Monjoronson Headquarter

We will post here messages received about the coming of Monjoronson.
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Monjoronson Headquarter

Post by Claude »

Hello everyone,

Do someone know where the Monjoronson headquarter should be?
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Post by Spirit_Force »

my immediate thought after reading your question:

everywhere and nowhere!

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Post by Geoff »

Dear Claude,

Well the TML guys I thought were actually going to build something. I found that surprising, but heck, we haven't been told anything like that, so I guess they do what they believe. Our understanding is that its likely to be heaviliy USA oriented, but I also understand some of the accompanying Melchizadeks will be spread around the globe.
So I dont know if they need anything like that, but its logical if he's here for 1,000 years, that something permanent may make sense.

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