What It Really Means.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by sammy »

Fabulous!....Just Fabulous!

Funny, when I read that part about the priest being placed in the fish, John (Twinstars) dream came to mind - the one with the whale...then you ended up at Jonah in the whale, only not Jonah in the whale...I hope John reads this!

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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by George »


Hi young lady. The sign of the womb is engraved on ancient grave stones. 1900 years ago all knew what that "fish" meant.

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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by luvinlife »

Kenz, it's interesting that you brought up your childhood. My 15-year old son has just been diagnosed with "social anxiety" and depression. He is and always has been an "old" soul. He was "bullied" by classmates, and his self-esteem plummeted. He is too kind and sensitive to give it back to the bullies. Anyway, he's been getting prompts, and his self-esteem seems to be improving a lot. Now, as far as reincarnation, I used to believe, then I didn't, then I didn't know. Now, I feel that we are one soul FOREVER. How's that?

Love, Clare
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by sammy »

Clare wrote:
Now, I feel that we are one soul FOREVER.
Now that is a definition I can wrap my brain around! Now if I could only remember the difference between soul and spirit! (But I think I bookmarked that :P )

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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by sammy »

Found it (sort of) - for those interested;
Geoff Wrote:
..... I gather when we incarnate, the soul creates, or has created for it, a spirit body. As for the astral body, pretty much everything seems to have an astral body, even inanimate things. Now the astral body tends to age just like the physical, and reflects mostly the look of the physical, but the spirit body reflects the spiritual advancement of the individual. I was very interested to read in Gone West, that many folks have spiritual bodies when they first arrive in the Spirit Spheres as babies or very small children. Now I have NEVER heard that before, but I guess its possible.

As for the material mind, it is eventually discarded when the being fuses with its TA.
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by LolaandLight »

Has anyone had any experiences with visions of people we all know existed? I mean, where you were "with" them and wide awake but watching yourself participate with them--walking, talking, etc? Now, I used to not believe in reincarnation and then when my son was three he started telling me how he was much older than me and started telling me who he used to be and how he died. I know that the U book says there is no reincarnation. Someone told me that it may be a memory from my Thought Adjustor. Okay, then why was this particular memory shared with me? Gotta be a reason. It was pretty powerful.

This is me - :roll

I really want to understand all of this. I am pretty much indoctrinated in traditional Christianity but with an understanding that it not what it originally was, much in the Bible was changed, many things that were known were kind of stomped on because it scared the rubbish out of the folks in power, and the message is much simplier and much more complex than what the church goes into. Mostly, I have been taught not to invite "spirits" or channeling entities. But, whatever they are, they are pretty much firm about staying around me and getting me to do something. I just don't know what. I am afraid that by participating and working with them, I am inviting insanity. Now, who would invite insanity in? I have enough problems. Can ya see the push and pull constantly going on in me?

Thanks for listening, or reading.
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by George »

Dear Lola,

Welcome to the MB. There are no nasties anymore with the Lucifer rebellion adjudicated in the mid 1970's.

Your TA will teach you many things, but there no Y1 T1 college curriculum.

That you will find in the transmissions on this board.

Does it "help you get to" insanity. :shock: Tales! :)

God bless...
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by LolaandLight »

Hi George,

I am in great appreciation, and, at the same time, frustration, at your never giving me black and white answers. I understand why this is so. (Yeah, we have been in contact with one another. But, I never posted on the board until now.) It is great to put a face with your name. Maybe oneday I will be able to get one of your CDs to help with my meditation. My messages come to me without me meditating. I know I could get more direct answers or a clearer picture of it all if I could get some stillness in that old noggin of mine. I have experienced a great deal of anxiety when I attempt to meditate. My heart races and I often start crying. I think I know why this is so. Before I come to a firm conclusion as to why, I must learn to trust what I receive and begin to insitute some self forgiveness. :duh
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by George »

Dear Lola,

There are straight answers to be gotten, from God and his Celestial Servants. Your local priest might even have an attempt at declaring what he thinks is truth, but I'm no priest.

I'm a channeler and put "out there" what I hear -- not my opinion. I have no opinions. I do my job 14 hours each day, 7 days per week, as requested by Chief Bzutu, Machiventa, and Michael.

There is no substitute for direct Celestial contact, and that is why we promote intent, diligence and persistence.

God bless you and yours.....
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by LolaandLight »


Of course I understand that you personally don't have straight answers. What I appreciate I guess is that you do not give answers. Sorry that I did not properly word this in my previous post.

As far as a Priest, I am not Catholic and, while I love Christianity, from what I have been taught by the "others" (I hesitate to call them anything in particular at this point), the church does not have the answers that I seek. I have tried to find it there. Does it explain what you do to you? It does not explain what I have experienced for me. I have asked Priests and Ministers explaining it to them. See, I wanted someone to say that I could trust what I knew already I should trust but was afraid to trust because no one could explain it to me. If one reads the traditional Bible, and leaves out the dogma, then our experiences can be seen as pretty regular everyday themes of man's experience. I have come to see this over the last few months. A big part of getting answers is asking the right questions. My experiences have not been so much asking questions as having conversations and receiving images. The images usually provoke emotions or feelings and through this, understanding. So much of it depends, not just on believing that it is real, but also in accepting that I am an active participant in it all and not just subject to receiving--giving myself over to it.

I have had a dialogue with them, only I did not trust that I was truly having a dialogue with anything or anyone outside of my own head, even though a part of me knew that I was and at times was very much certain. When I was a child, I walked with them in my concious mind all of the time. I am working on the meditation thing.
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by AJ »

Hi Lola. I feel that religion is just the start for some people. Well in any case it was the start for me. You go and you go and you listen and love the stories and hate the dogma and then one day you find yourself sitting there in prayer and all of sudden you realize that it is just so much bigger than what you could ever have imagined. When that moment comes you see church completely differently. Really you see everything completely differently. Then you begin to find something more or really something more begins to find you. When I stumbled into this place in cyberspace almost 5 years ago I was a die hard Catholic going to church 3 even 4 times a week until all of a sudden the story that I had always known and been taught just didn't seem to fit with my own internal thoughts, feelings and pushing towards the bigger story yet to unfold. And just think.....we are only at the beginning. The road ahead once we leave this plane is truly a long long long journey. The good thing is though we have all of eternity to make it to the ultimate destination being the source. Welcome to your journey and welcome to this board!
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lola,

You wrote something, well a couple things really, which immediately caught my attention....
My messages come to me without me meditating. I know I could get more direct answers or a clearer picture of it all if I could get some stillness in that old noggin of mine. I have experienced a great deal of anxiety when I attempt to meditate.
A big part of getting answers is asking the right questions. My experiences have not been so much asking questions as having conversations and receiving images. The images usually provoke emotions or feelings and through this, understanding. So much of it depends, not just on believing that it is real, but also in accepting that I am an active participant in it all and not just subject to receiving--giving myself over to it.
I would go with what is already working for you, observing the images and pictures given and analizing the feelings and emotion they bring up to gather understanding. It is one of the many wonderful ways to communicate and commune with our "always on the look out for a way to reach their human siblings" Celestial kin. (Whew that was wordy enough wasn't it? :roll: ) I guess what I am getting at in a very ackward way, is that continue what works with you and allow the skill to continue to grow and deepen as you work on the reasons why this keeps happens when practicing stillness....
I have experienced a great deal of anxiety when I attempt to meditate. My heart races and I often start crying. I think I know why this is so. Before I come to a firm conclusion as to why, I must learn to trust what I receive and begin to insitute some self forgiveness.
While we are all individuals who experience the gammet of life differently, I can in my own way understand where you are coming from there. I didn't want to face something long held within. I sort of knew it was there but I also knew it would be extremely painful to dredge it back up again and filter through its many layers to gather the complete understanding needed to completely forgive and release once and for all. When You are ready, what you truly desire will happen but there is no hurry...remember...spiritual growth is not measured on how many spiritual gifts you have pinned to your chest... I think it is more how much we grow in love...loving God, each other...and yes also very important ourselves. And this is an endless education that will continue to grow and mature throughout eternity.... There will never be an end to the Celestial Love we can absorb, and reflect to others... here on earth or later, in the next realms.

Oh almost forgot with all my rattling on... welcome to our 11:11 board family. :hithere
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by LolaandLight »

AJ and Sandy,

Thank you both for such wonderful welcomes. In your posts I see so much in what I have experienced. That is the beauty of this board. I haven't been here very long and in almost every post I see familiar experiences. Thanks so much for being here. :love

What Sandy said about just going with what is and has served me makes so much sense. I keep beating myself up for not being able to meditate for any length of time. What I do experience is wonderful and, you are right, if I just lay back and accept it and go with it, the other may come. I don't think I view it as spiritual gifts so much as being me and accepting me. I have found when I start seeing it as a spiritual gift, I go off in a direction that takes me off course. It is just life as a Child of God. Something we all are. I do know that we come here with different missions for ourselves and for us to give of ourselves and so can operate as missionaires so to speak on God's behalf. Not teaching religion so much as being an activated presence for God in the world. We kind of emit it I think. It is just that at times it seems so fantastic that it is hard to believe, to accept.
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by memawlaura »

:hithere Lola,
Like you I grew up in christianity and they had some good but unfortunately too much dogma. I had fear when I began to meditate because I was unsure where or who I was going to meet, too many scary movies :lol: and the belief I was playing with darkness. So, I always make it a point to ask our father "to protect me from any lower beings that may wish to do me harma". I know in my heart why I wish to meditate and it has nothing to do with the darkness only light. I have been meditating now for 4 years and I wish I would have begun a very long time ago. Also, its time for you to take a look at what fears and blocks you have, I found Louise Hayes "You Can Heal Your Life" helps you get rid of the outside influences that instilled fear in you. It will teach you how to recognize what you know is the truth and what others told you you "should" believe. Welcome again and "Bless Your Heart".
Love and Peace Always,

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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by LolaandLight »

It is amazing that you posted what you posted. Because I was asking myself today what it was that caused me to ignore the prompts after having lived with them as my friends by my side constantly at a very young age. It was like I forgot they were there, even though they still helped me out at times. The answer to my question was simply a realization that it wasn't just fear because I spent some time thinking of them as ghosts, but mainly, and most importantly, a fear of the incredible sense of responsibility that came with the pull to go within. Like, I was being called to do something which I feared I would not have the power, strength, and courage to live up to. I was reading John Paggett (sp?) and a realization of this just flooded over me. In other words, I thought I was, on some level, hiding from "them".
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by Sandy »

Laura!!!!! big Hug sis! Image
:loves Sandy
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by berrygreen2010 »

Re: Memalura post and all others. I must say that I am really "freaking out" right now! It's after midnight and I just went online after watching the movie 2012. When I went into one website it had a link re: 11:11!! I have been seeing this prompt for years now. Every November 11th I am waiting for something. Nothing ever happened so now I just take it as a prompt from God because He has given me a peace about it for so long. My debit card expiration date is 11/11. I played 1:11 (another prompt I often see) while in Vegas recently. I have also started seeing 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 etc. I just take it all in stride after so long.

As a Christian, I went through the Bible and looked up every occurence of Chapter 11, verse 11 wherever it occured. Only a few touched a chord in me that it might be a message from the Lord. So after wondering about this for many years, I was flabbergasted to see these numbers associated with 2012. And I was also shocked to see this associated with Celestial Beings.

I will have to pray about inviting, seeking contact, etc. because I do not want to invite this type of activity into my life or my spirit. I dabbled in the occult in my teens. I left it as my faith grew. I am more than hesitant to dabble again. But I cannot deny this occurence or the amazement that so many other people are having this experience. To be honest I am almost afraid to look at a clock now. I almost know what it will say. Moreover, I am now happy when it says 11:12.

As you can see I'm rather conflicted, but I am glad that I could share with some people who will understand. For those of you who are Christian believers, please pray with me. This will be a big "shock" to my faith, but I cannot deny what I've stumbled upon.

Thanks for reading and listening as I vent.

God bless.
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by George »

Hi BerryGreen,

It's your christian belief that made you fearful. Contact with the Midwayers will help you become fearless.

The 20 12 story is a myth, as was the Y2K computer bug. :lol:

Welcome to the 11:11 MB.

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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by Geoff »

Dear berrygreen,

Welcome. This is not about faith or belief. But what you get out of it depends on your willingness to find out.

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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by Macker »

berrygreen i've seen all that 20 12 rubbish on youtube and the likes ... its all a hoax , i've delved right into all that tosh ... believed me the world isn't going to end on the 21 12 20 12 @ 11:11 , i cannot understand why people like to frighten other people in this way ... maybe its the sicko world we live in :cry:
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by Sandy »

Dear berrygreen,
Welcome to our message board.
I can understand your confusion, especially after just seeing that particular movie which has no bearing whatsoever on the number prompt you and so many of us have been seeing, the 11:11 time prompt. It is in fact, the polar opposite. 11:11 is about Love , Light and recovery for this world...Not destruction.
As you can see I'm rather conflicted, but I am glad that I could share with some people who will understand. For those of you who are Christian believers, please pray with me. This will be a big "shock" to my faith, but I cannot deny what I've stumbled upon.
There are many people on this board of varied beliefs, Christians, Hindus, Muslem, Urantians, etc... all of our individual paths lead to God if we follow Love. Long ago, when I first found myself questioning and wondering, I asked God to show me Truth and as a Christian growing up I was taught and trusted that my prayers would be answered. So I prayed for God to guide me and protect me thus leaving me free and confident to follow the path that was unfolding and the leanings of my heart. I found that what I was "discovering" was already inside me, already a part of who I was and will be in eternity. And I must say, I have never regretted my own personal decision to follow my path as it it has been a wonderful ongoing progression that is continually bringing me closer to God, Christ and my loving Angels, Midwayer, and amazing Celestial kin.
God is good and can be found in the most unexpected places. :happy God bless you berrygreen. It is so nice to meet you. :D
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by psychicenergies »

Hello everyone :)

You will not believe this... but the time RIGHT NOW is... wait for it.... 11:11pm!! I really do think there is an angel out there for me, trying to tell me what time it is.. and I have received the message, Angel, I acknowledge that it is 11:11pm. Cheers!

Just thought I'd like to share that with you all :)
May the force be with you.
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by Sandy »

Hi Christina! :hithere

I just saw your post before heading off to sleep. I love your light heartedness and that gorgeous photo avi of pandas....They are truly something special! :D
Welcome to this friendly place!
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by ElevenCards »

After reading through this whole board and finding this forum I had to register. And I am not the kind of guy that likes to cry, but My eyes watered after I read the posts in this thread. It's too real that it's unreal. How is it possible to read every post in a forum, where every single person I agree with 100 percent. That is not normal on an internet forum. We are good at the same things!!!!! I bet we all like music, I bet we all research the rubbish out of everything, I bet we all have multiple interests. I honestly am worn out telling my 11 story, and for some reason I feel I don't even need to tell it. You guys know. I hope you guys also know that we are very special because no where else in the world can you really find a paranormal phenomenon this real.....I mean. I just won 50 dollars on a scratch off today that I bought, which was from the scratch offs in the case title #11. This is after praying to God to let me know that I'm not crazy and that it isn't satan.

We all have the same story, especially about religion and church.
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Re: What It Really Means.

Post by Sandy »

Hello Elevencards,

I enjoyed your first post and I hope there are many more to follow. It is a pleasure to meet you! :D
You wrote:
I honestly am worn out telling my 11 story, and for some reason I feel I don't even need to tell it. You guys know.
You are right in saying there is so much we all have in common and yet we are each unique beings so there are many things about each of us that differ as well. So anytime you wish to speak from your own experiences and share your own innate wisdom please do.

My goodness! I am so impressed that you have read the whole forum. 8) Welcome!

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