The Double Light Slit Experiment

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The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by pointman19 »

I know this sounds odd to be putting this topic in this spot of the forums but I wanted to pick your guys brain and see if you come to the same conclusions about light as I have, since we think so like mindedly :mrgreen:

So the video is 4 minutes or so long but it's worth the watch!

What do you all think? What conclusions would you come to by the end of the experiment? The conclusions I came to blew my mind and further solidified my beliefs in the divine :bana: :bike:

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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by pointman19 »

I received my daily 1111 emailing today called "Light Chords". In which, the scribe makes a pun about Light. While I dont remember what the pun was completely about, the punchline was about how light can identify, at it's own choosing and thru the power of mere observation, to be a wave or a particle.

This video I had posted earlier shows exactly how this works. I had hoped some people may have an opinion to weigh in with...because, to me, it sounds like light is conscious. Not only that but its aware of its surroundings and based on HOW it's being observed, literally makes a "descision" to be a wave or a particle.

To make a decision, means there are options, or choices that need to be made. To make a decision, one has to think.

And for one to think, one must be conscious of at least, itself.

What's your thoughts?

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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by happyrain »

Hey Jason,

Wow that is a cool video.

If quantum physicists are baffled, well- frankly it's over my head. :lol:

I think there is something to creation, with observation.

I don't know if it's related- but last night light played with me in a way that felt like my reality was transforming- and I was being transported somewhere else.
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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jason,
You wrote:
This video I had posted earlier shows exactly how this works. I had hoped some people may have an opinion to weigh in with...because, to me, it sounds like light is conscious. Not only that but its aware of its surroundings and based on HOW it's being observed, literally makes a "descision" to be a wave or a particle.
What if Light was in reality a by product of the Creator... God essence? A thought in spiritual circles suggests that each of us as children of the Universe have inherent in our DNA the ability to be Creators. God gives us much leeway as we live and experience life, to choose and create in the mortal form. I think this experiment gives much credit to the the Law of Attraction. :)

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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: First thoughts regarding both videos about quantum waves: ,

:idea: Comparing an electron to an atom (particle) in the Double Slit experiments
is like "comparing apples to oranges". The atom is the composite of the forces
of its individual components (protons, electrons, neutrons). In particular,
electrons have "spin" and would not be expected to behave through the split
as would the larger (composite) particle.

The varying thickness of the interference patterns hints that
both the slit wall and the impact wall need slight curvature,
relative to wave shape at impact.

Also, human sight (light wave dependence) is a factor
in the resulting observations, suggesting this dependence
needs to be excluded from the Double Slit analysis.

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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Jason,

After I read that celestial message I wondered about the light wave/particle theory. Here are a couple of passages from the Urantia Book that stood out to me on this topic:

"The action of certain secondary and other undiscovered energies present in the space regions of your local universe is such that solar-light emanations appear to execute certain wavy phenomena as well as to be chopped up into infinitesimal portions of definite length and weight." ~ UB, 41:5:8 (461.4)

"Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemism, energy, and matter are—in origin, nature, and destiny—one and the same thing, together with other material realities as yet undiscovered on Urantia." 42:4:1 (472.12)

What I get from the first passage is that the light we receive here is not in its pure form. It has been manipulated by the unknown space energies. These "chopped up" pieces of light are what we call photons, and they behave as waves. The wavelength of light is what differentiates the different colours. The second passage here is a little harder to comprehend. How can all these material phenomenon be one and the same thing? It must be that they are, as Sandy coined it, the God essence. Everything is of God. God is conscious of every ultimaton, the basic unit of material creation. He is also conscious of Himself. So, in this way, light can be thought of as being self conscious because it is of God. Does that make sense? One day I hope to understand all this better. But for now, this is how I see it.

As a side note, I no longer receive the messages to my email. I got an email awhile ago saying that I unsubscribed, but I don't recall doing it. I resubscribed, but haven't started receving them again yet. It's not a big deal because I can read them online anyway, but I just thought I would mention it.

Sending light and love,
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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by Starwalker »

I've done some more thinking on this topic. I have been trying to explain how the act of observing which slit the electron passed through affected the experiment. It does appear to defy reality. But then I remembered that our own thoughts have physicality, so our own consciousness could be another variable in this experiment. In order for the electron to interfere with itself, it would have to simultaneously pass through both slits. I don't think our material minds can fully comprehend how this is possible. Therefore, when we gain knowledge of which the slit the electron passed through, the limitations of our own consciousness comes into play, and the electron acts as a particle. In this way our minds are controlling matter. Even if it isn't what's really going on there, its still a pretty cool thought.

We have a long way to go before we can truly comprehend the nature of reality. But is amazing what some of our brightest minds have been able to achieve so far. I did a course on quantum physics. It is a very complex field of study which leads many physicists to believe in the divine. Yet, somehow, the atheists are still dominating the scientific community. Or so it would appear at times. Even when confronted with an advanced revelation such as the Urantia Book, they cling to their materialism, and only look for ways to discredit the book. It is sad to see this level of hypocrisy coming from people who claim to value the scientific method.

Anyway, thanks for joining me down this little rabbit hole. Perhaps I will have to revisit my quantum physics textbook sometime soon.

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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jonathon,
What you say here has me thinking...Its funny when you really think about it, in a way that makes your head hurt at the magnificent, magnanimous nature that is God...
Everything is of God. God is conscious of every ultimaton, the basic unit of material creation. He is also conscious of Himself. So, in this way, light can be thought of as being self conscious because it is of God.
But then I remembered that our own thoughts have physicality, so our own consciousness could be another variable in this experiment.
I am thinking...
How can we think of ourselves and even all creatures and creations as being alien to us when we are all made up of the same very essence of the universe which is God? Perhaps we owe the bee the same gratitude and devotion and respect as we do the farmer... We are all part of and made of that which is beyond understanding and explanation. :roll

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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by pointman19 »

Hey Jonathan,

I just wanted to quote a passage you stated and I like how it Vibes with me.
We have a long way to go before we can truly comprehend the nature of reality. But is amazing what some of our brightest minds have been able to achieve so far. I did a course on quantum physics. It is a very complex field of study which leads many physicists to believe in the divine.

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Re: The Double Light Slit Experiment

Post by pointman19 »

I came across a cool article today as the DSE is getting more mainstream and more people are taking a serious look at this phenomenon. ... ?fs=e&s=cl

I'm still thinking light has its own conscious idea I have that's still in it's infancy but what a fantastic thought!

“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

It so life changing. --Sandra Barnard
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