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Post by Sandy »

Hi everybody,

Welcome to the coffee house Daddy-) and Ruth! :D

Daddy-O, I was just telling George just last night how wonderful it was having you posting frequently again. I am sorry though that the time allowing it is due to recooperation from surgery. Hope you are mending quickly and comfortably. I smile when I think of the possibility of you joining the Australia side of the group in a few years. The more the merrier!
I have made falafel before. George and I both love it, but the last time I made it I nearly had a fire. (bad combination of hot oil and open burner.) Scared the daylights out of me it did! So I decided after that incident I had better wait until I had a proper fryer to try it again.

Hello Ruth! Before Geoff left on his latest adventure he was telling us a bit about the Divine love gathering you all attended in Hawaii. We smiled at the TV incident. Were you the one who discovered that the loud sounding TV had come on by "itself" ? The first night we were here Geoff made us the veggie asparagus/mushroom/onion etc. rice rice dish he made several times for you guys. I loved it and plan on taking the recipe with me when we go back home.
I love to hear stories about these gatherings of like minded loving people. We are often bombarded with so much negativity in the world but when you hear of people who have come to know and love each other from all walks of lives and varied countries makes me feel like there is great hope for sisterhood and brotherhood of human kind. It's just a matter of getting to know each other and respecting our differences huh?

Oh Lilly! Those silly pets of ours can certainly keep us on our toes. I hope Phoenix comes strutting back home any time now. I bet the dog misses him too.. (((HUGS)))

George and I are off for a walk down by the bay now so I had better scurry if we want to get it in before the next rain shower. The weather is very changeable today with deluges off and on. :shock: But we need some exercise...
Hope eveyone is feeling good and looking forward to a wonderful week end. :sunny:
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hi Sandy,

Thanks for the well wishes :D . I have about 1 more week of convalescent leave and then back to work :cry:....I was enjoying the time off :D .
I'm very excited about getting to Australia, permanently. Unlike my own family in the states, I have a very close relationship with my wife's family and really miss them. I wasn't brought-up in a very close family, so I've kind of latched onto my wife's :) .

Hope you and George enjoyed your walk down at the water. Looking at Geoff's pictures...looks like a beautiful place.

Daddy - O
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Post by ruthnfla »

Hi Sandy,
Yes, I was the one to go down stairs to ask "someone" to turn down the tv, only to find no one in the living room as we had all gone to bed....And, the tv would not shut off either by the remote or by the tv buttons! I could do nothing to lower the volume even! It was kind of funny. We all had thought it was the new couple, as they were addicted to watching tv, and it was an issue for the rest of us. We wanted a more quiet, spiritual atmosphere. I think we all had irritated attitudes about it, but I think the angels wanted us all to know that they were there with us, even if the tv was on and turned up as loud as it would go! The new friends I had invited were not into spiritual stuff before, but the husband had some great spiritual experiences while there and he wants to join us again in the future. He felt the angels around him and even heard them speak to him on several occasions while we were praying. I thought that was just great!
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Daddy-O,
Oh its wonderful that you feel a part of your wife's is family in all its wonderful combinations isn't it? Have you begun looking into the visa applications that will be required of you? I came in through the potential spouse visa..but since you and your wife ahave already been married for awhile and she is already an Australian citizen it may be easier for you... well I am hoping it is so anyway. :finger: :D

You definitely have spoiled us with your presence on the board and I am loath to give you back to work. :lol: Are you sure you can't milk this for a little longer? :wink: I'm just kidding... you are probably getting a little stir crazy to be out and about in the world again.

We did have a lovely walk.. Today we drove into a place called Shoalhaven bay and walked around a bit. We watched an albatrose (I think that's what it was :scratch: ) diving into the Bay for his dinner. It was very peaceful and I could really get used to living in this area. Better not get too used to it though...This month will go by quick and then we must give Geoff back his lovely home. I am so grateful for this time. It is really helping to recharge my "batteries."

Hi Ruth, I thought Geoff said it was you and the TV. :) I can see where a blaring TV would hamper the serenity of the gathering. That was a good message from the Celestials for all of us. I know I sometimes lament when my thoughts and mind clutter prevent me the closeness to my elder siblings as I wish but it just goes to show that they and most especially God haven't gone anywhere and are with us despite the obstacles we find in our lives, represented by the blaring TV. It is amazing to me how they can often use simple life situations to teach and provide a lesson in spiritual growth. Now if I would just pay closer attention and take them to heart. :wink:

Glad to hear you friends were moved by the closeness and communion felt at the gathering. :cheers: May loving Light Workers abound!!! :D
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Post by ruthnfla »

Hi Sandy,
No, it wasn't me turning on the tv. I think my friends have their tv on all the time to keep them company or something. I know my son does the same thing. Myself, I like it quiet. I go to my special place at the park nearby every day, if its not raining. That's where I am most inspired and most open for receiving messages and have special conversations. I love sitting by the water's edge and my tree.
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hi Sandy,
Have you begun looking into the visa applications that will be required of you?
Yeah, we've been looking into into it a bit. About a year out from moving, we're going to start the process by applying for permanent residency, which should be granted fairly easily due to being married a number of years. Once we arrive and I'm there for two years, I can then apply for citizenship, becoming a dual citizen (like my wife is now). We also have someone in the family who works in Australia's dept of Immigration, so hopefully she can guide us along the way :wink: .
Are you sure you can't milk this for a little longer?
Funny you should mention this. A couple of weeks ago, my surgeon signed-off on a few more weeks of down time. Part of my surgery involved actually cutting my leg bone, repositioning it, then screwing it back into the Dr. has to treat the procedure as a broken bone. Hey, give me as much time off as you want, I'm not gonna complain :lol: .

Happy to hear that you're getting your batteries recharged...being by the water always does that for me.

Daddy - O
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Daddy-O,
Oh it will be very helpful having a relative to guide you through the ins and outs of the Australian visas and citizenship requirements. We were very fortunate to have come across (guided to really) a wonderful immigration agent who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to help us through the piles of paperwork and statutory declarations required for three separate and progressive visas. The worst is over for me for another five years when I must apply or fill out another form which documents the time I have been in Australia the past five years. I am just happy for the breather for awhile. Been a rough road to haul. :shock:
Funny you should mention this. A couple of weeks ago, my surgeon signed-off on a few more weeks of down time. Part of my surgery involved actually cutting my leg bone, repositioning it, then screwing it back into the Dr. has to treat the procedure as a broken bone. Hey, give me as much time off as you want, I'm not gonna complain .
Gosh that sounds quite painful!!! :( does this mean we are gonna continue seeing lots of you for a couple more weeks? :finger:

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Ruth,
Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to insinuate that you were the blaring TV watcher. From what Geoff told us, it sounds like on that particular night it was "Celestial couch potatos" doing the honors :wink: :lol:

Your park sounds sounds like a perfect place to connect..that is if there are no mosquitos! :shock: Geoff has this wonderful upstairs balcony overlooking the wild pond and wilderness area below. I have found it a lovely place to sit and quieten the mind. Funny the trees are alive with shrieking parrots but that doesn't seem to bother me here... or disturb the peace. :scratch: Hmmm I think I have been given a lesson here... must meditate on it some more...
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Post by ruthnfla »

Hi Sandy,
Are they very loud? and you can't turn them down?? :lol:

It's now almost 3am here. I awoke to a disturbing dream again.. I woke exactly at 2:22. the dream was telling me that I had 6 weeks, only 6 weeks. It was very clear and was repeated three times. It startled me and woke me up. Sorry, I think it was in response to a dream I had recently to find a mom and her children. I was told she was in San Diego California. I have this urgent feeling to it. I'm putting pieces together... I know it was in a warm place and the house collapsed in the first dream I think, on the family. There were large termites, (fat ones) coming from a small hole in the fireplace, but the house looked fine otherwise and no body would know how extensive the damage was. My first thought when I awoke (why would a house collapse in California?) earthquakes! I hope I'm wrong. Maybe it was the book I read before going to sleep tonight? I had just read from the book "Soul Companions", and the story of George's tree that would have fallen on the house because it had extensive termite damage and might have killed his family, that caught my attention when I woke up. (a parrallel) Another parrallel, my daughter's boyfriend was in the dream and had jumped on my back, just fooling around in the farmer's market. anyway, he has asked me to help him to find his parents as he was adopted out as a young child, just like this girl.

Sorry to drag on like this. I can't go back to sleep now. this has me thinking too much. Her father has asked me to stay out of it and i don't want to go against his wishes, but the dreams keep coming. I was given her new last name in the last dream I had. I don't know if it was her adopted name or her married name, since she has children now. I feel like my hands are tied and someone is calling out to me for help. I hate having dreams like this, and feeling so helpless!

I have a special heart for young moms without a place to live, as I was once in that position myself. I just spent the last two weekends helping to set up an 18 yr old new mom in her own place. She has been living in a house for teenage moms, but it has not been a very happy place or with very nice people. She has no parents. they both passed away. She just turned 18 yesterday. well, sorry if I upset anyone. I will try to go back to bed now. I just needed to write someone about it. thanks for listening!
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Post by Earth Angel »

Hi guys!!

Just doing my casual read through today and saw you guys chatting away. Miss you all!

Miss you Sandy. I'm not in these parts nowadays but I like to drop in once in a while just to say hey and that I'm still visiting.

Miss ruth, I'm so glad I finally met you and can now put a face to your signature!! And what a lovely face I might add!

Love and hugs,
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hey Barb,

It's been a long time...great to see you again :D . I hope all is going well with you and your loved ones. Love the picture, by the way.

Daddy - O
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Post by ruthnfla »

Hi Barb! I'm so glad I got to meet you too! We had a blast in Hawaii ! Geraldine and I are thinking of trying to get together here in Fla at some point. Maybe you could come down! We haven't set any date. There were a few who were not able to go so far away to meet up with us and we thought it would be good to get together over on this side of the country too. there are six just here in Florida alone that I know of. Geoff is really pulling for us to come to AU too. I want to do that too! Guess i'll have to get a job........ I needed a better retirement plan! Anyone wanting to come visit here in Florida, you are welcome to stay at my house!
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Post by Sandy »

BARB!!!! it is so wonderful to see you again... I think of you often and still follow some of your good advice you gave me when I first found my way to the message board. :D
You look wonderful! That Hawaiian sunshine really agrees with you. Warms my heart to see all the spiritual bridges and ties amongst so many of us all over the world.

Hi Ruth,
I can undestand your distress with trying to understand the directions of your dreams as they seemingly indicate a great need with someone around you.. I suspect you will be given the answers needed or else they wouldn't have placed you in this delicate position. Hope you were able to go back to a more peaceful sleep after posting.

I admire the loving work you are doing with young mothers in your area. I know your efforts must be making an impact. Love changes doubt about it! :D

Love, hugs and chocolate for all! (I'm a tad hungry can you tell?)
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Thanks guys!! It feels good here in this room. Love the love going around!

Ruth, just let me know when and I can come down there anytime!! Lucas wants to come to a meeting too! He was upset with me for leaving him home while I was off in Hawaii. He is over it as he runderstood that school was more important. He's so understanding and sweet!

Sandy, Yes, I LOVE warm and sunshine!! I've decided that after Lucas graduates in three years, that Hawaii will be my new home. I just couldn't get enough of it and enjoyed it immensely while I was there.
I'm so happy that I made an impact on you. Sometimes I wonder myself if I even had advice those years ago for others to follow. I'm a lot better at it nowadays. More Divine Love in my soul, more experience under my belt and maybe a tad wiser however, I'll always be a kid!! Can't live life fully without that!

Hey Daddy-O! All is SUPER here with me. No complaints. Summer is here!! I'm trying to get back on here more and get reacquainted with everyone. I miss all of you and the little chats we had.

Sending all of you lots of Love and big huge hugs!!!
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Post by lilly »

Hi Barb,
You look fabulous, Hawaii is a place I've always wanted to visit. It's wet and cold here today....well a little chilly.
Love lilly xox
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Post by peacockplume »

Hello everyone,
Nice to see you Daddy-O,,,,and to meet Ruth,,,,and hi to Barb again. and so great to see both Debs again....

wow,,,that was a good page or two read there,,,,

Thanks for sharing everyone,,,,I got a picture of busy little bees,,,returning to the hive with wonderful food/news,,,,

from the food recipies to 'visitors' turning on tv's and moving to AU and visits to Hawaii....

wonderful news was an excellent 'break' sitting in the coffee house and catching up...

I'm saving for a trip,,,,I need to do a small one to Calgary first and see my new great nephew,,,and another one making an appearance about the 20th of this month...

Laura is now on the road again with her husband,,,,I do talk to her frequently and she now has a laptop with her,,,and can get some msgs sent out....IF she's in's a new experience for her...

so while they drive all over the US,,,,they're looking for where they want to move to

well apparently June 1 was the last day people can travel over the Canadian/US border without a passport....

honestly,,,,here we are,,,,working energetically on being more in oneness and it's harder just go over the boarder....

Must really tick off those 'bingo' players,,,,bus trips I heard were alot of fun (I never went on one)....but now they all have to get passports just to cross the border.....

oh well,,,,perhaps one day,,,,the borders will be 'friendly' again...even no borders....control, control, control.....

Oh by the way,,,,I've actually had 30 degrees Celcius for this last week..
it'll go down to 25 today,,,,,high 80's for F....and just comfortable....

oh and before I forget,,,,,

Pet.....have you heard of a plant called Pennyroyal.????

the fleas and other insects really hate it.....and you can sprinkle it around your'll drive those fleas right out....

another thing I used one time,,,,was a plant product,,,and it wasn't harmful to people or animals,,,,but it drove the fleas out also...

someone brought over a Sammy puppy once,,,full of fleas and I didn't know till the pup was in my dog runs with mine....great....well what could I I got some of this plant stuff (and I'm sorry I can't think of the name of it),,,,I powerdered the dogs and sprinkled it all over the runs...

no more fleas,,,,the dogs lived.....and I didn't have to exterminate with dangerous chemicals...

so the next time you're shopping,,,,try a garden centre and look at labels.....for outdoor bugs and such,,,and you'll find 'fleas' listed somewhere...

Hubby comeing home again today,,,,and he doesn't go back till next Wed..... practically a if I went down there,,,we could go to Niagra Falls,,,,not too far from where he's working...

and on the 'work' side.....I've been tackling the nettle again....I should have been doing it a month ago,,,,,but I was rather busy getting ready for out 'gathering' I never got at the nettles....until this week...

last night after supper I went out....oh my,,,every one I pulled,,,the pollen was just a flying...oh great,,,,here I am trying to get rid of it and all I'm doing is re-seeding....

well,,,I'm prying out the iris' also at the same time,,,I have this little tool that just lifts them out,,,so that part is easy,,,,but it's going to take alot of slow and steady work to get the nettle roots....rooted out...I'll have to get Laura back up here to help me.....fall sounds about right....

Take care everone....

love and blessings to all...
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Post by Sandy »

HI All! :hithere
Hey PP, I had a feeling it was nettle time again and was wondering how you were faring...Please go easy on yourself...I know you need to get rid of the buggers but it isn't worth another shoulder injury. Maybe you could go into the nettle tea business or something. :lol: Okay...that wasn't funny...wish I were around to help you though! I love a good gardening challenge!

You and Allan have a wonderful time together this week. I have been in the Niagra area. Gosh it is gorgeous there. Of course it has been fifteen years or so so I imagine some things could have changed.

Hi Barb..Yes you definitely helped thing in particular...You spoke of something that you did way back then when using the AC..It involved the part where you stepped into the light after the shower. You suggested to this new ac student (me) to maybe try to feel it as God's love pouring down into you. I did and it had an immediate affect on me and to this day I still like that part the best when working in my AC. :D One thing that has always been evident is how loving and supportive all your posts always are. Even when someone degraded in a haughty way your choice of spiritual path. Gosh I respected that! (As for myself, I was spitting nails for you and Geoff too! :roll: ) Yep...ready to rumble... :oops:
Ah well...hopefully I am growing too. Still have a bit of a short fuse sometimes though...

Well I had better take a break and get this parrot, my Lacey off my head. We are sharing some bonding time and my head now feels like a pin cushion again. Gosh hope she doesn't have fleas! :shock:

Pet, how's it going? Are the fleas history now?

Oh PP will you tell Laura hello when you speak to her next. We miss her here but I smile everytime I think of her on the road with her hubby. :bike:
Love to all,
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Post by peacockplume »

Mornin Sandy and everyone,,,

Ah yes Sandy,,,,it is nettle time....and you know it is sold in health food stores....and if I started harvesting it when it starts to come up,,,it might not be so bad....I could actually keep a couple of patches to harvest,,,but the patch in my Iris garden is beyond ridiculous...

After the first go down there I thought,,,ok I can feel the tightness and knots building now,,,so I went in the hot tub first then gave myself a treatment with the vibrational tuning forks....actually I do that at least once or twice a day....and I can really feel the difference...

I did give myself a couple of days rest though and went back out yesterday and did maybe 3 times as much,,,,and thought ,,,OK now lets see what I did the same thing with the hot tub then the tuning forks,,,,and it's really amazing...

I mean I know we learn about being 'vibrational' beings,,,but it's the show and tell that is 'confirmation''s like it steps up any other modality used with them....incredible....

Barb,,,,it seems like everyone in my family has gone to Hawaii,,,but me.
so I'm hoping to get there sometime soon too....I'm afraid I might go into hiding though and never come back...

have a lovely morning everyone,,,or evening,,,wherever we all are...

love and blessings
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I'm picturing you with the nettles, ouch!! :sword: Nice thick gloves... been thinking of you quite a lot lately, actually all of you on the board. All the study has the head whirling....even the younger ones find it hard going. The way the manuals are written makes it confusing. Teachers were just shaking their heads too. lol :D
Well, I've been listening to Peggy Lee as I study at home and am getting to know a lot of songs.
It's my grandson's 2nd birthday tomorrow so I'm off to buy some presents right now. Usually have everything done before this... :roll: Never mind he will be happy tomorrow at his birthday lunch...
My brother has a new found zest for life since he withdrew himself from heavy drugs after 30+ years, he had a divine intervention when he thought he was dying one night. You know it was after I posted for healing for him here. He takes photos of birds and I asked him had he seen any eagles down on the river...he said never. About a week later there it was.....actually there was three of :lol: Last night I visited him and he looks so much better. A lot of his friends are passing away which is so awful....not all addicts are thieves and some of them are ordinary people who work jobs and have families. The stereotyping is really bad. You know there are quite a few medical doctors and nurses who are registered addicts. I feel blessed that I didn't go down that road as a lot of my friends did. So many of them are in spirit now.
I love everyone here and feel so close to you all. Sandy, Pet, Gypsie Deb, Aqua Deb, Laura, Daddy-O, Ruth. I may have forgotten someone...
During an assessment my mind was blank and I just couldn't remember what to do on databases.....I asked for help and quickly retrieved the information from somewhere...was so thankful!! Aum.
Love always lilly xoxox LUV2
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lilly,
Glad to hear your brother is on the mend...bless his heart!!!

it is a shame what we sometimes have to witness,,,and as much as I feel a heavy heart about it....I also realize that for some strange reason,,,that it's their journey....they'll just be taking a little longer to get to the same place in the end....but they will get there...

Did I tell you about the time I had to write a pesticide test???

depending on your score whether you got a 1 or 5 yr license,,,,and I'm horrible with tests....but we all studied like crazy....I was positive that I wouldn't be able to figure out the formulations and flunk....and I read that Hematite helps with 'math' the whole time I studied I had a piece of hematite in one hand....and during the test too....

the other 4 girls thought I was crazy,,,but I was the only one who got the 5 yr licence....then they just thought I was weird...

well,,,,6 ATV's just rolled out of next door going on an overnight ride...

they lined up on my neighbours front lawn and I took pictures for them.

then as they drove out the gate I put the movie thing on it....

they'll be home late tomorrow night,,,and I hope they have a really good'll be a feast with the food I saw everyone taking....everything from beans and weiners (bratwurst) to corn on the cob and chicken...
they certainly don't tough it out too much,,,,

hope everyone is doing well !!!!!

love and blessings
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Everyone,

I just saw PP's post on the circle of light thread in the prayers section...
but now I have another 'emergency'....

I mentioned on the secret thread that Allan was going for an ATV ride,

well on the way back he said he had a funny feeling that something was going to happen,,,,,so he hung way back,,,,was the last in line....and there was an accident....(less than 2 km from home)..

as they crested a hill apparently a dog ran out onto the road,,,there were 5 bikes ahead of allan....and so much dust nobody could see anything...

by the time he crested the hill,,,he just saw a jumble....and he had to head for the ditch and baled off his bike....he's not hurt bad,,,a damaged wrist but not broken...

but Cliff is in very serious condition,,,,when he hit his brakes he went over the top,,,,,he has a collapsed lung,,,,many broken ribs and sternum,
we're not sure if his own bike rode over him or not....

it's taken them over 5 hrs to get him stabilized enough to be able to take him down to Victoria to the hospital,,,,he's on his way now....

Please send prayers for his highest good....

thank you everyone,

The ATV outing she spoke of earlier seems to have had a major accident.
I ask everyone who reads this thread please pray for Cliff and all who are injured in this tragic accident.

With love,

Dearest Lilly, hope your grandson's second birthday was a blessed event for all of you. You are the best grandma in the world so I suspect even if there were a few last minute hitches, that he will love you all the more!

I am thrilled your brother is doing so well. Thank you God!
:kiss: Sandy
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Post by gypsie »


I am praying for you all, I will light a candle now to send the light...

Much Love Gypsie
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Post by ruthnfla »

Me too! Sending love and healing!
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Post by gypsie »

Hello All

PP I have read the updates on Alan's wrist and his self healing well done there sister! And great news Cliff will have a full recovery I liked the way you said it will be a long one :D maybe not hey with all the healing sent his way,

Now PP why on earth would people cross a border to play Bingo? :scratch: that has really confused me! Harry likes to watch the American\Canadian border control show, personally I cry at times if I watch it with him. There seem to be so many people from Mexico ect who just want a fair go in life, it breaks my heart to see their faces :(

Now Gang do you remember a couple of years ago I mentioned Hawaii as a middle point to meet up? Gosh look how wonderful Barb looks and I LOVE HAWAII I swear i saw the most beautiful man on earth there.

Not in a check him out kind of way but in the early 90's I went to Hawaii and fell asleep to the sound of Australian voices around me, I was even told the sand was brought in from Aus?

Anyway I woke up and this God like dark man came out of the water my jaw just dropped and his towel was next to me, imagine I slept thorugh him putting his towel next to me :duh That has only happened to me once in my life to just look at the beauty of the human he was beautiful beyond belief, well that is part of my story about Hawaii girls :oops:

We are all flue here today Jack was tested again for swine flu as he is still sick after 3 weeks, so another week at home but this time I get Billy as well until the 18th when the results come in. The High School they attend had the highest number of students absent today in their history. I'm sure it's just the winter flu and refuse to get caught up in the mania the media creates but the Doctor did 6 tests by 12pm today. Seems to never end at times in our home but I just look at it as having a big family and stuff happens.

Hope your doing well with all the assiginments Lily it must be hoting up by now? Tafe is really hard work and I take my hat off to you, soon we can taste Sandy's corn bread.

Hi Aqua Deb so cool to read your post you look so happy, Jack has your crow hanging in his bedroom window, we've lost the black and white tail but never mind the crow looks great tailless .

Ok it's late at night time to sleep :happy

pleasant dreams everyone lots of love Deborah :happy
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh Hi Dear Ladies (and any lurking gents)....

oh yes,,,,time for a sit down in the 'secret coffee shop'

I just had a flash memory,,,,of sitting at an outdoor cafe up in the Swiss alps....the building is made of large granite blocks and they're warm on bare feet....there's a huge stone railing that goes out over the steep bank,,,,,but most of all,,,,I see all these tables,,,covered with sparkling white cloths,,,,the sun is warm and a gentle breeze keeps us cooled off...

and the VIEW,,,,is breath taking.....deep valley below covered in beautiful green,,lush,,,,grass,,,,but the mtn peaks still way far above are still snow covered,,,,holding their majesty.....

this is where I'm sitting today,,
so take a break with me please,,,,just for a few.....

thank you for all your healing energy and prayers for allan and cliff,,,

they are both doing well.....

we worry so often for others,,,and spend valuable time in meditation sending healing....

are we remembering ourselves????? we need to....

Dear Deborah,,,

I'm just as confused as to the Bingo and crossing the Border,,,,I guess everyone has their fun in their own ways....I've never seen the 'border control show' you spoke of.....hmmmm don't think I'll look for it either...

wouldn't it be great if there could be a show about the spiritual side of life?

well,,,,thinking about it ,,, I guess there are a few out there,,,but not what I'm dreaming up,,,,and if I can figure out how to present it I'll have a new job.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think this Swine Flu is being way 'over done',,,,,it seems to be a way of keeping the public in FEAR.....we already have many flu's that do alot of damage,,,,,the elderly and the young,,,,,super bugs in the hospitals,,,,
they've overused antibiotics so much that nothing helps anyone anymore.

In emergencies,,,,,eat alot of fresh's a natural antibiotic ,,,there's so much out there naturally,.,,,that if we were taking care of ourselves properly,,,,we'd have good immunity....

oh I'm just blathering on....

time for me to head to the kitchen and bring out some refreshments...

then I'm just going to sit here,,,in the sun,,,watch the clouds make angel shapes and float down the valley.....

I was hoping the picture of the peacock I just put up for an avi,,would show the beautiful colours,,,,it's a sort of 'stained glass' but not a true one, but it's really beautiful....I'll try to get some different light on it and try it again...

I have a beautiful one of a 'white peacock',,,,but it's on the downstairs computer and I haven't 'shrunk it' yet...

have a good day everyone...

love and blessings
Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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