nice to point people in the right direction when I can. I need to master the love thing now I think!

Love and light,
Jimmy xx
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Her boyfriend was bullying me because he has more muscle than me ...
Well...actually not really Jimmy! I personally think he is jealous of you. It's almost supermarket Freud!! Your friendship with his 'bird'...his 'property' is the thing that irks him, so he'll flex his muscles and humilate you, but really, he's totally jealous of.....You! That alone ought to beef you up a bit, enough NOT TO let this person get you all depressed again! Just don't let this loser get to you!

Never let any one get the better of you!

Love, Petra xox
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You tell him, Petra!

Post by luvinlife »

Petra, I absolutely love your outlook. And, you have a great way with words too!

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius
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Post by blue nova »

is it you jimmy who needs lessons ? could it be....that you may have something to teach them ??? :D


understand, that there is much ignorance in this world.....

be a part of this world ..do not be of it. realize ignorance for what it is...and do not get caught up in it. watch the movie (or dream) from seat or sideline...keep off the stage and watch...do not partake.

if we use terms that keep us seperated....then we shall stay seperated in our minds....then it will manifest on the outside (physically). division will happen....aka seperation into groups.

we are all one....it is not us against them....aka light vs dark....good vs evil....

some of us are more awake to this movie drama than others...some of us...are just sleeping is all (acting in drama of life)...in need of wake up..

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Re: You tell him, Petra!

Post by Petra Wilson »

luvinlife wrote:Petra, I absolutely love your outlook. And, you have a great way with words too!

A tad negative after Blue's post, Clare...*head down* But I get wound up when bullies hurt others! Grrrr

Love, Pet xxx
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Yeah, maybe they do need lessons. Maybe I look at this from the wrong perspective. I am the one connected to this point of consciousness and a lot of the time believe that every major or even minor event in my life is a contribution to the path that I am on in terms of life lessons. Before this event in particular I have been on a path of balance for the first time in my life for about 4 years so for everything to be going perfectly is not what I am used to and I was getting a little bored of the calm flow of life without problems.

Since getting picked on I've realised that the glow of the love and light in my heart is what I need allow me to appreciate life to its fullest whether ups or downs. I feel like its made me miles stronger although it was only a minor event compared to other things that have happened in my life but it has also helped me to just work these worries out a lot quicker. I guess it was also my doing that this happened as I was worried that this was going to happen before I even went out that night and through the law of attraction probably invited it into my life. That said I'm glad that it happened because it has made me strive to be more spiritual, I am using the Akashic Construct again and its effects are phenomenal if I'm honest. I just brings balance from within the human form.

Love and Light
- Jimmy
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