The 11:11 Akashic Construct

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Post by George »

Well it was in their own interest to tell me, young Lady.

I might have blown a fuse, and have been of no further use to them.


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Post by peacockplume »

Hullo George,
Well, I had a strange AC the other night, and since I've been doing alot of 'blipping' in and out, I'm not sure about this.

In this one, I actually got into my library, then into the healing room, before the blip happened.....the next thing I recall, is I'm overhead looking at a highway, full of cars going fast...I see a car start to go out of control, and the next thing I'm in the car, (no body), but just slightly behind and off the right shoulder of a lady with short light brown hair...
she was swerving and heading for the ditch. I told her not to panic, this was how she needed to do it, and somehow, with no hands or body, guided her hands on the wheel around the turn,,,,then inbetween traffic, and missing a head on with a huge transport truck....

I don't know where I was when I knew she would be all right,,,,then I had the sensation of coming out of it,,,,or waking up?????and remembered I had to thank the Celestials before I left....which I did, then it was a fast surface....

now here was your quote
You practice the Akashic Construct diligently, and you get answers -- pictures, open eyed, and projected over the funiture, forest greenery, ocean waves, beach sand
so I don't think I'm really in the AC......could I have just fallen asleep and had a very lucid dream???

and when you do get these pictures properly, projected over the furniture, do you still see the AC room your in???

if so, then what was the experience you had with the drowned woman, where ABC 22 took you to Frisco.....(I do realize you were 'demanding something important at the time).....

still just confused at what's happening......I don't understand why I'm having such difficulty staying conscious in the AC....

it's early in the am right now, and I've been I think I'll go try it again, as I shouldn't be tired enough to fall asleep....

love pp
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Post by George »

PP writes:
In this one, I actually got into my library, then into the healing room, before the blip happened.....the next thing I recall, is I'm overhead looking at a highway, full of cars going fast...I see a car start to go out of control, and the next thing I'm in the car, (no body), but just slightly behind and off the right shoulder of a lady with short light brown hair...
she was swerving and heading for the ditch. I told her not to panic, this was how she needed to do it, and somehow, with no hands or body, guided her hands on the wheel around the turn,,,,then inbetween traffic, and missing a head on with a huge transport truck....

I don't know where I was when I knew she would be all right,,,,then I had the sensation of coming out of it,,,,or waking up?????and remembered I had to thank the Celestials before I left....which I did, then it was a fast surface....
Yes, I've done things similar to that, rather I let my Thought Adjuster free to do it, whilst my conscious mind goes along for the trip.

YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY, KIDDO. 8) Intent is all that counts, and your Akashic Construct includes the whole world, past, present and future.

Your conscious mind CAN come along even in timewarp. Your soul is not yet opportune to do so.

Why did you "go to sleep"? You might have interfered with the process, unlikely to next time.
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Post by George »

This board is playing up like crazy, so this is in two slabs <sigh>.
so I don't think I'm really in the AC......could I have just fallen asleep and had a very lucid dream???

and when you do get these pictures properly, projected over the furniture, do you still see the AC room your in???

if so, then what was the experience you had with the drowned woman, where ABC 22 took you to Frisco.....(I do realize you were 'demanding something important at the time).....
Not a lucid dream. They don't fool with us. You could be anywhere, but your body and soul stayed put. That's how it goes with me. Soul travel is for the top yogis :wink:

I might be in the shower when those pictures come, driving along, strolling on the beach, or getting the mail out of the box.

Yeah! They said I came to learn many things very fast. So I said give me the info! I wasn't very polite then, because I thought they were working for me. Big mistake! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by peacockplume »

Ahhhh Soooo 8) George,

Thank you very much,,,,, "confirmation lights going on" and of course more questions too...
You could be anywhere, but your body and soul stayed put
If body and soul stay put, what the heck travels???? mind and personality??? :scratch:

Thanks for the link,,,,,great experience....helps us to see the similarities in our own happenings.....(however weird it may seem at the time)
So I said give me the info! I wasn't very polite then, because I thought they were working for me. Big mistake!
Yes I pick up on that 'early' attitude of yours,,,,and I honestly can sometimes almost see ABC 22, either rolling his eyes or throwing up his hands.....boy they must have been determined to push you through, to do what you do.....

for now, I'll be quite content to see those pictures, when I'm laying down, not driving myself,,,,,,that's a scary concept at this time...
Why did you "go to sleep"? You might have interfered with the process, unlikely to next time.
The only thing I could come up with, re the 'blipping in and out', was that I thought I was being taken somewhere to learn or do something,,,which would slowly work it's way into my waking consciousness, and prepare me for future sojurns....

So thank you, your guidance, coaching, and encouragement,,,is what makes me get over the 'bump' of thinking, gee this isn't working, what am I 'not doing right',,,,,it isn't that at all, it's just the proper, slow progression of learning.... :cheers:

What an awesomely, strange way to help people???? but GREAT!!!

love, pp 8)
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Post by nasra1996 »

Yes, i thought that the soul travelled too in dreams and perhaps meditation but was still attached to the body by a rod of light and interacts with the brain to make images... what part of us travels in sleep....?


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Post by peacockplume »

Hello dear PP and AquaDeb,

I too have experienced times when I have been unable to visit my AC or quiet my mind in Stillness. Others, too, have had similar can be quite frustrating. I think the reason is probably different for each one of us. But in my case, at times, it has stemmed from my lack of "cleaning my inner closets." I tend to be a collector of "stuff", a pack rat of emotions I guess. And I also tend to be a little lazy with my own needs. Sometimes by closing the AC door it forces me to look for inner healing remember to ask for help and guidance in locating these stubborn packets of resistence. Perhaps I too strongly in my mind associate my AC as a place of healing for others and forget that I too can find healing for myself within its walls...not only that can also serve as a quiet place to commune with God, find answers to problems, or form creative ideas just to name a few.

At other times, I have found there might be a backload of things I need to do and my mind refuses to slow down to any one item (so nothing gets accomplished...At these times it might be helpful to go ahead and work through a few of your physical tasks or do something physical... walk, dance, meditate..something that makes you happy and gets your heart pumping. This will naturally help relieve tension or stress you may be harboring and create a positive platform for meditation.

Now this next thought may seem a little odd, but it truly is possible to become too wrapped up in meditation and living in our spiritual mind so to speak. We need to become balanced individuals, developing all aspects of being...physical, mind and spirit. Too much emphasis on any one aspect of ourselves can lead to problems. We are material beings and are created to enjoy the abundant world around us. So get out and do something that makes you a movie, read a good book, study or learn something new, paint, write, help someone in a task...what ever lights your fire and gives you feelings of well being.

The Akashic Construct is just one of many tools which can help strengthen our inner light and help others. Use which ever method feels right to you at the time.

PP, I have to tell you that I tingled all over when I read that you saw your mother's face at the end of Stillness meditation! What a beautiful experience! I just love those wonderful surprises that come unlooked for at times.

Love you both,

Hi dear Sandy, :love
I hope you don't mind me bringing your whole letter over here, but I thought it was so good, that others doing the AC with problems like us, that it might help them also.
you said:
Perhaps I too strongly in my mind associate my AC as a place of healing for others and forget that I too can find healing for myself within its walls...not only that can also serve as a quiet place to commune with God, find answers to problems, or form creative ideas just to name a few.
How right you are, I know in the beginning,,,I really felt like I couldn't ask for healing for myself, as I felt it was being selfish.....then George said 'somewhere' once, about we have a little on credit ourselves, and that made me 'think' well, why not? If we have health issues that don't seem to be resolving with our regular medical treatments, why not, ask for help from the area, that can really help the most???

So I have definitely changed my thinking on that subject....

I also have to admit, that when I realize I am dealing with some stubborn packets of resistance as you most aptly put....that when I can't quite ferret the actual source out. I just ask for whatever resistance is there, to please be's like, you know something's blocking you, but you can't quite pin it down, and it may be from so far back, that for me it's just a big waste of time trying to figure it out. So I call on my beloved Archangels, in particular Michael and Raphael....for them to either show me what it is,,,,,or release it so I can move on....then I find things in daily life 'change', it may be an attitude about something,,,,but the shift happens,,,,I know it's different, then I know what the block was, and can really investigate it to make sure there's no residual.....if there is, then I can consciously release it.....(and with huge gratitude)...

You said:
there might be a backload of things I need to do and my mind refuses to slow down to any one item
Oh yeah! I'm there often,,,,,and maybe I'm lucky, but my 'forced retirement', has given me the opportunity to 'slow down' and get things in order.....I always felt rushed, gotta get this done, that done, so on....(I don't even walk fast anymore :lol: :lol: :lol: )
now I look forward to my meditation time, not, geez, when am I going to get the time to sit down for 15 min, or listen to the AC for an hr...

so I'm kind of on the other side of the fence so to speak, I know this is the time in my life now, to be able to concentrate on the spiritual side, that has been so sadly neglected.....

I do hear you though when you said:
but it truly is possible to become too wrapped up in meditation and living in our spiritual mind so to speak.
it does happen like that, you all of a sudden are on a spiritual overload sort of.....that's when I go for a walk, or out in the hot tub, or paint rocks, (anything but housework :lol: :lol: :lol: )

sometimes I need a couple of days to regain the balance,,,,but I know when I'm ready again and it's like Ya hoooo,,,,I can hardly wait to get that CD in...

As I had written, I had got overload, with the AC, and gave up,,,and just did the stillness meditation.....and was rewarded seeing Mom's young face. That's just how I felt, like it was.....good kid, you didn't completely walk away, you just changed methods, here's a present for you...
what a blessing that was....and I know it was something they did for me, because I wasn't thinking of Mom or anything or anybody....

So I've kept plugging along with the AC, and had that weird one, which I just wrote about here,,,,about being in that car with a woman...

sometimes, with all that blipping in and out, you wonder what the heck's going on,

well, George answered that one quite clearly,,,,,so now I'll be more comfortable with it,,,,knowing,,,that even if I 'blip' out,,, it's for a good cause, and it will happen less and less and I get more practised....

and I'm in such an "awake" mood at the present, that I should go do a practise now.....instead of waiting until later, when tiredness is more apt to play a part.....

Thanks for your beautiful letter,

love and blessings pp
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Post by George »

The Thought Ajuster has the incredible ability to time-warp into the future and into the past, and so does the mind. It goes along. It's not time-dependent according to Teacher Tomas.

Yes, until 2000 I presumed I was doing "soul travel," but apparently not.

The Thought Adjuster can totally "project" all of you, so your mind figures it is all of you, zooming around. Not so, it appears.

The "golden cord," therefore may well be a connection that spans time, as well as distance.

There's still so much we must learn.

Are there some that CAN take along all of their soul as well? I gues. Never a dull moment in this universe.

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Post by nasra1996 »

Thanks George for that information, i think i read it so many times before, just soooo forgetful.... :?


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Post by peacockplume »

Hi George,
Thanks a bunch, that makes things quite abit clearer...

it's amazing, how as we progress, and learn, we have to unlearn old concepts....

I guess that's part of the journey, what fun,,,,

on one hand, it's nice to know, that we'll never know it all, it'll never end,

well until such time as, you know what I mean....

love and hugs
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Post by MagicMike »

I am listening to that CD by REM as I write - it is only a copy. Starts off with Man in the moon. Also has Losing my religion and Everybody hurts(my friend's dog howls all through this one). If you can't find your copy George, I will gladly send you a copy. Or by e-mail if this is possible. Mike

PS. Oh dear - have just realised I have replied to a thread from the first page, a year ago. Is this what is meant by losing the thread??? What's time anyway?!?
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Post by nasra1996 »

:lol: :lol: never mind Magic mike, i love REM too... sometimes, well most of the time, i can't even remember what year we are in... truly... :oops: :roll: :)

Love Sarah xxx
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...It's 2006 isn't it??
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by peacockplume »

Has everyone seen the new AC site that's been put up...

it's separate from this board, and looks really nice...

there might be some newbies, that haven't got there yet....

I was reading someone asking 'how do I make contact'???

well, go to that site, and you'll find the way...

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Post by atsguy »

George wrote:
Are there some that CAN take along all of their soul as well? I gues. Never a dull moment in this universe.

lol i am so going to quote you on that one...

"never a dull moment in this universe"
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Post by Angel70 »

I didn't get any instructions either with the CD, and I just got mine couple of weeks ago.
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Post by George »

Hi Angel,

It's a doc attached to your confirmation email.

Maybe you deleted it. I'll send you a new one.

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Firs time through the CD

Post by arowyne »

Dear George,

I find this experience to be really telling and particularly funny! I received the CD, thank you very much! So, the first night I decided to go to bed with it..... I am not particularly competent on machines.... I loaded the CD on my IPOD and took off... I recall(?) punching all the right buttons and went into the recording following directions. I was somewhat nervous the first time. Everything was going well! I got as far as the foyer and shower, next thing I experienced was this Loud voice telling "You Are Done!" I must have fallen asleep on the job! I bolted awake with a "Yes Sir" in my mind and a whistle from my voice. Realizing that I was in my bed in my room, I shook my head with a Whoa and went to sleep. I didn't want to analyze the experience too much. It was the next day that I realized that I had somehow gone to the 3rd experience. It has been wonderful practicing #1 since then! Thank you so much! Connie K
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Post by George »

Dear arowyne

The CD program "will go to" where it's most wanted. Perhaps in your instance, a better sleep pattern.

Mornings are best, and if you are likely to fall asleep, using a kitchen chair might be the ticket.

In time you'll be able to access it all during a walk in the park.

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Post by CutieKenge »

I just ordered my CD and I am so excited! I can't wait to try it out!
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Post by oneworld »

I know I have been at the library in dreams. Those dreams are extremely clear and profound for me. At this time I will have to just ask for it, or meditate on providing the Cd for me. Gee...maybe Santa will bring it. I have no disposable income at the moment. better start manifesting, huh?

my deepest love,

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Post by CutieKenge »

oneworld wrote:I know I have been at the library in dreams. Those dreams are extremely clear and profound for me. At this time I will have to just ask for it, or meditate on providing the Cd for me. Gee...maybe Santa will bring it. I have no disposable income at the moment. better start manifesting, huh?

my deepest love,

Much love to you, Rebecca. It will certainly come when you least expect it!
Seeing the power of manifesting at it's best. :wink: I look forward to hearing about it when you receive it.

A wise man once said, "Today, let's try to be grateful for the small things..."
And at that moment, all was okay.
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Re: Akashic Construct Instructions... updated.

Post by oneworld »

Well...I am on week two...started part 2 yesterday. I read through this thread hoping to come up with answers to questions, but I'm still perplexed (a little strong but you get the idea).

1) Is it okay to start counting then just let it flow if I get "lost" (i.e., not count)?

2) Somebody earlier in this thread said they use part 2 and 3 together. Am I mis-interpreting the instructions...once you have done 1 and 2 for a week do you just use 3?

Thanks in advance.

My deepest love,

Rebecca :loves
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Re: Akashic Construct Instructions... updated.

Post by George »

Dear Rebecca,
Well...I am on week two...started part 2 yesterday. I read through this thread hoping to come up with answers to questions, but I'm still perplexed (a little strong but you get the idea).
Not fatigued, I hope. George's voice does all the work. :)
1) Is it okay to start counting then just let it flow if I get "lost" (i.e., not count)?
Yes, that's good. You lose count when you've switched to the right hemisphere of your brain. You're now in Alpha, so just relax.
2) Somebody earlier in this thread said they use part 2 and 3 together. Am I mis-interpreting the instructions...once you have done 1 and 2 for a week do you just use 3?
Week 1 is segment 1.
Week 2 is segment 1 and 2.
Week 3 is segment 1, 2, and 3.

When you become really proficient at it, do like me... straight into the workshop as I walk along the beach.

Expect nothing, don't be surprised by anything, and intent is ALL that counts. :!:
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Post by DJKENZ »

George wrote:PeacockPlume wrote:

<<< I had an AC experience which I wrote to George about it, and he posted it on the AC board, which was ok, it was me that had the problem with the responses....I still can't explain how it really made me feel, and I can't seem to get over the hump, especially since I haven't been able to meditate properly since.... so I know it's just something I have to work with and through.... >>>

In that department (getting not a thing) I beat you all. Between December of 1987 and some time in 1992 I got nothing -- not a word from any of the Midwayers.

Their (my) only excuse was that some thoughtless mugger had broken my neck, I was in agony, throwing lots of life-threatening epileptic fits, but I stuck with it.

Machiventa advised us that if you do your stillness on 10 consecutive days, they (he and his workers) will meet you halfway.

How is it with me now? I spend most of my days in Alpha, miss stillness practice half the time, but I am ready to "take in a lesson" and report after about 3 to 10 minute of stillness.

Hope this helps.


WHOA! This is amazing....and very helpfully reassuring.
Can't believe 187-1992! That's a long time!
10 days it is...

ps.And thank you George!
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