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Embraced By the Light

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 10:26 am
by Gai
I read this book nine years ago, and in a way it was a Godsend for just shortly after that I experience Death in a big way when I lost my Husband and the Father of my Children. The Guardians knew I was gonna need some help on this one and were preparing me way ahead of time, as later Roberts death would come as a sudden shock.

It is about a woman's, Betty Eadie's, Near Death experience.
My first thought at this book was apprehensive, because at that time alot of people were talking about Angels,... but the kind of Angels with pink chiffon dresses and blond hair,... yuk, I thought,.. if Angels look like Barbie, I'm outa here!! But this book, though seen more maybe through her own perceptions, had alot to say that felt very real when I read it. How she passed thru the tunnel and viewed Earth from the heavens and discovered that we all have actually been around for millions of years when we chose to come and build this planet and with Jesus Christ Michael as our leader on this mission. She spoke of seeing millions of other planets, worlds with different beings, but all connected to The Light.
And how we are our own judge as our life flashes before us. I think what I liked the most was when she talked about how the rose flower was alive and growing within the spirit of the light of love and she became one with this rose herself. You gotta understand first how she was raised with christian thinking as that is how she percieved her experience and how Jesus maybe was making her feel comfortable, easing her into more and more open mindedness to enable her to learn more Truth. She even said that it didn't matter what one calls God or if they see Bhudda instead,... what mattered was Love and truth. She talked about The Living Waters, a place she saw where the water falling made music of beautiful angelic sounds in every drop, and how incredible layers of music filled with pure love was being sung by the Angels.

I remember after reading this book, I started to see pictures in my mind, very clear and totally real--- one was a galaxy of some sort, a place I knew so very well, but only in that instance that I saw it did I know that. Right after I could remember what it looked like only, but not the knowing.. and also some strange symbols on a construction something like a house, or a symbol of a house, the colors and symbols were odd to me, but very friendly. Alot of other things I saw as well.

A really funny thing that happened was everytime my late husband touched my face with tenderness,.. Poof, would appear another flash in my mind,.... bringing up tears of a very sweet joy. and thats why I like this book and believe her experience as real... it moved me beyond the ordinary, as my old art teacher would say, and allowed me the faith to know Robert's still around. Actually, he flew straight through me once and I never felt nothin like it..... beautiful incredible feeling as I felt His feelings in that moment....... very very Happy!!!

Its worth reading as she is just a humble regular everyday woman that this happened to,... no biggy,.. just simple humble folks.
