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Post by Sandy »

Hey Everyone,
PP, I could certainly use your hot tub tonight. .. mowed and weeded the property today. There is some big old tough vine that is impossible to get rid of. Although it does have a lovely dark purple blossom, it chokes everything in its path. And the dear little fella next door is highly allergic so we have been trying to keep it under control. The darn persistent stuff! :evil: Probably was around when dinosaurs walked the earth and the reason they went kapoot! It strangled them in their sleep! ( is the achey muscles talking. I know I will wake up tomorrow feeling good. (positive thinking :wink: )

I think I would like some pop corn tonight? Lacey and I love that stuff and it is a little better for us then my favorite sweet treats. Have you all ever eaten kettle corn? I bought some authentic kettle corn at a craft festival once. As the name suggested it was made in a big and I do mean BIg copper kettle. I stood in the longest line to purchase my bag and it took forever, but it was heaven and I am so glad I was patient.
So how about some kettle corn tonight and maybe some of that wonderful hot chocolate, Aqua Deb used to talk about at her former home?

Hope everyone is having a good day and evening. :hithere

Love, :kiss:
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy,
you are most welcome,,,,guess I can send an open invitation (since nobody will show up in the physical) :lol: :lol:
I'm still recovering from the 3 heavy things I did last week, although my right hand is starting to feel normal (if I can remember what normal is)
I admit, I had the most perfectly lazy day today....refused to do anything and don't have one iota of guilt floating around either...and computer work, not....just this mail....

love to you all,,,,oh yes,,,popcorn would be great....I love it...

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Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone.

Just wanted to stop in and tell you briefly, well for me anyway, what happened today. As some of you know I have been reading 'Ask And It Is Given' which goes more in depth into the Law of Attraction. About half way through the book they have about 22 processes or exercises to help you where ever you may be at in your emotional scale ranging from various degress of neggie to positive feelings. Well, I have been practicing a few of them and I had an obvious manifestation of my desires today. :) I have been wanting to build another small raised bed garden beside the one we already have but felt a little funny asking the landlord for it since he has already done so much for us. Well today he and his wife came for a visit and George and I picked them some celery to take home with them. Without a prompting from either of us he suggested we use the wood he had on a pile in the yard to create another garden beside the one we already have as well as use as much of his dirt pile as we needed. So I am rockin now! Not only do I have the fun of creating a new veggie garden which I love, but I am encouraged and hopeful that I am starting to get the hang odf this LOA. Okay may be a little early to say that...but I do feel pretty good tonight with this little simple desire of mine that is coming to pass. 8)

PP Wrote:
I admit, I had the most perfectly lazy day today....refused to do anything and don't have one iota of guilt floating around either...and computer work, not....just this mail....
Good to hear, Sis! You deserve some quiet lazy days! Take care of that body, mind and heart of yours. :thumright:

Love to all of you, :loves
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Post by lilly »

Hi Sandy,
It really does's keeping ourselves focused....your new garden made possible without you even having to say a word....I love it....
Something you love doing....and you get to enjoy the veggies....
Hi pp,
Hope you are feeling stronger after your brush with the chest cold.....
Sending you both a big *hug*
Love lilly xxxxxx :loves
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone :hithere,

I just wrote a long post on PP's Ask and it is Given thread, but wanted to stop by our international coffee-house, grab a cup of Dagoba Xocolatl hot chocolate with whipped light cream (Sandy, I'm still talking about hot chocolate from this new location as well! :D), and say a quick Hi before signing off for the night.

Sandy, how very cool that you're doing the Ask and it is Given processes and that you manifested a new garden space! :cheers:

Sher, thanks for telling us about Harmonic Wealth. After reading your description, I put a hold on it at the local library (all copies of it were checked out! :D), and just got it a few days ago and am just beginning to read it. I also rewatched the Secret again a few nights ago in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep -- I'd forgotten how much it really does lift one's vibration! :D

I recently found some gorgeous wrapping paper at a stationery store downtown, and decided to use it for holiday wrapping paper, even though it's not holiday paper, and it's also a bit early. :lol: So I bought a few Christmas gifts already, wrapped them in this fun paper, and have already put up our small artificial Christmas tree :shock: :lol:, and set the presents underneath it, so we get both the visual treat and the mood-enhancing benefit of walking by and seeing these colorful little parcels every day for the next nearly-three-months! :lol: Kinda silly, but kinda fun too, since we're basically just big kids at heart anyway! :lol: :colors: Here's a picture of it:


Today I made a recipe for butternut squash soup with chipotle chilies (smoked jalapenos) in it, which was to-die-for! It called for canned chipotle chilies in adobo sauce, which I didn't have (I only had some dried chipotles), so I looked it up online and found a recipe for making chilies in adobo sauce (a tomato/vinegar-based sauce) out of the dried ones. While I simmered them on the stove for an hour to let them build up their rich, smoky flavor, they smelled heavenly! Here's a photo of them cooking away on the stove:


Well, in the interest of staying as caught up as possible on my sleep, I'd best get going for now, but I do love stopping by here and reading what everyone's up to day-to-day, and talking with you all. To everyone I didn't mention by name, I've been enjoying and thinking about what you've written. :D

Lots of love to you all LUV2,
Aqua Deb
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Post by peacockplume »

Hiya Deb,

Wow again.....that pot of chillies almost gave me heartburn looking at it,,,

I guess you have to really have the 'stomach' for it,,,to live where such delicious foods exist....

it would be a pain for me :lol: :lol: :lol:

but the picture looked 'delicious' and I could almost smell it....

I love your little tree,,,,and yeah,,,3 months is just a tad early,,,you could have done a hallowe'en tree,,,,then a thanksgiving tree,,,then your Christmas tree.....(thanks for the idea :idea: )

otherwise,,,keep your duster handy :lol: :lol: :lol:
we have all shades of gold, red and orange happening right now with our trees,,,,a few frosty nights have really brought out the colours,,,so today I think I'll go pick up a few and decorate a bit....

have a great day everyone..
love pp
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Post by peacockplume »

I forgot to mention ...

a big HELLO from Memawlaura,

she's off riding with her hubs for a couple of weeks,,,as she says,,,

in the big truck....

sends all her love to everyone.... and she'll write when she gets back.

love pp
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Everyone,

Aqua Deb your chipoltie chilis look yummy! I like hot and spicy things...well within reason anyway. I am always a little leary of cutting hot peppers though after being burned a couple times by them. I now wear gloves if I have many to cut. I used to grow Habenaro (sp?)peppers... didn't eat them myself, but my nephew loved them so I used to can him some for his chilli and sandwhiches.

We must be on the same wavelength because I have been ready to put a little tree up too. :colors: My biggest drawback is Lacey, who would think it is her own personal bird toy. (She's a destructive little thing!) :?
The wrapping paper you found is very pretty! It sort of reminds me of the sixties for some reason. :D

PP, I love your new photo avatar. It's always nice seeing your loving face and the beautiful yellow leaves make such a nice back drop. Your home must be heavenly right now with all that gorgeous color! :D

Hello Laura! Have fun on the big truck! :bike:

{{{Hugs}}} to all of you, :loves
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy and everyone,,,

after I mentioned the colours to AquaDeb,,,I thought I better go out and try to get a few was hilarious trying to take my own picture with an outstreatched arm....(too lazy to figure out how to do the timer)

there were leaves falling down around me and I had looked up to see them when I snapped the photo...

you would have laughed at some of the ones I took though...

good thing there's a 'delete' button... :lol: :lol: :lol:

loves and blessings
pp xoxoxo
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Post by Sandy »

PP, It isn't easy is it to take a photie of yourself. You did well! You should see some of the stinkers I took of myself a while back. Got them here somewhere. :scratch: It would make you feel very good about the pics you deleted! :lol:
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Post by Sandy »

Okay..this is my first try at downloading a picture... It works! This is one of my stinkers PP! (attempt at a self photo) See... makes you feel better about your own huh? :lol: What a shocker! :shock:


As George says.."Good for a laugh!"
Sandy :oops:
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyome,
I love your new picture pp, it's kind of relaxing to watch leaves falling to the ground from really high trees, especially when you don't have to rake them up...
Sandy, I must say that's not the most flattering of poses...Lol.. :lol: :lol: have plenty of my own.....a girlfriend delights in snapping shockers which I don't find amusing....Vanity!! I've taken plenty of shots of the floor or something unrecognisable when pressing the button accidently too.
I'm glad Laura is off travelling with hubby and will look forward to her return.
Love lilly xxxx :hithere
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Again Everyone! :hithere

PP, Wow, what a gorgeous variety of fall color in your new avvie! Great picture of you, by the way, especially for taking it yourself with arm outstretched! :thumright:

Great idea, to make first a Halloween tree (that'd be really fun! :colors:), then a Thanksgiving tree, then a Christmas tree! I might have actually done that if I'd heard that idea it in time! :D

PP and Sandy, I know what you mean about needing to keep chili pepper spiciness "within reason"; I agree, PP, they can definitely get way too hot if one isn't careful! The more seeds that get left in them, the hotter they get, so I was careful to remove as many of the seeds as possible before beginning to boil them. The result was just hot enough to be pleasantly hot and spicy, but still within reason, like Sandy said. If I'd left all the seeds in, though, it might have been unbearable! :shock:

Sandy, it's a synchronicity that you also are about to put up a little tree :colors:, and that you mention habanero peppers. :D I was just reading about them the other day, and, from the description, you were quite brave to work with them (and your nephew's even braver to eat them! :shock:), because they're some of the hottest peppers around! :shock: I can see why you might have gotten burned and now wear gloves (smart idea!).

Here's what I read about habaneros the other day (in "The Spice Lover's Guide to Herbs & Spices," by Tony Hill): "This little beast is the stuff of legend in the chile world, the hottest chile that occurs naturally. It ripens to the most brilliant orange color, nature's first way of saying 'Look out with this one!' Just one of the quarter-sized chiles has given a two-gallon batch of my fresh salsa almost too much heat to bear. If Mother Nature had warning labels, this would be the first to get one. I recommend wearing rubber gloves when you work with them, and by all means, don't touch any part of your lips, eyes or face. They will get you a free ride to the emergency room if you're not careful." :shock: :shock: :shock:

The guy at the check-out counter at the stationery store said the same thing, that the wrapping paper looked right out of the 60's! :colors: It definitely does have that "retro" appeal! :D

I know what you mean about those "stinker" photos that we all have tried to take of ourselves at various times; I have several of those too! :lol: But, actually, Sandy, I like yours! :D I mean, as Lilly said, it may not be the "best" photo in the traditional sense, but it definitely has kind of an "alternative" appeal, and would be great in this type of art I've been reading about recently called "altered imagery," where you take old photos, or ones you don't like or that didn't turn out well, etc., then alter them in various ways (and the more "unusual" poses they are, it seems to enhance the avante-garde, artistic feel! :colors:).

For example, if they're regular photos, you can apparently soak them in a bleach solution, which removes the first layer (the cyan layer) of emulsion, leaving the magenta layer on top (or even soak them in liquid Drano :shock:, which has other various weird effects), then paint or color on them with magic markers, and score them with various tools to make them look old and ratty, etc. If they're digital photos, you can also alter them with various computer graphics programs, and print them out. Then you can use them as part of a mixed-media collage piece, along with other photos, miscellaneous papers, "ephemera" of all sorts, and even odds and ends from the hardware store :shock:, then put them together to make altered book covers and all sorts of art. The book I currently have out of the library on altered imagery has all sort of unusual example and creative ideas! :colors: I haven't tried any of these techniques yet, but reading about it does kinda make one want to experiment! :colors:

All right, everyone, in support of Sandy, for being so brave as to put up that photo :lol:, I'm going to put up a "stinker" photie of myself that I took just this morning, where I tried to approximate the same pose as Sandy. Say, we could even have a "Stinker Photie Extravaganza", and whoever felt so inclined could post a similarly "stinkery" photo of themself as well, just for fun and laughs! :lol: :lol: :lol: Just an idea ...

Here's mine (kind of looks a little intense and almost mildly psycho, does't it? :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: You can also see that my hair's getting darker again, since I haven't henna-ed it again recently):


Lilly, I have plenty of those photos of lamps, ceilings, the floor, etc. When we were kids, my mom joked that someday we should make a whole photo album of just those kind of really bad photos, since we had so many, definitely enough to fill at least one entire album! :lol:

Laura, glad to hear you're off in the big truck with your hubby having fun! :D

Lots of love to all LUV2,

Aqua Deb
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi again All,

On second thought, actually, maybe that photie I posted isn't enough of a stinker, since I was still smiling. :lol: Here's a worse one! :oops: :lol:


Very appropriate for Halloween, no? :lol:

Okay, now for sure, noone else has to be embarrassed to post a bad photie of themself! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gotta run and boil some extra-lean turkey breasts to make broth, so I can make turkey tortilla soup, as well as a Thai soup called Tom Ka, a spicy soup with coconut milk (though I'm using fat-free half-and-half with coconut extract instead. :lol: It actually works pretty well! :D), lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and galangal root (which I recently bought and was surprised at how strong and downright medicinal it smells, although it adds a nice tang to food!). In fact, I believe I can put a couple of my newly-brewed chipotles in adobo sauce into each of these recipes, to good effect! :D

Lots of love to all LUV2,
Aqua Deb
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Post by lilly »

Hi AquaDeb,
They would be good for Halloween..Lol with the black and red hair like Ozzie Osborne...Lol
I can only handle a certain level of heat in chilli dishes..your food photo's looked inviting...yummy
This morning I decided on the spur of the moment to get my cat desexed..he's been getting a little too frisky....I mean't to do it ages ago and kept putting it off....Little Phoenix will have had his operation by now and I pick him up in the morning...he's so loving and soft with the children and a great companion for the dog...they play hide and seek together..well sort of.
It must be a day to do things I've been putting off...went and set up an account for my new make up and beauty business...when the training finishes and I'm feeling able to handle it properly. My confidence was zilch dealing with the outside world ...but improving now as I meet new happy, empowering people.
Love you
lilly xxxxxx
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Post by peacockplume »

oh you ladies are funny today,,,,haven't had so many chuckles in a long time....

Sandy :shock: that's Sandy :shock: :shock: no way,,,,honestly before I read your post I thought, now why did she put a picture of her son on there....

since it's hallowe'en (shortly),,I'll try to downsize one for an avi,,,but I can't upload it....and I'm not ready for a lesson in an avi will do and you can all laugh uproariously,,,,

I'll come back in awhile and change it....

meanwhile,,,,,carry on,,,carrying on everyone with whatever we're doing,,,,,enjoy,,,be happy oh yeah,,,,and keep breathing.....better yet,,,keep laughing...

love pp
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Post by Sher »

Hello Everyone,

I wish I could get on here more often and be more of the conversation. We have so much going on right now.

My husband, Gordon, and I are in the process of starting two, yes I said two :shock: , businesses. And yes, we are crazy, what's your point? :lol:

The first one, G-Cubed Productions is an in-home recording studio. (Gordon's initials are G.G.G. G-Cubed, get it? :lol: ) He is a composer himself and wants to help local up and coming musicians who can't afford the big corporate recording studios. We will also be available for audio books and any other small scale recording. We hope to be ready for clients after the first of the year.

The second business will be Sher Grotts Designs. I've been an artist and designer for years but strictly on a freelance basis. Mostly I've done painting and computer graphics. Soon I will be starting in a new medium, polymer clay. At first I'll start with small things like drawer and cabinet hardware, small wall tiles but eventually I plan to do 3D wall mosaics/murals.

We're both very excited. We pray for God to keep us on the right path and this all feels right on. We're looking forward to all the opportunities to give back that these businesses will afford us.

I'm a member of the Soroptmists, a philanthropic organization of business women who do charity work in support of women and children. I also volunteer at the local food bank once a week.

Between all of that, keeping up with the house, my plants, my cats (Boris & Natasha), making sure I workout and meditate everyday, finding time to get on here is a luxury. I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, I'm not, my life is the best it's ever been and I love it! :D

Aqua Deb: I googled Capitola, CA. As the crow flies, we live less than 50 miles apart. Small world, huh? BTW: Your little tree is adorable. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!:santa: It is the only holiday I decorate for but I decorate every room in the house. I put every thing up the day after Thanksgiving.

I'm especially excited for Christmas this year. It's our turn for our son, Matthew, and his wife, Emily, to come to our house for the holiday. They live in Phoenix, AZ. Last year they went to her mother's for Christmas and here for Thanksgiving. Of course, I want them here for all the holidays but I know I have to share. That will be even more difficult once the Grand-babies start arriving. (They just got married this past April)

I've felt like I've gotten to know all of you a bit more by reading your posts and so I thought I'd let you know a little bit about me. I'm looking forward to getting know all of you better.

Love to all,
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Everyone...

Our ADLS is Kapoot so we are on a single motem now and have to take turns on the computer for awhile till we get a new machine...

Sher, I loved hearing about your busy life. :D Thanks for sharing with us. It is how we get to know each other. .. Little bits here little bits there until the next thing you know...we all feel like we have all known each other forever. :D Best wishes for both of your businesses. I pray they are a booming success and are everything you dream them to be! :cheers:

You too Lilly, you are my inspiration...letting go of your fears and getting out there tell you the truth I am a little afraid of the outside world too since I moved here. Some old insecurities have resurfaced but I am tackling them slowly but surely. (well...hopefully)

How's dear little Phoenex after his opperation? Poor little guy may be a little sore, but he'll be better for it in the long run. My little kitty back in Ohio used to play with our golden receiver too. One time, in comes the dog chasing the cat through the house, which lets face it seems sort of normal...then the next time in comes the cat chasing the dog. :shock: They were so cute playing together...good buddies!

Aqua Deb, I laughed myself silly at your post and the accompanying photos! I love em..especially the last one with the red and orange hair...and now that you mention it yes it does have a sort of Psycho look about it. :geek: sort of like a young female Vincent Price. Do you remember his old movies. He always played some crazed hypnotist and his eyes did this funny thing for the camera! :lol:
I like the idea of the "Stinker Photie Extravaganza", Oh it felt good to laugh...I need to do more of that...
I have never heard of "altered imagery"...but it sounds like it would be very interesting and fun to attempt. I have a feeling as creative as you are you could come up with some wonderful pieces. :wink:

I have to admit it wasn't the habenaro, thank goodness, that burned me. Luckily, it was jalepinos(forgive me, my pepper spelling is atrocious!) and hot hungarian wax peppers. Both are hot and hurt like crazy, but not even in the same contest as the "H"'s I suspect. I have heard that sorenno (not sure about spelling there either..) are close to the H's but for me...I am content with the milder hot peppers now.
I used to can my own Tabasco sauce. I love doing odd things like that. sort of fun and in a way a creative outlet.

PP, I am looking forward to seeing your latest photographic works! :lol: How are you doing lady? Are you recovered from your ailments and poor old overworked muscles? Did you ever get your wood chords moved where you want them? Take it easy and a little bit at a time, okay? Easy for me to say...I know when the work is totally dependent on you to get done you haven't much choice...I'll send you some love from across the sea...actually sending love to all of you...You guys really brighten my days. :sunny:

{{{HUGS to all you lovely People}}}
Sandy :kiss:
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Post by peacockplume »

Good day to all,,,,
I almost got caught up in thinking what time it was everywhere for everyone... :lol: :lol: (Sandy should be still sleeping)...

well,,,my batteries in the mouse for the upstairs computer were I had to charge them,,,,and I just looked at the charger and the green button is still not the hallowe'en photo is delayed...

Hopefully I've learned a lesson on 'moving' wood....or anything else heavy.....I had to carry Sebastian downstairs and that put my neck out...
I just wasn't thinking.....but I am now....

I'm just so thankful the hot tub is up and's getting it's lost time caught up very quickly these days....

mild exercise is one thing......thinking you can still do what you did at 40 is quite another.....

I haven't done one of those 'pepper' tricks either in a long time,,,so thanks for the reminders.....and I do love jalepeno's also....

Sher, that's just wonderful what you are both doing,,,,expressing your cool....

like you,,,I love Christmas too,,,and do the same thing,,,,decorate every just doesn't feel right to walk into a room with nothing Christmassy in it when you go all out everywhere else....

we have our Thanksgiving in usually I get to do a bit of fall decorating,,,,start bringing the colours out,,,,then keep adding till my birthday on the 30th,,,,and end up with a hallowe'en/birthday party.....

this year I had to give up on raking up the beautiful golden dry leaves and stuff my bags,,,,but I'm kind of really enjoying seeing empress tree has really huge leaves too,,,but they're still very green even though they're dropping now....

then as soon as Hallowe'en is over,,,I start with getting the Christmas stuff out...... I have a room where all the boxes go (since they're stuffed up in the attic),,,so I can sort as I go.....and I don't think I labelled the boxes last year,,,so I might have a bit of difficulty finding my christmas curtains that I made a few yrs ago...

you're very lucky to have your family at your house this you remember yourself,,,every year going to your Mom's or Grandparents,,,then having to do the inlaws the next year???? then wondering.....when you were going to be able to have them all come to your house.......

I honestly think that when the kids grow up, marry,, and live on their own,,,that they should start hosting the holidays and having both sets of parents come to their house.....

I always found it 'the middle ground' and solved all the 'push and pull' feelings....

but times change don't they,,,and it's not like everyone always stays in the same towns they grew up in,,,,and distances are hard to travel sometimes....(especially for us older folks - meaning me)...

that's wonderful that you're not very far from AquaDeb,,,,someday you'll probably get to see her artwork...

she has a web site,,,,which she posts for us every now and then...
(hint, hint Debs).....

Good Luck on your businesses....

AH ! here comes my chimney sweeps to clean the chimney....tonight I can have a nice fire...

love and blessings to everyone...
Daily Affirmation:
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Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,
A crackling fire sounds wonderful! Well maybe not tomorrow. I think it is supposed to get very hot here tomorrow. We have certainly had some changeable weather lately.

You take at easy and enjoy your birthday... Absolutely no carrying anything heavy up and down the stairs unless it is a whopping big birthday cake! :) (I made a cake last night and George and I will eat a piece of it in your honor! The least we can do! :wink: :lol: )
So get out there and get in your hot tub, relax eat bon bons.. do exactly what your heart desires today! I started you a birthday thread in Misc. I sure hope everybody sees it... Anyway, my dear, I just wanted to thank you for all the time and love you have given each of us over the course of the last couple years. You have made a huge difference in our lives simply by you being you...our caring friend and sister. Thanks sis!

You are very much loved you know! :kiss:
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Post by peacockplume »

Thank you Sandy,,,
That was the best birthday present I could have received,,,the love you two send.....and sharing your cake too,,,,how great,,,and I get the benefit of no calories.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

since it's now Hallowe'en (your time) in the wee wee hrs....I'll sneak some of that cake over to the misc thread and share it there....

won't George be surprised when he gets up and sees it 'gone',,, :wink:

all yesterday I thought it was going to rain,,,,the smell of water in the air was really heavy,,,but it didn't drop....but the heavy clouds are still here, so not sure what weather will bring today....I'll hope just a bit of sun pops out.....

I moved two appts up from tomorrow to today since I have to drive to Vic tomorrow to pick up allan....and I might go early and sit in on our Thurs dev class....then tonight two ladies who usually come to my place on Tues,,,are coming I'll have some very enjoyable company....

thanks so much for your good wishes and advice,,,,I will take it with love....and spoil myself today....maybe buy a new crystal.....I'll see if one speaks to me today at the store....

love to everyone
pp xoxo
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, all!
Excuse me while I finish giggling. Couldn't sleep, so decided to pop in for a little catch up.

Most of the photos of me are on vacation. Doesn't matter which decade, Dave always seems to get a wide angle pic of my butt! :shock: Probably have enough to fill an album. :roll:

Yes! The second one is much better! :roll

Well, better try again to get some sleep. Thanks for the pick-me-up!

Love to all!
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Post by lilly »

Hi pp, Sandy, Kim, AquaDeb,
I've been having a strange time of it.....can't seem to go anywhere socially where I don't get 20 questions about my personal life from someone who has no real reason to know.....How do you deal with this....I mean real personal stuff.....I'd never dream of doing that to anyone...and find it irritating....Lol
Any takers......haha Am I like that silently or that's why it happens to me.....grrr it annoys me. Lol
I think I'm tired and having a whinge.....blah blah blah....
Love lilly xxxx :lol: :lol: :lol:
Glad you enjoyed your birthday dear pp. xxooxxox
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
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Post by Seeker13 »

I've been having a strange time of it.....can't seem to go anywhere socially where I don't get 20 questions about my personal life from someone who has no real reason to know
Dear Lilly,
Perhaps others have noticed a change in you? Are they asking purely out of curiousity, or in a probing nosey way?
.....How do you deal with this....I mean real personal stuff.....I'd never dream of doing that to anyone...and find it irritating....Lol
Maybe it's time you be just as candid, :shock: asking why they feel the need to know about you?
Any takers......haha Am I like that silently or that's why it happens to me.....grrr it annoys me. Lol
Only you know how you are with others. For me, working with kids, I often have to take a stark look at my own behavior. Instead of asking, "Why is everyone giving me such a hard time?!!" I need to ask, "What is it that I'm doing that affects their behavior?" or even more importantly, "When is the last time I laughed with them?"
I think I'm tired and having a whinge.....blah blah blah....
I'm not quite sure what a WHINGE is! But it sounds like you've answered your own question. Lilly your feelings are important... sometimes we reach a saturation point when we need to be heard. Again, only able to speak for myself, when I'm out of sorts with the rest of the world it's usually because I've not taken the time to do anything specifically for me. This is the time I need to be a little selfish, be creative, take a nap, have some fun, or maybe simply be just plain lazy for a day or two.

To be perfectly honest, if I don't recognize this within myself, those around me will suffer. :|

I hope this speaks at least a little to what you were asking and not only to my own weirdness I've been feeling lately.:geek:

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Post by lilly »

Thanks Kim......I don't think I'm that interesting really....others seem to think so......I've been more assertive and said 'Is it a need to know thing' this seems to do the trick......Lol
Thanks for you're help.
Love lilly xxxxxx :D
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
~ In the welfare of others I will find my own prosperity ~ Yogananda
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