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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone LUV2,

PP, ages ago now, wrote:What's Aqua Deb up too????? time for another novel Deb....
Greetings, PP and all the rest of you lovely beings! :D I've tried to sit down and post to this thread so many different times this month, but then gotten interrupted, or distracted, or it got too late before I could ever make much progress. However, I've been keeping up as best I can with reading this thread, and I've missed writing to you all, so I'm going give it a better try tonight, even if this means I end up having to keep it shorter than usual (though I never really seem to have a problem with that, so I imagine this post will still end up being "another novel," just as you requested, PP! :roll: :lol:)

We are apparently still recovering from this move, since we're still sleeping in late most of the time (though today we managed to get going a bit earlier, finally! :D ) and not managing to get around to doing much of anything until mid-afternoon most days :roll:, and we've been kind of drifting and feeling rather directionless, not quite ready to get re-started producing artwork again. We've now gotten library cards for the local libraries here, and I have been in kind of an introspective growth-and-study phase, reading lots and lots of books lately. I've read several books by Machaelle Small Wright in the past few weeks (who I remember Mo mentioning on this thread way back when, when we were talking about fairies. Where did Mo ever disappear to anyway?). She runs the Perelandra Garden in Virginia, USA, works extensively with nature intelligences, and is also consciously leading two different lives in two different physical bodies in two different "sister realities" at once, and has been involved in some really amazing projects and tells some mind-boggling stories! :shock: Like George's books, her accounts of all her experiences serve to really expand one's concept of what is possible! :D

I've also been reading a lot about flower essences lately. Has anyone here worked with them? If so, I'd like to hear about your experiences. Apparently, the flower essences heal the body's electrical system and the etheric body, addressing the various archetypal ways in which the human ego tends to take over and go against what the higher self knows and desires, resulting in the various emotional imbalances that tend to underlie physical illness or that, if left unaddressed, can eventually manifest as physical illness. The I Ching is especially in favor of the Bach flower essences for us, and seems to be saying we could both really benefit from using them, so I've been reading about them in particular at length. Before trying any of the actual essences so far, I got a Bach flower card deck that has a color picture of each flower on one side of the card, and a related affirmation on the other side. I've been drawing a few cards from the deck each day to see which ones tend to recur the most as an aid in helping me to self-diagnose which subset of essences would be the most relevant for me right now. It's been a very interesting process! :D

We've also managed to get into and maintain the habit of doing a chair-yoga video daily, for about the past month or so. It incorporates yoga with elements of tai-chi, chi-gung and Chinese longevity exercises that can all be done while seated in a chair. This is great for Ron with his mobility issues. At first, I started doing the exercises primarily to support Ron, but as it turns out, they are very beneficial to anyone, mobility-challenged or not, and are very relaxing and meditative, so we've both been getting a lot out of it! :D

As much as I'd like to be as positive as possible, and really follow Abraham's teachings at all times and stay focused on what I do want rather than what I don't want, I've found it difficult not to be at least somewhat concerned about the economy in its current state, which has produced a nagging inner conflict and "split energy" (rather exhausting in itself! :roll:) in the back of my mind ever since we've moved here, where there's both a higher cost of living and a better job market. On the one hand, there seems to be a reactionary, "play-it-safe" voice inside that is saying, "Hey, maybe you'd better take advantage of the job market here and play it safe and get a 'real job' for a while, with a steady paycheck, in these bad economic times! " and there's also the adventurous, progressive voice who's saying, "You've finally gotten around to making art after a lifetime of hiding your real self; don't 'sell out' now and go back to your previous 'normal, boring' mode of existence -- keep on daring to live your dream!" For now, the latter side is winning out, and our current intention is to keep on moving forward with the art. We've been reading a lot about selling art in festivals and street fairs, and the art of booth set-up and such, as well as the equipment one needs (a canopy and display materials, etc.), and may start trying this, in addition to trying to get our work into local galleries, gift shops and so on. Of course, before we can do any of this, we've got to get busy again soon and rebuild our inventory first! :roll: Time to get out "Ask and it is Given" again and work on Abraham's "Processes" for staying ever increasingly more focused on what we do want! We are both at least amassing lots of exciting ideas for new art, once we can just get up the energy to bring them into physical form! :lol:

Sandy, I remember your comment about how it'll be interesting to see whether the birds and other wildlife keep showing up and "asking" me to paint them again in this new location, like they were before we moved. So far, this does, in fact, appear to be happening here as well! :D For example, there are lots of pelicans here, and right after we arrived here and were outside looking out over the water one day, a pelican flew right in front of me, then, as I grabbed the camera, circled around twice and flew past me again as if really trying to give me a good look at him/her. Then, a week or two ago, in our continued exploration of new restaurants and coffee shops in this area (which we've now started curbing at this point, due to both the caloric and monetary expense involved! :roll: :lol:), we tried a new restaurant that was located in a somewhat rural area next to a creek and sat outside on the patio. Almost immediately,a blue jay (which we hadn't really seen since we'd moved here, since they don't seem to hang around so much right in the city) promptly showed up, hung around for a long time looking at us, then turned around in all directions to give us a good look at him/her before taking off again. In addition, the little brown birds that hang around the coffee-shop patios around here (I have some local bird books out of the library, and will have to look up what they are) seem to always stop and study me a lot too. I'm glad that this dynamic is continuing to show up here as well! :colors:

It's beginning to get late, and since I'm trying to start waking up earlier in the mornings, I'd best get to bed soon. But just a couple more things before I go, based on what I can currently remember from reading through this thread (I apologize for all the many things I'm not remembering at this moment; I hope to read through all the most recent posts again soon) ... Lilly, I'm so sorry to hear about your car accident! Sandy, I haven't forgotten about that account of my healing-circle meditation that I said I'd write up and send to George! And Laura, yes, I would love to make some art of our meditation circle once I can get started doing art again!

Sorry I still haven't yet gotten back to answering many individual posts and such, but to everyone here, and everyone I haven't mentioned by name, I love you all and you're all very important to me! :kiss: Hopefully I'll find the time and energy to post again sooner this next time around!

Much love to all LUV2,
Aqua Deb
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Post by memawlaura »

:sunny: :kiss: :sunny: Sending you healing energy Aqua Deb for both you and Ron. It seems your thirst for the knowing has kept you quite busy, but its ALL GOOD!! Dont worry yourself over this economy just remember Our Father will provide for us and we may just have to experience a little discomfort to get where were going but it will be well worth the journey.

You wrote:
Apparently, the flower essences heal the body's electrical system and the etheric body, addressing the various archetypal ways in which the human ego tends to take over and go against what the higher self knows and desires, resulting in the various emotional imbalances that tend to underlie physical illness or that, if left unaddressed, can eventually manifest as physical illness.
So I have a short circuit, my husband used to work on electronics perhaps he can do some repair :lol: :lol: . Thanks for speaking of flower's essence helping with our electrical system and etheric body. I have to tell you that I've experienced many strange occurrences this last month with electronical devices they are being very mischievious.

I'm glad you will make our circle I have just the home for it, let me know.

To all a good night and may all you all be joyful and loving.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi AquaDeb,
It's nice to see you posting......glad you and Ron are getting over the does take a while.....especially as you both had a lot to put up with right before it too....These adjustments take time.....being a fellow artist we are a sensitive lot aren't we....You'll produce some extra special works....wait and see....your creative energy will spring forth when you least expect it. Lots of Love to you both.... :kiss:
Hi Laura,
Sending you lots of Love and hugs.... :loves
lilly xxxx
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Post by peacockplume »

Yeay Aqua Deb,,,

Things started to jump off the page to me as I read your post,,,,but this one jumped the biggest...
For now, the latter side is winning out, and our current intention is to keep on moving forward with the art.
there will come a time,,,,when those in the 'light' energy,,,will be supporting each other,,,,because the economy 'won't" be able to...

so yes,,,stay focused...I"m going to pm you something from Abraham..
Memaw and I are working on it...and it's right up your alley...I know you'll recognize it,,,,,remember it,,,,,but this just really gives it a punch that you'll's about the 68 second manifesting process... Ch 21.

thanks for all the info about the Bach flower remedies,,,,I do know they're powerful,,,,I have a friend who uses the Rescue remedy even on her works...

sounds like you're doing the 'right' things for you and Ron,,,,could you send the name and info for the chair yoga....sounds great...I'd love it, because there's lots of regular yoga I can't do....

oh BTW,,,,Mo is doing just great down in Utah,,,,I speak with her occaisionally,,,and they went camping up in the mtns for sounded great...

I've visited that Perlanda site,,,,quite awesome isn't it....there'll be more of those in the future I'm sure....

small update on our Academy,,,I decided to take one of the small rooms to be able to do the foot detoxing in private for those who really don't want others to see what they're detoxing.....

I did so well at our two 'events' that I realized the small $$$ amount I needed for a 'space' there,,,,was quite within my I'm stepping out there....the other thing was that I kind of didn't want all kinds of people coming out here when I'm alone alot more than usual (although this is not forever either) now....Tranquility Base has a 'townie' office.....can't believe it really,,,,but I took in a piece of glass yesterday that stands about 6 feet tall,,,,and it had stained glass done on it about 3/4's of it.....and you'd never guess what the design is....

yep.....a peacock..... so whenever I'm there,,,,I'm going to have a visible reminder of the is the only place that I'm 'pp',,,so I'm really looking forward to 'having my own space' there,,,I can display my 11:11 books,,,,,you'd be surprised what comes up in conversation when a person is stuck in a foot bath for a half an hr....and I do so love to 'talk'... :lol: :lol: :lol: ,,, who me ??? :shock:

resting today...had a bit of a sore throat last night,,,and sinus is I'm just going to do the hot baths,,,,with some nice essential oils that will be good,,,,like eucalyptus and tea tree,,,,and let the body get rid of it....maybe I should do a detox myself....sounds like a plan...

then later on I need to make up another batch of cream,,,I just ran out...

I also made an ointment which has 'healed' some terrible cracks in one lady's heels.....I almost couldn't believe she's using the cream/lotion to keep her heels soft,,,,and I have to make more....Karen gave me some little wooden boxes,,,and I think I'll do up some 'gift' boxes,,,,with the creams and oils that I've been making....have just strained off my last batch of St. John's Wort and some Lavender...and have just noticed that my Rosemary plants have grown a good 6 inches,,,so I'll take about 8-10 inches off before winter and do some more of that...

think I need to take a break,,,,so I'm sending all my love and blessings to everyone....

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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
Just loved reading your post...I had a string of prompts with PP000, 000, 000 then 111 all in the space of a few minutes.....I posted it in Nick's thread travellin with 11.11.
I've been doing a lot of meditation.....the path is becoming clearer....
Love lilly xxxx
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Post by peacockplume »

Way to go Lilly,

I did see a post a long time ago about you seeing all sorts of strange prompts one day....

I'll have to take a look at nicks thread....

Meanwhile last night and today I've managed to get a 'head' cold,,and sinus is 'r u nnnnnnn ing.....

so I'm just checking mail and off to bed again..

love pp
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Post by peacockplume »

Hey Kim
I almost put all of this on the circle of light thread,,,then 'woke up',,,

here was my reply to your 'broken glass throat'...

The throat thing was just on the left side,,,like behind the tonsil area, I never did have mine out....but yes definitely broken glass,,,and I knew the moment 'the bug bit me',,,,,which was weird,,,cuz I was at home, not out in public,,,,but that's where I must have got it,,,and it hid out for a couple of days....

anyway,,,as soon as it did, I headed for the 'pure' Tea Tree Oil' and from AU no less,,,,pure Melaleuca alternafolia....put some on my finger and found that spot.....then started gargling with it...

Did you know that T-Tree Oil was used as THE antibiotic before penicillan came out ???

anyway,,,so the throat pain went,,,but whatever the bug left had to run it's course,,,,,fortunately I didn't have to do the nose drain thing,,,cus mine was already running a steady stream,,,,

you want a funny visual,,,,,take kleenex rolled up, stuffed up both nostrils and ta da,,,,,there was pp for 2 days,,,,actually it was only one side that 'really ran'...

so I gargled for a couple of days, took tylenol for the fever, drank alot of cranberry and blueberry/pommengranate juice,,,and ate pita's stuffed with homous....(tons of garlic) I even cut up a clove of garlic to put between my toes,,,but somehow misplaced the little baggie,,,and haven't found it yet :shock: that'll be a surprise when I do find it...

ooops,,,my computer just lost signal....we're having a bit of a storm with alot of steady rain,,,so I better send this....

actually I just realized I shouldn't be typing all this here,,,so will copy paste it to the Secret....

anyway ,,,, yes,,, I still have it....but feel great....

thanks for the love and caring ladies,,,

I hear planes flying overhead,,,,,heading for the airport,,,which is just what I should be doing...

love you all
pp xoxoxo
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I'm thinking of you and hope you'll be 100% back to normal in no time.....
You're doing all the right things...sometimes when the nose is streaming it's like crying.....if it was the left nostril it's sorrow and the right nostril, anger.....can' remember where I got that from......Also you know when people just get a single tear the same applies.....left-sorrow, right -anger.
Repressed emotions....
Take care...
Love lilly xxxxooxxx :hithere
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lilly,

for me it's left side feminine,,,,right side male....

I have no sorrow or anger,,,,and I was never one to repress my emotions....I learned about 40 yrs ago how that can make a person physically's healthy to laugh, and scream now and then...

but I can see where someone on the feminine side has been 'rather irritating' me....but it's not my stuff,,so best I let her keep it....and I'll bet you as soon as she's finished what she's going through,,,I'll clear up...toute suite...

I do have a very sore nose now though,,,blow, blow, blow,,,and yes,,,it's left side,

just draining it away... :lol: :lol:

I picked Allan up at the airport,,,then we went for something to eat then to Wal-Mart and caught the last day of the Anniversary Sale,,,I usually buy a few big bundles of T.P. and paper towels,,,,this time I got alot of different juices too,,,,I just love the blueberry/pommengranate,,,cranberry/grape/ those are the fruits I like,,,,I don't like all the citrus ones, lemon, pineapple, too much pucker power for me....

but it was driving for 2 hrs + so now I'm going to take a nap...

love and light,,,
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I still have a way to go and am in awe of you having no anger or sorrow repressed...
Love lilly xxx
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Post by peacockplume »

dearest Lilly,

no need for awe if you knew what I went through to get there....

and yet it's so simple,,,,

the problem is,,,,,we just love to hang on to,,,,what we want to let go of...

keep practising,,,,,BREATHING,,,,,and really experiencing the now,,,only... only the now....

while you focus on your breathing,,,,experience the feeling of 'energy' in every part of you,,,,and connect it to how you see 'our creator',,,source,,,
God Allah Buddah Jesus,,,,,

I AM YOU ARE WE ARE ONE...... Breathe....

love and blessings
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
You're's there for everyone who wants to choose it...Peace...
I'll have to be vigilant with my breathing......and what I'm focusing on.....sometimes it gets hard when others lives and problems enmesh with ones own. Breaking life long habits and patterns....overcoming guilt and blame....these things sink the ship....and I want to keep sailing in the right direction......Thanks for reminding me..
Love lilly xxxx LUV2
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, Everyone! :hithere
Wow, I haven't been to this thread in ages! :(

Aqua Deb believe it or not I was just thinking of you, then saw a post from you on another thread. Thought, "Ahh, she's alright." :bana:

Talking about setting aside your creativity for the practical, really struck a cord in me. I've put my creativity in the catagory as 'a reward for when I get all the messes cleaned up', or when the 'have to's' are taken care of. Last year I set that part of me aside because I had to take a year long class to get my Child Development Accreditation. It's all over(finally) but I still find that I'm depriving myself, because of all the other stuff I had to let slide is still piling up.

Last night, couldn't sleep again but was in such a foul mood, thought it best to not respond to anything here. Visited a couple of other sites that usually help me get life into perspective. It took some doing but the realization that (Ha, just saw 11:11!) I wasn't faring well emotionally and sickness wise(had the sore throat bug for a month, then a severe allergic reaction to hand lotion I put on my face this past week!) because I was suffocating the very thing part of me that helps me feel balanced. Made the decision this morning to drop a few projects that I'm doing for the sake of others, but feeling resentful about them and taken advantage of.

The crux of all this is, much of the advice given here on the last page felt as if it applied directly to me. Once again my 11er family has come though without even knowing it. Thank you so much for being who you are. I am grateful.

Did I ever tell you how much you remind me of my Mom? Not that you'd be old enough to be my Mom, but personality. The tissue up your nose was such a Mom thing. I actually visualized the garlic between your toes when you said you'd been sick. Hope you find it before its to late, you know becomes sentient and decides to take over the world. Uh, oh! there might be a story in there somewhere! 8)

Love you guys! LUV2
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Kim and hello to everyone else who takes a boo!!!!

I see slices of garlic lining up in a row,,,,,ready to march,,,,and yes I did find it,,,,,strangely enough,,,,right here on my computer desk,,,,so two pieces marched right 'you know where'......I have a girlfriend who can't say enough about the physical healing powers of garlic,,,,so when I HAD to go to town the other day I bought a container of homous and a bag of pitas,,,,I just didn't have the ambition to 'make it' myself....although I could have made probably 10 times the amount for the same price of before I get tempted to buy any more of the ready made,,,I'll see if I have any chick peas on hand and blend them up with copious amounts of garlic,,,,,heads, not just cloves,,,,lemon juice, a dash or two of sea salt,,,,,and at the moment I can't remember what else the last time we made a 'batch' but I have the recipe....I wonder if it would freeze well...

the other thing that astounded me was the tortilla's,,,which I was going to buy instead of pita's......every single brand had 'canola' in it.....I had stopped using 'anything' that has canola in it......and lucked out finding pita's that said they used only 'vegetable oil',,,,,so I guess that puts me back to square one again,,,,,and hauling out the whole wheat bin that's under my counter,,,,and making plain Indian type chapati's,,,,,simply whole wheat flour and water,,,,,,and a dollop of butter.....

the sooner we start changing our food intake,,,,,the sooner we will start eliminating all these strange allergies we have developed.....I really think alot of them is caused by the 'hidden' ingredients with the prepared food we buy.....

as you've recently discovered,,,,I personally don't think we should stifle or set aside our creativity,,,,,no matter what form it takes....

it's a huge part of our being......we do so easily get sidetracked as you said.....'doing for others' regardless of the reason.....and as hard as it is to say NO, sorry,,,, I think we must 'refocus' and take care of ourselves first,,,,,our families first,,,,, then we are more capable to help others.... I think many of us have seen first hand at what happens when we end up devoting too much time in 'other directions'....

and you know I'm not saying don't help anyone....that's not the point...

Congratulations on getting your CDA.....that was a long haul...well done!

well fortunately the 'tissue' trick was only needed the one night,,,,,however I'm still terribly 'clogged' up....

geez,,,,I guess I'm just going to have to pamper myself....and ride this one out....time for a hot bath,,,,,some aroma therapy in it....then a hot lemon and honey and cinnamon......some breakie maybe???? then back to bed for more seems,,,,the older you get,,,,the longer it takes to 'really bounce back'....

Lilly dear,,,,,,,you hit it bang on,,,,the key word being 'choose',,,,,that's what it's all about all the time.....'choice',,,,,,we face these moments every day,,,,and it's what we choose to do with them that nets our different results....
It just takes some work,,,,,,of 'catching' the moment' and choosing...

as soon as you see,,,,ooops,,,,this isn't going the way I really want,,,,then choose again......and again.......and again......until you get it.

and we do forget,,,when we get as you said,,,emeshed with the lives that interact with our own.......that's when you take that 'little' step,,,,off to the side,,,and take a look at the dynamics of the situation,,,,,from there you choose whether you want to be 'entangled' or free.....

oh there I go again.....

have a wonderful day all,,,,,I so appreciated your kindness and love and all the healing you've all been sending me....I need to get better soon,,,

love pp
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I've made you a lemon and honey drink....and sliced up some garlic..seems everyone I know at the moment has this bug.....
My friend who's an organic gardener said only malnourished plants get sick or attacked by bugs and pests.... Scientists made poison weed and pest killers instead of companion planting and feeding the soils. Anyone who resisted this was labeled 'crazy' The same goes for our bodies......if our digestion isn't right and we aren't absorbing nutrients, add food additives and other stuff like canola and vegetable oil to the equation and we have our answer. Take a look in the supermarkets....90% of that produce is tainted in some way. Sorry for raving....but people don't know what's happening to them. Children are at the mercy of their parents doesn't seem right...
Deepak Chopra says 'people can turn nectar to poison and poison to nectar' depending on their consciousness. Didn't an Indian guru once swallow all the drugs the audience had with them....including LSD and he remained perfectly ok...this was back in the 60's. Makes me wonder sometimes ...if it matters at all....what we eat...blah, blah, blah...too much to think about....
Love lilly xxxx :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lilly,

Yeah, me too
Makes me wonder sometimes ...if it matters at all....what we eat...blah, blah, blah...too much to think about....
in todays environment about the best we can do,,,,is to continue to 'Bless Our Food'....and keep what we eat as simple, and natural as possible...

(as I munch on a jelly bean).....

thanks for the drink,,,,I'm just finishing off a 'Wild Berries/Pommengranate,,,,,sure is sugar,,,all natural,,,
My friend who's an organic gardener said only malnourished plants get sick or attacked by bugs and pests
all I had to do was change the word plant to people,,,and I think I just fit that best smartenzie up here,,,,real quick....

cold weather just around the corner,,,and I love oatmeal in the winter...
and we'll hear you guys complaining about the heat soon too....

thanks Lilly,,,,much love to you,,,

blessings pp
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I've tried an organic blueberry $7.50 for a small bottle it's quite expensive...worth it though.... :P I bought some organic blueberry yoghurt to have for breakfast.
Love lilly xxxx :D
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Good Morning Lilly and PP,

Thats the problem with organic anything is the $$. If it cost the same as what we purchase at the stores more people are health concious than actually practice the lifestyle change. When I tried it my grocery bill doubled and it was simply $$ that kept me from using clean and fresh products. Than, I grew some and ended up having to put some product on it to keep the bugs from killing every last thing. At least it had a 'green' label approval, but I wanted it to be organic. Next time I will look into companion gardening and see if I cant have the same product.

I know many farmers in this area are going organic so maybe the price will become less for the product. It appears no matter what everyone is out for that almighty $, but hopefully not for long :wink: .

Well, we just started getting the cloudy grey skies and rain. I will miss that beautiful sunshine that leaves for way too long up here. I love to learn and find answers so I will be continuing my meditation and spiritual growth during this time. it will keep me on the upside anyways I always feel balanced when I'm journeying. I believe this summer called my past learning tools into play and some days I did not hit a home run, but at least I acknowledge this and moved forward.

I have some coffee brewed anyone for a cuppa Joe.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Memaw,
Yeppers, I'm up for one or two,,,,

Got woken up real early at 5:30 am with only a 3 hrs of sleep....mouse in the cupboard again....

then Allan took Echo out,,,and I managed to go back to sleep till now...

will come back in a while and chat.....

morning/afternoon everyone,,,,,the Aussies should be counting ZZZZ's...

love pp
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Post by memawlaura »

:D PP,
Is Allan going to help with the mouse? I'm so tired right now its like I have this gray fog around me and I'm so sleepy. I have things to do and no energy to do them. Guess I should have a few more cups of coffee.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi pp and Laura,
Woke up at such an early hour......I will meditate when off this computer......I've just had a cup of tea, no sugar.
Hope you two lovely ladies have a great day....the birds are twittering away outside the window and I place my day in the hands of the Creator.
Love lilly xxxx :kiss:
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Laura,

Grey fog around you???? did you look outside today???? :lol: :lol: :lol:
just go back to bed....and rest,,,,

the day I went to the airport to get Allan it was so foggy going over the Malahat that I almost couldn't see the car in front of me....coming home was all clear though....

yes,,,we're into the season that's for sure....

Allan help me with the mouse ??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll say no more.....but really know I sound like the type that would be's a mouse !!!!! :lol: :lol:

it's spiders that 'upset me',,,,,like the one I saw walking across the floor last night,,,,,would have been good mouse food,,,,but I wasn't catching it for no mouse....and I sent him off to spider heaven....with an apology and a prayer....

so you see,,,,I have to deal with my 'fears' by myself also....

feeling not so good tonight....think I'll go back to bed....

love pp
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I'm just having a short break from much paper and stuff in piles...well, it's about time it all got filed or thrown....Lol
Phoenix is following me around and stalking me.....he's such a sweet cat.
Opened up some windows to let the fresh air in and dusted away some cobwebs....12.34PM great prompt....
I'm truly thankful for the see, to hear, to feel, to learn and transform.....and be myself. Choosing what to allow into my mind space....being aware is important.....not getting pulled into others dramas....Hope you're feeling better pp, I had that throat thing a while back and didn't sleep for days with it.....
I meditated earlier and received healing....which I'm very thankful for....
Love lilly xxx :hithere
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Post by DonSweet »

This is post 2223 ... the one before me is 2222.
Duality first, Oneness next. It is simply how our sacred journey is defined.
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Post by lilly »

Cool!!!!! :D :D :D
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
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