The 11:11 Akashic Construct

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Post by Deb »

I painted my Akashic library a beautiful violet colour a couple of days ago, it looks so pretty now..

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Post by Sandy »

Hey Deb,

I bet it does look lovely and so much easier and quicker to manifest than the painting we just did yesterday. We promised our landlord we would paint the flat three long months ago. (It looked so bad we offered to do it ourselves if he would provide the paint and like a smart business man he jumped at the chance to get the walls painted for free)) We painted two rooms almost immediately, and it was then I remembered just how much I hated to paint. :roll: Been putting it off for awhile now ... so yesterday we broke down and painted the bedroom. Two rooms to go and obligation is over. :cheers: Anyway, wouldn't it be interesting to see what everyone's library looked like... sort like "Better Homes and Gardens" you know picking up useful ideas and tips to make the job easier... :)

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Post by Deb »

Hi Sandy,

Your right my library took no time at all to paint, I picked that paint roller up and whipped the colour on in no time. It's not a colour that I would pick for my house but it looks magical in my library.

I bet your landlord jumped at the offer for you to paint his house, you would think he would have offered to give you a week's rent for free, don't worry Sandy I'm laughing at that comment myself.

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Oh goodness Sandy, you sound just like Phil and me! I painted the livingroom electric blue one year and it was ghastly but I couldn't be bothered for another whole year to paint it brick red! I love it, but many people don't! We have to repaint the whole house magnolia, or cream! I suppose it does look a lot saner!

Debs, hello again! I have a glass ceiling reaching midway down the walls, then it's a greyish stone colour. Wooden polished floors and a bit of chrome in the healing part. Best of all is the lush green garden with millions of multi-coloured flowers. Not to mention the colourful birds and bees Image Image Image and even an Image or two once! I had two of them roaming near the garden one time, but they've never returned!

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Post by Deb »

Hi Petra,

When you mentioned the polished floors in your library, I just realised that I have never seen my floor...hmmm perhaps i'm floating on air :lol: . Maybe I should look down next time i'm in there, I notice the ground everywhere else just not in the library.

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Post by Judy »

When I receive a "topic reply" to this thread I always get a notice that there is no such topic! BUT, here I am, manually.
Now that you mention it, I do not think I have ever seen the floor either!
If the faith of the Most High has entered your heart, then shall you abide free from fear throughout all the days of your life. (The Urantia Book, p. 1443, par. 5)
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Judy and Deb,

The same thing happened to me to last night when I tried to get to this thread from a topic reply notice. No such topic existed supposedly. But this time it worked...hmmm :scratch:

My floor is stone and I have thick warm rugs on the floor that the children and I sit on when they come for a visit. My friend Alexander has these marvelous floating steps that are just hanging in mid air which lead to his library. I just love hearing about people's libraries. Petra, your sounds lovely! Isn't it interesting how animals show up from time to time in our library and garden. Not sure why...I remember reading a thread on that subject a few years ago, but I can't remember now what was said and it is since long gone. :(

Love you guys,
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Post by Deb »

I had the same message yesterday with this thread. I just though oh well another thread bites the

Judy.....Maybe we just float on air....hehehe.

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Post by Judy »

Hey Deb,

Ha Ha Ha, Yeah!
You said:
"Judy.....Maybe we just float on air....hehehe"
I know that I definitely float on air occasionally and in past years I have been called an "air head", hee, hee.
As to our Akashic constructs, I have a problem (not really a problem, since I like it) that I will often revert to a construct that I built years ago before I became familiar with this message board (did not even own a computer then) and just out of the clear blue I will be there instead of the one I made with my AC/CD! They are both built in a solid rock mountainside, but my old one has a bedroom, kitchen, etc. It also has thick padded carpeting. There is a tunnel that goes through it and opens up to the sea and cliffs and crashing waves. At the other end is my old construct that has a view of endless mountains and forests, waterfalls, lakes and it is all just wonderful beauty. This is a place I made in my mind such a long time ago and it was a place of escape for me. I still go there sometimes as I go to sleep, but it is no longer an escape zone. I have no need to escape anything now.
Oh, by the way, the actual "topic reply" thingy got me here this time.
If the faith of the Most High has entered your heart, then shall you abide free from fear throughout all the days of your life. (The Urantia Book, p. 1443, par. 5)
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Post by Deb »

Hi Judy,

Your old Construct sounded great, you could still use it.

Years ago I also made a safe place like in the AC, apart from a white bench type of seat and a waterfall, my old safe place had everything that the AC said, strange but true, so this time when I had to make a safe place my mind automatically when to the old one, so I just stayed with it. Gave me more time to look around and make sure everything was still in order.

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Post by George »

I constructed one, too, years ago when I was about 9, but it was a real, underground one. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It lasted a week. Someone found it, and it was wrecked.

My new Akashic Construct is always as I left it. Sometimes with a note left on my desk from a previous session.

Oh, yeah! I forgot about that note! :shock:
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Post by Judy »

You said:
"Your old Construct sounded great, you could still use it."
When I end up there unintentionally I DO stay there and use it. Periodically I change things too. I sculpted things into the rock as well. It seems a lot of us construct caves, or abodes in rock formations, in mountains etc.
Yeah, I have made some in real time (hmm, which is actually real time????) too, but usually they were in trees. Big oaks or Acasias (sp?), a cherry tree as well. I spent many an hour as a kid in them. Reading, going into my thoughts, or just sitting and enjoying. I liked being alone, still do.
If the faith of the Most High has entered your heart, then shall you abide free from fear throughout all the days of your life. (The Urantia Book, p. 1443, par. 5)
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Post by George »

Judy writes:
. . . but usually they were in trees.
Oh, yeah! You reminded me! I had one in a tree, as well.

Gosh! I plum forgot about that one in a big tall pine. :!: :idea:

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Post by George »

This is just a general comment:

If I rode a motorbike for 30 years, I would still not jump into a helicopter and try to fly it. :roll:

The Akashic Construct is a Guided Meditation -- not something you do from the instructions. If you do, you are likely to find yourself at the steering stick, not knowing if you're gonna go up or down, left or right. :shock:

I took the instructions of part 3 off of the board, just now. 8)

Golly, it explains a few complaints about a few guys floundering, and when I asked if the CD is playing up . . . I get no answer.

Some guys must really HATE my voice! :twisted:

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Post by peacockplume »

Oh George,
How could any one 'hate' your voice, if they didn't have the CD to hear it??

I think being guided by the CD, is the safest way, and really, the easiest way to experience the AC....

you wouldn't get very far, stopping every few seconds, coming out of alpha, finding the 'next phrase',,,,trying to get back to alpha and where was I,,,,,,having a shower???? or what....

sure there's lots of meditations out there to take you to alpha,,,
but the AC is a concept to get us to a different place,,,,in touch with our celestials,,,,,,and training for a 'job' to do.....

The AC CD has a specific purpose,,,,,not just a general meditation...

well, at least, that's how I feel,,,,

love and hugs,

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Post by George »

Hi PeacockPlume,

That's what I meant -- there must be a presumption there. :lol:

After say 4 reasonably intensive weeks, they can fly solo.

I took mine out of the drawer just days ago after a long term of solo flight . . .

and yes, I was diving a bit too fast. A bad habit.

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Post by peacockplume »

well George, hmm, hmm,,,

but I think you've been doing 'alot' of solo,,,,

since you have been experiencing astral travelling since you couldn't listen to the adults talking in the living room when you were supposed to be in bed. hmmm hmmm

I know it's abit different now, but hey, you've had umpteen zillion years head start :lol: :lol: :lol:

but point taken, practising with the AC, keeps on the proper track...

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Post by George »

Well, how would I go with the Akashic Construct today?

Not at all. 250 emails, 20 still to answer.


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Post by peacockplume »

OK George,

Do you believe in Santa still???? cuz if you don't, then I'm putting in a special request....

Dear :bigsmurf: this is for George in AU, you know who I mean,,,, please send one of those new smart keyboards, where he can just talk into it, and it will type for him.....It would make his job so much easier....with many thanks :smurfin:

(I think that's my first ever letter to Santa, I know it's abit early, but hey, better early and avoid the rush).

I've wished for one of those for about 30 years, and I think they're actually making them now.... that took a long time to manifest,,,,

and I 'wish' it doesn't take that long to manifest at your place....

love and hugs,,,:queen: pp
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Post by George »

since you're in the mood early, PP, I'll give you the lyrics of a Christmas song every Aussie kid knows . . .

Six White Boomers.

Early on one Christmas Day a joey kangaroo,
Was far from home and lost in a great big zoo.
'Mummy, where's my mummy? They've taken her away.'
We'll help you find your mummy, son. Hop up on the sleigh.'
Up beside the bag of toys little joey hopped,
But they hadn't gone far when Santa stopped.
Unharnessed all the reindeer and Joey wondered why,
Then he heard a far off booming in the sky.

Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun.
Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
On his Australian run.

Pretty soon old Santa began to feel the heat,
Took his fur lined boots off to cool his feet,
Into one popped Joey, feeling quite okay,
While those old man Kangaroos kept pulling on the sleigh.

Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun.
Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
On his Australian run.

Joey said to Santa, 'Santa, what about the toys?
Aren't you iving some to these girls and boys?'
'They've got all their presents, son, we were here last night,
this trip is an extra trip, Joey's special flight.'

Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun.
Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
On his Australian run.

Soon the sleigh was flashing past right over Marble Bar,
'Slow down there,' cried Santa, 'it can't be far,
Come up on my lap here, son, and have a look around.'
'There she is, that's mummy, bounding up and down.'

Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun.
Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
On his Australian run.

Well that's the bestest Christmas treat that Joey ever had,
Curled up in mother's pouch feeling snug and glad.

The last they saw was Santa heading northwards from the sun,
The only year the boomers worked a double run.

Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun.
Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
On his Australian run.

Rolf Harris.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by nasra1996 »

Oh yeah, Rolf Harris, he is a regular celeb in the Uk too...

He was voted in a poll as the most famous contemporary artist of this century... :scratch: :lol: He can paint though really....

Love Sarah
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Post by George »

Hi Sarah,

And with a 6" brush !!!!!!!!

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Post by peacockplume »

Whoa there guys,,,, :bike:

was that ever a slide from the AC thread,

sorry, my fault, I started the slide.

but thanks for the song, I remember Rolf Harris :afro: too, (well sort of, he had quite the head of hair.... with his ?????walla walla board?????

when the time comes, I'll post that song on the 'secret thread' so us folks there can have a sing along.....surprised me I remembered the 'tune'

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Post by George »

Wobble board! :!:

OK, back to the Akashic Construct. is playing up and yesterday I asked where the IT crew was. Got a picture of a bride, down south -- Melbourne way -- they're at a wedding. :cheers:

That's how it goes. You practice the Akashic Construct diligently, and you get answers -- pictures, open eyed, and projected over the funiture, forest greenery, ocean waves, beach sand. :shock:

I'm out of here.

Say, "Have a nice snooze, George." -- only got a few hours sleep last night.

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Post by blue nova »

George wrote:
That's how it goes. You practice the Akashic Construct diligently, and you get answers -- pictures, open eyed, and projected over the funiture, forest greenery, ocean waves, beach sand.
:cheers: Cheers George :D Especially the getting answers part, wow ! Before I started the AC and meditation I never realized that our questions are answered so quickly, in fact, if I really pay attention the answer is there almost before I get the question asked :wink:

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.. ~Swami Rama Tirtha~
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