A bit befuddled

We will post here messages received about the coming of Monjoronson.
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A bit befuddled

Post by roofus »

I am a bit befuddled that there are no posts here lately. Is there a reason?
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Post by Adao »

It kinda surprised me that we haven't heard more yet about Monjoronson being among us. Not here nor in the Teaching Mission transcripts. :?
I don't doubt that he is here, I'm just curious to know more.
Guess we have to - as always - trust celestial wisdom in the timing of events and let things run their course.
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Post by George »

We did hear, Adao.

It's about to be posted on the mb late tonight my time by RedShift.

Two conflicting bits of info have come through. I'm quite convinced Monjoronson is here, but in Morontia form.

God bless...

PS. Are you on the 11:11 Progress List?
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Post by Adao »

George wrote:We did hear, Adao.

It's about to be posted on the mb late tonight my time by RedShift.

Two conflicting bits of info have come through. I'm quite convinced Monjoronson is here, but in Morontia form.
Sounds interesting, I'll be checking back later to read that.
George wrote:PS. Are you on the 11:11 Progress List?
No - thanks for asking. But I'm reading most of the messages posted here and in the TM Archives. I like it better that way. :)
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Post by Adao »

Just found this at http://tmarchives.com/transcript_frames.php?tid=3532
Zarath082805WorldReport_Monjoronson-Visit; Northern Colorado TeaM, #71; Boulder, Colorado; August 28, 2005

[...] Student: Zarath, I got an email communication today from the 11:11 List op, and I just wanted to ask if you know anything about it, that Monjoronson has literally come to earth, and is among us. I just wondered if that—it’s hard to imagine—but with all the possibilities for errors, I wondered if you would care to comment on Monjoronson being here physically? [Rest of the question was inaudible.]

ZARATH: Monjoronson is here in Spirit, is continuing to survey the populations. I have no more information that I can share.

Student: Are you allowed to tell us any of the bench marks that our world must achieve in order for his physical coming to be successful?

ZARATH: Much greater stability in the over-all growth situation would seem to be a basic requirement. This could be measured in hundreds of years, or a bit longer, to have achieved a point where more world peace is stabilized, where communities are more socially oriented. Even having a strong community to be welcomed by, is still insufficient for Monjoronson to be able to have worldwide acceptance and understanding, to make his mission realistic—his physical mission, that is. This is the best that I can perceive.

Student: In January of 2004, we were led to believe that his mission was very imminent. Now it seems like it’s put off for perhaps hundreds of years. Did something happen that was not foreseen when those first estimates were made?

ZARATH: The perception of time is part of the difficulty. As with many things, the time is the Father’s, and not ours to know. So many things could be interacting to cause that estimate to be misunderstood, and therefore misrepresented by those looking on at our level. We can see a general fashion, those things that may be involved in that decision, but we see so little compared to those of a higher realm, of the over-all true situation, and therefore, are truly unable to judge or predict. It truly will be a remarkable event when he does appear, as we all are desirous for that to happen. That is all I can provide. (Thank you.)

[...] Student: Is there anyone on your side that would like to speak through Mary Jo?

ZARATH: There are several friends who are here.

Mary Jo: That’s very interesting that you said that, _____, because this morning while I was in the shower, I suddenly heard, “Will you speak for me?” I didn’t know who it was, but I said I would, and I had been hearing that a lot during my drive here, so I guess I will just wait and see, if that is okay with everybody? (Of course!)

MONJORONSON: Yes, it is I, who spoke with you this morning and wish for you to speak now. I am Monjoronson, and I have a desire to speak to you and your group. (Group welcomes him.) Thank you. I am most delighted to see Teaching Mission members gathered once more, for I have spoken to each of you in groups previous to this. There have been reports and will continue to be reports that my presence has been effected on this planet. There are many who are involved in this effort, and as you observed, in a major effort such as this, there is a potentiality for a miscommunication, garbled communication, and downright misinformation, but fear not. Be not disheartened! I assure you that when the time comes, when the process of my presence is firmly completed, all shall be informed; there will be no doubt.

I come to salute you and to greet you and to hearten you, in your efforts. Be not disheartened by events of the day; the panoply of time is an illusion. Know with all gladness that time is your ally. You have the ability and you have the capability of rising above and seeing greater portions of eternity than many, simply because of your experience with the text, and as a result of your experience with the Indweller, who blesses each of you with His presence. Your efforts to improve contact with your Indweller, is always noted and always encouraged and fostered. It is through this avenue that you can achieve sure success in this area with time and patience, perseverance, devotion to the ideals of truth, beauty and goodness.

There is much behind the scenes going on in all areas of conflict on this planet. You must, as Zarath has said, be faithful. Amplify your faithfulness, your faith in goodness, in the over-care of the forces that created this universe and uphold it. Urantia is but a tiny speck, so it seems, in this vast creation. Yet you, as you are, where you are, cannot help but be consumed with interest and involvement in what happens on this tiny speck. Rest assured that the celestials are also focused and interested and very much involved in all that happens here. Your world is pitiable; Christ Michael chose this planet, not by accident.

There is much activity focused here. I simply want to reassure each of you today that you will know, clearly, and without equivocation, when the Magisterial Son Mission is implanted. This physical presence will be apparent to all. And in the meantime, worry not. Persevere with your efforts to live in the now. You have been told many times, that the Father does not live in yesterday or tomorrow, but God is accessible in the now, to you and to all of his creatures. He wishes to comfort you and speak to you, converse with you, and to alleviate your concerns and anxieties.

In order to rest more in this present time, in this present moment, as you go about your busy lives, carry that faith with you that all is well. There is every reason to be of good cheer, as your Master has said. Be that good cheer to your world! Carry that light of joy and peace, the presence of God, into every area of your lives. This can only bring goodness as a result; not only for your life but the lives of those you intersect with.

I am Monjoronson. I greet each one of you by placing my hand on each of your heads, and I give you my blessing, my good cheer to carry with you, and my peace be with you. Good day. (Group gives thanks.)

ZARATH: This is Zarath. (Welcome again.) I am so honored to have been accompanied today by Monjoronson. If there are no further questions, I would like to adjourn, leaving with you my love, and that of the Father, Christ Michael, and Mother Nebadonia, who surround you and protect you and love you. Good day.
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Post by stones »

Wow!!! :shock: :loves
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Post by roofus »

I take that as a no.
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Post by George »

Hi All,
I am Monjoronson. I greet each one of you by placing my hand on each of your heads, and I give you my blessing, my good cheer to carry with you, and my peace be with you. Good day. (Group gives thanks.)
I scrutinized the transmit
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?t=3020 and questioned
it with the Midwayers. I was told, "It does not say 'Born of Woman, does
it? How would you explain?'"

I could not think of the right word for a time, and then I said,
"Eventuated?" That wasn't good enough. As clearly as I can understand,
Monjoronson IS on Terra Firma, but in more or less the shape of a
Midwayer... with a morontia body... and with the ability to materialize.

He may well be in this state for years, turn up in places when it suits him.
He's got a thousand years or so on the planet. My view. Hope this helps.

On our part, we cannot NOT post the material we get, guarantee anything,
judge anything, unless the Midwayers tell me to stay right clear of a
transmit, I post it.

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Post by Alexander »

There is a new message about the arrival of Monjoronson that I received today, where the latter says he has arrived in flesh, but has not come to contact with any mortal, yet.I am trying to find it at TM archives, but perhaps it hasn't been uploaded, yet...

Shall I post the transcript here?

It is literally true, "melody has power a whole world to transform." Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.
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Post by George »

Hi Alexander,

You wrote:
Shall I post the transcript here?
Please post the URL, not the transmission.

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Monjoronson: "I Have Arrived"

Post by Adao »

Hi Alexander,

I'm not trying to take away your shine and don't know if this is what you're refering to, but everyone should check out http://tmarchives.com/: "I Have Arrived, From The Magisterial Son, Monjoronson" (It's right there on the home page.)

Notice that in the header it says "Monjoronson's Daily Briefing"! :shock:

Exciting times! (Maybe :lol:)

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Post by George »

It's not a matter of shine, Adao.

It's a matter of politics, and we were told to not post on TML -- truly chased from it in 2001 -- and Machiventa wants us to stay in our own sandbox, doing what we do, and for TeaM to leave us alone, also.

Though we have contact with Monjoronson, it is at the human level where time must go by before we will merge in any way, and that time may be close, but it's not now.

URL's are OK. Entire transmits are not. The majority of TeaMers are also on the huge 11:11 lists, and TMArchives does get all of our transmits. We refrain from posting their work, they will not post ours, until such time as Machiventa orders a change. And he will tell me.

Basically it's the division between TeaM (Churches) and 11:11 (Progress) that has made for the division -- see paper 114 of the text.

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Post by Adao »

George wrote:It's not a matter of shine, Adao.
I know it's not, I just didn't want to step on Alexander's toes, that's all. No biggie.
George wrote:It's a matter of politics, and we were told to not post on TML -- truly chased from it in 2001 -- and Machiventa wants us to stay in our own sandbox, doing what we do, and for TeaM to leave us alone, also.

Though we have contact with Monjoronson, it is at the human level where time must go by before we will merge in any way, and that time may be close, but it's not now.

URL's are OK. Entire transmits are not. The majority of TeaMers are also on the huge 11:11 lists, and TMArchives does get all of our transmits. We refrain from posting their work, they will not post ours, until such time as Machiventa orders a change. And he will tell me.
:scratch: There are loads of Progress List / Group transmissions posted over there (e.g. http://tmarchives.com/transcript_frames.php?tid=3112 ).
George wrote:Basically it's the division between TeaM (Churches) and 11:11 (Progress) that has made for the division -- see paper 114 of the text.
I don't care much for divisions and such. I'll pick the best of both. :wink:
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Post by Alexander »

Yes, that is the one, Adao.Thanks! :wink:

George is right and that is why I asked first before doing anything...

Apart from that, the message of Monjoronson made me shine from happiness!I think the time of his appearance is drawing nearer and nearer.

It is literally true, "melody has power a whole world to transform." Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.
- UB, Paper 44, 1.The Celestial Musicians
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Post by Adao »

Yeah, I'm happy too. Although I don't know what changes there will be and to what extent, I hope things will begin soon. The celestials will pick the right time, I guess. :D
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Adao,
I don't care much for divisions and such. I'll pick the best of both.
We don't care for divisions either, but the deal is we won't distribute their messages, and they won't distribute ours. The only reason any of our transmissions are on Tmarchives is because the guy that runs it decided he was going to archive them. There are plenty of Tml folks that want them out of there too. I suspect if he moved on, they would go quick smart.

There has been a great deal of bad blood over this, and we are very careful not to get a war going again. If we ever feel a desperate need to mail out one of theirs, it's always after getting permission. There have been folks distributing our messages, but ALTERED, just to create more bad blood. It got really nasty.

Yeah I know we all claim the same Team Leader, but the bands seem to be marching to different tunes.

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Post by Adao »

Dear Geoff,

you see, I don't know about all the "behind the scenes" stuff going on. Thanks for clearing that up.
But still, I think it's sad that we even waste a thought about these things on a day like this, when we should be glad, read Monjoronson's message a few times (regardless of where it was posted - assuming it is correct) and prepare his garden.

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Post by George »

Adao writes:
I don't care much for divisions and such. I'll pick the best of both.
Sure. I think the likely skirmish will not eventuate if you only post the URL on this message board, and talk about it, not the whole transmit. Frankly, I'm too busy to worry about TeaM people making trouble, and I usually just scratch them off of the 11:11 list if they do.

It has been very quiet of late, tho. No hassless for over a year, I'd say. We've been lucky.

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Post by Redshift »

Thanks for the link Adao and Alexander. I managed to get a sneaky peak at the message at work today, so I know it was there but it seems to have gone now!

Shame, I only got to read a bit of it. :cry:
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Post by HigherSelf »

I was not able to find the article either :(

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Post by Adao »

It used to be on the home page, now it's in the archives (in a somewhat expanded form): http://www.tmarchives.com/transcript_fr ... p?tid=3537.
Really seems like things are taking off now. 8)

Edit: I just read the entire transcript and it's more than "somewhat expanded"! :shock:
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Post by HigherSelf »

Ah... thanks, Adao!

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Post by Pennysense »

I've also been looking for more confirmation on Monjoronson & when searching the tmarchives I found that transcript dated 9/5/05.

The word is getting out all around the globe.

It's real hard though, when you try to talk to people about it. They look at you like, "yeah right, like you would know," but I do know. I can feel it, and I've been feeling it for about 3 or 4 months now, or longer. It's happening people, he's here & waiting until the perfect time to come full force. Believe it, its true! The sooner you believe the better off we will all be.
This you should be able to confirm for yourself with the help of your angels, guides or teachers.

With Much Love,
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Post by Alexander »

Sadly, most people have a very limited view of the world.Most of them believe that when they die they will go either to Heaven or Hell or be reborn again with a different body.It is very hard to explain them all that is going on with our planet and the Magisterial Mission.Actually, I believe it would be worse for them to tell them that a Paradise Son would arrive on Earth than better.As the Celestials often say, revelation must be gradual and not instantaneous.

I believe that more and more people will start to search and wonder about spiritual things and slowly, but gradually a great number of them will learn about Monjoronson.After all, the spiritual energy of our planet augments day by day which means that people are beginning to wake up from their materialistic lethargy.It becomes more and more observable...

It is literally true, "melody has power a whole world to transform." Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.
- UB, Paper 44, 1.The Celestial Musicians
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A bit befuddled

Post by Judy »

You said-
I can feel it, and I've been feeling it for about 3 or 4 months now, or longer.

Yes, I know what you mean, me too. I feel it with strength all over, especially in my hands and feet most of the time for some reason. I thought maybe it was because of the part in the AC where George says the thing about our hands and feet feeling numb and limp, so I started leaving that part out (I use the CD intermitently now) but it did not make a difference. I thought it might be the hands and feet suggestion was somehow, subconsciously making me go over board. I do that with the clock because on the CD George suggests that in the AC time does not exhist, and my clock is almost always blank, the calendar is blank most of the time as well. Love-Judy...............M.
If the faith of the Most High has entered your heart, then shall you abide free from fear throughout all the days of your life. (The Urantia Book, p. 1443, par. 5)
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