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What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsch

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:51 pm
We don't often get the latest books when they are new. Usually, soon after the public library gets them, my husband checks out the ones that look good or that are written by authors he respects. Not having as much access to the libraries as he does, I don't see as many new books.

He has been reading What God Wants and telling me about it in phone conversations. (He is living and working in a city about fifty miles from our home out here on the edge of the back of beyond.) The book has taken him up a significant step in his spiritual evolution. He has remarked several times about how much lighter, more at peace, he feels, and the change in his attitude is striking.

I'm so impressed that I have ordered the book, and am really looking forward to reading it. Walsch has written some great uplifting material, popularizing many of the ideas I first found in the Urantia Book.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:27 pm
by Greyfox
You beat me to it!

Just want to add a few things--one of the most impressive things aout the book is how it draws things together--a little bit from Chukchee shamanism, a big chunk of Native American spirtuality (or at least, what passes for it, since there is really no such thing), a few concepts from the New Testament that a lot of Xians seem to have overlooked, some stuff that might have been written by guys like Crowley or Israel Regardie, and so forth.

Now, every morning when I wake up and think about the book and its messages, I get this calm yet powerful feeling of "yep, it is going to be a wonderful day, because I intend to make it so."

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:36 pm
by Faun
OK...It's a bit of a late reply....but I just joined :)
Greyfox wrote: Now, every morning when I wake up and think about the book and its messages, I get this calm yet powerful feeling of "yep, it is going to be a wonderful day, because I intend to make it so."
The "Conversation with God" from Neale Donald Walsh gave me the exact same feeling. I read it two years ago and still a lot of the messages it contained are with me until this day.

