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Post by peacockplume »

hope you guys like this....

love pp
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Post by gypsie »

Oh PP I just loved that :happy I felt at peace within it is a beautiful clip, thanks so much for sharing it, will you be going to Yellowstone?

I am going to look at the other sites and see whats happening here in Australia. Pat said to say hello :hithere she feels dreadful :meds: vey shaken and sore. Harry's elder brother is going to talk to her about driving, she is getting quite old and is not the safest driver at best. I am staying out of that one, I feel loosing her car would be a bit like a bird having their wings clipped, difficult situation.

I'm sure you garden will be back to it's beautiful self, I remember when you were packing away the lilos at the end of summer last year. Girl that is one long winter you have up there :shock: I watched Liz on a uTube clip and I couldn't believe the snow and ice, it looked freezing, burrrrr

We went to see the musical Billy Elliot last night, 10 boys :shock: and were we had dinner the girls from the show were there, 12 year old boys are so funny they put their hands like phones and said "Call Me" :lol: the girl rolled their eyes and walked away. Those kids work so hard, they are amazing talents, I liked the way the musical explored sexuality ect but the swearing was over the top. In one scene Billy's E little friend gave him a kiss on the cheek and all ou could hear in the theratre was our row go ERRRRRRRR the place cracked up. Oh PP I would love to come and explore your garden and i'm drawn to Heather's as well, we really don't get four seasons here, well I don't anyway :lol: hot flushes, I thought that was a great name for a cafe?

Sandy HELLO :kiss: it's great to see you back, when have computer problems it's a different worls now. The internet has opened the planet up, I don't explore too much but how blessed was I to find this site. Harry said to tell you the 555 prompts are driving him nuts :duh I told him the feedback with Dorene Virtue Laura and he said "Everyday there's a big change coming living with me" :mrgreen: Sorry about your tree maybe the kids coukd give it a feed, liquids I find work wonders, I use Aquasol or Miracle Grow it's amazing what the liquid fertilzer can do, my flowers are always blooming. I went to my friends mother's house on the weekend (took her son to the airport) and 80 something Thelma walked me around her garden, she moved in when she was six months. Every plant had a story, my mother planted that, I was 22 when I planted that and this beautiful shrub had such a story, she said "we planted that when my brother went to war, we told him he had to come home and see it grow and he did" I thought a garden can tell a person's life. I'm not doing very well on striking the daisy cutting, I've put it in water but it's limp, any ideas? maybe hormone powder?
I know PP do they have a plant section at Wal Mart? That place sounds amazing so will Alan be working on the island if he gets the transfer? I'm a bit confused about it or the place of your island.

Are you online Petra? I loved your email, chin up and enjoy Corsica Harry slept on the beach as a young backpacker, he loved it there, I feel the sun will be healing, PM me your postal box the skirt is packed and ready to go, how cool will it be when we have you in it as your avi :kiss: it has little mirrors around it as well, good protection from any negitives. It's pouring with rain here so I better go Harry's ute just pulled up, another round of toasted sandwiches yet again :stars:

Love and light to each and everyone, we are doing the house thing again today, I can't get my head around the prices they are asking here in Sydney for places that need another 200k on top!

Big love and hugs Gypsie :love
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Dear Friends,

Well, all right PP :kiss:, I'll keep everyone's colored names going! :colors: ...

I thought it was about time I changed my avvie again -- this picture was taken on my birthday just recently, and I notice that my hair's gotten a lot longer and is also now kind of two-toned! :lol: I've got about a full inch of dark roots showing at this point, so maybe I'd better re-henna soon -- I've kind of been lax about it of late! :roll: :D

November, thanks for that most excellent birthday squirrel! He really "takes the cake," literally! :lol:

Bing, thanks, as usual for your fun links! :D In that article, "5 Things You Should Never Say to Her," I rather disagree with point #2, though; when I'm told "I love you" during a fight, it's usually a good thing -- calms my inner argumentative ego voices right down -- but maybe that's just me! :D

Pet, thanks for your kind birthday wishes too! :D It sounds like you're feeling a lot better as you're getting everything cleaned up and preparing to get out of that place for good, while at the same time remaining in the now without expectations! I love your current lovely, sensitive, pensive, slightly wistful avvie, by the way (and, as PP said, the last one was beautiful too)! I enjoyed your stories of the visit from those nomadic dogs, just when you're getting ready to move -- it's almost like a omen that you'll be accompanied in spirit by fellow spiritual travelers (which includes all of us mind-to-mind and a bunch of Celestials, no doubt!) on your upcoming journey to Corsica! :happy I look forward to seeing your photies of the place! :D

Gypsie, thanks for your thoughtful birthday wishes as well! :D I'm so sorry to hear about Pat :( -- I've sent prayers her way. I agree with everyone else, visualization and wishboards and such would be great tools to use to manifest the perfect house for you all. :D Oh yeah, I also got a kick out of your story about your dumb-but-beautiful dog Rosie! :lol: I just saw your latest post while in the middle of typing up this one -- sounds like you had a fun time at the musical last night too! :D

Laura, I prayed for angels to surround you and help you maintain patience, find time to meditate, and be as immune as possible to your sister's ego and pain body! -- I'm glad to hear that you've had more success with meditating lately! As for computer problems, I can personally attest that a computer-science degree doesn't make one immune to ":grrr :duh :bomb" experiences with computers! :roll: :lol:

How'd your job interview go today? That Louise Hay affirmation you sent in earlier about jobs is a great one -- one that can lead to a job that is fulfilling regardless of the situation! I also send along prayers that you get whatever job would be practical in the short term, and that your ideal work will become clearer and clearer to you as you continue to advance on your spiritual growth path! :colors:

Sandy!!! It's great that you're back and your computer is fixed! :D Hurray! :colors: Yes, I think every one of us here has had to stand back and do some soul-searching and take extra time out for prayer and meditation at various times lately, so we all certainly understand and can relate! It's a natural part of the ongoing spiritual-growth process, and I do think we're all currently going through it in parallel and sparking growth and change in each other as well in the process. It seems that the speed of growth has been accelerating for all of us lately as well, doesn't it? And it's especially important to take that time out for self-care and staying balanced when in the middle of such a hectic, busy schedule, so I applaud your doing that! :cheers:

I know what you mean about an "ignored desire to draw closer to God in meditation" (very well-put! :D); I've been working on overcoming that for the past few years myself :roll:, with a bit more success of late, but I'd like to carry it much further! The Autobiography of a Yogi sounds like a great book, and I've been hearing about it from several sources in the past few months, so I suspect that's a divine message to me! I searched online and was able to download it as an e-book for free at this link. I've got it in my queue of things to read! :D

I was touched by your story of your special tree and touching its soft needles like holding its hand! :happy I agree, no matter what happens to it in the physical world, its essence continues, and you can always just be with its spirit in meditation; maybe you can even transplant it to your Akashic Construct?

PP, brrr :shaking:, your tales of April snow remind me of Colorado; April's the snowiest month out there, and I used to always think the same thing, "Well, it's surely getting late enough in the season that it'll melt off quickly...":roll: -- you have my empathy! Here a ways south on the same coast, we had an unseasonably early streak of 80 degrees F (about 27 degrees C) weather for a few days recently, but then we went through a period of colder-than-usual rainy weather when the nightime temperatures got nearly down to freezing -- today's the first time it's sunny again, and the current temperature is 55 degrees F (about 13 degrees C).

I'm on Chapter 5 of A New Earth right now, just beginning to read about the pain body, so I'm not staying caught up with you and Oprah and all yet, but that's all right -- whenever I do get around to reading more of it, each time, whatever I'm reading seems to always be very relevant for whatever's happening at the time. :D

Stinging nettles -- the teacher of an herbal medicine course I took back in Boulder a few years back said that stinging nettle is her absolute favorite herb, because it's good for treating anything and everything -- she made nettle tea for us (it was pretty good! :D) and had a big bunch of it growing near her front door -- she'd long ago gotten used to being stung by it, and didn't mind it -- she gave us some seedlings, and, tiny as they still were, even they gave me a noticeable sting when trying to plant them! :shock:

The grand opening of the Wal-Mart super centre sounds exciting for you and Allan, and I'm glad to hear that your septic-tank mishaps were minimal compared to what such things could be at their worst :roll: ... (okay, let's not go there! :lol:). At any rate, enjoy your well-earned R&R day! Oh yeah, that Gathering of One video was pretty cool; thanks for the link! :D

Lilly, that's a beautiful story about your reconnection with your friend in Scotland from your childhood :happy -- suppressed feelings tend to come up to be cried out and let go as a natural part of the ongoing healing process when the time is right -- I've heard some teachers call that process "see and release." We all love listening to your stories! :D

Mike, good to see you again on this thread! :D

Heather, hi to you too! :hithere:

And hello as well to everyone else here who I didn't mention by name!

Lots of Love to You All LUV2,

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi dear Gypsie,

I'm glad you enjoyed it,,,,it gave me the chills all over,,,I think I'll go to the one in the Canadian Rockies near a place called Golden...

I've been in contact with mikah elaya (starwalker) for over a yr now,,,

She's been working with Archangel Michael for a long, long time,,,and he directed her to WALK through the Canadian Rockies and bury crystals making a crystal grid.....

well, I can't do justice to her journey,,,but it's quite incredible,,,anyway it's near Golden where she lives within the grid,,,,where this event will take place in B.C. so I really think I will go...

If you look on a map of Canada,,,,I'm on the biggest island on the west coast,,,,,and Heathers on the very far part of the East coast....
so there we are,,,,,coast to coast....with about 5,000 miles between us..

Thank you for the message from Pat,,,,,perhaps she'll come to the decision of 'not driving' any more herself....

my mom just got to that point herself one day,,,,and said,,,that's it...don't want to do this anymore and sold her car.....she just decided if anybody wanted to see her,,,they could do the driving....she just didn't want the hassel anymore....

Actually,,,she looked at it as 'more freedom' the OAP's had special buses to go pick them up if they wanted to go anywhere,,,and she didn't have to look after a worked for perhaps she just needs to be shown other avenues,,,,,and take the stress from her...

give her my love whenever you talk to her,,,,she'll get better, I'm sure,,,

Guess I should google AU a bit more,,,,I thought your seasons changed like ours??? just -- opposite....

we're now supposed to be having spring,,,,,we'll where Liz is...they are...they were in 21 C this last week,,,,,and we were still below freezing,,,,,, it's supposed to go up to a balmy 13 tomorrow,,,,

holy doodle,,,,get out the swim suit,,,,might be the only hot day we get...
hopefully,,,,I'm only kidding...

Your evening out sounded like alot of fun....I could just imagine those boys doing the 'phone waggle' :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good luck on your house hunting,,,,,send your guides out to find you the 'right one'.... save you some time...

love, pp
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
It's lovely to hear all your news, especially when improvements and exciting things are happening. We are very lucky to have this wonderful place to visit and share.
It's very sad for you mum in law, Gypsie, I hope she can keep driving a little longer.......things change so much with no car....prayers for her....
I bought some plants today, can't remember what they are called. When I plant them in the ground I'll think of Pat. These precious people are full of wonderful memories.......
Thanks for the link pp, it was very interesting.
I love your picture AqauDeb, you are so lovely and your face reflects your personality. Love to Everyone.
lilly xxxx :kiss:
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Post by peacockplume »

Just getting ready to go to bed,, :study: ,,,and just had to take a peek....

What a surprise,,,, a new AquaDeb!!!! :sunny:

what caught my eye tho' are your earrings,,,,I have a pair just like them, go figure hey!!!!

Thanks for keeping the name game going,,,, :love

it's definitely 'your' signature....has your energy, stamped all over it...

beautiful pic of you,,,,,now the 'not so shy Deb'....

I honestly can't imagine someone wanting to plant 'stinging nettle',,,,,but you said that was back in Boulder,,,,,it's just soooo invasive,,,,doesn't smell nice even though it's a member of the mint family,,,,and I'll never get used to the stinging darts it has....ZOT, ZOT,,,oooooo pain....then burn,,,,it makes you wonder,,,,if a plant has the ability to say,,,stay away from me,,,,,why would it make a good tonic (it's supposed to),,,,
horses won't even eat it,,,,unless it's dried....their tongues must be more sensitive than I supposed....

Glad you liked the Gathering of One video,,,,I heard about the event awhile ago,,,,,but wasn't to hot on going to yellowstone,,,,and I knew something was going to be planned for Golden.....I really do think I'll go to it...will have to find someone to go with me....

same to you Lilly,,,,glad you liked the link,,,,pretty awesome...

I heard......that the garden centre is really 'great' (at the new store),,,
I'm itchin to get there,,,but won't for a few days yet....maybe Sat with my neighbour,,,,,I don't want to go after allan gets home from work,,,I get to see so little of him as it is.....lately....I might even forgo cards this week.

love to all,,,
pp xoxoxo
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
Love the new birthday is coming up and my partner bought me a beautiful polished upright standing quartz crystal. It has rainbows and what looks like an angel naturally inside it......very early present, I'm so lucky. Everyone who sees it says, "look at the angel"
You all mean so much to me and each time I look at the crystal it makes me think of you all.
Love lilly xxx :cheers:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Aqua Debs wrote:
I love your current lovely, sensitive, pensive, slightly wistful avvie, by the way (and, as PP said, the last one was beautiful too)!
Thank you, and you too PP, but the word beautiful??? Mmm! Don't anyone dare contradict either. Not bad looking is all I'll accept, hahaha! For you PP >> :kiss: (And between you, me and my cup of tea took me about an hour to get a half decent photie, and it was Thalia who took it in the end. So, now you know! I didn't edit it though, hahahahaha! Gawd, gotta work on my vanity!! :oops:
Yeah, I'm only gonna change the avvie when I don't look quite the same anymore.
Where's your lovely face gove PP, I liked that one. I like the peacock one too and I too had some earrings like the one's you're wearing Debs. Why not try going stawberry blonde? Looks like your thick hair can cope with it!

Hey ALL, Gypsie, I'll have to sew in an elastic clip thingy to wear your skirt. When we arrived here I was a size 12, (Brit size 12, that's average, bit plump) Now I'm 16, going on 18. I blame the delicious delights of the French Saturday food market. Phil always gets carried away and goes to every stall, haggling away like someone from the film Life of Brian. "How much??? But they're not exactly fresh are they???"
"How dare you Sir! I'll have you know I had the wife pick 'em this very morning!!" "I'll have them all then!" (spring onions!!)
He bought a chicken, all plucked and everything, but with the head still attached! :shock: I had to chop it off and it was no easy task without a meat cleaver...then, just before it came off, it's heart and liver slid out the other end. I got a bit of a shock and screamed. The kid's thought that was the height of hilarity! Put me right off, but it didn't half taste gorgeous. Not like supermarket bland factory chicken. Those poor creatures! I saw a documentary once...bloody awful!

Hugs to you All, Pet XXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by gypsie »

Oh Petra I can't do the skirt up either, i gave up smoking put on an extra body, picked up smoking 2 weeks ago, now I smoke and I'm fat, go figure :roll: Email me the address when your camped and I'll send it your way, me lovely!

My ex husband (20 years ago) grandmother kept chickens in Bankstown (Lily knows it) anyway she hated this one chicken who would push in at feed time, over 80 and swearing her head off. I almost passed out one afternoon, I could hear all the noise in the backyard and in she walks dead chook, saying "I got you little Bas*#*#. Off she set plucking the feathers in the sink, chicken she asked after she cooked him, I think not!

Aqua Deb your totally beautiful, love the longer hair, clear skin you look amazing.

PP that link is amazing I will have to get Sandy and Lily reved up for the Auzzie one :cheers: can't wait...
Ok I'm off to bed so tired, tomorrow is Anzac Day so we have a public holiday. Jack want to go to the dawn service in the city but rain is predicted, I'm not risking kids sick next week they go back to school!

Hugs and love to all my friends Gypsie
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi ladies,,,,and good day to all,,,

OK Pet,,,just for you,,,,I'll stick up my sunburned Las Vegas face,,,

gee, maybe by looking at it I'll get warm,,,,or bring on the sun....

well,,,,soon the addage of April showers brings May flowers,,,,just better happen....although I have to admit,,,,,the rain is always a needed commodity.....

I looked up your Urantia quote,,,,ended up reading quite abit,,,it's the one part of the book I don't have any post its in it yet....but I've been meaning to get there.....thanks for the prod....

Don't dare contradict though????? :lol: :lol: :lol: that's like waving the traditional red flag in front of a bull....

but ya know.....I'm afraid,,,,if I say,,,,the beauty I saw,,,was the beauty within,,,,just shining, eyes closed and all ,,,,,,that misinterpretation could happen.... :roll: :roll:

it's hard to accept a compliment isn't it.....well,,,,,get used to it....

times are a changing.....we all love each other,,,,because we see the love in each other....

ok,,,,nuff's enough!!! I'll cool it... :wink: :wink:

I change my avi to my birds when I feel,,,differently....the eagle gives me a free feeling,,,unemcumbered,,,,when I get too cluttered with thought, and just want to free flow......the owl,,,is sometimes when I'm keeping secrets (just let that one out of the bag didn't I :shock: ) oh well,,,but also owl,,,,represents seeing,,,, OK,,I won't go there,,,lets just say,,,illusion own preferably...

I just put the peacock up,,,because the colour struck me the other day..
I love that deep irridescent blue....

Gypsie,,,I didn't look at the other links to see what was happening in the southern hemisphere,,,,you will be heading to winter solstice,,,but I don't think that changes much,,,,it's solstice,,,and the gathering is global,,,will have to look into it some more...

so glad to hear Pat's out of the hospital,,,,,,,sending her love and healing every day....

Oh,,,some 'moon stuff' for you though....the full moon we just had was in Scorpio,,,,and the next one is in Scorpio also,,,,,don't know how that happens,,,,they mentioned something of calling it an 'astrological blue moon',,,,,,where as we normally think of a blue moon is when we have two full moons happen in one month,,,,with 28 days between each full moon,,,,we'll be waiting awhile,,,for the next blue moon...
The Full Moon April 20, 2008 is the first of two consecutive Full Moons in Scorpio. From this Full Moon to the next - May 20, 2008 - there is a huge inter-dimensional portal open between all times, spaces and dimensions energizing the power of the word to make things manifest. It is critically important that what is expressed through thought, word, action or deed be fully considered before its expression. To do so otherwise would be folly as it creates chaos and confusion generating destruction and fear instead of empowering beauty, life and love.
that between these two full moons,,,was a particularly energetic time....but there was this little exercise that I thought was pretty good.

If you have not already done so, this is a good time to do a small journal on each specific aspect of your life making a list of what you want to get and what you want to give with the figure 8 flow so that your life is full, whole and abundant. You will want to get at least five small journals with a dozen or so pages in each one. The first one is for your sense of purpose, your life's work, your career, the second for your love relationship(s) and partnership(s). The third is for your environment - both living and working, the fourth is for your friends, family, sense of belonging and support network, and the fifth is for your health. If there are other areas that are important, do a journal on them, too. On the first page of each journal write 'these are all the things I need to get from . . . . . . . . . . . . .' fill in for the appropriate journal. Then start making your list. When you run out of ideas turn to the back of the journal and write at the top of the last page 'these are all the things I need to give . . . . . . . . . 'fill in for the appropriate journal. Then start making that list. Eventually the lists will meet in the middle of the journal and a picture will have emerged of what the balanced flow looks like for you on a daily basis.

I'll have to put up a post it to remind myself to do it... :roll:

Lilly,,,your crystal sounds beautiful,,,,maybe you can get a picture of it sometime....I have a sort of egg shaped piece of Laboradite,,,it has beautiful hues of blue in it....and I sat it my my lamp the other night,,and saw something I'd never seen before,,,,it was like the colour came out in the shape of a rainbow,,,,or a bridge,,,,,it's said about Laboradite that it's a bridge to the stars,,,,so thought it was cool,,,when poof,,,all of a sudden there it was....

Heather I have to say,,,,I'm really going to miss your first avi,,,,because it reminded me so much of 'the other heather',,,,but it's nice to see another pic of you anyway....just as beautiful too.....

I'll work on taking some timed shots of myself to update me....I certainly won't have that nice tanned face....

So now,,,we haven't heard from Laura in a couple of days,,,I know she's going through a bit of a struggle with her sister,,,,,,kind of overpowering,,,,but I think she's doing good,,,,,applying all she's been learning this last little is tough,,,,when put to the test.....but she'll do all right.....when she gets some time to herself again....

I'm sure if I had someone else move in the house,,,,my applecart would get turned upsidedown,,,,in no time flat....

We're all here for you sis,,,,

ok guys,,,,,sending love to everyone I haven't mentioned too...

time for a sit back and an international coffee,,,,except,,,now I have to go make it....


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Post by Sandy »

Hey everyone.... Just a quickie note. I'll try not to make it one of my long monsters...

PP thanks for the sweet things you said about me...They were very kind and I feel sort of like I don't deserve them. I am trying to learn to accept compliments gracefully..LOL obviously I'm still not so good at it. :lol: I have always been a little fomflocked (whmm is that a word? :scratch: ) with compliments and silly me, am much more comfortable with insults if that makes any crazy sense. ( I know it doesn't and it is very strange) :roll: Maybe its the attention thing...I'm more comfortable working in the background unnoticed.. But truly, I felt the love you poured into your words so thanks from the bottom of my little heart. :wink:

All this talk about stinging nettles makes me wish I had a clue what they looked like because they were not common where I used to live. I just remembered a little paperback herb guide on the bookshelf and it said that "the same noxious substance from the stinging nettle is also discharged when a red ant bites or wasp stings you." :shock: soooooo... maybe I'm glad that they weren't a common herb/weed in my area! It says the young tops are iron rich so this would have been a good thing for Liz to eat when her iron levels were so low. Hmmm..I don't know, that doesn't sound tasty at all does it? :lol:

Lacey is reminding me of a little baby right now, (which I guess she is, a parrot baby,) as she discovers interesting facts about her world. Yesterday she spent a good half hour just dropping her little toys and wood bits into raised cat dish which seves as her toy box. I think she had discovered the interesting sound it makes as it hits the bottom. She's also discovered the floor and the world from that perspective. So now she is like a little "Jaws" as you just never know when she will sneak up silently and bite your poor unsuspecting foot. :shock: Needless to say I put the flip flops or thongs away and keep those "tootsies" covered now!

Aqua Deb I just have to tell you that I love your smiling new picture too! You are just so pretty and love just streams right out of you! I love those earrings. How funny that both Petra and PP have a pair like them as well.

Lilly your new Crystal sound beautiful! You have a very thoughtful and loving husband ! When is your birthday sweetie, if you don't mind me asking? :)

I am having a bit a trouble with my weight too of late. Thank goodness for stretch jeans or I would have nothing to wear... A few days ago I finally began using those Avon Yoga cards that I mentioned on one of the early pages of this thread. Don't have a clue what I'm doing though. Any of you guys know anything at all about Yoga poses? I have questions like..How long are you supposed to hold the pose? and Are you supposed to repeat them several times? and What if you can't get even close to your toes or straigten your legs? :lol: I do feel wonderful and refreshed after a practice the poses know fully stretched and peaceful.

Well so much for my short post. I'm not sure this one qualifies. But, I just wanted you all to know I was thinking of you. Hope you all have a lovely upcoming weekend.

Love :kiss:
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Post by SheraX »

Heather I have to say,,,,I'm really going to miss your first avi,,,,because it reminded me so much of 'the other heather',,,,but it's nice to see another pic of you anyway....just as beautiful too.....
:oops: Thanks PP

Ouch..a parrot biting the toes! When I had cockatiels and even budgies,they hurt when they got yah. Wouldn't want to feel a larger bird!


One of my tiels got me under my fingernail,hurt so bad,I couldn't even let a yelp out of me. :shock: :shock:

Heather xo
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SheraX wrote: One of my tiels got me under my fingernail,hurt so bad,I couldn't even let a yelp out of me. :shock: :shock:
Oh, I know! Mine is laying eggs right now and my sweet bird is a monster trying to get me when I go in to fill her water and food!
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PP wrote
where as we normally think of a blue moon is when we have two full moons happen in one month,
Thalia was born in a month like that!! October 11th 1997 and her numerological number is 11 as is Mathilda's :D
Mathilda was born just before the total eclipse of 1999, we went to see it, drove 100 miles North (France) just to witness it. I have to say, it was rather a scary experience. One monute you're standing there in the bright sunshine, the next darkness! The birds and animals were going crazy just before it happened. I've an hilarious photo of Phil and me, with our massive special square cardboard glasses on prancing about in a field!

I am gonna tease you rotten when I see the Owl avvie!!! hahahaha Just you wait and see, (always assuming I've got access to a computer then, :lol:

Heather: Yooowch!! Sending you some loving energies!

Love to ALL...oh Sandy, you and short posts? Like my 'quickie' PM's which take half a day to write, hahahaha!
'll try not to make it one of my long monsters...
Monsters indeed!! :D
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Right back at yah!
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
I've had the kids staying over, we went shopping and after all I've said about caged birds, came back plus one budgie. The kids named him Jimi, he's delightful and friendly. George and Sandy you've rubbed off on me.....Jimi started chirping away happily when he heard the vacuum cleaner in the other room.......don't know what he thought it was. Lol
Love lilly xxx Jimi is a lovely olive green kind of colour with a yellow face and blue above his beak.....I'm in love..........
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Post by peacockplume »

Good afternoon everyone,,

well, hmmm, have to go back and do some catching up....and actually shouldn't be in the house,,,

I think "SPRING" happened,,,,it's nice and warm,,,,sunny and clear,,,robins bobbin around and tiny birds ???? flittin about....also the hummingbirds are eating fericiously at the feeder....They were here awhile ago,,,but when we got hit with the snow,,,they disappeared into the they're back,,,,arguing over the feeder....they swoop each other and drive each other away.... probably by mid May or so,,,we should see the babies feeding.....

Glad to hear everyone is doing well,,,,

I am trying to learn to accept compliments gracefully..LOL obviously I'm still not so good at it
it is hard isn't it.....I think it has something to do with 'loving yourself',,,
and it's much easier to think negatively about yourelf,,,,because of old patterning......but the more we work on it....the better it becomes....

I listened (or read I should say),,,since my audio didn't work Donna's Healing Codes today....I tried to 'chat' with you,,,but that wouldn't work either....I could enter the chat room,,,but then when I went to type,,,my computer just kept saying Ping, Ping....

afterwards I went to her site and you can download the programs now with the mp3 player,,,,and I got to listen to it....but it didn't have the channel from Mother Nebadonia on it....oh well....

but I found it to be quite wonderful,,,and see how the connection with A New Earth just seems to 'fit right in',,,,, I sort of see ANE as the beginning steps,,,,the the Spiritual connection is even more awakening with the "Steps to Stillness",,,,,

Stinging nettle looks very much like the mint family,,,,particularly has a square stem,,,,long pointy leaves....and all these tiny little 'hairs' on it.....that's what delivers the sting....

anything from the mint family doesn't have the hairs on them,,,,,smells nice and you can pick a leave and eat it......wouldn't do that with nettle..

If you don't have it,,,,be thankful.....

Lacey is sounding to be quite the interesting little baby,,,,it's sooooo cool to watch 'babies' of any kind as they explore their world...Glad you've got the tootsies covered up...

and Lilly, now you've entered 'bird land',,,,budgies are sweet,,,,but I imagine can be as tempermental as us all too...I'm sure you'll have many hrs of pleasure with Jimi...

Hiya Pet,,,
Gonna tease me with the owl avi hey!!! Ouch!,,,,I better get ready,,,cuz I'll forget what you said and just put it up one totally unsuspecting and you'll have some fun.....I never understood people who teased,,,,,and my sister and Dad,,,,were really good at it.......I was just way to serious......Allan does it to me every now and then,,,,but after 25 yrs with him,,,,I'm starting to catch on.....I just walk away,,,,he says,,,aw, you're no fun at all........ow welll...

I think when you had the solar eclipse we couldn't see it over here,,,but I remember hearing about it....I only saw one,,,,,once,,,,,a long time ago..
we get lunar eclipses more often I think...

ooops Sandy I just saw your questions re Yoga,,,
Any of you guys know anything at all about Yoga poses? I have questions like..How long are you supposed to hold the pose? and Are you supposed to repeat them several times? and What if you can't get even close to your toes or straigten your legs?
since the results you had
I do feel wonderful and refreshed after a practice the poses know fully stretched and peaceful.
I'd say you were doing just right....

yoga isn't a repetitive type of exercise,,,,it's end result,,once you have learned the individual poses,,,is supposed to take you through a series from beginning to start with your warm up,,,,go to the first one,,,then move into the next one,,,until you have a routine set,,,

holding them,,,there's no set time,,,hold only for as long as your are comfortable doing so,,,,,each time will get a little longer,,,,and everytime you do one,,,you'll be able to stretch a little farther.....soon you will be touching those toes...because your body will learn to relax a bit more each time....

when you find yourself in a pose that's really comfortable,,,go into stillness, you'll know when to come out of it,,,,it just happens naturally, and with practise,,,each one will become a little longer duration...

just don't over stretch any position,,,,it's a gentle exercise,,,,and as you'll notice,,,you'll find muscles and places you never knew existed....and one of the natural side effects is that you do lose weight,,,,because everything comes into balance..

I think my favourite exercise is Tai Chi,,,,because it is fluid.....same thing,, once you learn the individual moves,,,,,it all flows into one,,,although with Tai Chi,,,you move around alot more,,,,but it's flowing,,a beautiful expression of inner peace...

hope that helps abit...xoxo

Well, it's Sat,,,Allan's still working on a 9 day stretch,,,he gets Mon and Tue off,,,,and the schedule hasn't been written yet for after that.....
no good news on that end yet as to whether he'll transfer or when....

Well my dears, I've got tons of stuff to do today....or so my list says,,,
so I must get at some of it,,,,,while the sun's still out...

love and light to you all,,,
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
It's morning here and I've just awoken to a peaceful quiet before the kids wake up.....Lol They have so much energy....
Last night we sang along to all different types of of my friends came around, she's an artist, she drew all kinds of animals in comic style which we all found very funny...... stayed up late. Might get in some tapping before they wake up. Love reading everyone's posts, love you all.
lilly xxxx :D
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lilly,

Well, it's now 5 pm here on Sat... and yeay! I got some outdoor stuff the weedwacker going and trimmed along the front of my house garden,,,,took a wheelbarrow of dead stuff down to the burn pile,

had a little chat with a little brown birdie at the same time....I had just dumped the wheel barrow, turned around and there was this little birdie sitting on their bird bath.....actually, first time I've seen anyone use it..
then it flew up to where the feeder is,,,,I went up and shook some more seed out,,,but it does look like someone has found it,,,as the level is finally going down....I've been thinking of moving the bird bath up to nearer the feeder....I might see some more action that way..

then I topped up the hot tub,,,and cut out some brambles and a few maple trees that have decided to grow, underneath the deck.....

then I had to call it I came in and listened to a web cast,,,
and did a I'm feeling pretty good right now.....

Allan's working till 6,,,,or 7 or 8, who knows,,,,so I'll cook something and it'll be ready when he comes in.....

It sure was nice to be outside for a couple of hrs though....whew!!! what a welcome relief.....SUN !!!!!

love to everone,,,
pp xoxoxo
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Post by lilly »

Hi again pp,
Just finished breakfast, I made bubble and squeak using the leftovers from dinner.......hate to waste anything.. some people are not able to get food. It turned out very nice and the kids ate it with no complaints....Lol
The dog eats the scraps......she is like a vacuum cleaner when they are here.. The new budgie was eating seed from our hands, the wonderment was touching... their faces lit up with joy. The power of Now.......
Love lilly xxxx :D
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Post by Thalia »

hello :hithere it is Thalia here. My mama said this is the 11:11 coffee shop but i'm not aloud to have coffee so i'll have a coke :lol: When we had the solar eclipse i was 2 years old i remember it was a bit cloudy and papa thought we would not see it. Everything was dark and all the birds stopped tweeting and it was quit cold. we wore funny glases :roll: red and white ones. I loved it my sister was asleep in her cot.

Today we are all going to a beautiful place Le Revermont and the vinyards I liked it here but not at first. we got bullyed and my brother still dose :cry:

I love animals Image Image
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Post by SheraX »

Hi Thalia,

Just want to give you a *hugs*. Feel better sweety.

Bullying can be very stressful..

Here in Nova Scotia,they have a "stop Bullying" day,Sept 21.

A boy went to school with a pink shirt on,so of course the bullies picked on him. Two boys seen this and went out and bought pink shirts and wore them to school in support of the bullied fella. Now every Sept 21,people get together and where pink shirts in support of the anti bullying group.

Hopefully this will be something that will spread around the world,perhaps it should be spread to all schools...

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Post by Sandy »

Good Evening everybody! (Night here)

It's about time to call it quits around here but I wanted to say hello first.
Lilly, it sounds like you bought a very sweet beautiful bird. Was Jimi a baby? In high school I came home with a baby rabbit once. Mom fell in love with it but we both suspected when dad came home from work he would not be so pleased. My poor deqar ole Dad comes home after a long tiring day, makes himself comfortable on his chair with the newpaperand a cup of coffe and just as he is about to nap there suddenly in the floor in front of him is this baby bunny who has the presence of mind to sit up on its back legs, wiggle its darling little ear and then uncerimoniously loose his balance and roll over onto his backside! I couldn't have staged it any better myself and so "Bun" ( I was never very good at naming animals :oops: ) became a member of our family.

Oh Heather, Boyd has nipped me around the nails before while she was trying to preen me. After a few of those it was hard to relax when she was picking at my fingers. She never meant to hurt just a little over zealous I think. But man did it hurt! :shock:
November, I fed and watered my neighbor's cockatiels while she was away recently and one was sitting on eggs. Oh my goodness I thought she was going to come right through the bars of the cage to get me! Hissing and growling (and I do mean growling! :pale: ) I've never seen anything like it! ... and I thought Boyd was bad when she was "with egg!"

Petra...I know :lol: I am just so darn gabby. I couldn't write short if I had to now. I type as bad as I write so it takes me awhile to correct the many mistakes. I honestly think its my chubby little fingers being too big for the keyboard. I do remember a solar eclipse way back in the sixties I think it was. You were warned for days not to look into the sun as it would cause damage. Of course always being so curious I was dying to take a bare peak at it. Didn't though Dad was there the whole time. He kept us busy with scientific talk about what was occurring at the time and the solar system in general. We loved to spend time with Dad. :D

Hey Thals, :hithere It was nice to see you on the MB again. Instead of coffee or a coke though I think I am going to have a nice cup of tea. It is very windy and downright chilly here tonight.
You have the most wonderful memory at two years old! it reminds me of George. He can remember much that happened at that age too.

How was your trip to Le Revermont?

Oh I dislike bullying! Just can't understand why some kids or even adults too hurt other people like that. Hopefully the friends you meet in corsica will be better behaved.

Heather, I love the idea of a"Stop Bullying Day! Good on those first two brave youngins wearing the pink shirts! How proud their parents must have been of them. I too hope it spreads all over the world. Bullying is not cool! :(

Hi PP, Thanks for the advice on Yoga. It was very helpful. I am having worlds of trouble with two poses. They are called "Halasana" and "Salamba Sarvangasana." Both of them are done with your shoulders and head resting on the ground and your feet straight above your head or shoulders .
They are bothering my neck a bit so I think I will put them aside for now. Maybe when I am a bit stronger they will be easier.

Well, Good Night you you,
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Post by lilly »

Hi Sandy,
Yes, little Jimi is fitting in very nicely and has brought a nice energy with him. He's about 10 weeks old......The dog is very curious about him, she stands up on her back legs like a ballerina...Lol Peering up at the cage.
School holidays are over tomorrow so the children will be back at school.....they've had so much fun. I love seeing you on the board and enjoy your posts.
Hi Thalia,
I hope you enjoy moving to Corsica and no more bullies.....have a nice smoothie or a coke on me...Lol Mummy looks nice in her new photo, she has a very pretty face.
Hi Heather,
What a great idea the 'pink shirt day' it would be good to send that idea around the whole world.... Bullies are actually cowards...and there are some adults who love to bully as well. Even birds do it as we noticed in the pet shop, one little budgie had to be removed from the cage as it was being pecked at.......poor thing..
Hope you are all happy and well and taking in the beauty we have all around us....better go and feed the dog...
Love lilly xxxx :kiss:
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Post by memawlaura »

:shock: Wow this thread took me quite some time to catch up on, but hello all you wonderful gals and guys.

It sounds like everyone is doing very well right now and thats great.

Hello Pet, its great to see your beautiful smiling face, we needed to see that. I'm glad the dogs found a home. So when are you leaving for Corsica?

Hello Thalia, its great you stopped by this massive thread and decided to chat. Thank you for taking your mom's picture so we can see her bright shining smile it made our day. Its so sad that your brother has to experience bullying, but lets say a little prayer that things are wonderful in Corsica, it sounds great and if I were your age I would just love it. You make sure and drop us a line now and than and let us know how your doing when you can.

Aqua Leaf (Deb), Love the new picture you look so beautiful and happy. How's your art going? It sure seems like you've been studying the ANE, I can tell. That book came just in time for me because if ever an ugly ego has reared its head in my sister lately. I actually can see it changing and at first it was hard to keep my own ego in check, but I'm getting real good at it now :lol: :lol: . I love my sister and nothing she could ever say or do would change that, it just really sets a very tense vibration and than I have to bring out the big guns "Breathing, Breathing and more Breathing". It really has given me the opportunity to learn how to stay balanced in chaos :wink: .

Hello Lilly, you still did not tell us your Birthday? I hope you enjoy Jimi and all the pleasure he will bring, minus the seeds on the floor :lol: :lol: . Your story reminded me of a trip my mother and I went on when I bought her a cockitiel. My mother loved that bird and had it for so long we could not believe it. Birds always remind me of my mom and great memories. I sure miss my grandkids, but I'm happy you are enjoying yours. So when is the B-DAY?

Hello Sandy, yoga sure did make me feel more aligned and things that hurt felt adjusted, so just do what you can for as long as you can and thats all thats needed. We have this program that comes on in the very early am where I live, but I have not been able to partake of the fun because I needed my beauty sleep :lol: :lol: . I really should learn Tai Chi because it seems so flowing, like dance or something, oh when I was a little girl I wanted to be a dancer :roll: so maybe this will be the dance I do :wink: .

I glad your computers back on board, but sometimes it goes down so we spend sometime within. I imagine one day we will not have the glitches we experience now with the computers.

Hello Gypsy, it sounded like a wonderful evening watching Billy and all the others enjoy themselves and the life their leading. Its just like girls to give boys the brush off and show them whose wearing the pants :lol: :lol: .

How much is houses going for in OZ? I know there so high in the U.S. that it no longer holds the same meaning as being a part of the "American Dream", so many have lost their homes this year because of others greed :( it really has affected this part of the world big time, IMO we look like were headed for a depression. I wish you the best on your house hunting, I liked the response that was given for your guides to seek it out for you :lol: .

Hi Heather, your looking great with that new picture on the avvie. How's everything going with your son's new instructions. I have not been on the MB for awhile, so I was wondering how it was helping him.

I really loved what the youngmen did up there about bullying, just think what kind of a world we would have if everyone acted that way, it was a great story.

Well, the job interview went off well but quite a few candidates. I had so much advice given prior to going it was overwhelming. I put this matter in the hands of Our Father and if its meant to be it will be.

I had the most unusual experience Friday night about 8:15 pm it had just turned dark and my husband and I were watching a movie when all of the sudden we heard birds inside and over the TV. We went outside and did not see any birds just heard hundreds near and far, they went on for about 10 minutes. It was something we have not experienced ever in our life, I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas. I told my husband I had heard animals feel vibrations before we experience them, but I never heard that anything happened like an earthquake or anything, it was a one in a kind moment.

To anyone that I missed may your day be blessed with much love and joy.
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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