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Post by Sandy »

Hello my friends.
I have a prayer request for the family of a very dear friend of mine who passed on Sunday (Australia time)

Donna lived in a small flat in my building in Australia. I am trying to think where to start to do this amazing youngish woman justice. So I ill start at the beginning. Donna was disabled having been born with a mild case of cerebral palsy. Despite this, she was determined to meet life on her terms and never stopped trying to live a happy life, learn new things and better herself so that she could find a job where she felt she could contribute.

Life can be hard and she certainly faced many challenges with hr abilities, her family relationships and she struggled in the beginning living alone for the first time. But in all honesty, my life became so much better after she moved into our building. Donna soon began to thrive and always had a perpetual smile on her face. After George died she watched over me. Bringing me the odd grocery...mostly kale for my ravenous bunnies. But always making sure I was okay and supporting me. During Covid and during the months we were locked down we grew to depend on each other and our flat friendships to help us get through the isolation.

Unfortunately, Donna, was diagnosed with cancer in one of her shoulders in early March, I believe. Despite the docs thinking they had discovered it early it was quickly spreading through her body and sadly only 6 weeks after our last pizza together she moved on to th next realm.

So even though I am happy for her on one level...that her suffering is over and she is passing into a better place...It is hard not to miss her and that smile she always had for others. I ask that you pray for her family and friends, all who knew her, as we are all sort of in shock. Donna was a beautiful institution in our area and one we all expected to always be there. I cherish my memories.

Thank you,
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Re: Donna

Post by happyrain »

I pray Donna continues to bless her family and friends with her loving and living spirit!

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Re: Donna

Post by Seeker13 »

Oh, Sandy,
Despite this sad turn of events,... and yet another loss you must endure, I'm sure your friendship helped Donna more than you ever knew. And I'm pretty sure she's still watching over you. Only now in a much happeir healtheir state.

Sending much love to you both,
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Re: Donna

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim and Eric,

Thank you both for your loving support. :)
I was just telling another neighbour and friend this morning that Donna is probably watching over my two bunnies. (she loved them too.) They both found a new home together three weeks ago. :)

Donna's loving heart will be put to good use in the next realm. :happy

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Donna

Post by Seeker13 »

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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