A Ball of Light

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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A Ball of Light

Post by TheDoveLady »

I want to speak of something that happened to me and my husband Bob. We were going through a difficult time in our life and Bob was out of work, we were staying by the week in a hotel, we were almost out of money, and Bob was losing his memory of even who he was for periods of time.

Each time this happened Bob would not know who he was or where he was, and each time it happened I had to tell him again all of that information. One time it happened for the fifth time that same day and I was just at my wits end. This time instead of telling him who he was and waiting for his memory to come back to him, I just pointed my finger at him and said "Come out of him in the name of Jesus".

Well I saw nothing, felt nothing coming from me, but Bob was visibly affected. He told me over and over again how that a ball of light had came out of my hand when I pointed at him and went into his head and out the back of his head and apparently he was seeing from outside his body in order for him to see this happening that it came out the back of his head. I did not see this at all but I was sure that he saw what he said he saw because he was so visibly affected. And he was back to knowing who he was also but he looked at me and said "Who Are YOU" like I was some kind of being who could throw balls of light.

Bob did change after this experience. Before he had been rather harsh and was a in-charge person who did not vent his feelings and showed no emotion. Now he started to cry very easily over anything that he saw on television which was emotional. He even went up to a girl in a wheelchair when we were at a flea market, and he ask her if he could lay his hands on her to pass on to her healing energy. He was very caring of others moreso than before and even with his failing health and loss of memory, he was very obviously trying to be a kinder person.

I don't tell many people about this because it is unbelievable to so many and it sounds like I am trying to brag that I can throw balls of light or something. This only happened once and I feel like it was something that needed to happen, but the truth is that I am really rather confused about what happened and I did not set out to do this. It just happened. I really wish that I had actually seen it but for some reason I guess I was not suppose to see this as it happened.

Anyone who has had or heard of any experience like this, I would like to hear from you.

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Post by MichelleP »

Hello Grace,

It sounds like you and your husband are very close. It also sounds like you helped to release him from his pain. Whatever he is holding back that has maybe caused him this illness he trusted you and you with his best interests at heart helped set him free. Not totally but enough to help him be more the person I am sure he wanted to be. In any event thanks for sharing your story. It was beautiful.

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Post by TheDoveLady »

Thank you for your words of wisdom on this. Bob did turn over
all decision making to me after this. He was on the decline and
he knew this. That rougher personality of his would have had a much more difficult time accepting the incapacity he experienced at this time of his life.

Bob was unable to work again and I needed to increase my ability to remain calm and not panic. This following syncronicity happened after this. We would walk a lot on the streets just to keep from being in the hotel room so much and sometimes also we would go to the beach and walk the shore.

Always we found pennies on the streets and each time we would pick up the penny and say the same thing. Bob would say, "People don't even bother to pick up a penny anymore", and I would say, "Oh, its just a penny". In fact by saying these negative things, we were cursing the pennies we found and we found about an average of 5 to 10 pennies on our walks. (lots of cursing)

Then one day I thought, as we were finding yet another penny while walking down the street, " Why should I curse that penny and not think some more encouraging thing about the penny. So I said to myself, "If Bob can find a penny he can also just as well find a dime or a quarter". Then Bob, not knowing my thought suggested that we walk on the beach so thirty minutes later found us at the beach.

Bob goes running across a rather large area of sand, deep sand hard to even walk in and he stops and calls to me. I make my way to him and find that he is holding a dime and a quarter which he found when he had stopped which were just laying on top of the sand easy to see. I was so suddenly inspired for I knew then that my thoughts, my decision to just bless a penny, was heard and this was like a sign to me that we were not alone in our troubles we were experiencing. That little bit of faith I exercised over that penny built up into more and more faith. The way out of our troubles at that time presented itself and we found a way of living that was doable where Bob would not have to work but accept an early retirement. Everything fell into place like magic for us after this when before circumstances had been very dire.

I sometimes reflect on this or tell someone who needs a shot of faith about how we can just make a decision to bless something as ordinary as a penny and nothing we think to be be thankful for is too small to count as an exercise of faith that will be noticed and rewarded. Life can throw us some bitter times, but there will always be something we can find to be thankful for and to bless no matter how small a thing.
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Post by jub jub »

Wow, that was very inspirational. I really believe in the power of attraction and that we can affect our reality.

Thanks for sharing.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Grace,
I don't know how I missed your post. What a great message it contains.
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Post by lauriegrove »

Hi Grace,
I don't know how I missed your post. What a great message it contains.
Love lilly xx Hi There!
Yah its nice :lol:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

My son used to have balls of bright light come from his hands when he did a hands on healing. Sadly, nowadays his attention is quite short, the older he gets.
But the other day while I was ill and he saw the discomfort on my face, he laid his hands on me and straight away I drifted to sleep. I'm still a bit off, but the flu has abated a lot.

Very cool experience Grace! Made me go all tingly, thanks for sharing that.

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Laurie..Thanks for bringing back this Thread. I missed it both the first and second time around and it is a goodie... Welcome! :)

Wonderful posts and message Grace! :happy
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by Pictsprite3 »

I also had an experience with the ball of light coming from my hand. I have been looking for any info on this subject and I am so glad I came across this post! My daughter saw it happen but I just saw a burst of light and smelled static electricity smell. I thought a light bulb blew out but it was still lit.
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by George »

Hello Pictsprite3,

Welcome to the 11:11 MB.

Shaking hands with one of my psych lecturers used to create a visible spark that left a burn mark on my hand that would take weeks to clear, but you are talking about something bigger than that, I take it.

Sometime in the 1990s some friends of mine were meditating when an explosion made the door of a cupboard fly open.
Towels and bedlinen were all over the floor. It was the result of an "oversupply" of energy some highly placed Celestial soon apologized about.

That's what your post made me think of.

Our nearest "cousins" in the Celestial world (the 11:11 Planetary Helpers or Midwayers) are electrically energized.

God bless...
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by Sandy »

Hi Pictsprite3,
As you may have seen from how few people speak of this ball of light experience, what happened to you was quite unusual. It had to have been quite a shock to you, but one with an explanation (physical or spiritual ) behind it that will be discovered without a shadow of a doubt some day. Even should it turn out to be a celestial "misfire" as George was talking about in his post, that is proof in the pudding that you are known, loved and cared for by those On High... and you can't put enough value on that kind of knowledge. :D
I was just curious...do you work in the healing field or do you have healing tendencies? I am just wondering in relation to The Dove Lady's experience. :scratch:

It's wonderful to have you on the board! Welcome! :hithere
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by Pictsprite3 »

I have not talked much about this at all since it happened. My daughter saw it actually happen. I was going though a lot at the time just as Dovelady had mentioned. I had reached my limit... set a grocery bag down. And there was this BRIGHT flash of light and the smell of static.. or ozone.. I thought a light bulb had burnt out becuase that is common when I am irritated or overwhelmed.When my daughter said the light came from my hand, I didn't know what to think. I don't speak much of this to anyone because no one would believe me. As far as healing goes... I use to take my friends migranes away when we were kids, went to massage therapy school and have a level one Reiki.. I am wanting to go through all the levels. As a child I had what my mother called an irrational fear of being abducted by aliens... and travel in dreams and speak to guides is the best way I can explain it. I will have to share one of them . they really tend to stick with me. The one that sticks with me the most I had when I ws 8.I dremt I was walking throught the woods at night. It was my favorite pplace the woods. and I was following a bright bluish white light. I followed it to it source and I saw something that was humbling and intimidating and beautiful all at once. It was an elderly Native American woman wearing a cloak made of owl feathers. the light was coming from her it was pouring from her. Especially her eyes. she was ditting in a tree that had trunks growing in three directions. Kind of perching. She looked me in the eye and I woke up.She scared me yet I felt it was more because of the intensity of her energy. She was not bad in any way nor did she mean me harm. I have a lot of questions and feel I can speak to no one.. for fear I won't be believed. But mostly my guidance has come from my dreams. And coincidences. I am just so glad i found this place while looking for similar stories.. it makes me feel much more sane. <3
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by Pictsprite3 »

I forgot to mention the woman also had the face of an owl...a beak..the eyes large yet human.. but beamong this light like headlights.
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by George »

It's interesting that in a discussion with The Scribe of Damascus there were noted Five types of Spirit Selves (Thought Adjusters).

Taken from the top they were Eagles, Owls, Hawks, Doves and Sparrows.

Whatever The Scribe of Damascus doesn't know is not worth knowing.

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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by Sandy »

:) I suspected you might be a healer. It sounds like you carry within your body much in spiritual energy... even store it and unwittingly it becomes released at times. (The light bulb thing) I had a friend who used to fry her computers because of this...so much to the extent that I nick named her “Sparky.” What a lovely lady she was, still is, I am sure. We just lost touch, which often happens when life gets busy and people move on in other directions.

You have a lovely descriptive way of writing. I felt for a moment I was right with you as you described your dream and meeting the elder Indian Owl woman. The energy and light She emitted and with the deep way She stared at you, I wonder if She may have passed wisdom to you...even though you may not have noticed or felt it. With what George spoke of concerning spirit selves (TA's)... and with your ability to gather guidance from your dreams I bet if so, it will surface when needed and appropriate.

I am enjoying reading of your experiences, pictsprite3.
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by sammy »

I forgot to mention the woman also had the face of an owl...a beak..the eyes large yet human.. but beamong this light like headlights.
That is interesting...I have had a lot of meditations start with visions of animals transforming into "dual animals" (it starts as one animal which then takes on attributes of a 2nd animal)...most frequently I see animals that take on owl features...like a monkey or cat taking on the facial features of an owl. I always wondered what that was all about.

LOL, I also often start meditations with animal pairs kissing....the best one I recall at the moment was a pair of either horses or donkeys (can't recall clearly), kissing and one had a brides veil on. Just odd....but at the very least entertaining! I also had one with pigs flying, and 3 weeks later heard about "swine flu" on the news. That one was funny when I had it initially...seeing pigs fly really cracked me up...until I heard the news of course.

Oops...sorry...got off topic already! It sure does sound like you have quite a connection! I look forward to hearing more of your experiences!

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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by Pictsprite3 »

Sammy , many of my dreams like that have animals in them. I could just go on and on letting info loose here. and thank you Sandy for the compliment on my writing. Funny I don't much like to write. Well papers anyway. but it does feel good to get some of this out. All of my dreams in which I feel I am being instructed involve Native Americans and animals in some form or an element. And they don't often happen. But I do feel that the owl woman was sending me something energy or info. Thank you so much everyone for your input. I could just go on and on because I feel I have found a place to let it out.
Thank you :)
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by 11light11 »

Very inspiring!!!! :kiss:
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by Krystalshard »

Hello Pictsprite3,
Welcome and thankyou for sharing your experiences. I also can relate with them, and we who participate here are all very glad for the safe and loving attitude of this board. Please do share more of your insights and questions here. We will join with you on your journey.

Jean :happy
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Re: A Ball of Light

Post by Pictsprite3 »

Thank you Jean. :) :sunflower:
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