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Post by gypsie »

Hello my beauties :lol:

It's been a while, just had a really nice chat with you Lily and hopefully we will get to meditation Tues night...

Aqua Deb's this move is still knocking the wind out of me, I have no idea why this one feels so hards to others, maybe age :shock: maybe God saying STOP....I hear you sis so hang in there, I went to a Hatha Yoga class on Monday and the meditation was striking. When she said "observe your thoughts but don't get involved" I was overcome with hundreds of thoughts and emotions, very powerful experience. I am going to slow Yoga Debs to try and get a bit centered, I feel like you a bit shaken Reading a great book ' Anatomy of the Soul' Caroline Myss and loving it.

Laura I have lit a little candle for you tonight my friend..

All others I promise to make a very personal letter to all very soon but as Aqua said I am off balance..

Coogee is a great place to live, the rain is lashing on the windows and the surf is roaring...

Much love and I'm having a hot cup of tea..

Love to all Gypsie
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Family,

It took days to catch up and read this enormous thread, so I will touch only on what I can remember and I hope it doesn't get messed up.

PP, thank you for all your expertise on gardening herbs I plan on doing some next time and I enjoyed learning how you make the oils. I would just love my feet oiled up and massaged their so damaged from all the jard work I've done this summer and thank you for being their when a soul needs nurturing.

AquaDeb, It sounds like you were completely exhausted, I can get real mean when I get exhausted I guess its our way of knowing when to stop :x . I'm glad your joining in the continuous healing circle, it sounds like your higher self wants you to get some healing done :wink: . Like everyone its been extremely hard this summer to meditate and I've been unbalanced for most of this last month. I will be seeing you in the circle, do you think you could make the circle for us to see with your art?

Reba, I want to let you know that your stories and wisdon are wonderfully told and bring joy to my heart. I remember the days when kids were young and free and today so many are just extensions of a gaming device. I guess thats what society want sour youth to think that life is just a game, so they can keep them manageable. I remember all the hours of playing, drinking good water from the garden hose, picking fresh fruit off a tree anytime, using my imagination, laughing and living life joyfully and being so tired I slept like a baby.

Lilly, whose that in your avvie? It sounds wonderful that you have a partner and family that meditate with you, mine think I'm lost and should have been a hippie :lol: . My grandson, Gavin, has chatted with me alot lately and he cant wait to get back to school on Monday. I told my daughter the best medicine for a bad situation is to do something you want to and they both like school. They have been without electricity so long it will be a welcomed atmosphere to be in for sure. I sure miss all they are so far away :cry: .

LillyJune, how did you even decide to go to Thailand? Thats was your element and perhaps you need to make a career change. I love helping people but until I can do it without forcing the issue its best I learn and gain the appropriate tools.

Don, I havent read your stories yet but I will when things calm down, its good you will have an opportunity to hone your writing in the future. Its nice to see you joining in at the international coffee house and giving us a male perspective of things.

AJ, nice to see you looking so handsome and happy. Mikalaya is getting big and she looks like she's a bundle of joy.

Gypsie, thanks for lighting a candle for me it seems a forest fire could not even of helped this last month. I'm hoping to soon get back to normal and live life without all the chaos. You need to slow down with the move and let the body do some healing it will be their when your ready.

Sandy, so glad you and George had a wonderful visit with Geoff. It seems you've been staying quite busy, are you driving yourself around yet? Thank you for all your kindness and joyful living so they rest of us know how its to be done.

Pet, it sounds like life has been bringing you some much needed peace and blessings. I liked your story about the neighbor and than it turning into such a good conversation. May life give you and yours the much deserved blessings of peace and happiness.

Nav, peace is a wonderful thing and I'm sending that right back to you, welcome and come drop in for some easy conversation and fun. Have a cup of jo or tea with us and get to know your extended family.

To anyone I may have missed may your days be filled with much joy and happiness.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi Laura,
That's Yogananda, I just love this picture of him. Glad the electricity is coming back on for your family.... Godbless all the children in the family.
Love lilly xxx :D
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Post by peacockplume »

Hello lovely family,,,,
Well, it's been a pretty hectic few days,,,,even my morning computer time went out the window....but I kept reading thinking Oh Boy!!! here comes the runnaway train again...but it's getting to be a regular event now....we have a 'day liner' a one or two car train that runs up and down the island,,,,and goes past here twice a day,,,,,I'm now thinking of the mb everytime I hear the train !!!!

Yes Sandy,,,you can root best in earth,,,although I know my grams used to root in water also,,,,,my 'garden learning' though taught me that water roots are much weaker and fragile,,,compared to the roots that grow from cuttings in soil....sometimes a little rooting powder works great too, but most herbs don't need a good weed....they don't need anything but sun and water,,,,,,,and most importantly,,,,never,,,,,never,,,, give fertilizer to your herbs....for some reason,,,,they just don't like it,,,,or need it....

believe it or not,,,,rosemary cuttings,,,,definitely need rooting powder (probably because their stem is slightly woody) and it also needs bottom heat to root it has to be placed on something warm....

if you're going to try make some oils,,,,try to find some glass herb jars,,,the small ones you normally buy with dried herbs in can use them for your finished product....

stuff one of those fully packed with your thyme,,,,or rosemary,,,and fill them with oil then you'll just have to strain them and pour the oil back into the same bottle to use....

today I strained my St. John's Wort,,,,I put a small piece of cheesecloth in a wire strainer,,,turned the bottle upside down in it....I checked it before I went out and I had just 1 cup.....and I didn't have any time to I left it.....when I came home tonight....I had 1 1/2 cups of infused oil....
I couldn't believe that much oil dripped off.....

so have fun....

Aqua Deb
And I noted that I wasn't just sitting in the middle of the circle with you all sitting around me or anything, but I was immediately and automatically part of the circle, holding hands with you all. So it seems that perhaps my higher self already made the decision for me to join in the circle, even though my ego was being wishy-washy! And it seems that, just by having the intention to be there in the circle, all of your higher selves heard my request for help even though I didn't ask anyone in particular or ask specifically to be put in the healing circle.
Wow (with our wings) Deb.....I can hardly wait to read you're write up...
and if I remember correctly,,,I think Laura asked you if there was any way you could incorporate the vision you saw with all of us,,,in some of your artwork........I hope that was the idea,,,,sorry if I'm wrong memaw!

I think it's Anne (Blue Nova) who paints her visions and puts them up as avi's.... I see her celestial being is back again....I just love it....

but Deb,,,,that was so really kind of stuns you doesn't it,,,when you realize in some small way,,,,just how we are being taken care of....

Dear Gypsie,,,,,I'm so glad to hear you're getting out.....and to some classes,,,it sounds like you're really enjoying them,,,,,great!!!!!
I'm sure I've heard of the book you're reading....I should try find it...

I'll put it on my 'birthday list',,,,,

any time dear sister,,,,any time.....

well,,,,Oh I had a weird two days,,,,seemed like sh-t was hitting the fan no matter which way I looked,,,,,

two nights in a row I had a 'literal' run in ,,,,one with a deer,,,and the other with a bird....and I think both are still living....

I was coming home from town,,,,and could see a deer on the road,,,so I didn't slam on my brakes,,,but was slowing down really fast....
this maybe 7 month old fawn is bouncing one way then the other way,,,he couldn't decided which way to go....then he stopped,,,faced the car and put his head down,,,,and head butted my vehicle just as I was stopping........deer goes down......Caroline and I are just wailing.....

the dear pops up,,,,bounces down the road and into the was totally unbelievable....

the next night ,,,,, almost the same place,,,,a bird,,,bigger than a robin...hits my windshield in such a way that it rolled up and over the vehicle,,,,,I stopped and looked but couldn't see it anywhere (on the road) and vehicles were coming so I had to leave....

I said....THAT'S IT..... I'm not going anywhere for 2 days....and I didn't...

I came home tonight the same time,,,,,holding my breath....well almost...but I kept a prayer going all the 7 kms out my country road....
and arrived without mishap....

but I was beginning to wondeer......what going on!!!!

I'll probably be absent for a bit again....there's alot I need to get prepared for this psychic fair coming up.....I've got a couple of spare 11:11 books of Georges that I'm taking with me,,,and my own copies for people to thumb through,,,,,and I think I'll wear my green 11:11 T-shirt..

it's surprising what you can talk about during a half hour foot detox...
(I should be hoarse from 3 days of it)....this is really odd.....I've never been 'behind' one of those tables,,,always part of the public 'seeking',,,

so night now,,,,see you all later.....and have some chai for me...

love and blessings
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Good Morning Everyone,

PP, Yes I'll take a chai to get started today. It sounds much like your animal encounters is what the last few months have felt like for me. I keep asking what does this all mean, its one thing after another happening and its been endless. Just say a prayer before you leave and return home to keep you safe and the animals :wink: . Yes, thats what I meant for Aqua Deb to do some artwork of the circle. When is your physchic fair? Did you get a reply email from me yesterday, on Sunday?

Lilly, Everybody but a few got electricity and my daughter unfortunately was one of the few :cry: she's really had it with the heat. Today, both of them will be going to school so perhaps some routine will take their minds off of the power outage and bring them some relief, at least during the day. Lets all pray her electricity will be on today and that Hurrican Ike just discipates, I dont know how to help her from up here.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Memaw

I'm just sending you an some more 'bad' news,,,

guess the two days at home didn't keep it away.....however,,,all is as it should be...

the two animal instances were just 'warnings',,,,something was going to smack me in the face,,,,but I'd bounce back....

well I got the first smack,,,,,bouncing back is difficult,,,,but there's another one coming ,,,,,which will also be another 'roll off'....

I just have to know that what's happening is what's supposed to happen at this time....

it's one of those waves that builds,,,,,then crashes,,,,then becomes the gentle water rolling over the beach....

think I'll go sit in my sanctuary gazebo for awhile.....let it sort out...

yes,,,that chai sounds really good about now....

lets go sit together for abit....there's a nice shady spot overlooking the water......peaceful,,,,,let the emotions disipate.....

I know the LOVE of our Mother and Father,,,will sustain me,,,,I feel it,,,,I know I'm safe and protected.....

I think what's going on is just 'clearing out some of the deadwood',,,

talk to you soon.
love pp
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Sounds great too me just sitting and smelling the roses with a great loving person. As we both remind each other "This too shall pass". I'm praying for good things too come everyone's way, I could use this for awhile, it is called being balanced right?
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Yep that's it Memaw,

Balance,,,,when both ends of the teter totter is swinging madly up one end and down the other,,,you have to find that middle spot....

and the safest middle spot I know is to be within our Father's and Mother's energy....I get there by breathing....asking them to let me feel it....calling in my Guides and Angels.....saying,,,you better uphold me through this malestrom....and they are.....

nobody can take that away from me.....and really....nothing else matters......the rest just shifts .....

I REFUSE,,,to be dragged down into a negative vibration....I REFUSE....

keeping detached is an art........maybe that's my creativity,,ha ha ha...

how's your chai.... ready for another.....ok lets go sit again....

love pp
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp and Laura,
I've had some amazing synchronicities happening to help guide me through this essential rough patch in life. Looking on it now it was a blessing in disguise.....I feel as if a hand has reached down and grabbed the form of you people here...and also others around me at present. We are all human and the clearing process hurts like anything if we've been wounded deeply....I say this because it frightens some people to feel their trapped emotions...."a person of your age should be over that by now!!!!" These type of thoughts come to mind....Lol There is no shame in being vulnerable for a time frame...many of us have hidden our hurt behind a strong facade....Our bodies are indicating what we are holding on simply reflects the mind.....Ouch!!!Lol
We are moving along very nicely.....supporting each other here....each one of us a loving reflection of the other.
May I sit a while with you dear friends and draw each breath with the intent of knowing our Creator. I'll bring a cake....
I went to the make up training last night and met some more lovely ladies and one man...who was doing the presentation..getting more products so I can start working.... a lovely lipstick palette and a kit was given free.
Two appointments better get moving....*hugs*
Love lilly xxxx :loves
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi dear Lilly,
of course please join us,,,,could you make mine a strawberry shortcake with lots of cream on top???? feel like it's just the right dessert at the moment....

I think your new venture is just great!!!! it's alot of hard work,,,and there can be disappointments too,,,,ignore those....and don't take anything that comes up in it 'personal'....

I've worked with both Shaklee and Melaleuca and it was wonderful while I was doing it.....I became a Shaklee Beauty Advisor and got certified in Colour Consulting,,,,I actually still use it alot....just not professionally...

so it's wonderful to hear you are having an exciting time with your new company.....right on dear lady.....right, bang, on!!!!!
May I sit a while with you dear friends and draw each breath with the intent of knowing our Creator.
most definitely my dear friend,,,,,most definitely,,,,,and anyone else who'd like to join us.......(not the cake part though) :wink: :wink:

only kidding.... I'll share if there's any left.....

(quick Memaw, hide the cake)... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

NO MATTER WHAT,,,,,comes up in the next few , hrs, days, weeks,,,in my personal life....I know it's supposed to BE......

so if I'm in a bumpy part of the road,,,,,I'll just grab another cushion...

and keep breathing......

this is but a cloud shadowing the sun,,,,,and only temporarily....

if I hang on and 'fight',,,,I will only make myself miserable,,,,that's not my way,,,,when I know better.....and I know what this is about.....

believe's a test......and for once,,,,I think I'm up for it....

I have the best Mother and Father in the universe,,,,the best guides and angels watching over me.....and the absolutely bestest friends and family here,,,,,and right now.....I feel many gathered.....

oh darn....ok memaw,,, out with the cake....

enjoy your new work Lilly,,,,it sounds like alot of fun....

love pp
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lilly and PP,

Pass that cake around and lets have a little comfort food. PP, I'll have another Chai with you, for sure.

Lilly, good luck with your new work and it will bring many new people into your life. The good part is that they will be long term clients that can benefit from your wonderful presence.

PP, you are one of the strongest "REDS" I know and you just nestle your head in our universal parents hands and let them guide you to peace. I should take my own advice :roll:
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Oh that was good chai and good cake,,,,like you say,,,good comfort food..

yes,,,will I did say earlier that what was happening was a 'test' right....

so, several times I went out into my Sanctuary Gazebo,,,and sat within AA Michaels energy and Called on our Father and Mother and had a great talk....

the interesting thing was that on an email from the Harp of God,,,the topic of discussion was the "Spirit of Truth",,,,and so while in my 'space' I asked for the Truth, to be revealed.....whether it was truth I wanted to hear or not.....I set my faith in knowing that whatever was happening that it was for 'the good of all' even if it felt like a bull pen at the moment...

later on in the evening I finally got it straightened out.....and it was quite amazing.....I had many realizations through it,,,,and for once actually saw my own progress,,,as I dealt with negative emotions and put them to rest....

so yes,,,it was a test....(and I passed this time) woooooeeeeee!!!!

the negative energies will attack us at the slightest letting down of our guard....and I had no intention of going down that losing spiral....

I give great thanks tonight,,,for seeing this process in action,,,and having what I have been learning and experiencing put into practise....

The Love from our Divine Parents,,,,really does carry us through,,,if we allow it.....

I obviously did allow a bit of stress in though,,,,and it was manifest through my body upon release,,,,,my shoulders held alot of pain....

so tonight,,,I'm going into the circle myself,,,,

thank you, thank you, for all your love and support....

Bless everyones Hearts...
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Good Morning,

PP, we are being tested beyond belief and some I've failed miserably while others I sailed with ease, no matter what each lesson was presented and when we understand it thats one less hurdle obstructing our acension.

Okay, enough of that deep stuff, would anyone like some coffee or tea?
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Yes please Laura....Meditation was wonderful last night...I had such a deep one and felt myself being lifted up...could see really high up in a shaft of multi coloured light..almost felt like I was melting ... my left foot started feeling uncomfortable and it brought me back. It must have been time to come back....Lol It was such a contrast to everyday life.... The lady called in the Archangels and Ascended was very healing on the emotional level.....I thought of everyone on the board receiving as well.
Saw an old school friend and couldn't think of her name at first....she walked past in my spiritual vision.....I really wasn't that close to her...but a younger friend in spirit was. Her name came clearly at the end of the meditation......When I got home looked her up on friends reunited and she's involved in the blues music industry...there must be some reason for me seeing her like that....
Hope you have a nice day and thanks for the to you all....
pp, I'm glad you worked through your 'test'
Love lilly xxxx LUV2
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lilly,
Your meditation sounded so lovely and thanks for including all for the receiving of emotional healing.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi Laura,
It depends what you mean by failed miserably.....sometimes no matter what we do it won't change something that's meant to happen. To me you are a aren't in denial.....of things you need to work me you are a great example. Sometimes it does take us aback to realize we are wrong in some way doesn't it...Lol Just doing our best is all we can do.
Love lilly xxxx :kiss:
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lilly,

I guess I meant I failed at the time but realized my failure or lesson to be learned. Yes, I'm doing the best I can with where I am on my journey.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Your doing great,,,,,,just go back and remember where you were over a yr'll see you tell me.....I can see it....

if things are repeating,,,,and the same lessons coming up,,,,and you're noticing it,,,,means you just gotta put more into clearing it up...

just don't hang on to it.....where would I be if I held on to my past 48 hrs,,,,,

no,,,,don't want to be there that's for sure....

I feel you're taking the right steps,,,,and we're right there beside you...
just remember that....we love you... I love you....

have a good day,,,make it a good day,,,,,for you....

love and blessings
pp xoxo
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Post by reba »

To Laura,

Drinking water out of the hose! Yes, I remember how it tasted. I had forgotten that.

You don't awaken to Truth by analysing the dream. Find out who the dreamer is.
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Post by peacockplume »

yeah,,,,kind of that hot rubbery taste :shock: :shock:

going to be real busy for this next week,,,,but I'll keep trying to pop in...

What's Aqua Deb up too????? time for another novel Deb....I'm sure you posts,,,keep us all up to date.... :lol: :wink:

loves to everyone,

does anyone know if Pet has found another place yet????

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hiya PP, and everyone, Nope, no place as yet. The In-law's are going to buy us a house whether we want one or not, which is very exasperating! Why don't they buy their other son a house, he's got a baby about to be born? They're coming in October, (i assumed living on an island would give us a bit of P&Q...wrong!!!)
Seriously, Phil & I had a long serious chat, and we agreed to live as simply with as few possesions as is possible to live with three kid's in this day & age! See, Anne, Lilly,'s that Autobiography of a Yogi that's done it. I was so moved about Gandhi I wanted to become a follower straight away, but Phil told me I'm not quite ready for saintlihood yet. Perhaps after the kid's are all growed up?
The house in Wales is about to be bought, which feels like a relief.

I have a hunch a perfect rented house will become available for us very soon. Simple and right by the beach! We'll se, no rush.
Cheers for thinking of me PP, you're a cutie! Love you very much!

Love to you All, Pet XXXX Thinking of you all
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Pet,
Thanks for the news update....

hmmmmm,,,,,well never mind about the P & Q.....what popped into my mind was 'strings attached'....

do they think you'll live there forever....

I suppose you could say,,,,if you want to buy us a house,,,go to AU and find one.... :lol: :lol: :lol: (it would get them out of your hair for abit)
I know I'm dreaming on that one for you guys.....

I've 'heard' (from a lady who is going to AU for her grand daughters wedding,,,,that AU is not allowing any more people into the country on a permanent basis....

Should ask George if he's heard anything on that !!!!!

I need to be focused on this 'fair' this weekend,,,,but

:shock: :shock: I've misplaced my 'keys' :shock: :shock:

good think I have allan's set for the vehicle,,,or I'd be toast,,,,

heck I'm pretty much toast anyway,,,,no mail key...

however, I'm convinced that they're in the house.....somewhere...

I've traced my steps the last day I used them,,,,,and they're not found...

I feel it's one of those stupid things,,,when you walk in the house with stuff in your hands and didn't put them down when and where I should have.......

and I've been using the 'spare set',,,,so didn't really notice them 'not there' until I went to find them for the mail box....

so they need to 'surface' soon.....I don't want to have to buy a new mail key,,,,,nor change all the locks on the house,,,etc etc....

guess it's time I really 'cleaned up' they're just 'hiding on me' I know it...

not a good time for losing ones keys.....

OK universe,,,,,,,just let me come across them....

Have a good day everyone...

loves to you all
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
Hope you found them...don't you hate that when you can't find your keys....I do it daughter rolls her eyes now because I do it so much.... :roll: I love all you people in the coffee house.....Gypsie...where are you? Sweetest person in the world you are....I miss your soft, gentle, feminine energy here....Big *hug* for you.
Without you my dear friends I don't know how I would have survived this past year.....with more piled on top. Faith is my strongest faculty. False pride is an issue for me and makes my life miserable.....just concerning certain people....made a huge breakthrough today and rang someone I've been avoiding.....Thankyou midwayers holding my hand during a very difficult day..... :cry:
Gypsie...You'll be at the beach tomorrow...31degrees...on your surfboard I bet...Lol
Love lilly xxx :sunny: :kiss:
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
~ In the welfare of others I will find my own prosperity ~ Yogananda
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lilly and everyone,,,

just a quick note on the keys.....and yes I did get them back...

I spoke with my neighbour about 4 days later, cuz I didn't miss them till then and she said,,,oh were those your keys...- she should have known, , however....

so a couple of more days go by,,,Allan comes home and I'm thinking OK now I can get the mail,,,,but he left his key in Ontario....great help that was...

so I phoned the Post Office,,,and she said,,,the the morning after I had left them hanging there,,,the postal delivery lady,,,popped them into my box....and suggested I be there when she was delivering the mail the next day and I could get them.....or she'd bring them into the P.O.

now she never used to come till 12:30,,,but my neighbour said she's seen her there by 11 or 11:30,,,,so I drive down there at 11,,and wait, and wait, and finally another person showed up to pick up their mail...
and she said,,I picked up my mail yesterday,,,so if anything is there,,,well....and sure enough she had I had missed her...

so back home,,,then went to town the next day and got my keys....

today when I went to town,,,I was driving past the mail boxes at 10:30 am,,,,,and there was the postal lady.....she's apparently delivering alot earlier than she used to...

anyway,,,I said a great many thanks,,,,when you consider the scenarios that 'could' have happened...

so all's good....

love to everyone
Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
What keeps fleas off pets without using chemicals...I've bought a little comb and spent forever gettting fleas off poor Phoenix.....the dog had hardly any.....When I looked at Phoenix he didn't seem to have many....boy was I wrong :shock: ....poor little sweetie....he looks much they're gone....They were mainly in his lower back and tail........I feel awful...he has quite thick fur...will be keeping a very close eye on him now.
Love lilly xxx :D
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
~ In the welfare of others I will find my own prosperity ~ Yogananda
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