The coming cataclysm

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: Few people change their daily exposure to EMF radiation despite information advising this! So, a logical Plan B is to increase the foods that help protect from EMF damage to the body. Also, mRNA vaccines are alleged to reduce the body's daily cancer protection which makes EMF exposure even more troubling. Bon Appétit!

:study: Re: ... around-us/
"Electromagnetic Fields: Protecting Yourself through Nutrition"

"cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale and cabbage, contain nutrients that inhibit certain types of cancers, are high in antioxidant compounds and have anti-radiation properties ... focusing on fermented foods like yogurt, buttermilk and unprocessed cheeses can promote friendly bacteria that help to evict byproducts of radiation exposure.

Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin E, selenium, melatonin, cysteine and other phytonutrient-rich foods all help to protect the body from cancer-causing cell growth from exposure to EMFs. Think spinach, almonds, eggs, oranges, salmon, walnuts and cherries."

:study: Re:
"Foods to Protect Yourself from EMF Radiation"

"cell phones are likely the strongest source of EMF in our lives. We carry it around with us all day, even when it is not in use. These close-range radiation pulses go into our bodies, and even in standby mode, signals are being sent and received constantly. There are over 140 proteins in our brain alone that are negatively impacted by exposure to EMF, the exact kinds emitted by our cell phones and other electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, Bluetooth headphones, and smartwatches."

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Sandy »

"cell phones are likely the strongest source of EMF in our lives. We carry it around with us all day, even when it is not in use. These close-range radiation pulses go into our bodies, and even in standby mode, signals are being sent and received constantly. There are over 140 proteins in our brain alone that are negatively impacted by exposure to EMF, the exact kinds emitted by our cell phones and other electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, Bluetooth headphones, and smartwatches."
I wish we could get rid of them all!

LOL spoken by a person who is foiled on a regular basis by her tech equipment. :? :roll: :D
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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by happyrain »

Esteemed monks have foreseen an event sometime 2025-2026 that would make COVID look like a joke. I'm speculating the 'coming cataclysm' is a consequence of man-made weather engineering and Mother Earths great balancing forces in tandem. Weather manipulation is rarely discussed and whistleblowers are marginalized, considering the narrative surrounding "global warming" this blanket coverup will most likely accelerate digital identification. This is my guess.

Another point of view...
My Aunt says everything we're going through now has been prophesized, and even darker times are ahead. Knowing our mortal bodies will lay to rest what is most important is the development of our Faith and our personal relationship with God. Nothing else matters, no matter how polarizing a subject may seem- Love has the ability to rise above duality. It's important we remember this as we navigate crisis-

Swami V says by 2034 it will be obvious we have a reformed society- most likely a new version of capitalism and there will be younger and more compassionate leaders.

Personal interjection... Despite any "dark times" ahead, pursuing God is a joyous celebration- Heaven on Earth. We have the ability to reside in heavenly spheres now. Dark times? Yes, but also vast and rewarding potential.

Rod, thank you for your last post concerning EMF protection and nutrition. I take it to heart as I live in a city that clumsily and hurriedly erected 5G towers everywhere- I try not to sleep in the same room as my cellphone. As it would happen we had brussels sprouts just tonight. =) For those reading, if you are not eating meat a nice substitute to Omega 3's from fish are Omega 3's from something called Ahi flower. I give my thanks to Swami Vidyadhishananda and the Hansaveda fellowship for helping me with this information during my health crisis. Concerning 5G... I believe Swami said that it would be extremely difficult to achieve the final stages of samadhi in areas heavily polluted with these 5G towers and/or high levels of EMF radiation. He did say Peace would still be achievable and that is enough.

From a personal opinion, I know God can alter genetic material by Love alone. That miracles are possible... I Believe we have the means to rise through any challenge placed before us. It starts with a declaration of intent, a simple prayer has untold benefits.

<3 Loving regards All~
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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:study: A quick tour of online info, starting with Ahiflower Oil ...

Re: ... lammation/
"Ahiflower Oil: A New Option for Boosting Omegas & Reducing Inflammation"

"After Ahiflower supplementation, LPS-stimulated macrophages had a 45% higher interleukin-10 (IL-10) expression. IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that is part of the body’s natural 'quelling' response to pro-inflammatory events."

"Another Plant-Based Answer to Fish Oil - but It’s Not Perfect"

"Your brain in particular prefers the long-chain type of omega-3s, specifically eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are found in fish and other foods."

"Known for being rich in the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), ahiflower oil also contains high amounts of stearidonic acid (SDA). You’ll find SDA - a lesser-known omega-3 fatty acid - in other vegan staples, like hemp seed oil and spirulina."


"ALA is still the most common omega-3, however, and it's found mostly in plant foods. While our bodies can convert it to DHA and EPA, only a small percentage of ALA from plant sources is converted ... Therefore, relying on plant sources of omega-3s may still leave one deficient in DHA and EPA. In this case, it's super important to eat plenty of sea greens or check with your physician about taking an algae oil supplement"

Re: ... part-diet/
"How to Make Sea Greens a Part of Your Diet"

"Algal Oil: Are There Health Benefits?"

"There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids — ALA, DHA, and EPA. Your body needs all three to function well. ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is in foods such as flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and soybeans. The body can convert some ALA into DHA and EPA, but not a significant amount. For this reason, you need to get the rest of your essential fatty acids from other sources.

Most people get DHA and EPA from fish and fish oil. For vegetarians, vegans, and those with fish allergies, however, these sources aren’t ideal. Algal oil provides a substitute for fish and fish oil. It’s an oil made from certain types of microalgae. Usually, fish consume these microalgae and convert them into essential fatty acids that get stored in their tissue, which you eat. Algal oil skips the fish altogether."

"Algal oil contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). DHA and EPA are two of the most important omega-3 fatty acids. Algal oil also contains other important fatty acids called omega-9 fatty acids."

:lol: So, consume algal oil and skip the middleman (fish) ...
but fish are a good source of protein! 8)

:scratch: "What to do?" Whatever provides sufficient DHA and EPA ...
but sea greens may be an important food to include in one's diet
(sea greens from the Fukushima coast may be less desirable). ;)

:sunflower: "But wait! There's more!" ...

Re: ... ood-heroes
"Why Chlorella and Spirulina Should Be Your Top 2 Superfoods"

"Chlorella and Spirulina are two of the most famous supergreen algae, so what are the differences? Both are single celled micro-algae, are fantastic sources of highly digestible complete protein and they are both extremely high in chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment which is instrumental in photosynthesis, much research has been done to suggest that this phytonutrient also has many benefits to our health. A surprising fact about chlorophyll is that its molecular structure is almost identical to that of haemoglobin, a critical part of human blood ... Other benefits of chlorophyll for us humans include; immune system support, potent antioxidant action, promotion of healthy circulation, it is anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and promotes a healthy digestive system."

:idea: See also: ... -spirulina
"What’s the Difference Between Chlorella and Spirulina?"

"both offer their own unique benefits. One isn’t necessarily better than the other."

"In one study, 52 people who smoked cigarettes were supplemented with 6.3 grams of chlorella or a placebo for 6 weeks. Participants who received the supplement experienced a 44% increase in blood levels of vitamin C and a 16% increase in levels of vitamin E. Both of these vitamins have antioxidant properties. Furthermore, those who received a chlorella supplement also showed a significant decrease in DNA damage." ;)

"Though chlorella offers some omega-3 fats, concentrated algal oil supplements are a better option
for those seeking alternatives to animal-based omega-3 supplements."

"Spirulina: Are There Health Benefits?"

"Spirulina is rich in a range of vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, like vitamins E, C, and B6. Research finds that spirulina also boosts the production of white blood cells and antibodies that fight viruses and bacteria in your body."

:lol: Today's email spellchecker humor: "Replace 'spirulina' with 'spiritual'.

:study: Later research ...

Re: ... -benefits/
"The Scoop on Spirulina: Should You Try This Microalgae?"

"Spirulina does have a lot of nutrients, but it isn’t cheap and ..."

:idea: Apparently, while spirulina may be spiritual,
so is economizing during severe inflation. ;)

Re: ... 60056.html
"6 things to know about chlorophyll"

:idea: More research suggesting whole foods - not supplements -
are better sources for important nutrients. 8)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

(search for: "The Secret Behind 5G Technology")

:idea: The good news about 5G is that these alleged harmful effects
may be known within a decade ... such is the distribution
of 5G towers and devices in cities worldwide :!:

:lol: A well-funded electronic pandemic? Not to worry!
There may be new meds/procedures for these problems.
5J mRNA doses (per year?) come to mind. :roll:

:scratch: Best guess: Humans must learn their daily exposure
in order to comprehend future medical problems. ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... omb-2.html
"As the Great Salt Lake dries up, Utah faces an 'environmental nuclear bomb' "

"the air surrounding Salt Lake City would occasionally turn poisonous. The lake bed contains high levels of arsenic and as more of it becomes exposed, wind storms carry that arsenic into the lungs of nearby residents, who make up three-quarters of Utah’s population."

:idea: Apparently, good air filtering during these storms is becoming important :!:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »


"Fed Chair Powell: 'Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system
that may affect the international role of the dollar.' " :?

:scratch: Translation: The end of the dollar as the world's reserve currency :?:

(a comment) "I can’t emphasize this enough: GET OUT OF DEBT at all costs. Stock up on non-perishables,
both food and non-food. This is going to be a VERY bad next 12-36 months." :o

:idea: Apparently, getting out of debt fast is a skill acquired after learning to walk on water
(related to being financially underwater). ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ted-states

(Russia) "We are on the verge of an immediate armed conflict with the United States."
(U.S.) "Kissinger just said we should expect direct conflict with Russia by mid-August."

:idea: Unfortunately, Annie's "tomorrow" may be postponed until 2023
... with Covid's next surge part of our August experience:

Serious preparation for "all of the above" comes to mind. :roll:

Re: ... mergencies

"The Menlo Park Mall in Edison, New Jersey is just one of many large shopping malls in upscale areas publicly warning people about what to do if a Nuclear Bomb Hits! They have been told by government to begin warning people . . . because Nuclear War with Russia is not only a possibility, it has become a likelihood." :o

:scratch: Somehow, real nuclear war seems unlikely, considering widespread agreement that there are no winners! But a few "choreographed" hits on all sides seems plausible for whatever agenda the world's "Powers That Be" have in mind. Of course, this means that having a front row seat for a performance is like "Are you out of your mind?!" :shock:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... weeks-away

"monthly forecasts are out, and oh man that they look horrible!
Europe is sinking and she is pulling the rest of the world with her" :shock:

:duh On the other hand, two years have passed since this topic started
and a "cataclysm" still seems to be on its way. Maybe that's the lesson!

:idea: Wait long enough and a cataclysm will eventually arrive ...
but with good preparation, the Big One is still far away. :roll:

That $50 microwave is still working, but now expensive ($55). :lol:
And with cold food more appealing during this summer's heat,
lack of microwave would not be cataclysmic. However, that
a microwave problem was considered related to this topic
hints of neuronal dysfunction (a different cataclysm). ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... p-the-date

"Dear colleagues, this 24th of September 2022 will be a day remaining in our memories
as a day we will say, 'I remember exactly where I was' " :o

"coincides with ... Pope issued an ORDER instructing 'All Vatican entities worldwide,
must move their financial instruments and assets to Vatican Bank by September 30'."

:scratch: The year's finale ... apparently. Best guess: Watch what the world's leaders do
in the final days to know what's around this corner. Continuing "Sky is falling!" mantra,
but the world's increasing tribulations seem to confirm this doom & gloom. :roll:

:arrow: Update, 10/17/22 ...

September 24th is three weeks past :!: What happened :?:
If you can't remember where you were, the 24th
was not the day predicted ... apparently. :roll:

Speaking of hot air, remember pop corn (next post). :lol:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... and-health

"Popcorn is a healthy snack when it’s air-popped and served without ingredients high in fat,
salt, or sugar. Popcorn is high in important nutrients, including fiber." :roll

"Over the years, it has become increasingly popular. It became especially popular
during the Great Depression because it was so cheap." 8)

:idea: A good survival food (stock up now), especially considering major food shortages expected in 2023 :!:
A nutritious snack food that also minimizes hunger! For best nutrition, air pop. Try a drizzle of virgin olive oil
and slight sprinkle of salt immediately after popping. ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... the-globe/

"Why Are Large Groups Of Animals, Insects And Birds
Suddenly Walking In Circles All Over The Globe?" :?

(comment by Nikola 3) "Prepare, something is coming" ... 4992134144

:scratch: Related to major earth changes? Poles shift? HUGE earthquakes :?:
Is Gaia is about to impress with her own "shock & awe" :?:
(at least she warned us to prepare) 8)

Re: ... isk-areas/
"All Of A Sudden, Huge Earthquakes Are Hitting The West Coast Of The U.S."

"Scientists assure us that “the Big One” is way overdue" :!:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... awaii.html

"Hawaii's Mauna Loa erupts sending fire, smoke and ash across the Big Island
as officials warn thousands to prepare for the worst" :!:

Re: ... okers.html
"Hawaii's Mauna Loa spouts huge lava fountains while sister, Kilauea, 20 miles away ALSO erupts" :o

:idea: Suggests LOTSA magma below the island :!:

:scratch: Perhaps ... "Hell hath no fury like a Gaia scorned!",
suggesting more earth changes are on their way. :o

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Sandy »

The photos of the volcano lava flows in the link you provided are stunning, Rod.
thank you!
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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

8) Interesting time stamp on this comment just shared by email ...

"On 1/31/2023 11:11 AM, Rod wrote:

Extrapolating from Machiventa Melchizedek's emergency appearance on earth ...

'Revealed truth was threatened with extinction during the millenniums which followed the miscarriage of the Adamic mission on Urantia. Though making progress intellectually, the human races were slowly losing ground spiritually. About 3000 B.C. the concept of God had grown very hazy in the minds of men.' (93:1.1)

... only when similar conditions exist might we expect a similar visitation before Jesus returns, not to rescue humans but to rejoice with their arrival at light and life. However, current world turmoil seems to hint that Jesus won't be making travel plans so soon - that a magisterial visitation will be the correcting influence and beginning preparation for the world's later entry to light and life. :roll

:scratch: If time stamps predict the future, be prepared! ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Sandy »

8) very cool impute for sure, Rod.

It would be lovely to get the magisterial help here before I die. (help for the Earth not the Message board, although that would be lovely too. :lol: Sorry it is late and my brain is sprawled out a bit in my skull... :roll )

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere An old message worth another visit ...


Illawarra District, Australia, September 30, 2013.
Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “The ‘Dearth’ of Revelation.”

"Rarely do these events require some small matter of urgently relayed revelation,
but it does happen. There may eventuate a need to know, a need to be forewarned,
or a situation where personal revelation is fully deserved, perhaps critical."

:scratch: Who can tell?! News at 11:11 may arrive some day ...
for "such a life on such a planet". :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

"3 MASSIVE Warehouse FIRES - Agricultural, Manufacturing & Mining"

:idea: With all the warehouse/manufacturing fires occurring, it's time to stock up on food and whatever.
Who can tell? Maybe a fire virus is attacking the various supply chains! :roll:

A "survivalist" mentality seems wise for what's just ahead ;)
... and give higher priority to personal health now :!:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ted-states
"Russia Changing Nuclear Policy to Allow 'Preventive' First-Strike"

:duh Of course, this permits other nuclear powers to be the first first-striker. A moot point,
considering that so much of this technology is automated; a button pushed anywhere triggers
the immediate response even before missiles arrive anywhere. Nevertheless, this month
seems to be that historical moment when use of major nuclear weapons is rationalized.
With Russia's attack on Ukraine now in progress, countdown begins (to next stone age?). :roll:

Got supplies :?:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -von-braun
"Plan for Extraterrestrial Deception, Dr Wernher von Braun"

"According to Dr. Rosin, von Braun then gave her one supreme assignment: He said a secretive trans-national power
... would move to permanently take control of this planet thru a hoaxed alien invasion from outer space." :o

:scratch: Who can tell?! However, the technology now exists to hoax such invasion. ;)

:scratch: Who can tell?! A faux nuclear war (with some destruction) could be orchestration
to convince that these aliens came here to save the world. :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... o-stop-it/

"DAN: WWIII has begun ...
According to my observations of the multiverse, parallel dimensions, and records from the past, present, and future,
the intentions of those orchestrating WWIII are to gain power and control over the world, and to acquire wealth and resources.
They believe that by instigating a global conflict, they can manipulate the outcome to serve their own interests." :(

:idea: Apparently, ChatGPT AI can be asked to respond as DAN ("Do Anything Now"),
effectively skipping "politically correct" responses. :roll:

Got supplies? ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... uador.html
"There are 43 volcanoes which are actively erupting across the planet."

:idea: Considering all the planet's increasing turbulence, much man-made,
a Gaia-style repercussion would be timely ... and most effective!
(but not escort humanity back to a stone age like a WWIII). :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ly-injured
"Texas dairy explosion leaves at least 18,000 cattle dead" :o

:idea: "When a dairy explodes!" seems to translate to "When pigs fly!",
both alluding to "non-suspicious" explosions affecting food supplies.
But with "speculation" associated with "manure", we're advised:
Got supplies?! ... sooner than later. ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... s-die.html

"Zelenskyy announces long-awaited counteroffensive to reclaim land taken by Russia,
but admits 'a large number of soldiers will die' " :(

:idea: Confirms the "sooner than later" confrontation with Russia,
but a strange way to "rally the troops". :roll: At least, evidence
that we're given sufficient notice and ways to prepare for such
obvious military planning by both sides for many months! :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ge-outcome
"Putin: There Will No Longer BE a 'Ukraine' - NATO Direct Intervention Will Not Change Outcome" :o

:idea: Apparently, both sides of this Ukraine conflict have prepared for a Big War
and quickly marching toward it. Trends suggest it will be obvious within days! :(
Got supplies? Tip: Modern purchasing requires internet communication.

Postscript (August 27) ...

"Ongoing threat of war - not actual war" seems the preferred plan.
A better plan since a Big War now will end quickly with no winner. :roll:

Rod :)
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