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Re: World Views

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:03 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... inute.html

"Want to know how long you'll live? See how many of these you can do in one minute"

"the length of time you are able to stand on one leg (with eyes closed)
is a powerful predictor of how long you will live and how healthy you will be."

:idea: I learned in 5-minute test that practice improves this time
(from 3 seconds to 8 seconds by the fourth attempt ...
and this at 70-plus) ;)

:hithere Apparently, these tests are predictors
only if you do not improve your health now :!:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:42 pm
by Amigoo
:sunflower: When I removed my house's foundation vent cover today, I found a 3" gecko trapped halfway between the wide wire mesh covering the opening. I preferred not to cut the protective mesh (and would have risked cutting the squirming gecko). I reasoned that it had just squeezed into the mesh when I removed the cover ... and might be able to wiggle out but needed safe lubrication.

:idea: Extra virgin olive oil came to mind just after I ruled out household lubricants (and before stuff in a medicine cabinet) The olive oil that I drizzled on it worked! The gecko freed itself in seconds! But it may request EVOO for weekly skin conditioning from now on. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:28 am
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... olice.html

"video shows George Floyd in struggle with cops in back of police car BEFORE being pulled out and 'killed' by officer Derek Chauvin"

:idea: Obviously media presentation for effect! The officer standing nearby with his hands in his pockets is not typical when a suspect requires strong restraint (and various stories indicate that Floyd kept resisting). Also, the autopsy indicates that Chauvin was not the cause of Floyd's death (but perhaps all of the officers restraining him when his medical conditions required better breathing).

:o Floyd's past history of crimes probably "motivated" the officers to use severe restraint when Floyds health required gentler handling.

Speaking of media presentation, the photo of the officer's knee on Floyd's neck was ideal for causing the subsequent protesting with emotional destruction and rationalized looting. Finally (speaking of media presentation), the "wild anarchy" across the U.S. is not realistic - these are very isolated occurences in the big cities, but media presentation sufficient to cause more widespread protesting & destruction & looting ... with threatening government resistance now planned. :(

;) Perfect attention-grabbing news (as presented) to shift the pandemic to page two ... or deeper.
But protesters in close contact without masks may bring the pandemic back to page one. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:00 pm
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... 27804.html

"No person may participate in a gathering which takes place in a public or private place indoors,
and consists of two or more persons." :o

:idea: Apparently, a gathering of one person is still legal ...
and less threatening if "gathering" refers to sexual activity.
A mask is probably required for a gathering of one. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:55 pm
by Amigoo
:study: ... 27804.html
No person may participate in a gathering which takes place in a public or private place indoors,
and consists of two or more persons.
:scratch: [both uncertain about the meaning of "gathering"]

Restaurant's waiter: "Sir, will you be gathering today?"
Confused customer: "No, I'm dining alone."
Waiter: "But will you be gathering alone?"
Customer: "Why? Is there a service charge?"
Waiter: "Just the usual government fine."

Rod :meds:

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:30 pm
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... 00438.html

"Every year, John Gregson sells his autumn and winter truffles, carefully sourced from places like Italy’s Sibillini mountains
and Teruel in eastern Spain, to restaurants for as much as 6,000 pounds ($7,400) a kilo. Not this year." :(

:idea: Maybe a good year to sell truffles to the fewer or no "stars" restaurants to show other diners what they've been missing.
"Reopening Sale! All beef patty, special sauce, and thin slice of truffle!" :roll

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:59 pm
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... index.html

:idea: Becoming a global protest ...
and good representation of masks (in many protests)!

:roll: While the police were legally apprehending a suspect for passing counterfeit currency
(and who had a history of crime convictions), the method of apprehension seems the
focus and cause for protests, since police are not authorized to be judge and jury. ;)

Interestingly, a construction worker on a nearby property recently explained to me that
people with previous convictions are fearful of subsequent arrest and often resist.

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:29 pm
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... cond-wave/

"Asked if a second wave of the pandemic was at hand, health officials warned that people had become too complacent. This week saw the streets, nature reserves, shops and beaches crowded with relaxed throngs basking in the cool sunny weather. Many had abandoned their face masks and ignored the requisite social distancing" :roll:

"an alarming proportion of the new coronavirus cases are students and teachers
who had been back at school for two weeks after two months of lockdown." :o

:idea: The majority attitude - worldwide - seems to be:
"Let the virus run its course - those who die will Rest In Peace." ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:53 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... woman.html

"Black Baltimore cop is suspended after knocking out 'mentally ill' black woman
who punched his white colleague twice in the head after (she was) 'heckling protesters' " :o

:idea: Stories that suggest race is not the problem - police inclination to use force is the problem
... and hinting that training for race-sensitive confrontations needs improvement.

:scratch: "Say what?" Sometimes legal use of force is not the best action. ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:13 pm
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... ted-video/

[Comment] "How many coronavirus transmissions happened in that frenzy?"
[Response] "What's coronavirus transmissions got to do with any of it?" :scratch:

:idea: The answer seems to require marketing perspective:
Coronavirus is the hidden cost of these free shoes ...
but many people just pass the cost on to others. :roll:

Rod :meds:

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:53 am
by Amigoo

"Last week, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office released a preliminary report in which it was determined that Floyd likely died from a combination of underlying health conditions, being restrained by police, and any potential intoxicants in his system."

:!: The updated report today:

"George Floyd experienced a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by a law enforcement officer(s). Ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is now charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter in connection to Floyd’s death." :o

"The new Medical Examiner’s report also notes other significant conditions such as arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease; fentanyl intoxication; and recent methamphetamine use." :roll:

Rod :stars:

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:24 am
by Amigoo
:study: Re:

"When asked if his actions were related to the protests and events that took place in Minnesota,
he said it had a little bit to do with it, but it was mostly for 'the dough' ... 'Do it the smart way.' "

:scratch: If you sees it - seize it! ("the smart way") :?:

Rod :stars:

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:59 am
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... ns-offices

"Some venues introducing waivers that disavow responsibility for anyone who may contract COVID-19 onsite"

:idea: Apparent new policy: "What you don't see is what you get ... but it's free!" :roll:

These places maintain a record of visitors (video, sign-in logs, electronic door keys),
so contact tracing might help later to identify how you contracted the virus ...
not to mention that smart phones provide a supporting trail. ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:22 am
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... 41686.html

"researchers found that when dextromethorphan was introduced into the cells of African green monkeys growing in petri dishes,
the subsequent addition of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) resulted in more prolific viral growth." :o

:idea: Since coughing may be a sign of initial coronavirus infection (immune system is trying to shed the virus)
using these cough syrups when the virus is suspected may be unwise (but research is preliminary).

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:35 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... 273075002/

"Over the last three months, more than 40,600 long-term care residents and workers have died of COVID-19 —
about 40 percent of the nation’s death toll attributed to the coronavirus" :o

:idea: What's not mentioned in these stories is that visitors and staff are the likely first gifters of the virus. ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:38 am
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... orge-floyd

"California looters seen fighting over their loot"

:idea: Just tradition (pirates did the same thing ...
but they never protested first). :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:48 pm
by Amigoo
:duh Regarding the "lives matter" mantra ...
Doesn"t multiple drugs use (and related lifestyle habits)
forecast a shorter life, a life chosen by the owner? :roll:

Rod :meds:

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:05 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... -no-riots/

"more armed men, self-described as a loosely formed group of patriots, arrived."
"joined by hundreds of citizens packing rifles, semi-automatic weapons, handguns, and bows and arrows."

"But there were no riots, because the protesters discovered that they were vastly outnumbered"

Re: ... aded-there

"It's a scene that's also played out in places like Texas, where smaller towns and rural areas have vowed to keep rioters far away,
also as individual citizens practice 'open carry' (of weapons) in states where it's permissible."

:idea: How some U.S. cities practice a new norm in riot control: Welcoming Committees. :hithere

Re: ... evels/amp/

"More than 1.7 million firearms were sold in the U.S. last month, up 80 percent compared to last May. That follows a 71 percent surge
in April to just under 1.8 million sold, and just under two million guns were sold in March."

:idea: Well, 5 million new guns sales in the U.S. suggests good economic recovery for one industry. :roll:

Rod :stars:

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:04 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... cated.html

"Ashton Kutcher speaks out in support of Black Lives Matter and says All Lives Matter people should be 'educated' "

:idea: Interesting perspective, not dismissing "All Lives Matter" but explaining that "Black Lives Matter"
is marginalized when contrasted with "All Lives Matter".

:scratch: "Say what?" Which lives matter is context dependent ... apparently. ;)

Speaking of context, all lives matter to the coronavirus ...
so it can keep spreading. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:26 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... index.html

"The ice cream maker has called on Americans to 'dismantle white supremacy'
and 'grapple with the sins of our past' "

:idea: While wondering how people will define "grapple", I recalled that the "Just Do It!" mantra
provides a simple solution: Just move away from the past and now behave correctly ...
which became my simple solution to getting fat: Quit eating so much ice cream. ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:04 pm
by Amigoo
:scratch: Who knew? There's a difference beteen local looters and out-of-towners :!:
(local looters are preferred as the merchandise benefits the commmunity) :roll:

Re: ... ation.html

"One witness, Carla Murphy, who lives in Manhattan, told ABC: 'Cars would drive up, let off the looters, unload power tools and suitcases and then the cars would drive away. Then the cars would come back pick them up and then drive off to the next spot. They seemed to know exactly where they were going. Some of the people were local, but there were a lot of out-of-towners.' " :o

:geek: The power tools were probably battery operated ...
since electric outlets are rarely found outside stores. ;)

Rod :stars:

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:41 pm
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... ations-low

"as the community started to open up, we are seeing new cases, which has trailed that policy change by about two and a half weeks"

"Coronavirus cases in Austin have trended 'steadily upward' since the city began reopening retail stores, restaurants, malls, and movie theaters at the beginning of May"

[a comment] "The only way to prevent this is to lock everyone up in solitary confinement for two months. Since that is not going to happen, let free people, that is what Americans are, theoretically, determine the risk to themselves. Those who fear infection should self isolate. Those who are less concerned can behave in a manner consistent with their risk aversion. No communicable disease ever goes away until it has nowhere else to go."

:idea: Lotsa luck with self isolation! Those who come near you may bring that which you're trying to avoid. ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:47 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... 9/5750262/

:idea: Floyd's report showing toxicology substances and COVID-19 infection
suggests that he should have been escorted to the hopsital even before
the police complicated his poor health. :roll:

Rod :meds:

Re: World Views

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:52 pm
by Amigoo
he should have been escorted to the hopsital
:oops: "Hopsital" is that which is just a hop away. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:55 pm
by Amigoo
:study: Re: ... id/970344/

"Scientists state that a few viral particles aren't enough to make you sick. The greater the viral load you sustain,
the more likely you can contract COVID-19."

"Experts believe that inhaling the virus is still the most dangerous mode of transmission."

:idea: The greater reality may be that a viral load overwhelming to your own immune system
(system cannot decrease the rate of replication after infection) is the load level to be avoided. ;)

:scratch: "How does one know their critical viral load?" Good question!
However, any viral load may be sufficient for spreading what you received*
even if your immune system is in control, producing no symptoms. :roll:

* immune system "sheds" virus as quickly as possible. ;)

Rod :)