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Post by Sandy »

Hey Vivian,

So glad these guys are around to help. I am technically challenged much of the time. In fact, the only reason I have a photo avi is thanks to Geoff who put in on for me a couple years ago.

Hope you figure it out. I would love to see your face on the board! :D

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Viv,,,

this is the one I use,,,although there has been the occaision where it didn't work...(but I'm sure it's the operator (me)..


Wonderful to hear you're following your dreams,,,,carry on....you have a wonderful vehicle to speak with children....it sounds awesome...

loves pp
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Post by vivrider »

Hi PP,

Thank you! That was very easy! It is kind of wierd to see my face over and over. . . . well, I'll leave it that way for a while til you guys can recognize me, then maybe I'll change it again. And now I know how to do it!

And thank you too for the encouragement on my books!

Love, Viv
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Viv,

wel after giving you the link,,,I decided to do one myself...

I fly in the clouds mostly with that eagle,,,,but every now and then,,feel the need to land... :lol: :lol: :lol:

The avi I just put up was taken the day I went with a new friend to the Dr. emoto presentation....

it was very hot in the auditorium,,,,hence our/my matted down hair,,,but it was a wonderful day,,,we were on the way home,,,driving through a double rainbow and getting pictures of it including orbs,,,and decided we should take a picture of ourselves....so my friend was holding the camera out at arms length...

So nice to see you..... I'll be going back to bird land in awhile too..

love pp
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Vivian and Pp,

Wonderful to see both your lovely faces on the board. Well done :thumright: ...Thanks for posting the shrinky link PP. I am copying it and maybe will give it a try.

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy,,,

good, I hope it works for you too,,,

after the program resizes the pic for you, you can save it...

so I just opened a file called avatars,,,and pop them in there.....

but my bird will fly again in a couple of days....just resting.. :lol: :lol:

love pp
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Post by Blu »

wow!! :shock: how nice to see everyone! :lol: such beautiful people :love

~ hoping your day is as beautiful as your heart~

~be still and listen~
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Post by vivrider »

Hi Sandy, Lisa and PP,

Good morning! PP it's so nice to see your beautiful face, and I think your hair looks just fine! You look very happy. I don't know who Dr. Emoto is, can you tell me?

PP, I just noticed that you are from Vancouver. I have always wanted to go there. I love the Pacific Northwest. I have been to the San Juan Islands twice and just love it there. I made a quilt about our trip, though it is not finished yet. I wanted to post a picture of it, is there a way to do that?

So, another question for the techies--is it possible to post a picture in a post? I think I have seen that done here. Oh, and now I see the Img button, but I can't make anything happen with it.

And Lisa, thanks for your offer to shrink me, even thought I didn't have to take you up on it!

Love, Viv[/img]
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Viv

here's a link to one thread on Dr. Emoto and the other and best thing to do would to just type Dr. Emoto into your browser and you'll get his site,

he freezes water crystals, and takes pictures of them from all over the world...it's all about water carrying vibration

( link lost )

I actually live on Vancouver Island,,,,,not on the mainland......so if you've been to the San Juans,,,then you should sort of know where the big island is.....the city you might recall is Victoria, which is also the captial city of BC....it's on the southern tip of the island....we look at the cascades and across to Port Angeles.....and in another place along the coast down in Victoria we can see Mt Baker..... when Mt. St. Helens blew, Victoria got covered in ash,,,,,I was back east at the time and missed it...

now I live about 1 hrs drive north on the island.....in an obscure, out of the way place....in the woods...

posting photos,,,,I have not mastered yet although quite of the ladies use photo bucket (I couldn't figure it out,,,and I thought it stole my pictures from my computer,,,,took them right out of my files,,,,don't know what I did).....so I don't use it...

so usually if there's something different I want to post I turn it into an avi for awhile....then go back to my favourite after a bit....

This explanation in the BBCode area didn't help me at all
Adding an image to a post
phpBB BBCode incorporates a tag for including images in your posts. Two very important things to remember when using this tag are: many users do not appreciate lots of images being shown in posts and second, the image you display must already be available on the Internet (it cannot exist only on your computer, for example, unless you run a webserver!). There is currently no way of storing images locally with phpBB (all these issues are expected to be addressed in the next release of phpBB). To display an image, you must surround the URL pointing to the image with tags. For example:

( image lost )

As noted in the URL section above you can wrap an image in a tag if you wish, eg.

( image lost )

would generate: (and it doesn't copy here the pic it showed)

when you make a post,,,and see the smilies on the left that you can click on to add into your post,,,,

well look just below it under the word Options and click on the blue BBCode and there's a pile of explanations....

Good morning Lisa,,,, :sunny:

have a lovely day everyone.....

loves pp
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Post by vivrider »

Great idea, PP! Does my quilt remind you a bit of your home? This is just a part of the quilt, about 1/4 of it. it also has an orca whale, lavender fields, snow capped mountains. . . I really need to finish it someday! Your island sounds wonderful.

Oh, and the tree is a Pacific madrona, what an amazing tree. I had never seen one, and I took bunches and bunches of pictures.

Thanks for the information, I will look up the doctor.

Love, Viv
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Viv,

oh how beautiful,,,, the lighthouse actually reminded me of the east coast,,,,

until you gave the description
an orca whale, lavender fields, snow capped mountains
and the tree with that lovely cinnamon coloured bark can only be a tree we call "Arbutus"

,,,,now I'll have to look up what a Pacific Madrona is....

way too cool,,,,,that's exactly what it is....

Pacific Madrone,,,,, A. menziesii - Arbutus Pacific Madrone

they are native to western north America

and it's name means "Strawberry Tree' because of the red fruits it bears which stay on till December....

it does get a blight though,,,,I think it's called 'fungal leaf spot'

and tends to ruin the beautiful evergreen leaves....

there's a good sized one on the front of the property out by the road,,,and lots dotting the cliff side of the ridge where I live,,,,

but they are gorgeous,,,,the bark is so smooth...

recently Maria showed a picture of pandas,,,,,so this lady 'knows' how to do it....(so do quite a few others),,,,,but I haven't seen her post here yet.

I will give her a jog....

and if that's only a portion of the quilt, I can hardly wait to see the rest of it....

now,,,, (hee hee),,,put your avi back up...(only kidding - but soon hey!)

love and light to you and everyone here
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Post by vivrider »

Oh yes, I love the peely rough bark and then the smooth green to red underneath. A friend of mine who lives in Seattle sent me a picture of a gigantic one. Her daughters were in it, and they looked like tiny specks. How blessed you are to live around them! I recently bought a book about making nature quilts, and it turned out to be filled with madrone trees, and the artist lives in . . . . either Seattle or Vancouver, I can't remember. I have always been drawn to that area. Have you always lived there?

It's so nice getting to know you!

Love, Viv

PS--Here comes my picture again!
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Viv and PP,

I thought I was going crazy looking for an elusive quilt picture! :lol: Glad to see that we will get another chance to see it so I will keep a watchful eye out for its reposting.

PP your impressions of it were wonderful! Thanks for that! :D You are so descriptive, lady!

I am, as we all know, the last thing resembling a "techy," but I am a collector of "techy-like" messages. :lol: . So here is a collection (probably from the Secret thread) of lovely people trying to help in this "posting photos thingy."
I am not totally sure if you can upload pics right from your computer to here, but you can go to sites like http://photobucket.com/ and upload pics there or ( imageshack site gone )

They have codes that you can copy and paste. In your message window there is Img . Paste your code for the picture and highlight it and click on IMG and it will upload the image after you reply. It won't show while you are still typing message.
Heather xo

If you register with Imageshack that Heather provided you can upload any photo and copy and paste the codes that are given to you... just paste them straight onto the thread, no need to type anything else... If all else fails request one of the admins or mod's email and we can post them for you..

Once you upload them on Photobucket or ImageShack or one of those places, as others have already said, they'll give you codes you can cut and paste.

I just wanted to add that one of the different codes they give you will probably specify that its "IMG code for on-line forums and bulletin boards," or something like that, which is the one you'd cut and paste into your post here. (Basically, if you didn't just cut and paste, you'd just need to type in the full URL of the photo ["http://...", which it'll give you after you upload it on Photobucket, ImageShack, etc.,], enclosed in between the opening of the image code line, [img]and%20the%20closing%20of%20the%20image%20code%20line[/img], if that makes any sense. [That is, like this: [img]insert%20photo's%20URL%20here[/img].] But regardless, you'll probably see this on Photobucket or wherever you upload the photos to, and if it contains [img], that's how you'll be able to tell it's the right one to use for here.)
Aqua Deb

now for the avi's,,,,,hmmmmm

well, I started a folder called AVATARS,,,,and transfered pictures that I wanted to make avi's from....

then when I go to the resize site and you have to ' browse' for your picture I go to the Avatar folder,,,,

find the picture,,,,,resize it,,,,,and file it again only I change the name from the crazy description they give you and add avi to the end of it...

then you go to your profile,,,,and at the bottom where it has your current avi,,,,,just go down to where it says browse,,,,click on it.....find your Avatar folder,,,,,then pic out the picture that you've resized and click on it....

then all you have to do is go down to where it says submit....

hope I haven't missed a step......I don't think so....

I just read the post you quoted AquaDebs instructions for posting photos',
it still looked like greek to me....(no offense to any Grecians out there!)

I'll stick to changing my avi
PP you crack me up! :lol:
Hope this helps...a little anyway, Viv.
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Post by vivrider »

Hi Sandy,

The quilt is back! Sorry, I forgot that you Aussies were sleeping while all this was going on yesterday!

I'll just wait for now on putting pictures in posts. It seems like you can't put one from your computer, only one from the internet, and like PP said, once you put your stuff into photobucket or flickr, anyone can see them. I can just do avatar changes when I need to, now that I know how to do that!

Love, Viv
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi fellow soon to be techy's :lol: :lol: :lol: (not likely hey!!)

I just discovered another site though called Picassa

and you can download your pictures into albums,,,something like Geoff did with flicker...

it is not open to the public and you send a link to your albums to whover you want to see them....

I kind of like that idea,,,,but haven't got around to it yet...

Now Viv,,,,you'll have to get used to calling those Madrone trees "Arbutus" or nobody will know what you're talking about...especially us natives....

loves to all.
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Post by vivrider »

Thanks PP, I will check it out when I get a chance.

My new book that I described here will definitely have an Arbutus tree in it, and now I know what to call it! :)

Love, Viv

Oh, and I've been meaning to tell you, I love your daily affirmation!
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Viv,
We came out here when I was 9 and grew up in Victoria,,,sort of,,,,,but I've lived in many places....with relatives from coast to coast I did alot of travelling to see them...

we've been back on the island now for about 25 yrs,,, :shock: :shock:

thought of moving inland - way back when - but we love it here....
and figured it we left the Island, we'd never be able to afford coming back....

and up to a couple of yrs ago....the weather was pretty good....

it's still milder than the rest of Canada,,,so I think we'll stay....

love pp
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Post by Sandy »

Oh Viv your quilt is stunning! What an amazing lady you are! Wow!
Thank you for reposting it! :D
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Post by peacockplume »

Hey Sandy,

and the piece of the quilt we're seeing is 'only part of it',,,

hopefully we'll get other 'pieces' of it soon....

People who quilt,,,,have 'patience',,,

I used to watch my first 'mother in law' quilt,,,and it's quite something to watch....

like in days 'gone by' ladies sitting at their looms,,,quilting, weaving...

(of course that was probably their only enjoyment - other than their children of course)

loves pp
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Post by vivrider »

Thanks, Sandy and PP!

I guess I have patience, but it's mostly used on my kids. . . quilting is what I do for myself! I must have quilted in another life, I was drawn to it very early and nobody in my family made quilts. But now I'm not sitting in front of a quilting frame with a needle in my hand. My sewing time is so scarce, I generally hit the machine and sew like a bat out of heck! (don't want to get censured here!) I think I'll change my avatar to a quilt I just finished, for my daughter to take to college with her!

Love, Viv
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Post by lilly »

Hi Viv,
What a beautiful quilt.....absolutely love it...you're very gifted.
Love lilly xxxx
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Post by Sandy »

Another beauty there Viv! I love it! You realize of course that you are creating priceless heirlooms to be passed from one generation to another. Some day your great great great grandchildren will curl up in one of your soft warm quilts. Hmmm ... Maybe there should be a family book where you talk to all the future generations about your love for them and your hopes and dreams...They should really have a way to know the wonderful and talented lady behind the wonderful quilts and books. Listen to me putting more work on your already busy shoulders... :lol: I wish I had something like that though, from my own great gramma who made the quilt I just recently passed on to my son and daughter in law. (Gee, I hope they are taking care of it!)

Thanks for sharing. :D
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Post by peacockplume »

I love your quilt Viv,,,love the colours and the pattern,,,do you know it's name???

I have some 'old' quilts,,,,I got one from my Gramma when she used to make them too.....I hardly ever use it....I'd like to have one of those quilt racks and hang them but they actually need to be protected in order to last....

my great grandmother, had left a lot of material that she was making a quilt with,,,they were in the shape of ties,,,,so I sewed them onto a square,,,appliqued a circle in the centre,,,,did some embroidery work along the sides of the pillow shams,,,,,but alas,,,,I never got it quilted.....

but I have a God Daughter that likes to sew,,,,so she'll probably inherit it....and that'll be something from her Great Great Grandmother all on the maternal side....

Beautiful work Viv..

love pp
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Post by blue nova »

Good morning :sunny:

your quilts are beautiful Viv :D :sunny:
i bet they keep y'all comfy during those long winter nights over in Minnesota :D and Wisconsin too :wink: i visited Madison a few years ago for a wedding..my cousin had attended school there, nice town ! :D

the quilt you have posted now, reminds me of a star filled night.

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Post by vivrider »

Thank you everyone!

Sandy, I love your idea of making a book about my quilts for my great grandchildren! Wrapping them in my love. . . .

PP, that's wonderful that you have those old quilts! I bet you could find someone to handquilt the unfinished one for you. There are some Amish groups that do it. I'm in a group of quilters in a message board called cafemom, do you want me to check it out? I have a friend who has a long arm quilting machine and has a business, but you would probably want an old quilt like that handquilted.

I don't know if the pattern has a name. I saw it in a book. You can't see it all in the avatar, but it's a really big quilt, queen size. I also thought it looked like a starry night. There are diagonal lines of dark and light, which to me represented different paths she might take, and the stars are lighting her path.

Anne, Madison is where Liana is, at the University of Wisconsin. It is a beautiful campus on a lake, and it runs into downtown Madison which is a funky, artsy town with lots of restaurants and bookstores. I spent a day downtown while Liana was at orientatation, and it really made me want to be a college student again! In one of the bookstores I picked up a flier for a "spiritual psychologist." He's on the faculty at UW! You don't see that just anywhere! I've been meaning to check him out. Sandy, if you and George have considered putting his books into bookstores that might be a place to check out.

I'm hoping to figure out how to put pictures into posts this weekend and show you guys some more quilts.

Love, Viv
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