Slo Mo & Fast Forward

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Slo Mo & Fast Forward

Post by Prodigal_Daughter »


I may say something that has already been posted about, however, sharing my experiences helps me to process them. I rec'd the CD in the mail a couple of weeks or so ago. I finally decided to listen and try this thing in the quest for enlightenment.

1st time --- it seemed to take FOREVER to get from the beginning to the end. I relaxed and that was good but I was thinking too much. The next evening I bypassed listening because, of course, it took FOREVER the first time.

Last night I listened and relaxed and it was all over before I knew it. Puzzling, huh?

Talk about a time shift,

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Prodigal_Daughter,

It sort of sounds like you are doing the entire cd at one sitting. There should have been a set of instructions sent to you via your email address. If you did not get this please post George and he will resend your instructions.
It is recommended doing the first exercise only for at least the first week. Then do the relaxation exercise for at least a week. This is an important one because it helps to train you to reach deep alpha.
After a week if you feel ready, move on into the Akashic Construct, the third part.

With that said I think most of us cheated just a little bit here. :lol:

Many people tend to get very relaxed in the beginning and some even fall asleep. I usually felt so peaceful and relaxed afterwards.

Anyway, It sounds like you are off to a good start.
Please let George or I know if you need the instructions, okay?
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Dear Prodigal_Daughter,
Hello and Welcome to You Here.
Click on the link below to get the updated Akashic Construct Instructions.
Try to practice part one of the CD for at least one week.
Then move on to part two for a week. Part three for a week and then part four.
Relax and just focus on breathing in the beginning.
Have Fun On Your Spiritual Journey, and hope the instructions get you where you need to be. :D
Love To You,
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Slo Mo and Fast Forward

Post by Prodigal_Daughter »

Thanks for your feedback --- I'm so glad there's other folks that want to share their experiences. I just now reviewed the instructions and still not sure where 1 ends and 2 begins.

The parts I've been listening to (and thought was Part 1) are relaxing your muscles and visualizing the rose bush. Last night after I listened, I slept well and woke up totally alert and not groggy at 6am. I would have to say that's the total opposite from what my evenings and mornings have been like.

I was attempting to follow the path George talks about by reading "How to Know Higher Worlds" and de-briefing with someone who is further along than I. Most likely the book will be a good supplement to this CD :)

Oh and his voice is so relaxing to listen to ... I won't name names but I've listened to some CDs in this realm where the person's voice is so annoying that it detracts from the message!

Keepin' on,

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Prodical_Daughter,

You're right, part one is the Rosebush. The cd seems to have a lovely affect on our sleep patterns. Many people report sleeping soundly afterwards when perhaps sleep has been a problem for them.
George does have a calming voice doesn't he? You know, the first time I played the cd though I had to stop because he sounded a bit like Arnold Swartzenager (sorry I know I miss spelled that :oops: ) and I was picturing Arnold, rippling muscles and all, guiding me through meditation. :lol:

I just have to tell you..I am loving your avatar! Makes me think of snorkling for the first time and seeing clearly the magical world beneath the waves! 8)

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Dear Prodigal Daughter,
The first part of the AC/CD is the Rosebush.
Second part is Count Down from 5000 by 10's and Scene in Nature.
Third part is Floating through Colors of the Rainbow to Scene in Nature.
The last part is the Akashic Construct, the goal I still need to reach.
Last nights meditation was again, wonderful.
I am getting better at not falling asleep. :D
God Bless,
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Post by Prodigal_Daughter »

Yes, I wondered what each section was all about and going on Day 10 --- I can't get over the difference I feel since I began listening to the CD - more alert and motivated ...

About the avatar, I had a series of dreams about 9 or 10 years ago -- several right in a row -- first I was swimming with dolphins as a human being - then I was a dolphin myself gliding through the water. Talk about an incredibly lucid dream :) Ever since then I've felt a kinship to dolphins - what a freedom feeling that was!

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