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Post by reba »

Thanks Doctor Chispas. Makes me feel better to know that someone else has trouble understanding. It's a great idea you had to send a prayer to a thought adjuster. Think I'll do the same.

Lilly, I didn't see the request. I'm on my way over to see how I could have overlooked it. I am saying a prayer right now for him. He must be a brave one to be able to laugh because I know that is very painful.

Love to all,

Lilly I thought I missed it but I didn't. Bless his heart. I will be praying for him.
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Post by peacockplume »

Hello everyone,,,

I remember when I first started reading the UB....actually it turned me off almost right away because I had approached it like most books...chapter one,,,page 1, and totally got lost in the administration and what I thought was very boring....

Then I started using it as others here had suggested.....use it like a reference a question??? Seek and Ye Shall Find...

when I found answers,,,,,then it got interesting....

my first searches in it were about the Midwayers....after all,,,here we are on a board in which the Midwayers are our brothers, sisters, teachers and guides....

Perhaps those who really need more information about the UB, could visit the UB site,,,,,where much discussion of it takes place....

and perhaps even if you type Urantia, or Urantia Book in to the search engine here you will find many threads which speak on this topic....

But here,,,on our international coffee house thread,,,,

we enjoy our favourite drinks together,,,,talk about whimsical stuff,,,
like getting the 'knickers in knots' and such.....

Dr. C
I'm hoping, in fact I even sent a prayer out to a thought adjuster to help me understand what I am reading.
Anyone have some suggestions on where to start?
I think you have started already in the right connecting with your TA.....the answers will come from within,,,,you will know by how it resonates with you....

Maybe I'm not ready to see. Did anyone else experience this?
I think this happens all the time dear matter what it is your are reading and learning from,,,,you only get what you need at the time,,,later on you can go back and re-read the same thing,,,and have wonderful Ah Ha's,,,,that you missed the first time...

so don't sweat it......just keep following what you're heart tells you and you'll stay on the right track.....

I wish I could have been with you,,to see you being peeled like a banana,,, (after all a banana can't unpeel itself either can it??) :lol: :lol:

Things are coming along nicely in getting our stuff I picked up another dining tent,,,and some more bottled water....we had already bought a large container to carry water from the river for washing up,,,,,then decided to fill it for personal use from home...and bought some smaller bottles of drinking water,,,but only 3 bottles each per day,,,,then realized that we're going to be needing to be consuming alot more water than that whilst doing energy today I got another 48 small bottles....and when I got home and looked at the amt I had,,,I knew I had enough now.....can't be dehydrated up there !!!

I got a larger card for my camera,,,,but keep forgetting little tapes for my small recorder......

we're probably taking enough stuff for two weeks....and will be wishing we could stay longer I'm sure...

I feel the same way too Lilly,,,we have been forging a bond of love between us that will help carry us through many many days to come...

Bless Your Hearts,,,,everyone who reads our posts....we are all family..

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Post by peacockplume »

Thanks Lilly,

I'll go there now.

love pp
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lilly,

I will be sending prayers for your grandson and I will pray for him to be healthy once again.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Thanks everyone...I think bub had this throat thing all along but the doctor didn't daughter said he keeps touching and holding his throat...her regular doctor was still not listening until she insisted that he look down his throat.....sure enough...tonsillitis. I have just been and got some homeopathic fever medicine and colloidal silver spray for his throat.
This can be used in conjunction with the allopathic medicine. My grandson was in a way indicating as babies do that his throat was bothering him......why didn't the doctor look..... :duh Better to stay positive about it all for Aidan's quick recovery.
Love lilly xxxxx
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Post by peacockplume »

That was good news Lilly,,,

Glad to hear the little tyke is on the upswing,,,

love, pp
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi again all you Beauty-Beings LUV2,

PP, I think you're right, "catching up" is nearly impossible on this thread! :lol: I think I'm still three pages behind, even after all these posts! I may have to attempt to "speed things up" a bit, maybe make fewer and/or briefer comments, or something like that! :lol:

Sandy, :kiss: Thanks for the words to "I Believe I Can Fly." It's a lovely song and a wonderful message! :D And Maria, thank you for the link to Yolanda Adams singing it! She has a fantastic voice and sings it with such feeling! :colors:
Sandy wrote:Can you tell I am in a "musey" mood tonight... :roll: sorry about that...
Dear Sandy, you don't ever need to apologize for your "musings!" I always love reading them, and I love every thought-provoking word you wrote in this one! :colors: As for what we can offer our Celestial siblings, I'll bet just routinely stilling our minds as much as we can, and remaining as open and receptive as we can, really makes their efforts to get through to us much easier. (I still need to keep working on that! :roll:) And our gratitude is probably another great gift to them as well. I know Doreen Virtue says that the angels appreciate it when we express our gratitude to them for their help. :happy

Sarah, those pictures of your family in your signature line, like all the photos of them that you've posted on different threads in the past few weeks/months, are lovely! I'd meant to comment earlier, but am not sure whether or not I ever did. :roll: :D You have a beautiful family! :colors:

Heather, I agree with the Celestials and everyone else too, you are a special person! LUV2 I'm sending along my prayers that you will find your own best way to deal with the situation with your old job. :happy Your menagerie of cockatiels and budgies sounds like it would have been quite entertaining! :D Sandy and Heather, I know what you mean about loud birds -- we had two cherry-headed conures, among others, while we were growing up, and man, they are loud! :shock: :lol:

PP, what an interesting mirrored event you had to our Gallery scene with the psychic war you encountered on one of the nights at the Academy. :shock: It sure does require a lot of centering and shielding and such to even sit through as an observer! :roll: I'm glad to hear that it cleared up before the end of the weekend! :thumleft: And how wonderful that you're seeing how your own growth is getting passed on to others there! :colors:

Congratulations on manifesting your friend's drum for your upcoming trip to Golden! :colors: That trip is going to be so exciting, and it sounds like you're having lots of fun preparing and anticipating it as well! :D You'll of course have tell us all about it when your return! :colors:
Lilly wrote:I'd just like to say how I love you all dearly and feel so blessed knowing all of you. We help each other as we all progress a circle of love spanning thousands of's wonderful. Thankyou all so much.
Ditto on that to everyone here, Lilly, and same back to you too as well! :kiss: It truly is a wonderful thing, and a great blessing to us all! LUV2

I'm so sorry to hear about Kelli's husband; thanks for letting us all know! I haven't had much time to look at any threads except this one lately, so haven't been completely up to date. I too am joining everyone in sending love, prayers, and supportive, comforting, healing thoughts.

Yes, I agree, the Beatles were really switched on! :colors: I loved John and George too, but also Paul with his "silly love songs" as well! :colors: I remember the night John Lennon died when I was a teenager, and my boyfriend and I lamenting over the phone -- it's been said that for my generation, it was like the death of John Kennedy for earlier generations of Americans; everyone remembers where they were when it happened.
Laura wrote:...some make beautiful art, others wonderful tasting food and I make laughter.
Bravo, Laura , that is a valuable gift! I was just reading recently that laughter can boost the immune system and has several other different measurable physiological benefits in addition to the psychological ones, so the more "knickers in a knot" stories, the better! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lilly, wow, what an amazing experience that you had painted the name of your friend Carol into your painting without consciously knowing it, and then realized she'd been in your meditation! :shock: :D That's really cool! :colors:

Wow, everyone, I got surprisingly far in catching up this time around :shock: :D, just a little ways to go yet! So stay tuned! :D I apologize if I've missed anyone or anything during any of this -- with this busy a thread, I guess it's pretty much impossible to catch everything! :lol:

And oh yes, Lilly, just for the sake of timeliness, I'll jump ahead a bit for just a second to say, I'm sending along prayers and healing energies for your grandson's tonsillitis as well! :happy

Love to you all LUV2,
Aqua Deb
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Post by Maria L »

Hi everybody. I am just here to say goodnight. It is getting really late for me…
Thank you for prayers and good vibrations. I don’t have a ticket yet, but soon. Keep the image of me with a ticket in my hand. I have to change my avatar again so you can see what I really look like so you don’t send me to a snowy mountain in Himalaya… ha ha ha that would really prove that Abraham & Co.’s know their art. Well, maybe I can meet my future teacher there.
pp wrote: If you don't like the channel....change it"....

it's easier than you think as long as you don't 'resist' it.....

resistance slows the flow,,,,,darn right will stop it......
PP, You are absolutely right. We need to think it is that easy, first then will it become that easy.

Lilly, I keep you little grandson in my thoughts and prayers. Tell us how he is doing.

Heather, Your kissing birds are just so cute. Really cute!

Aqua-Debbie, I love the story about Ron feeding your Blue Jays and keeping the spiders away at the same time.

I am so rude, :oops: I never said thank you to you for the links to Abraham and Hicks-videos on youtube. THANK YOU. Really powerful… and now more movie-tips.
reba wrote: I'm an avid reader of scripture and inspired writings from all faiths. But this book is different. I think I must be a right-brained reader because I tend to see things more from what is not said. You know deeper meaning between the lines. The Urantia Papers are written in a style that for some reason is hard for me. Maybe I'm not ready to see. Did anyone else experience this?
Reba, are you kidding?! I probably have a different background (a right brained, intellectual-history, kind of background) than you have, and I still find it v e r y hard to understand and comprehend the Urantia Book. I suggest any reader of this book to approach it as a traditional western philosophical text, meaning: Take your time when reading it; be awake - this is not a bathtub story – (Urantia Foundation says that it intend to synthesize science, philosophy and religion); write down important facts; make mind-maps; ask critical questions – why-questions; start with its introduction - the Foreword; look up words you are not familiar with; and write down the meaning given to different terms. It is a dense text and has a terminology of its own, even inventing new words…

Someone on the board, said he did not read it from the first to the last page, but where he felt he wanted to read. Might work too… and maybe a more fun way. I really look forward to see the book in Swedish…

Hello to Memawlaura, Sandy, Doctor Chispas, Sarah, Gypsie, Kim, Petra and everybody else...

Oh, almost forgot. You have to see this wonderful video, “free hugs”, give it a minute… it feels good to be human!

Love Maria
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Post by peacockplume »

Well my last post for tonight,,

but I just had to come back with an odd mind picture I just had...

I have this circular bag that has little pockets all around the edge of it...

(I use it for putting in different crystals and stones that I want to carry around)

so I have this little bag filled with all these wonderful little energies,,and it has a drawstring...

I saw us all as the precious little stones in each of our different pockets (lives),,,,and when I pull the drawstring we all come together as one...

well Debbie has a way with her postings,,,,that put it in my mind,,,that everytime she posts,,,,it's like pulling on that drawstring....

she just brings us all together......

Bless your sweet heart Deb...

love and goodnight all,,
pp xoxoxo
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Wonderful post PP with the crystals and what you see happening with all of us and Maria that was a wonderful video on Hugs, so sending all you wonderful 11:11er's a GREAT BIG HUG AND TO TELL YOU YOUR LOVED!!
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi Laura, pp, everyone,
What a difference you all make to my life.....Bless you all.
Love lilly xxxx :D
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Post by reba »

Sorry PP didn't mean to upset the light conversation. I just felt more comfortable in asking you guys about the UB than on a main thread. Thanks for your comment though, I think I will do like you suggest and start with the midwayers.

PP, I wish I had all those bottles of water here. We had a leak in our pipes and we have had no water since Tuesday. I'm waiting for the plumber as I am typing!!!

Thanks Maria, I guess I just needed assurance that I am not alone in having these difficulties. Thought I was losing it because I have been able to read and study all sorts of writings but this one really stopped me in my tracks! That video makes me tear up a litte! So sweet!

I'm enjoying reading all your posts. I don't know everything you are talking about but I love to hear about your lives.

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Post by SheraX »

That free hugs fella was on Oprah a few months back when she was doing a "Utube show".

I love the video,gets me all teared up. :)

Thanks Aqua. :)

Hi everyone! *hugs*
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Reba,
I have a feeling PP was just kidding about this being a light hearted thread and all.. It is for the most part but we do have moments when we do discuss serious stuff. I am glad you brought up the Ubook because I always enjoy talking about it. :wink:
I think, as others to have said, the best way to read the Urantia book is very slowly..without "finishing" being the main objective. :wink: It truly is a different mind set involved.. :lol: I just want you to know I am "thick as a brick" and when I first began the enormous book I started at the very beginning...The foreward :shock: I was so disheartened and thought "Oh my goodness! If the whole book is this difficult I am doomed!" (keep in mind, the most complicated reading I had done in months was harlequin romances. :roll: Sort of puts it in perspective doesn't it! :lol: ) Well as I read, I finally decided that although it was a good exercise plan, this getting up...walking to the book case, dragging out websters collegiate dictionary..walking back to my chair... that something was going to have to give, so I started doing what Maria suggested in her post and writing down the meanings of certain terms and the meaning of words I was looking up and relooking up...The dictionary stayed by my side throughout the first section. I even drew diagrams and wrote out bits and pieces of information say about complicated things like The Seven Master Spirits...etc... I feel the first part is the most difficult, with the forward being the hardest of all. My favorite hands down would have to be the Jesus Papers. (fourth section) What a complete joy they were to read... Anyway, I know the papers can at first be a little difficult, but I noticed the more I read, the more I became accustomed to the more difficult reading and the easier it was to understand.
I know the Urantia Papers don't resonnate with every one who reads them or attempts to read them...but I have found papers, paragraphs, and sentences that have touched me, inspired me and gaven me great comfort and peace. With that said, and after reading Autobiography of a Yogi I believe I am reminded in my own life path to remain open and accepting to other ideas and beliefs because not one of these great religions or spiritual beliefs will have the entire picture of God, and eternity. How can it...God is sooooooooooo immense! I realized that I was in danger of being a spiritual fudy dudy! :shock:

A book that may be a good read for anyone interested in the beginnings of The Urantia Book would be A history of the Urantia Papers by Larry

PP, what a beautiful image you gave us of the crystals, the drawstring bag, and our dear Aqua deb...
Bless your sweet heart Deb...

It is so true! :cheers:
Well I am completely behind and I will catch up tommorow (hopefully) it is so late now... Oh one more thing. Lilly please let us know how Aiden is doing when you can, okay? It has been awhile since my boys were young,, but if my memory is correct those throat infections can really spike the body temperature and make them miserable for a time. Hope the little guy feels better quickly. He has sure had more than his share of illness lately hasn't he?

Love to all of you,
goodnight, :kiss:
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Post by prtaina »

Hello Debbie,
I was introduced to "The Secret" on Nov. 2007. I found it awesome and enlightning. I saw the DVD and read the Book. I've applied my energies and positive thoughts to various situations and being that I have a very powerful mind...things have worked out. I must also say, that although I realize that I do posess a strong mind, I do not know how to use it well. At this time in my life is that I finally woke up and am trying to learn to use the gift that I have. What is it??? I'm trying to get the answer...I just know it's strong. I just finished purchasing the Urantia Book and the Akashic Construct...I know I'll find my way.
Peace & Love

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Post by peacockplume »

Good morning everyone,,,

yes Reba,,,no apology need,,,,,

as sandy said
I have a feeling PP was just kidding about this being a light hearted thread and all.. It is for the most part but we do have moments when we do discuss serious stuff. I am glad you brought up the Ubook because I always enjoy talking about it.
when you get a chance and go through this thread,,,,you'll see that we plumb the depths and heights of all thought and emotions....

that's the beauty of our 'secret' here...

I'm glad you (all) liked the little 'sight' I had of us crystals being 'in the bag' and Deb's skill at pulling us all together....

then the strings pull out,,,and we fly in and out changing places,,,popping in and out of this thread.....and Deb brings it all back together again...

I'm not getting done what I was supposed to do today,,,,so I guess that just means I wasn't supposed to do it.....well,,,,there's still time,,,no need to pressure myself,,, :lol: :lol: :lol:

all is with Divine guidance,,,,,,,even using that powerful mind....
At this time in my life is that I finally woke up and am trying to learn to use the gift that I have. What is it??? I'm trying to get the answer...I just know it's strong
if it was all revealed at once,,,,we wouldn't be able to understand it....
and there would be no joy in discovering it....

so bit by bit,,,the dawning of awareness comes upon us,,,,and becomes a part of us....

Live, Love and Laugh....

blessings to all,
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
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Post by lilly »

Good Morning, tea, green tea, oh! nearly forgot.....pancakes with whatever you like....
I've just been reading back through this thread and am loving the bond we all have and the crystals being drawn together in the bag story.
I slept all night last night with no waking up and can't remember any dreams....prayed for Aidan before falling off to sleep. I have been on hand helping out....but can't imagine how my daughter feels.
The red must be catching pp, as I bought a red top last night..... being a summer in 'Colour me Beautiful" the reds with a blue undertone suit me best. No black near the orange or yellow...... Best for Spring and Autumn palettes. Winter and Summer have cool undertones.....Autumn and Spring have warm undertones. It really does make a difference which shades suit best for each type.
Liz Taylor is a classic Winter and can carry off pretty bold dramatic colours without disappearing.....Julia Roberts would be an Autumn and can wear orange reds and rich oranges and rusty colours very well. Spring and Summer suit softer colours in the correct gets really interesting......the palettes cross over in parts...I think Uma Thurman is a Summer......blonde highlights with an ash tone suit this type rather than a gold look. Springs can have auburn....strawberry blonde......Nicole Kidman...... There are many things to look at the skin colour, natural hair colour, eyes......
Sometimes it's hard to pick some people as we can be a cross of two more dominant though. I got some colour sheets off the net which were helpful....
Today is my appointment with the Homeopath......must say I'm feeling a lot better......he has helped me immensely.
I've been thinking a lot about Esther and Jerry's, 'Abraham' makes so much sense......have joined their mailing list.
If we can hold a positive thought and intention for longer than a few seconds it will manifest much wonder we lose out....those negatives pop in quick like unwelcome gatecrashers at a party....
If the order goes in the universe will bring it if we stay out of the way......The daily reminder was, If man only understood that," What I create has nothing to do with what anyone else is creating." Then he wouldn't be so afraid of what others are doing.
Actually this is must come in to play with World dominance as well. All the spying and stuff that goes on......We even need spyware for our computers.......Lol
I've raved on a bit today........ Love to you All.
lilly xxxxx :loves
Last edited by lilly on Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by doctorchispas »

lilly wrote:Good Morning, tea, green tea, oh! nearly forgot.....pancakes with whatever you like....
Hey, what am I, chopped liver ?
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Post by lilly »

No need to get nasty......
lilly xxx :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by lilly »

Hi Doc,
I'm surprised at your comment......really, nothing was meant by my innocent Good Morning Ladies......Duh! Are you that sensitive? :roll: I absolutely forgot that you come here and I apoplogise.
Love lilly xxxx :D My day started out nice.......better listen to Abraham
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
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Post by prtaina »

Your right PP,

If I would get all the answers at once...I don't even want to imagine how my brain would react..scrambled eggs anyone?... :shock: hahaha. Well I can't say I'm not reading...The Power of Now, The Game of Life and How to Play it and all the posts I get from SaturnsLdy and Lightworkers on My Space. It's all so interesting and so true. All I do is and meditate and of course work...haha. I have the Urantia Book also, but step by step...
Thanks for the advice..
Peace & Love

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Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
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Post by doctorchispas »

lilly wrote:Hi Doc,
I'm surprised at your comment......really, nothing was meant by my innocent Good Morning Ladies......Duh! Are you that sensitive? :roll: I absolutely forgot that you come here and I apoplogise.
Love lilly xxxx :D My day started out nice.......better listen to Abraham
Chopped liver is a side dish in Jewish cusine, often overlooked. Apologies are not required. No offense was taken and none is given back. It was meant to be humorous.
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi prtaina,,,

:lol: :lol: :lol: you sound like me..... :study:

but since you're into The Power of Now....have you seen or heard about his newest A New Earth????

Oprah is having a summer class of A New Earth on again....starting this Monday night....the 11th...


I'll miss this Mon night,,,but I'm going to tune in again the following week...

just go to and you'll find the links,,,,and you'll absolutely love it....

sorry folks,,,gotta run....

Dr. C....that's one of my favourite sayings!!!!

I just don't think dear Lilly got the humour,,,,,but I did,,,so all's not lost...

please continue with your humour,,,we'll get used to it...

(after all,,,,they got used to me :lol: :lol: :lol: )

love to all the ladies,,,,and Dr. C....

and there are a few other gentlemen who venture to our coffee house too.

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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by prtaina »

Hey PP,
Well as a matter of fact, I ordered from Amazon: The Urantia Book, The Law of Attraction by Ester & Jerry Hicks (Already read the one by Rhonda Byrnes) and of course...A New I don't have enough to read huh??? :shock: haha. Oh, and let me not forget...The search for 11:11, by George...Well, there all good. I'll be missing Oprah, my TV went on the blink and since I don't watch it that much anyway, I guess I'll miss out. Thanks for the tip anyway...I'll look for the links anyway..
Sweet Dreams
Peace & Love

"There is No Worst Atempt, than the One not made"
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Doc,
I am sorry, really....... :oops: My nerves are rattled with bub being sick and crying...wondering what is happening to him.....sore throat.....stomach upset.
Sometimes my little child ego comes out and has a go....... feel silly posting that now. :sword: :roll: I'm a meanie!!!!
Have a great day.
Love lilly xxxxx
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
~ In the welfare of others I will find my own prosperity ~ Yogananda
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