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Post by Geoff »

After seeing a lot of gossip and judgment of others and their spiritual beliefs and practices, I wrote a page on Judgment. I think it's incredibly important at this time on earth for us to STOP JUDGING others. I could go further, but it's literally life or death for those who ignore this. So this is what I wrote:
For many years our Celestial friends have been telling us to avoid judgment. Indeed we have received many messages on the subject but still I do see that individuals within our group are not clear about this issue, nor how serious it is. In the coming Earth Changes, those that have accepted all others without judgment are going to be able to advance to the Fourth Dimension, and start the real process of lifting the whole earth out of 3D into 5D. So we all have to be non-judgmental at all times, and that means we are loving without exception.

So what is a simple definition: “Passing or holding a negative opinion about another person, in other words considering that they do not meet some standard we consider important.”

Judgment is always related to a person or group of persons. It’s not about stating your truth that for example reincarnation is false, as an example. It is about saying that Freddy is in error because of something about his beliefs, behaviours, lifestyle, colour, race or politics you don’t agree with. Or all those who do not pray for Divine Love the same way we do are in error. Yes that’s judgment. Its even inappropriate to withhold your love from atheists. Sure they hold totally different views. That is free will, and God loves them nonetheless. So must we.

In fact even if you don’t actually voice this opinion, but merely think it, you have judged, and the damage is to your own soul, even though you may think not another soul knows about your thoughts.

So what if your opinion is true? Bear in mind here this is an opinion about a person, not a “fact” or such. Well it’s only true in your own opinion, but let’s assume it is actually true. It makes no difference, you are in judgment. Because you are seeing them as lacking, as less than optimal. It’s just not pure love. These judgments occur frequently towards people like gay folks, who certainly are gay, but its who they are that offends some people and it is judgment that is doing the harm. Its extended to the political area and of course its rife in religious and spiritual circles. And objections to racial differences fall squarely into judgment.

I will include an extract from a recent message by Orion addressing this issue of HOW you may use Truth, and how to avoid it being judgment. Because in the wrong context it can be judgment to point out that another does not hold true something you accept as Truth, and is therefor “not smart”, “not good” etc:
I am Orion. You have a great need to develop discernment. To truly know the truth as you encounter many upon your world. For there are many who carry fragments of truth, conditions of love and are of light. Yet indeed, it is for each of you to travel the world connecting with these many individuals and to help weave together this beautiful tapestry of light which is the fabric that will help lighten the world. As you go, it is important that you see clearly between that which is a distortion of truth and that which is a truth. For if you carry the truth with you, then you have a great power within you to help shape the new world that is coming. Yet, if you casually encounter many but cannot truly see between these two elements of their beliefs and what they present to the world, then the power of your capacity to help stitch together this beautiful fabric is lost. With discernment you can help direct the individual’s thoughts and ideas toward greater truth, a refinement of truth so that they will feel that they are contributing but also that they are learning. When you say nothing and avoid what you might consider a confrontation with the other, then an opportunity slips by that may have become very fruitful indeed. For when you speak truth clearly and sincerely, without correcting another, without blaming another for the inaccuracies of their perception but doing so in love and acknowledgement and appreciation for that individual, then you help to raise up that individual a little more as they continue upon their journey of light.
If you are expressing a negative opinion about another person or group who is not present, then its nothing but gossip, a very close friend of judgement.

And what if no one was offended? It makes no difference. Whether a person is offended or not offended by what you say is simply a reflection of their spiritual level.

The point is you cannot love unconditionally and judge at the same time.
The web page has links to messages that contain comments about judgment: https://soultruth.ca/various/judgment/
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Re: Judgement

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Geoff, for the reminder, we're all a unique piece of the puzzle we call God.


Did you by chance catch Steven Greers press conference Monday? I thought it was great.

I think that transition you're talking about... 4D- is happening now.

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Re: Judgement

Post by Geoff »

I did watch a bit of Steven Greer's presentation, but I did not have 3 hours. None of it would surprise me as we (not saying who) are in regular contact with a variety of stellar friends who have told us a heck of a lot of what has been going on, and is going on. So nothing much surprises me anymore. Some of the recent history is mind-boggling however.

Yes the transition is underway and I would guess quite a few are already 4D.
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Re: Judgement

Post by happyrain »

Wow very cool! :hithere

Hey. I had a little dream prompt last night- $2.22

Thanks Geoff. Have a great day.
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Re: Judgement

Post by happyrain »

I almost forgot, if anyone is interested they can watch it now for free...


All the testimonies are amazing. It's basically an elaborated version of the film
The Cosmic Hoax: An Expose

I also found Eric Heckers statements of particular interest.

As it is a 3 hour feature, this link below will take you directly to his testimony
https://www.youtube.com/live/zDY7t6HihC ... are&t=7205
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Re: Judgement

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Geoff for your reminder and writing about Judgement. And you too, Eric for sharing the Urls. I will definitely check them out when I have an opportunity. I am so behind right now... :shock: :)

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Re: Judgement

Post by Welles »

Thank you, Geoff. I struggle with judgement reasonably often. My solution is (to the best of my ability) reside in the Heart and become a possible source of Love. I do experience that it works but is is an ongoing process. Your thoughts help.

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Re: Judgement

Post by Geoff »

I recently had an unproductive interaction with an individual I have known longer than GB. He was for many years a guide and mentor and close friend, but suddenly we can't, it seems, reach the same view on judgement. His view is that he will state his truth even if it hurts people and is unkind, because it's the truth and that's all there is to it. Now "his truth" is my truth as well, but I dont believe in hurting people, and I also believe its very unproductive.

So I can see I must move on from him. But treating him exactly as I always have - with love, care and affection - is something I have to address at every interaction, because a major change has occurred in how I perceive him. What happened is he posted a very judgemental view on what he thought was a closed forum about a group of people one of whom is another close friend. She was very hurt by the comments. But he would not apologise. Its not the moving on that upsets me, even as it surprises me, its the difficulty in overlooking my perception that he fell short of "my mark.'
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Re: Judgement

Post by happyrain »

I've had this with an online friend of 15 years- expectations of others can create misery in ourselves. What has liberated me is understanding we are uniquely our own, this friend and I are still friends despite having gone through the ringer. Perhaps I was so offended because of how close we were, I thought I could trust this person with regards to my innermost feelings. Now we don't harp on our differences and instead focus on our common bond. Both parties recognized this as a necessity for the relationship to endure. Otherwise I am sure one of us would walk away as you have. Even debating with someone or with your self how the other should behave is considered harping on the differences. We would do well to remember that each person is discovering/experiencing something unique and the only One to truly understand them- maybe even more than themselves is God.
I've had it where two people go through what you think would be the same experience- but both recall the story different. What was important to one wasn't as important to the other, this hints to that uniqueness I am trying to describe.

At the same time, if we can nurture our Faith, we can move on from our differences and maybe even acquire proper insight/understanding.

Sorry to hear of your falling out, sometimes it's a healthy option.

All the best.

Wisdom aphorism by Swami Vidyadhishananda,
"The first to apologize is usually the bravest. First to forgive is considered the strongest. The one who tenders a sincere apology is said to have overcome egotism. The one who is able to genuinely forgive is said to have overcome egoism."
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Re: Judgement

Post by Sandy »

Hey Geoff and everyone...,

Relationships with friends, family members and acquaintances can be trickier then a field of land mines in so many ways, especially when our own egos lead the charge. LOL don't I know. :oops: However, it may help to remember that we learn an enormous amount from all these interactions and focusing on where those of High Spirit have treaded in regards to love. That probably doesn't help much and, in fact, if I were to be honest, I have stepped on more "land mines" then I would like to admit...but even in the falling out with someone lessons are learned as you may well remember with our own GB. Without going into details you were unceremoniously pointed in the right direction for your own spiritual progress and unbeknownst to you at the time placed in a strong position to help an awful lot of people...and G too learned something very special before he passed because of it and you...He loved you and raced to hug you the minute you learned of his death...Love is very very powerful, my friend. Thank you for pointing that out to us every chance you get. :happy You know how to continue to love this person and still follow your truth. That is all perhaps that is asked of you.

However, and something to consider, is that sometimes it is time to move on with love, acknowledging the great good a relationship has given so that you are free to continue to grow into your own spiritual potential and the other person as well... only you may be able to deem whether this is one of those difficult cross roads. It also does not mean that you do not love or appreciate this person and what they have meant to you. You can still love this person and walk your own path and they can learn, from your distance, as well.

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Re: Judgement

Post by Sandy »

I just read this wonderful essay that Welles shared that I found very helpful here...
Love is unchanging and unchangeable by John Smallman.

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Re: Judgement

Post by Welles »

On truth and hurt. I share Geoff's basic principle that it is ideal to not cause other people emotional distress as well as possible. However I occasionally suffer from Truth Tourette Syndrome. That is when an emotional reaction builds up in me until I can't stand the pressure and I blurt out my point of Truth. It is always uncomfortable for me as well as the other party but in the long run seems to work out OK. It isn't a ploy I use to manipulate someone but an honest visceral reaction that I just can't stifle.

It kind of reminds me of a point of view that a friend of mine expressed at least fifty years ago that stuck with me. He said, "When it get's too heavy you have to stand up and holler BS!" That is how I feel about the world right now.

:duh :sorry:
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Re: Judgement

Post by RunningScroll »

What about a person causing clear trouble and inconvenience to others in a community, using the idea of non-judgement as an excuse to not hold themselves accountable or responsible, for said issues, a growth and maturity prevention scheme.

What is the difference between insight and judgement? If one has an 'insight' that another human has an 'issue', is that the same as judgement? or is it wisdom? The vibration carried along with this 'insight' would probably be indicative of which way, abusive negativity, or serenity. Sense of humour would probably say: there's no such thing as a perfect human, and we are all at different levels. i.e. one mans success, would be considered a failure by another man.

I would argue that if we are dominated by serenity, then peoples judgements of us, or our insights into the weaknesses of others, would neither ruffle our feathers. Serenity, seems to be the pre-condition for a range of wisdomic insights.
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Re: Judgement

Post by RunningScroll »

Acknowledging someone's apparent dysfunctions, should not have to diminish the recognition of their truth, beauty and goodness, nor cause us to question their true standing with God the Father. These kind of insights should be the birthplace of patience and respect. When you view another person as a brilliant mystery, (really a question mark) evolving in real time together with you, the miraculous whole, more than the sum of the parts, and therefore only judgeable by God's own knowledge, the grievances begin to look particularly small.

That being said, sometimes I experience great interpersonal difficulty, at work, in an attempt to get work done to a certain standard. Once I've said my piece, and the other workers have continued to do things the wrong way, if I choose to truly let go of the situation (emotionally), things seem to just work out anyway. Just another test of faith. I would have been fascinated to observe Jesus in the workplace.
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Re: Judgement

Post by RunningScroll »

From the UB, relevant quote:

Anger indicates your lack of tolerant brotherly love plus your lack of self-respect and self-control. 149:4.2
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Re: Judgement

Post by happyrain »

Dylan your message looks like its in line with the recent channeling shared here-
https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic. ... 82#p219082

"We Are Teachers For A Term."

Basically saying that we let everyone run their own race- that the relationship between one and the creator is most personal, unique and really beyond our understanding.

Working on ourselves however, might allow us insights into why a person behaves in a particular manner and it might liberate us from personal offense.

On 4th of July I had a man chastise me for having the dogs off the leash. He doesn't realize we let them off everyday down a small path of the bayou when nobody is in sight. Well it just happened there were more people because of the holiday. I was actually just about to leash them when the man felt the need to scream about it. I told him everything was okay, and that we would abide his request. After doing so, I wished him a nice day. But he couldn't get over his anger. He felt the need to share it with me. He scoffed when I wished him a nice day, and tried to belittle me in front of my girlfriend. I could feel his anger, my own blood was rising. But I just kept walking and let him run off at the mouth.

When I shared with Dad he told me he would have cussed that guy out and created a confrontation. I think that's the usual reaction. And I don't think the man himself was expecting me to wish him a nice day. I still managed to have a beautiful morning despite the disruption. I had the option of letting his behavior ruin my day and was pleasantly surprised when I started sympathizing with him.

A similar scenario happens now when I drive in the city and get caught behind an impatient driver. I think yoga has really helped me. I remember coming home once listening to beautiful music and watching another man in his car have a melt down. I was in one bubble, happy and serene- and here was a man in his own bubble, angry and short tempered. It seems when people are angry and short tempered- they want to lash out and share that with you.

I think, even if we are not able to behave in the manner we want to, that every moment is indeed an opportunity. To what depth we explore that is between God and the individual.

Cheers Brother!
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Re: Judgement

Post by RunningScroll »

Thanks for the story! Good story! It's interesting, that when we choose not to get bothered by someone who has entered into an uncontrolled state of madness, it can, sometimes, have a powerful calming effect on them, as you attempt to move towards a practical solution to the situation. As you did there, moving graciously towards a practical solution to the issue, will quickly dissolve the emotional discord, unless the person wants to wilfully pursue their dark emotion. Then you just need to remove yourself from them.

Thanks brother!
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