What do angels look like?

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What do angels look like?

Post by Nikki88 »

Forgive me if this is a dumb question or if this has been covered before :oops:. Just curious what exactly do angels look like? I know they don’t have feathers or wings but that’s about all I know. I presume they don’t look like humans either but are they humanoid in appearance or just a glowy ball of light lol?

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Re: What do angels look like?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Nikki,
George has seen his Angel pair and says that they appeared to him as humanoid but not male or female. There are lots of different angel types...some are transporter angels and sport shields of a sort that can sort of appear wing-like. When I've seen my angels,( which wasn't very often ) I might add, it was just their energy so they appeared more "glowie". But others have their own experiences with these marvellous loving beings. Hopefully they will share these with us. :finger:

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Re: What do angels look like?

Post by happyrain »

my most recent experience was "raphael" and what i believe i observed was "energetic residue." i think i was able to perceive remnants of energy, translucent hues. i also think the ginormous alien face i saw was my mind making an image from what was left behind and not necessarily the reality of said presence.
the other recent contact/experience i've had with "something" i could only interpret as an orb of light, the radiance was powerful but it made no noise and i had momentarily lost sense of time.
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Re: What do angels look like?

Post by Lightcosmos25 »

I have heard that angels take on a humanoid form and as mentioned previously appear to be gender neutral. I have also heard stories from those who were close to death that an angel appeared to them in the form of an extraterrestrial! Perhaps they are all connected somehow?
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Re: What do angels look like?

Post by happyrain »

Probably, from the rational and limited mind we try to piece together form to understand the unknown- perhaps these far reaching constructs are the closest interpretations one is currently able to perceive, that doesn't mean we can't see something new... or... ?
my interpretations vary and i've even seen irregular shaped orbs with translucent hues floating about chasing each other like a game of tag.
i think whatever form this intelligence takes it's only as important as the message/experience imparted. that is to say, it may not matter for one like it will the other but there is always something to be taken from it.
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