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Post by peacockplume »

Ah, thank you,,,,tastes great.... quick too, I might add...

you said you wrote short stories in your 'spare' time....

might I ask if you have a particular 'theme'?????

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Post by sinner »

:lol: :lol:
Don't get me hooked, this waiter job is just a stepping stone.
I write about everyday stuff. No people getting chopped up or anything like that, although the way things are going....
I question myself, i question other people, i come to an answer which is a peaceful and moral one and i always believe in a happy ending.
I might write about my job as a waiter some day! :lol: :lol:
No i wouldn't do that! :lol: :lol:
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Post by lilly »

Good Morning.....the rooster is crowing, could someone make me a nice cup of black tea with a touch of milk please, I'll be your friend for life.....
I actually like making the tea so I guess I'll make you all one...... :lol: Scones with cream and jam anyone..........doughnut holes....for me as I'm going all health conscious at the moment....stewed apple with no added sugar would be nice for me. I want to be all taut and terrific so I can strut down the beach in my cossie.... :shock: :sunny:
I'm all nice this morning and going shopping to buy an extra blanket for the kids when they stay over. I have my eye on a nice quality mink blanket with a peacock on it and lovely reds around the border with flowers.....
I don't want to go on about the Secret, only that I like it very much. People come across what they need, I'm sure of that. Joseph Murphy, Catherine Ponder, and others from long ago have told the same thing, it doesn't really matter where we hear it as long as we do. Going within is where it all lies and that is where our George and all major spiritual teachers tells us to look for God.
Love and more Love
lilly xxxx :kiss:
lilly xxx :kiss:
Last edited by lilly on Sun May 25, 2008 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sinner »

Lilly you really are a scream :lol: :lol: My missus is just after shouting from the bedroom asking what i am laughing at. I take it that it is morning for most of you. It's 1:17 at night time here.
Now getting back to the corset.....
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Post by lilly »

I've said goodbye twice, well I do have a double head line if there are any palmists about. What corset.....? My old Auntie used to wear one when I was a child and I used to think......what the heck is that with all those lace up things to pull everything in.....It took her ages to get it off, I'd be long asleep. I'm not too bad and haven't needed one yet.... :roll: Still get the odd whistle.....haha Not bad for a granny......
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Post by sinner »

hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
You should be on a stage. :lol: :lol:
I thought a cossie meant a corset. :roll: You get my vote :D
I can't stop laughing. Okay don't even reply to this. :lol:
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh you guys, keep it up,,, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was guessing a cossie as a bathing suit,,,????

Well sinner, you must be over on the European side of the world,,,the UK somewhere,,, when you posted at 1:17 am it was 5:21 pm when the post came in my time....west coast of Canada...and our dear Lilly is a real morning bird...but I think it was about 10:30 am her time oh yeah, tomorrow... at least you two were in the same day....I'm always lagging a day behind...but only 7 hrs from GMT...

maybe someday your short stories will turn into a big one...all about your journey as a lightworker...

sorry,,,you'll have to share the waiters job....we all take a crack at it...

which reminds me,,,thanks Lilly,,,I just had dinner,,,so maybe a nice chai would be good now....I appreciate the offer as i don"t have the energy to make one myself...

my intention for today was to re-vamp my flyer and business card and instead...I managed to weed whack the path down from the hot tub,,,and my hands are numb now....can barely type...also got some more weeds out of my front garden,,,,just have one little bit left......still didn't tackle the nettle....maybe tomorrow.....I guess that's one good thing about winter here.....everything stays green ...and short.

you're so right on Lilly
Going within is where it all lies and that is where our George and all major spiritual teachers tells us to look for God.
time for a rest ....and some 'inner looking' I'll wrap up in my mink blanket with elephants on it. That's funny you finding one with a peacock on it......

loves to all
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Post by Maria L »

Dear Sinner,

You asked about "the Secret" and it was with your question in mind I told what happened to me in Copenhagen some years ago. I am sorry if I confused you. :(
I will explain the idea in the book/movie very shortly and un-ortodoxly, and with no referens to the book/movie you are asking about (since I have not studied neither of them). The secret, which is not really a secret, is an idea that can be boiled down to "positive thinking" (think of the concept outside the box) combined with magic (magic as in real fairy tale magic). You materialize your wishes with a thought tecnique. Creating a miracle so to speak. This is old stuff and very useful. ( I have a feeling that others have a lot, tons, to add to this brief "explanation" ...)
Sinner, think of a future where humans, spiritually evolved and perfected, have put an end to starvation by knowing how to feed themselve by multiplying bread - not by hard work, harvest and baking, but by making their ide of bread take physical form.
Sounds crazy, well Jesus did it. ...and so can you. :happy
Paramhansa Yogananda writes about this in his autobiography.

Interested? There is lot more to the story, of course. I know almost nothing, yet.

Thanks PP. :loves

I am working on the ticket realization right now. It will happen. I know it will. :D

love Maria
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Post by Sandy »

Good morning everybody,

Just getting the coffee started here...even though it's already after noon... (how embarassing! :oops: ) We'll be drinking less sugar in our drinks now after George's dream last night. In it he asked me where the sugar was and I said here...with the sugar bowl in my hands... and then, without blinking an eye,I let it drop on the floor! :shock: Well, I would have interpreted it as I was being me (typically bullish, you know!) but George says no, the meaning was a warning to him to have less sugar which we all know is important!...sooooo we are off the "good stuff." ...again...

Lilly I've got tea going for you... and Casta I am not sure what you prefer but I am happy to see you and your adorable cat posting on the secret thread... and with that thought..
I want to say that I too loved the Secret book Lilly, Casta, and sinner, and I definitely reccommend it and then, too, reading Ask and It Is Given afterwards. I thought it (the secret) was very well done and got the message across in a way that was very inspiring. It is quite different from the Secret movie, much more detailed. PP is right, it is not nearly as descriptive or as informative on the whole process of the Law of Attraction as in Ask and it Is Given, but when you finish it you feel like a million bucks and wanting more... so it gets a good grade from me.

Thanks for posting the new Avatar picture PP. It really gives me a feel for those giant trees we have been talking about. Can you imagine what the Norh American continent...the whole world really, must have looked like when it was unspoiled and these ancient groves were the norm.

Maria, never mind those rampaging dogs, wild hogs, and venomous spiders... those flying cockroaches would do me in! :( Oh my, I can't stand those things.... Nightmares on wings they are! :shaking: Black widow spiders are not aggressive and will just try to stay out of your way... Wear gloves when working where you lift and move stones or brush...and keep your eyes open when you are in a dark and moist area like a shed or barn. (They like dark place) Now the Brown Recluse spider, in my opinion, is by far the worst. Still, not common, but more often found inside where we live. Always shake out blankets and clothing, shoes etc... that you haven't used and stored for awhile. And check the underside of your bike seat. My brother-in-law got bit on his backside once by a Brown Recluse living under his bike seat. :shock:

I got a chuckle from your money visualization...Hope this time you receive some money that's earmarked for you. I know that poor man was happy that someone with some scrupples found his wallet and card...

I have been innterrupted by a long but lovely call from my eldest son...It always makes my day when I connect with my children. :sunflower:

I just want to say hi to everyone before I have to dash off...George needs fed and I have a mountain of laundry I am trying to get washed and out on the line... I'll catch up with what I missed in a little bit...

Love and hugs to all of you.. :love
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi all,,,,,

now this is what I get for staying up too late,,,,,I'm the first one in the coffee shop again....

(Hey Sarah,,,,you can wake up now,,,and take over for me :lol: :lol: )

I'm going to bed,,,,you're getting up or are already,,,,and OZ land is just heading into evening....

I wonder what dear Pet and family are doing about now ????? she'll probably post pretty I hope she sees this....


perhaps Thalia is ready for another soda type drink....wonder what you guys are eating and drinking in Corsica....lots of fish and wine is my guess.....

GypsieDeb's not writing lately either....she's probably busier than a one armed paper hanger,,,,,with a new job,,,,and moving into a new home...

AquaDeb,,,,as soon as I see you post I'll put up the other avi of Kirkland sitting inside the centre of another cedar butt which was cut....many many moon ago......I've been busy working up a new business card and flyer,,,

Well Sandy dear,,,,I'm not lifting,,,,but managed to 'wreck' myself anyway.....did too much,,,,weeding.....heaving water out of the bottom of the hot tub,,,,and today trying to do a tiny bit of weed whacking.....
so all I'm going to be able to do with the nettle,,,is take a pair of pruners out and lop of the tops with the blooms...

Oh yes,,,,about that 'dropped' sugar bowl......have you looked up Stevia or ever tried it.....I just googled it and got lots of info on's 'sugar free'...

ok dear ones....even this typing is causing me pain....too much of that today too.....I never seem to do things in small's all or nothing.......

so maybe tomorrow's a 'nothing day' I'll make it a meditation it'll be a something day...

Oh I must be overtired.....ramblin on I am.....ramble to bed now...

love and light to everyone...
pp xoxoxoxoxo
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Post by Castanboa »

Many thanks, Sandy, coffee would be just fine... even without sugar! :D
I second Pp's comment about Stevia. Though personally, I prefer Agave nectar! Oh, dear, it's so delicious! And it has so many beneficial properties for one's health!

I think I might have dreamt about The Secret last night, too. If that's not a hint to visualize and believe more, I don't know what is! :roll: :cyclopsani:
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Post by sinner »

hi all, just have enough time to type this "Thank you for a mermorable night" :lol: :lol:
the ball and chain is calling to me that we have relations to visit. :lol:
Bye for now.
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Post by Maria L »


Dear Sandy,
How did it go for your brother-in-law after the spider attack???? :shock:

Thanks for information who to deal with these creepy things. I shall be more careful.
love Maria
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Post by peacockplume »

Good morning again dear cafe haus menchen,

my neighbour/friend said last night,,,if you wake up early phone me, she forgot to come over for her Ion treatment yesterday as she was going full tilt in her garden....

so I just phoned her cuz Echo got me up to take her out,,and thought I'd just say good morning to everyone... and a good night to Sandy.

Castanboa,,,thanks for the tip on the agave nectar,,,,,but you wouldn't be putting it in coffee,,,,,,would you????

My stevia bottle is now out of hiding,,,and I will see how that tastes in my 'next' coffee...

Have a wondeerful sunday everyone,,,,,

love and light and lots of hugs to you too sweet maria..

pp xoxoxoxo
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Post by Castanboa »

Peacockplume, what wouldn't i use agave nectar in!! I think it literally tastes like the elixir of life.... the sweetest of nectars (without being too sweet to the palette)! Ha! Have I conveyed my love for agave nectar yet? :roll:

Actually, it would depend on the type of agave nectar one has.... In the U.S., in all those health food stores (I'm particularly thinking of Whole Foods) you get raw Agave Nectar... which has a clear color and a smooth, thin consistency.... This I would put on anything and everything....

Then if you go to Mexico (where the agave plant, and agave nectar originate) you get the agave nectar or "agave honey" which is the juice of the plant processed in a different way..... It's nearly opaque and has a tangy taste to it... this one I would most definitely not add to coffee.... but i find it's amazing for peanut butter sandwiches! who needs jam when you have this rich, thickish "honey" .....

and as a whole, in whatever form it comes, it has a low glycemic level! ... oh, i could go on and on.... :bounce: WHIST
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Post by gypsie »

Hi All

HELLO :cheers: to the many new family members who are making this thread wonderous :loves

I am on the run here, working today again, but strange thing happened this morning a voice as clear as day in my right ear said
"time to get up Deborah"

Harry was not impressed when I woke him to ask if he'd heard it also emmmm ( his answer was, one of your weird friends I guess) . It's almost 5.30 and still have no idea what that was all about. bit like the sugar bowl Sandy, more will be revealed.

However, I did find myslef looking at the crop circle thread and followed a link or two, very interesting reading...

OK better run, we have ended up buying a Art Deco unit by the beach in Coogee, Lily we must get toether with your grandson and the boys, it's 400 metres to the ocean. We'll be in debt for the next 40 years, NO WE WON"T I must remember the secret, it will be payed off in 5 years!!!

I promise to not be so rude next time and catch up with each of you :kiss: time to iron school uniforms URGH...

love and hugs Gypsie :hithere
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Post by lilly »

Hi Gypsie,
Yes!!!!!! What a great place to lawns to worry about and the beach as your front yard ....well almost... This news makes me very happy and I'd love to come and visit when you've settled in.....Have a wonderful week.
Love lilly xxxx :loves
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Post by gypsie »

Well, I am just out the door but wanted to share the possible reaon why I was woken at such a early hour????
At 6am my street was filled with police cars a man who did a h0me invasion close to our area shot a mother in the leg on Friday.

Police were saying stay inside and lock doors, I froze when I went to put the deadlock on at 6am to find my front door unlocked and slightly open (we forgot to lock up) :finger: all is calm and the children have been dropped at school, it's 8:08 am...

This reminded me of the forwarded message I sent to some of you (those I have emails) it tells the stories of the small reasons why people were late the morning of 9/11 and therefore were not in the buildings as they were attacked.......

Thank you to the Angels who spoke in my ear this morning, Harry has also thanked them...

God Bless Deborah
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Post by lilly »

You're truly guided, Gypsie.
Love lilly xxxx
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Castanboa,
It's sounding better and better by the minute....the synchronicity of you mentioning it at all is what got my interest....yesterday I had been checking out the Oprah site,,,as she has gone on a 21 day cleanse,,by eating 'good things' and one of the things she mentioned was 'agave' juice,,,,and then you bring it up....

now it even benefits our dear George !!!! ( attention) :lol:

{{{{{HELLO GYPSIE}}}}}
wonderful to see you again....yes, it does well, to pay attention to those prompts we get.....glad you listened....

Lilly's been talking of it being cold also,,,so I hope you don't spend you first winter by the ocean totally by the water is quite different from being inland abit....but what a wonderful experience it will be.....I can hear those waves crashing now....feeling the power of the deep sea is terrific....(minus those sharks mind you)...I miss not being so close to it...

Please keep an eye on us here when you have time,,,,

love and blessings dear Gypsie,,,and everyone here..

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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I was mainly refering to this house when I said it was cold here, although we did have some nippy days when it was cold out... Gypsie may think it's pretty warm where she lives. it's lovely outside today....I've just been doing some more clearing of old tree much to do. At least it's getting done, however slowly...
I sat down in the sun and went into the silence for a few minutes and was told as it ended to relax and 'let go' of others expectations of what I should do or be. And also for me to leave others to tread their paths too. Everyone has their own path to tread and thank goodness we are not all the same.
Love lilly xx :wink:
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Post by peacockplume »

How true Lilly,
Imagine how boring it would be if we were all the same..... :lol: :lol:
It's always good when we come to the realization that we don't live for the expectations of others....we have enough to do,,,fulfilling the wishes of our Divine parents....that's a large enough task for me...

Thanks for the clarification of the weather,,,,I was beginning to think the weather there was turning cold generally,,,'ll be fun if you and Gypsie and 'the boys' can get together at the beach.....

We are having a spring....I think....we've had a few warm days and evenings,,,,with a couple of really nice sunny ones sprinkled in with the rain....

so today,,,,I worked on my flyer for the Academy,,,and finished it...answered some mails,,,then went outside.....into the nettle jungle...

got over half of it pulled,,,tomorrow will finish it,,,but I kept getting stung
by the little needles....ZOTTED I call it,,,,and just above my wrists, where the top of my gloves and my sleeve decided to part company occasionally, feel like I have little electric shocks going on...a bit painful...

I just thought to put some T-Tree Oil on it,,,awesome stuff that is....the pain part is instantly gone and it's just giving me a tingly feeling now...

I'm getting a chuckle out of it actually,,,,thinking of ET saying,,,focus on the energy in your body and feel it tingling..... :lol: :lol: :lol: no problem there's just so pronounced I can't feel it anywhere else but my arms... :lol: :lol: :lol: I had on rubber boots so for once my feet or legs never got ZOTTED!......

so now it's after 10 pm,,,,and I'm heading for the prone position and the UB....

have a good night/evening/day everyone...
in love and light
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Dear Every One LUV2,

Before I even begin, this feels like a post that'll get longer than I think sooner than I think :lol:, so I'll probably have to write more than one post to catch up on everything that's happened here since I last posted :D ...
Lilly wrote:Sorry I've raved on .......
Lilly, no problem! :D Yes, I bet you're right that the redwoods do help process some of the negative stuff in their surroundings -- they've been around for so long that they probably witnessed the Spaniards' original taking of this land from the native people way back when, which probably was not a pretty scene ... since these magnificent trees simultaneously take in water both from the earth through their roots and from the fog through their needles, I can imagine them connecting heaven and earth. Just as all plants take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen as part of photosynthesis, it feels like perhaps they also "breathe in" the negativity around them, then process and transform it within themselves, and then "breathe out" transformed, clean vibes, sort of like the Buddhist practice of "tonglen," I think it's called.

I do think our year here in this place was meant to be, and that we indeed attracted it to us, as a learning experience, a growth opportunity, and a chance to "clean up our vibration" (as Abraham would say :D) regarding certain issues. We work a lot with the I Ching as one of our spiritual guides and teachers :happy, and in advance, they warned us that when we moved here, we would have to continually "darken our light," :roll: but they also made it clear that it was the right place to live for this year. Just a month or so after we moved here, we heard that the Gallery was starting up, so it was clear that we were meant to be here for that opportunity (and the I Ching told us in advance that it would be a great opportunity for us, as well as having some fundamental problems associated with it). Looking back on it, it did get me to unbury my art and start doing it again for the first time in 20-some years, and, as you mentioned, it also gave us an opportunity to work with whatever forces inside us mirror the authoritarian gallery co-founder. :roll: :D

For example, at the beginning, the negative co-founder decided there would be a monthly revolving art-director position, and that the person fulfilling the role on any given month would have complete freedom of choice to arrange the Gallery and hang everyone's art the way they wanted. Then, the very first month, after the appointed art director arranged everything, the co-founder came in drunk one night, completely overrode the art director's arrangement, and rearranged everything the way she wanted it, taking down several people's stuff that she didn't like, which included our silk hoops (since they were too "non-standard" in her mind, not square and framed like traditional paintings :shock: :roll:)! (This of course was the Gallery's "first big hurdle," which caused wide-spread conflict among gallery members for quite a while :!:, until things gradually settled down again, but I spared all of you the details at the time! :roll:) So, as part of the processing of all this, I've been asking myself where I've had a critical, authoritarian voice within myself (probably that originally did come from parents, art teachers, etc., but that I then internalized, so it's now just a voice within me that took over for them) that tries to judge and suppress my art in the same way the co-founder did to all of us, and attempts to insult and interrupt my spontaneous, positive, intuitive artistic impulses, and so on. And I realize that as I keep working on listening to that negative voice less and less, until it shrinks more and more, I'll be less likely to attract the same sort of situation in the future (or if I still do, it'll at least be ever milder versions of it as I keep "cleaning up my vibe," as Abraham says :thumleft:). Ron and I have been talking about and processing these issues daily, and he has identified several of his own similar issues that he's been working on too. Fortunately, the I Ching seems to think we've been doing very well with it! :colors:

We also have been looking through the Santa Cruz phone book I got through CraigsList, and there are fortunately many art galleries, art co-op type places, art gift shops and such there, potential future venues. There are also various arts-and-crafts fairs one can buy booth space at, and so on, that we may begin looking into at some point, and I know of a few on-line possibilities as well, as you've mentioned. Thanks for all your wishes that things go well! :happy You're a beautiful person too! :kiss:
PP wrote: we all need to be in a comfortable place and sometimes all you can do is remove yourself from the everyone seems to be doing from the gallery.....many people have gone through that type of transition....I've heard it's part of personal ascension....when it comes to the point of recognizing the negativity,,,,one has to finally make a choice..
PP, wow, I'm sorry you lost all that stuff you typed in! Thanks for your support! :kiss: I agree with what you wrote above; I do think it's part of personal ascension, which is tied in with all the "cleaning up our vibrations" we're doing around this issue, as mentioned above. Just like we can choose to recognize and remove ourselves from the negativity in our outer environment, we can also choose to become aware of and stop listening to our own "inner critic" and "inner bully" voices, remove ourselves from that negative inner emotional environment as well. Looking back on it, we realize that this past year has really sparked a lot of profound inner growth and change, so, in reality, it's been a great gift. :happy :colors:

Oops, it's getting late already :shock:, so, if I don't have time to write a second post tonight, I'll do so again soon, and try to catch up on the rest of the flurry of activity that's been going on here since I last posted. :lol:

Love to all of you LUV2,

Aqua Deb
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Post by lilly »

Hi AquaDeb,
I had a little cry reading your post, can so relate to the things you were saying about what happens in the process of shedding and learning about ourselves through willing participants who show us our own inner critic which hurts and tries to cripple us. I'm with you in spirit and am overjoyed at your wonderful strength and ability to see what's going on and your incredible way of wording it in action. :kiss:
Dear pp,
I hope your hands are feeling better, nettles, ooh! ouch! You're a classic like me , never seem to escape natures almost invisible spikes and splinters.....Lol I'll have to get a pair of gloves like Sandy's....
Love to you and all our friends on the site... sinner, could you put the kettle on and make us all a cuppa, please... :thumright:
lilly xxx
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~ In the welfare of others I will find my own prosperity ~ Yogananda
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Post by peacockplume »

Hello AquaDeb
Looking back on it, we realize that this past year has really sparked a lot of profound inner growth and change, so, in reality, it's been a great gift.
Now that's the positive way to look at it...

It's really quite wonderful to see that you do not need to 'cling' to where you are physically....that you have the 'clarity' required to see that when a move is required,,,that you are ready to make it.......'cool'....

the same goes for raising the inner vibration....when you choose to 'remain in the light and joy' then you get 'more light and joy' and if you still have things to clear,,,,they'll manifest,,,,but I think it get's 'lighter' every's a continual experience anyway,,,,different places,,,,different people,,,,,different lessons (or maybe the same one if you didn't get it the first time) :lol: :lol: but you're extremely blessed to have such a life companion and you're travelling it together....pretty awesome there Deb and Ron....

I haven't thrown the I Ching in a long time,,,,no matter what method we use,,,,as long as we recognize Spirit working through it,,,,guiding and teaching and we keep the 'ego' out of it,,,,then it usually does reveal that the path chosen is the right one.... :lol: :lol: no matter where it leads...that's the nice thing about 'trusting' higher don't second guess it....just go with it....

I know I've been waiting for Tranquility Base to 'blossom',,,,wondering,,, well,,,,,what's holding it up...yet knowing all the time....that whatever it is truly meant for will manifest....and the wheels are in motion now.... (sure hope I'm ready for it after all this planning learning and doing)...

it's exciting to see a new 'chapter' revealing itself....

Lilly,,,just a quick update on the nettle stings,,,,,my hands are ok,,,it was just that bare spot between the wrist of the glove and the wrist of my sleeve....and there only seems to be one spot more or less that's still being abit of an aggravation...

Thanks for making me remember,,,,and I just put a bit more T-Tree oil on my arm there,,,,instant works for bee or wasp stings too,,,
I'm allergic to wasps,,,,,so I always have a bottle near me when it's 'that time' of takes out the pain and stops the swelling,,,immediately..

but it was rather pleasing as I was pulling them out to discover all the bluebells and forget-me-nots that are blooming away,,,,and to think I could have almost missed seeing them.....not much left to do tomorrow, probably another hr should do it....

meanwhile, it's 1:33 I'll go now,,,and say hello to Matthew...

ha,,,just turned 1:34...

love and light to all,,,

pp xoxoxo
Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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