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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
Nelson found that Jewel and posted it...and in the reading and re reading, even within the time span of a short week, I discovered how easy it is in the "in between" to succumb to the fears around us and even those unresolved within us...reminding me once again that daily communing with spirit our strength and our shield. Please...lets all make time for stillness in our busy lives.

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy,

It's 8:14AM as I write to you = )

Casey once told me that as positive oriented beings we are often called to surrender. There's not much more to it than that.

I suppose there are varying levels this could be understood, but reading your reply above made me think about what she said.

I really like this message,

“In the Service of the Creator of All.” - The Beloved.
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... 77#p218777

And see I must get back to making meditation a daily discipline. I have definitely slipped, my mind has literally built up rebellious and childish like attitudes towards engaging in the practice. But here it says pretty clearly- the more you practice stillness the sharper your senses grow and the better your understanding becomes. That's pretty clear instruction isn't it?

As for the animal mind... I definitely struggle. As a seeker and one who wishes to live in active communication with God I have learned I have inherited addictive personality. It definitely runs in my family, and there's no need to be angry or to blame. I have had my own struggle with alcohol and have since quit- its been over a year now and I can manage the occasional wine on special days without going overboard- I just don't enjoy it anymore.

Sometimes we're encouraged to do what we enjoy until we realize it's no longer enjoyable. But I also realize the circuitry and programming that happens through reinforcing behaviors and attitudes that are detrimental to our spiritual growth. In quitting alcohol I have learned that I still have the addictive personality. I was able to substitute some actions out for healthier ones like exercise, but I see I get restless and have novelty seeking behavior.

It took me a while to understand that, and I guess I'm just commenting on how strong the monkey mind is at times. It can drive you to compulsive and irrational behavior. The Ego delights in trying to make meaning from this pool of ideas that have nothing to do with who we are when we experience stillness.

Anyways, that's my morning rant. I think that's enough for now. Just writing because I really like the message.

On a separate line of thought I've been thinking about the spiritual meaning behind being born into particular families- considering these bodies carry a rich history and pass along information to the point we can share near identical physical features and psychological behaviors.

A young man the other day told me it is often referred to as, " the family curse" and I told him I didn't believe that- but that it might be more accurate to call it an opportunity.

I wonder, did we choose the families we're born into? God must know what we crave to experience on a Soul level, and there must be some correlation between the needs of the deeper side of life- and the physical host bodies we are born into.

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning Eric and everybody,
I so enjoy it when you sort of "think out loud," giving all of us a chance to contemplate, as well, something that might have slipped past us in this " hurry-up" world.

I am thinking about the word "surrender" now and what it might mean in its many facets regarding our life as a mortal on this planet and even afterwards...when we leave this venue of existence. We all contemplate this...whether we realize it or not, as it is hard to live and not wonder what lies beyond these confines. But the word, surrender, does seem to fit in regards to destiny, our own personal destiny of which free-will is pretty much a guarantee. We choose now, in the present, what we do with what life provides us so I think it makes sense that we too will have choices as we grow our immortal souls in the next realm of existence as we strive to reach our godly ideal permanent selves...( (It is hard not to interject a personal bias in regard to talking about after life isn't it? :roll: )

So I ask you, all of us, what is it we want to be in an eternal sense? What is underneath the "shellac" of our lives, not the accessories to what we really are... What is supporting the structure of who we are? What is it we take with us when we leave our mortal confines? ...What do we want or hope it to be? And how do we achieve the discovering of these things?
Just as in the message you posted, Eric...I think it all comes back to something as simple and as complicated as stillness which can mend anything we mortals can do to ourselves. The answers can be difficult to digest, but truth sometimes is just that. I hear people spouting this is truth and that is truth and so this is right and and this is wrong , blah blah blah... but truth is a living breathing entity and very personal for each of us. I mean who in a mortal frame can know the mind of God? We can in our arrogance "think we do..."God despises this and God despises that and I am better than you because I know God!" LOL I actually had a woman tell me that once. She probably meant well but as we grow closer to God in our personal relationships which, by the way, are NOT limited to any one religious structure or even any structure at all... anyway, we can often fall into the trap of WOW, because I have experienced this you must do it this way too so you too can know God like I do." :oops: :) I've done that in my own way and it is so easy to do as what we have discovered makes us so happy. But, for others to find their peace, and their own "piece" of "eternal real estate", they must find their own place, how they fit in as they discover the Universe Creator's purpose in their existence and their destiny which of course, each of us write as we fly by the seat of our pants. So...think about it...what does this tell us about our ability to know much of anything in the space of the few years which is a mortal's lifetime about how the eternal reality and existence of God? We argue sometimes over the silliest things. But this reality of thought may also give us clues on what this magnanimous being may expect of us at this time... How about we just do our best with what we have been given... and see where it leads us.

When life gets a bit rough I am wondering if we take a moment...slow down and just be... know the answers are out there and in the overcoming of obstacles there must be blessings that we will obtain...learning life lessons is a wonderful thing...If we do the work the lessons seem to stick...which leads us back to stillness once again...Stillness is like having a "study partner" in life. It doesn't give you all the answers but allows you to rebound and understand better and before you even know it, BAM! Bam! Without enormous amount of effort the lessons have attached themselves to your budding soul.

But, unfortunately, in our hurry-up world and the business of our lives we do seem to "shoot ourselves in the foot" with the allure of distraction.

Ah well...the beauty of being human is we can always begin again with vigour... and with the blessings of the angels and our celestial guides and teachers... Unlike, humans, they never give up on us, although I suspect Bzutu has rolled his eyes a time or two and wished for an "early

LOL I am not sure what or if I had a point to all this...I am just rattling on...but Eric will smile at this from a recent conversation when I say, "Never give up, Never surrender! ". (Yep, wisdom from Galaxy Quest". :lol: )

I hope our days and lives reflect the optimism that our beloved angels hold within their "hearts" for each of us.
We can do this guys...easy peasy!
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy,

Yes let's rant away to our hearts content- why else register for a forum? I did not join here not to participate. LOL.

I hope one day others feel free to chime in their thoughts and wisdom. But fortunately I have you my friend to help bounce ideas back. Thank you. :loves :sunflower:

I really liked your post, and I agree. While exercising just today a few thoughts raced across my awareness... One is, I'm turning that desire to define things and that restless insatiable energy inward- the Ego that thinks it is the most confident, bold and powerful being it is- will be turned inside and used to combat the pattern and reward seeking behavior. If I can learn to let go of thoughts in the moment too, what transformational powers await. Lol.

Another thought is that the Sun God and the Water God are the same God, but it's also true that they are separate entities. Similarly we are born into the very real mutating biological vessel in order to perceive the One God through an individualized lens. There is no better teacher than nature in my humble opinion. And I guess we chose to be born here to learn that.

Last important thought was... I wonder how many of us have ever asked, How best can I please the Lord? And I think that answer starts to fructify in our later years. We may think we know, and that may change... And maybe it isn't an age related question but simply a matter of pursuing an ideal.

Well... I tried meditating a little today, got to get back into the practice somehow.

I don't think I do the best job and I'm sure the midwayers have had more than enough of me and my animal like tendencies.

I found my self in prayer last night not asking for forgiveness for the things I have done but thanking the Father for his patience, knowing it isn't a matter of routinely asking for forgiveness but becoming aware of and diligently working towards purification/simplification.

You said it beautifully...the allure of distraction... And so much of what's outside especially here in the 2D surface viewing world of our laptops or cellphones- there are people trying to define reality for us. But the ability to choose is a freedom granted to each and every one of Gods beautiful creations.

I also enjoy your thinking aloud and coming together to discuss spiritual ideas, hopes and matters of the heart.

I hope you're doing okay over there! =)
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Welles »

This thread reminded me of a whimsical graphic witticisms I found somewhere on the web.


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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Hey Welles,

Yes I agree whole heartedly with this picture. And how perfectly orchestrated, to line up with some of the thoughts from previous post and to address the recent message: "Important Things."

As I get older I find less of a need to, "correct" someones view- it was never important. No one would admit to "correcting others view" but I can say as a youth I did it with my Mother who was nothing but patient with me. The fabled, "did we take out the trash?" was often replied with, "yes I took out the trash but I can't speak for you." LOL Why would I need to correct the way she ask that?

It seems kids do this with parents, and some kids carry it into their adult years... It can be obnoxious but in all honesty, life has a way of humbling others- especially those who think they have it all figured out.

I see it in teenagers who lean on me at work for advice. Sometimes they want to hear it, other times not at all. It's probably easier for me to let go because I am nothing more than the friendly co-worker. But I think as you become contented by the joy in living and not knowing, you don't feel the need to really argue with anyone.

The COVID scare and the overt politicization of topics really helped me let go of arguing view points with others. It was a big growing phase and social media really puts that stuff to the test.

...I can say people often misinterpret what's written online or in text messages- that understanding reciprocation is easier in person.

With todays celestial message:
Human success should not be a measure of how many material dreams have come true. True success becomes evident by the degree in which a person has understood her place in the universe and her level of harmony with the will of the Creator – with the plan of the Father. Those who achieve true success in the endeavors of spirit become increasingly less affected by material things.

Imagine being so self-sufficient that your happiness is never affected by the place where you live, or by the job you have, or by the salary you receive, nor by your age or your physical appearance. This would be true freedom, a freedom that many have not yet experienced in this world. True spiritual progress, the one fed by progressive revelations of truth in human experience, promotes the capacity for independent thinking and makes possible unprecedented freedom in life.
I have tasted this expression and currently, my biggest challenge is letting go of feelings that move through me or are produced within me. I see the Ego rebelling to let go of ideas, restlessly and desperately looking to cling onto or create meaning of the myriad of thoughts swirling about. Reaching into the future, pulling things out from a pool of concepts made manifest by simple, near meaningless actions. It's too much.

Some of those material things are not limited to the salary or the objects we surround ourselves with- the message indicates that being overly worried with physical appearance is one of those things. I struggle with carnal desires and when I tell the Ego to settle down it really wants to put up a fight. I think this goes right into that material mind and understanding the more, "important things" in life.

Big breath. *inhale*


:roll :loves :alien:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

I had a good chuckle at what you posted, Welles. In the early days of this now quiet peaceful little forum it was rift with opinionated arguments. LOL and of coarse, being human, any of us could succomb to the lure of pushing our "rightness". Please forgive me, people, in advance for future slips in this area. I think it boils down to maybe us wishing others to feel and find what has lifted us to those "heights" . I guess we can give them a boost, a leg up towards the "buffet" but once there, they need to pick out their own "food"..."load their own plate", eh? Oh geez...now I am thinking of my beautiful mom who really knew how to load a plate at a buffet. :)

I am thinking about something you wrote Eric...
...I can say people often misinterpret what's written online or in text messages- that understanding reciprocation is easier in person.
Well that is true to an extent as we can see the body's expressions when they talk but we also have subtle senses that we can tap into when reading the written word...I'm "hearing" the words from a song..."slow down...You move too fast"...you've got to make the moment last."
Maybe telling me that when reading something someone has written especially if it is hard to identify with or reason with...to understand a little better where they are coming from, to take some time and ask for help...feel you way through it and around it before rushing into a response...(Obviously this is something I will need to work on. :) But I have been told that our subtle senses develop exponentially the more we practice them)

Eric, I can see you as a very gentle friend to young people. You have a compassionate way about you. ...a very good councillor. :)

I laughed out loud picturing you correcting your "long-suffering" mom's grammar. I used to do something similar with my kids...double negatives were my pet peeves back then. :roll:

Opps just saw the time! I am supposed to be at my parent's assisted living facility in less then an hour and I am still in my pyjamas! :shock: I hope you all are enjoying the day or evening... :hithere

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Hiya Sandy,

Thanks for the kind words.

It's 1:44 here. :loves How are your parents?

I just read the latest celestial message. It is perfectly aligned with my thoughts at the exact moment. I think that acknowledgment has more to do with experiencing the subconscious or superconscious mind. The place angels reside.

What are those thoughts? Well. I don't feel it necessary to define reality for others, but find it prudent that I might rise above the drama/noise which is often mistaken for reality. To be freed from external influences fighting for my will. It would be nice to help others discover the joy of an elevated perception- not that I mean to tell them how things work or what to expect(knowing I don't know much and have much to learn), but to nourish the sense of happiness and wonder for life.

Love is the name of the game.

Another divinely orchestrated message! Here's to the all! To the One!

:loves God is great, and it's a great place to reside.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=32395

"Fear is the destroyer of hope. Fear is evil. Turn the word evil around and you gain the word, live." 8)

:idea: Interesting contrast to the thousands of military and civilians being kiled in Ukraine!
This angel message instructs that you can still "live" through suffering and death ...
but may need to redefine your concept of "live". :roll:

Rod :)
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Yes Rod, I think it would be an advanced soul indeed who could live in waring conditions and not be overcome with fear... :shock:
These words in the transmit may give us comfort at least....

"My love instills hope, it instills security, and it instills the feeling of being loved and accepted just the way you are. Give Me of your time, so that I can amplify these feelings within you. When you feel secure and safe in My love for you, you will have effectively banished fear from your life. "

Jesus's example while he was on earth as demonstrated in the Urantia book and Bible shows that fear can at least be managed and overcome...even the fear of death by remaining close to the Father.

I think that this transmit is projecting the ideal whether it is achievable maybe up to the individual.

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

I'd like to add to your comment Rod, because that suffering is obviously not reserved for the people of Ukraine. There are wars we never hear about, active genocides against people and religion, enslavement and human trafficking. The innocent people who live in the nations we're taught are the aggressors or evil doers suffer just the same. And some of the nations painted as a moral authority are actually spiritually bankrupt. We don't really understand the totality of a situation overseas or even the intentions of our own nation, we can only speculate from a biased account of history or the information we are spoon fed which sometimes comes with the added intent of swaying public opinion(favoring one against another). It happens all too often.

I wonder how many people have fought wars where each side believed they were the truth and performing their duty was considered noble. And I wonder how many people have been mislead by a wealthy few- who serve as pawns in the battle of dominion.

I just finished reading the message. It's FANTASTIC. I think it's showcasing the power of the individual. We have the freedom of choice. We can allow outside information to rob us of our will. Or we can learn to sense the greater reality of things, which in turn liberates us from the drama we mistakenly call reality. There are truths we come to feel and know. We learn to recognize and operate from these feelings(intuition) something that extends past our 3D sensory experience. I like to think this is operating in closer communion with GOD- the subconscious and superconscious fields.

It's kind of like what is in my signature and what Sandy has just said.

Now days the world is extremely restless and agitated. Not just because of the dramatic changes we are all going through. But because of how hyper connected we are thanks to rapid communications and technological advances.

First... a clip I will share with you:

It's only 3 minutes long so I hope you give it a listen. He says something so true to me... He suggest we're the only animals in nature that can't exist independently from technology. Maybe it's more true now because we've forgotten basic survival skills and how to live with nature. He says there's something wrong if we're spending the majority of our day in front of a screen, swiping or clicking buttons.

I agree with Alan. Life doesn't have to be scary. Life doesn't have to be hatred. And all of Gods creatures are free to choose Love- no matter what side of the battlefield you find yourself on.

A lot of social media platforms have learned how to promote addictions and keep people engaged with their platform. We have fake people and accounts out there designed to keep you in a reactionary or inflammatory state-of-mind. Some content is meant to make you feel good, some content is meant to make you angry- but its all meant to keep you online and plugged in to the matrix. This was a profit seeking consequence which may have unintentionally turned into a weaponization of information and communication.

Now days I find my self asking if I am obsessing over information and whether I am actually happy in this present moment or am responding from a place I'd prefer to feel and know exist- Gods Love and Grace. Gods Peace and Understanding.

I found my self getting angry at friends who held different opinions from me over worldly affairs we have very little involvement in- or it was that we were involved but mislead by "trusted" authorities.

I can never agree with all of the atrocities committed, if you really dig deep it can psychologically mess you up. There is so much darkness in the world- but I really believe many of these negative consequences have given us all an opportunity to transcend our experience. In the end it's our personal experience with God- and choosing how we wish to live life. Don't let others define it for you. And I think having that lofty ideal, desiring to connect with Infinity, to Know God- is a most noble pursuit... It has the potential to cure disease, to bring warring tribes together and create heaven on earth. Not one person will ever be robbed of this Truth- not one. Not even those we are taught to Hate. We can never know what has led them to the decisions they've made- but if we live in Hate, we will never be able to sit at the table together and relieve the suffering of the innocent people who are pulled along...

And all of Gods creation deserves peace and prosperity. I choose to believe that...

Sorry for my rant. I get emotional when people are so moved by Ukraine without a thought for the suffering of the Russian people- or the slave trafficking happening right here in our own country- or the genocide of the Uyghurs as another example. Or like the lies we've been told during the COVID crisis- all this emotional engineering thanks to things like greed, excess, and desire for dominion. It's not just with wars or for big pharmaceutical companies but it's all of social engineering- we're taught shallow values here in the West with regards to pain, pleasure, sex and luxury.

....But I can't hate any one person for it. I have to keep working on my self and choose to live in the Love vibration.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

I heard this on my way home tonight, and it kind of summed everything up just right...

"Healing the planet, one heart at a time."

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

14 has been very strong today - and I will share 14 with one of my love interest today too. :loves :loves :loves

14 is guiding me always. And I tried to meditate last night, so this celestial transmission feels exactly aligned with my present status in 3D linear-experience

https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic. ... bb#p218889

It was a surprise to me, after being flooded with 14 this morning, to see this transmission was received August 14th

It's wild how our actions and our thoughts can precisely align with a message from on high- which is more than coincidence, which may give insights into life outside our limited experience.

Just as the ants go about and live their life mostly unaware or unphased by our existence, how small are we really in the grand scheme of things?
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Holy moly, I did not realize my last post here was about the number 14 :roll
I only came here to bump this thread because BHAM https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic. ... 06#p220406 This celestial message received by Oscar is SPOT ON. Wow.

Direct download. 9:44PM. Hallelujah !

I feel I received some inspiration from my higher self this morning and tried writing it down so I wouldn't forget...
I had been struggling between this fine line of personal experience and shared reality. And in my excitement(which is clinging to a particular polarity) I tend to lose sight of the bigger picture.. But there is a greater picture... And one that can not be forced onto anyone. So I share with excitement again, but realize I have a lot of work to do...
The Personal & The Impersonal

By choosing silence(or some level of restraint), unless specifically asked for our opinions/counseling- we are able to share Love to the capacity that a moment calls for.

And still more, we are made rich with Being as we comingle & serve the creator.

It is personal, in that our inner Being recognizes a greater Reality(a greater Intelligence) and is filled with Love by feeling a part of it(that).

It is shared to the capacity which exclusive parties are able.

It is impersonal when we do not attach to the others assimilation in the moment.

In this way we serve, we learn and we draw closer to GOD. Recognizing Him in All Things- We are filled with Love & Peace.

----- Non attachment to polarity will allow us to move gracefully, keep digging for the Realization All is One.

....As I look back on recent exchange between people, I see this connection in wanting to understand Truth- in losing myself, in falling, in rising- coming to an unmovable Realization... Understanding words may never completely satisfy-

And I see all of these recent mental struggles being highlighted back to me in todays celestial message timely(divinely) released by Sandy.

Anyways... This message really stood out to me, and with Jonathans recent activity I felt inclined to bump this thread.
Thank you both(Sandy and Jonathan) for keeping my vision "spiritward"

Cheers~ :alien:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

I am thrilled for you, Eric. There is so much joy when soul-felt connections have been made, for all of us. :cheers: Joy is contagious. :sunflower:
:bana: :bana: :bana:
Thank you for lifting me a little higher this morning. :sunny:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Hi all,

I found this gem in the French section:

http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... ne#p219680

I have translated it to English since I feel it is very fitting to our recent discussions.

Illawarra District, Australia, October 8, 2013 (date of transcription).
Teacher Aaron of Urantia.
Subject: “Contempt, criticism and enlightenment”.

Received by Elaine.

Aaron: “Contempt. It’s a word that has a harsh connotation, without even considering the meaning attached to it. Contempt and criticism usually accompany an individual who is unable to perceive and explain the meaning or nature of someone or something, or of the events that led to a spiritual experience such as the enlightenment event. in question. Can you blame him if the experience is not within the realm of his current spiritual understanding? At one point you yourself despised and criticized these people and experiences that are now dear to you. What changed ? Was it within you or was it a series of external events that caused a deeper reflection, a new analysis of what you believed possible, valid and true? In reality, it is a combination of the two, an internal evaluation of an external experience.

“Moment by moment, without fail, we work tirelessly alongside your Creator Fragment to encourage you into new streams of elevating thought. These efforts often go completely unnoticed, but the results can be seen and also felt in the angelic realms. However, we are sometimes hindered by events that occur in your mortal life, which can mute or even distort our gentle nudges. The experiences of your life, these material events, shape you and direct even your most spiritual thoughts because you are predisposed to believe in the truth of your personal experiences. What about your neighbor's experiences, experiences that may be completely different from yours, but whose resulting effects involve the same gifts of the Spirit? Is one right and the other wrong? No, they are all right because they follow their own sense of truth, for the love of God and spiritual fulfillment.

“How can this be so, you ask? It is simple from the Father Creator's point of view. God responds to each of you on your personal level, always, and it greatly delights the Creator when His children think of Him and invite Him into their daily thoughts and activities. You, my dear ward, have your own unique point of view, different from that of your husband, your mother, your brothers and sisters, indeed, different from that of any being in the distant universes since each of the children of God has a personality of its own. What you gather with your experiences, not only here in this mortal flesh, but throughout all eternity, is a gift to God, made even more aromatic when offered with foreknowledge, purpose, and love.

“You have an understanding of these things, but you still allow narrow minds to interfere with your approach. Do you stop to ask why? Why me, when all I wanted to do was help, love, extend my hand in friendship and encouragement? Look beyond the words you hear or the characters on your computer. Take a closer look with a heart full of compassion and forgiveness toward those who only judge you from their own perspective just as you do yourself. As you step into this new arena of understanding, look deep within. Look at your own way of being and note the similarities with those who despise – the way you yourself harm and cause others to stumble on their path to spiritual wholeness.

“Quite often, what you notice with dismay in others is hidden in your own array of behaviors. How will you speak and act toward others as you travel the roads of Spiritual attainment? With love, dear child, always with love! Find beauty in the glorious gift of life. For where beauty is found, there is Love, and where there is Love, Truth can be found.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Wow, thank you Brother.

From my Sufi friend... <3
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy!! https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic. ... 61#p221161 Todays message is exactly aligned with the energy within me.

I am in a transition phase- reassessing my goals and my values, how I expend my energy and where I choose to invest it. Making peace with my environment and my circumstance. As I move from one chapter to the next, I am reinvigorating the flame and envisioning the Phoenix.

Much gratitude for todays Celestial Message!! :bana: :alien: Wishing ALL a beautiful, joy filled weekend~
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Today’s message goes hand in hand with the words that came to mind this morning when I woke up: “God grows the child.”

An adult is considered a fully grown person. However, we can be fully grown in a physical sense yet still growing in a spiritual sense. Remaining as a child in this sense allows God to grow us into fully matured spirits. But even when we are fully grown spirits we will still be children since we can still grow in experience. It is in this way that we are unlimited in our potential for growth. Just as a human parent will always see their sons and daughters as children, so too will the Father always see us as His children.

Anyway, just figured I’d share my thoughts since today’s message seems to have been highlighted to me.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Lovely! I recall me saying the maturity level I am at is more like a rebellious teenager still in need of all this *molding. I suppose that's in part why we're here eh? Life and Death... And Life- the Ultimate Teaching experience! :lol:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for highlighting this message here, Jon. It is good to think about it a little deeper. Sometimes I feel not even a rebellious Teenager like Eric, but a temper tantrum-throwing toddler. :shock: I suspect my Angels will be thrilled when I permanently move past the terrible twos. :roll: :)
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Todays celestial message about relationships is wonderful.

:alien: Enough friction creates the smooth edges we hope to shape.

We are not falling in love- we are Rising With Love~

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

I took the liberty of posting the URL for June 12th Celestial message that I think Eric is referring to.
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... d5#p221665
Yep, that's a good one, Eric Thank you Chris and the Scribe.

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic. ... 21#p221821

This one really provides a sensation of expanse within my mind. My eyes even feel wider.

The relationship with our Self- Self meaning, our Heart and our Spiritual journey. It is a most private affair, but it is also a most intimate relationship shared with non-other save God.

There are moments, a twinkling of His Eye, acknowledging this Divine Relationship through others and the world around us.

It blows me away, to think, what we think- our most secret and sacred place is safely entrusted with a most revered intelligence. That this living entity can utilize our outside world- at any moment, in any moment- to acknowledge what we thought no other could possibly know.

I share these moments with my Brothers and Sisters, it keeps us Godward. It is a true joy- and it is a true joy to contemplate the reality of incarnating in another world.

Lately, my mind has been so excited by the idea of space. Maybe even taking up a career while incarnate here. But, concerning the message, the idea of a spiritual/alien reality, I can kind of feel that life already- like it is being prepared now.

Just, wow! Great message! Thank you. :bana: :loves
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Spirituality is a matter of the heart and is entirely private and individual. You may be taught by different teachers, but ultimately you choose and accept your curriculum. The reason I reside within you is to help you make the right choices, mainly because of the divine blueprint that suits your personality. Personality is also a personal Gift of the Creator God, and cannot be received, given to, loaned, or lost to someone else.

There will only be one of you in all eternity, so you contribute a very important part to the tapestry of life. In the weaving of your part, you add to the completeness of the whole. It is up to you as to how you go about living your life, but when you invite Me in, we, together as a team, shall create ‘us,’ a masterpiece, fit for all future eternities to come.
Thank you, Eric, I found this very helpful, as well as, some of the past messages shared on this thread, today.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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