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Possible to heal self from the construct?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:34 am
by Maku
Hello everyone!

I've dislocated my elbow several times over the past few years, and I haven't been able to work for about 2 1/2 months now 'cuz of the injury.
My question is: Is it possible to somehow bring yourself through the elevator to do a healing? Has this been done before? If it's not possible, would it be smart to establish an area, much like a heli-pad (say, a merkaba pad), where you could facilitate OBE's? I realize the TA has say in the OBE, but assuming one is ready for controlled astral travel, could you then come back to body (still outside of it) and do a healing? If all these things aren't seeming likely, can celestials perform healing on you in the library?

My elbow's really been bugging me the last few days, and I'm frustrated with these so-called 'professionals'. All they've done is prescribe painkillers and recommend time off. Waiting for my MRI results adds to the frustration. My friend did some reiki on me today for about 5 mins and it was wonderful, but the pain/annoyance persists.

Anyhow, thanks for your input. Greatly appreciated.


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:37 pm
by blue nova
Hello Maku,
can celestials perform healing on you in the library?
Yes. What I have done is lay down and wait for them to come to me from the beach or in your case the elevator. I've asked for healing while laying in my recliner in the family room too and that worked well for me. Right before bedtime.
If it's not possible,
The way I look at it is that anything's possible, the only boundaries we have are the ones we put on ourselves.

Have you thought about requesting distance healing from the healers here on the site ?


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:35 pm
by Seeker13
Dear Mako,
Sorry about your elbow. I have two healers who help me in my clinic whenever I go there. It may sound strange, but if I'm ailing or aching, I leave my physical body with them to work on while, I as spirit, greet my visitors and go on with our conversation. If I'm in a really bad way I'd ask Dr.Mendoza to please help me.

One thing is though, you really have to believe that you can receive healing or it's all for naught. Actually it's alright to ask for healing anytime, you don't have to be in your clinic. But, again you have to believe in your own healing.


Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:20 pm
by AustinRuth
Dear Maku,
A resounding YES! As a student of healing, I have a few ideas, and some of these were taught to me by a Reiki healer. Here is what I am thinking: You can go to the construct for healing.
1) Go in, put yourself on the table, and ask for celestials to gather round you and give you Reiki or whatever technique would work for you. Let them pour love or some other healing potion on your elbow.
2) Or, ask for Dr. Mendoza or other celestial surgeon to do some surgery to correct any underlying structural or chemical or emotional imbalance keeping your elbow sick.
3) Envision the pain as a ball or whatever size it is, allow it to go back to the universe tied to a balloon filled with helium. As the balloon ascends, so goes the pain. It goes away to the universe or to the next higher energy level, and you become pain-free.
4) Ask for prayers or healing from others here on the message board!

How are those for a prescription!!! Can you imagine what you would do if a doctor wrote those on a slip of paper and handed it to you! :D

Also, since you are desperate to get back to work and all activities that are limited to you right now, when I next go to the AC I will ask that you come as a patient. I will have the Beings of Light assist me in giving you healing. I will ask for an elbow expert to do whatever needs to be done to heal your elbow. :kiss: --Ruth

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:14 am
by Maku
Hello everyone! Thanks for your help!

It's funny, but you know when the universe is pushing you a certain direction, and sometimes you resist 'cuz you feel comfortable? ..and sometimes the universe pushes harder and you injure your elbow? :lol:

I think it's one of those. My elbow will be fine, I'm sure, and I thank you for your offer to have me as a patient, AustinRuth. It's a very gracious offer and I accept it with love. Life seems to be falling all into place lately.

I'll give your suggestions a try, though I must confess I havent been too good in keeping up my AC appointments recently... :oops:

Thank you, everyone!


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:39 am
by AustinRuth
Dear Maku,
You are welcome!
I will include you in the AC my next visit. Forgive my excessive advice, I tend to do that. I really do mean well! Take care! --Ruth :)

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:08 pm
by Maku

AustinRuth, not excessive at all! I welcome it and I thank you.
