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Virtues Are Like Vitamins — by Adam Grant

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:28 pm
by Welles
Virtues can be a little bit like vitamins. Vitamins are essential for health. But what if you get more than your body needs? If you take too much Vitamin C, it won’t hurt you. If you overdose on Vitamin D, though, it can do serious harm: you could wind up with kidney problems.

A great philosopher named Aristotle thought virtues were like Vitamin D. Too little of a virtue is bad, but so is too much. He believed that every virtue lies between vices of deficiency and excess. Too little humor is dry; too much is silly. Too little pride makes us meek; too much breeds narcissism. Too much self-restraint leaves you doing homework while your friends are tailgating. Too little self-restraint means you’ll really regret eating that fourth [ice-cream].

Consider generosity.
Virtues Are Like Vitamins — by Adam Grant

:bike: :duh :oops: :roll:

Re: Virtues Are Like Vitamins — by Adam Grant

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 12:14 am
by Sandy
It's sort of exhausting/depressing to ponder that even virtues can become our bane. It does make sense, though, and does bear more scrutiny.
Thanks Welles.