Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

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Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

Good day all!
A little back story. My daughter and her friend used to get together during their free hour in high school. Both of them are very musical, meeting in a small, cement wall practice room with a piano. One day they were working on a piano piece and Aleah started singing, the melody and words suddenly in her head. A few days later, after about 3 1/2 hours of working on it, they made this recording with the school sound machine and a microphone meant to be used for the band. This is the only recording they made of their very short song, not meant to imply it was in anyway professionally produced. Said she thinks you can hear a chair being moved in the background, always cringing when she hears a flat note. It's simply a rendering of a couple of teens trying to navigate their way through high school.

When ever I hear this song, I can't help, but feel a healing taking place inside. Think it was in 2009, I sent an audio copy of it to Sandy. Three days ago I was feeling kind of low. Suddenly it popped into my head that I wanted to listen to that song. Asked my husband if he knew where the CD was. The next morning while intending to view something else, I saw it was on my laptop! Everyone knows I'm 'techy challenged', but kind of obsessed about trying to share that song again with Sandy and George, especially George. Asked Aleah for her permission to use the song, then asked my son to put it into a format to share here( the video was all his creation). Lol! realized it took about three and a half days from start to finish to get it ready to share!

Really felt pressed to get it up yesterday, found out last night George was about to go into surgery and understood my eagerness. I've always felt Aleah's music was spiritually inspired and has healing qualities. So, here it is, hoping it fills your hearts as much as it does mine.

Love to all,
P.S. hope it works ... xFuX3rH0fU
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by happyrain »

That's beautiful Kim. Thank you. :sunflower: :kiss:
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, Eric!
Thanks for viewing it. Although it was written almost a decade ago, maybe it's simply a mother's adoration, but I love to listen to her sing. Still can't play that song and not get teary, goes straight to my heart. Lol! Actually there's more than a few of them like that!

I've repeated before she is very spiritually gifted. That being said, it's not an easy way to grow up. Hearing her old songs, takes me right back to that time in her life when music was her refuge. Because her gifts made her aware of so much more that surrounds us, I've always believed she was 'waiting' for the rest of us to catch up...I'm doing my best to aaccomplish that.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by happyrain »

i felt the emotion behind this song and it went straight to my heart. your love for your daughter is a beautiful warm sensation. so happy you shared. hope she is still singing. =)
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

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Music is so much a part of who she is. Part of our whole family really. Although she hasn't done many performances in the past couple of years, busy adulting, I don't think she could ever really stop singing. Also plays the piano, guitar and ukulele. My brother passed away a few years ago. Aleah sang Amazing Grace at his funeral... don't know how she got through it, but it was beautiful. When ever he visited he'd say, "Well, it's time to go. Aleah give us a song." We had a family celebration in honor of his birthday a few months after he died to support his girls. Before everyone left, the lights were turned off, Aleah sang by candle light, it was magical.

Music should fill all our lives, makes us better, happier people.

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

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music is a sign we've the capacity for divinity... life is art. aleah seems like a strong woman for her age. thank you for sharing.
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

Directly after posting to this thread yesterday, Aleah knocked on the door. Whenever she starts a sentence with, "I had a dream last night," Its time to sit down and get comfortable, because I'm going to be there for awhile. I'll only relay the beginning. She said, "It was about Uncle Rick(my brother I posted about). He was walking through a crowd. I kept trying to reach him, finally I caught up telling him,' I just wanted to tell you how much I love you!' "

You said,
happyrain wrote: Sat Feb 02, 2019 3:53 ammusic is a sign we've the capacity for divinity
Don't believe I've ever heard it put like that..., interesting perspective, fodder for the mind, body and spirit. I've received several messages from spirit through songs. After posting here yesterday I had the inspiration to pray for George and Sandy while playing Aleah's song. Since I feel so much love when hearing it, wondered if it helped me make a deeper connection, perhaps amplifying my sincerity? It was a very emotional experience. Will repeat it again after this, just read about George's return to the hospital.

Love, peace and courage to you and your family,
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Sandy »

Oh KIM!!!!! I know when you meant for us to see it...but things divine happen always in the right time and we just saw it today at a time when we feel very low. I've blubbered all over the place as we listen repeatedly, but now have the essence of the song and the love tucked in very nicely next to my heart. it is just what we needed today and it helped us both so very much. With hope and love we stand on that "River Bank "waiting for our wings... :kiss:

Thank you sister...and Aleah and your son too... It is very beautiful as it hits you square in the heart. :happy :sunflower: :kiss:

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

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Sandy, {{{{{{HUG}}}}}} :kiss:
I am so sorry you two are feeling low, you both are so loved. :loves For some reason I truly believed this song would hep you some how. Since the last PM sent to you, my vision of healing has evolved into such a beautiful healing ritual! At first I listened to Waiting while praying for you and George. The next time we were all standing in the river, many of us holding George afloat. While the river washed away his pain, illness and fears (ours also) Aleah cradled his head singing her song. It was intensely emotional. The next time it was the same, except while Aleah and the others were tending to George, I cradled your head in my hands while the river did the same for you. Every session is so emotional!!! Since then, we know 5 others who have had very serious illnesses, or are in crisis. I've invited them to join us, including Michael you mentioned on the healing thread. Everyone has a significant person cradling their head while the river performs such a loving, comforting, healing. Many, many others have stepped in behind us, all with their own sorrows and pain, we are all singing with Aleah. You are cradling George's head now, Aleah her friends. Dave has a coworker. I'm helping a child of Aleah's friend. I was so touched when Tiny slipped in next to me also helping with the little girl, then Tiny's mom holding Nova, joined to support the little girl. You go ahead and 'blubber' away all you need to Sandy. Hopefully each tear washing away your fears and sadness.

Directly after the last healing session I read a channeled message from Augustine on the New Birth website. It was all about praying for others and letting God do the work. That those who work with and through us, help us to be at the 'right place and at the right time' acting as his healers. The most important thing is to heal ourselves so we may become a pure channel of love. This next part felt directly like an affirmation of my healing visions. "We ask that you make those efforts each day in order to live the Love as best you can, to reach out to God, to continue to wade into that great river of Love, allow it to sweep you away upon the path that God has chosen for you.

Much love to you and George,
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Sandy »

Dear Kim,

I find myself still humming Aleah's song today. I caught myself as I puttered away in the kitchen and I smiled at the connection and the unity. It feels like family.... as our human existence is meant to be, I think. This morning I was able to set my worry aside and to connect. Thank you Kim for the help in that. :kiss: I know I have been running from it and it didn't help that my energy levels ere so puny. . LOL Not sure why I was running like a World Class athlete. ...definitely something to ask myself in meditation.
But I found my peace.... and today I saw that we surrounded George in a circle of light and the circle continued to grow as people kept approaching each with their own entourage of celestial guardians and co workers. Was a little vague visually( not energetically! :shock: ) I wonder now if George was in the river as I couldn't see him actually lying on anything in particular. It reminded me of how much assistance we are all given.

It definitely sounds as if you received validation and confirmation in Augustine's message. ...wade into "the great river of love".
:sunflower: I never fail to be astounded when this happens. :sunflower:

Thank you again Kim, Geoff, Eric, and all you "lovies" out there.... for helping us through what has been an ongoing difficult situation. With bright eyes and sunny smiles again we look to the future with hope. :kiss:

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

Maybe George was wherever and with whom ever he needed to be to receive the healing, regardless of our interpretation of it. I'm so happy you were able to set your worry aside, and to be able to connect. Now if George's pain subsided and he healed would be an even greater blessing!
Sandy wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:58 amI find myself still humming Aleah's song today. I caught myself as I puttered away in the kitchen and I smiled at the connection and the unity. It feels like family.... as our human existence is meant to be, I think.
I sent a text to Aleah last night marveling at the same sentiment. It read, "How incredible is it that a song you and a friend wrote almost a decade ago is being sung by another friend we've never met and is bringing them joy and comfort on the other side of the planet!" We are family! And live in a truly amazing world."

Last night went to the River again. This time George was standing beside you, Eric and his family were there too. I looked up and a stream of people were coming down a mountain path to join us in seeking healing of God's love! An image of a smiling, love filled, Nebadonia filled the sky. Her heart was brimful to see so many of her children coming together for this reason.

I hope George is feeling better today.

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by happyrain »

Seeker13 wrote: Sat Feb 02, 2019 5:11 pm

You said,
happyrain wrote: Sat Feb 02, 2019 3:53 ammusic is a sign we've the capacity for divinity
Don't believe I've ever heard it put like that..., interesting perspective, fodder for the mind, body and spirit. I've received several messages from spirit through songs. After posting here yesterday I had the inspiration to pray for George and Sandy while playing Aleah's song. Since I feel so much love when hearing it, wondered if it helped me make a deeper connection, perhaps amplifying my sincerity? It was a very emotional experience.
Dear Kim,
Taken from my Beloved Pir-O-Mushrid Inayat Khan... Here is what he has to say on Music

Music is called Ghiza-i-ruh, the food of the soul, by Sufis. Music being the most divine art elevates the soul to the higher spirit; music itself being unseen soon reaches the unseen; just as only the diamond can break the diamond, so musical vibrations are used to make the physical and mental vibrations inactive, in order that the Sufi may be elevated to the spiritual spheres.

Music consists of vibrations which have involved from the top to the bottom, and if they would only be systematically used, they could be evolved from the bottom to the top. Real music is known only to the most gifted ones. Music has five aspects:

1. Tarab – music which induces motion of the body (artistic)
2. Raga – music which appeals to the intellect (scientific)
3. Qul – music which creates feelings (emotional)
4. Nida – music heard in vision (inspirational)
5. Saut – music in the abstract (celestial)

Music has always been the favorite Sufi means of spiritual development. Rumi, the author of the Masnavi, introduced music into his Maulvi Order, and enjoyed the memory of his blessed murshid's association while listening to it. Since that time music has become the second subject of Sufi practices. They declare that it creates harmony in both worlds and brings eternal peace.

The great mystic of India, Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti, introduced music into his Chishti Order. Even today musical entertainments for the elevation of the soul, called Sama, are held among Sufis.
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Sandy »

Morning up there sleepy heads. :D

Kim wrote:
I sent a text to Aleah last night marveling at the same sentiment. It read, "How incredible is it that a song you and a friend wrote almost a decade ago is being sung by another friend we've never met and is bringing them joy and comfort on the other side of the planet!" We are family! And live in a truly amazing world."
:happy We are seeing a tiny improvement today... believe me...that is a big deal as any improvement is a blessing. .. :sunflower: Thank you, Kim. It is a blessing to join you an "the rest of the family"in the Circle of Light. Aleah's powerful song, the words and melody lead us easily to the gathering it seems.

Thank you Eric for sharing the information from your beloved Pir-O-Mushrid Inayat Khan... I'm saving it for future reference...and finding new ways now to use this powerful resource for "upliftment " and as a modality for healing.

Blessing abound! :bana:
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

Eric and Sandy,
I too am saving the link for further future reference, going to be with the grandkids in a few minutes. I don't find it unusual at all that Nova at eight months is already humming all the time.

Eric thanks for including Music Among the Sufis. Happy to hear what it has to say, since I always have a song in my head. Lol, although it's not always welcomed! Repetitive playing of the same one gets a bit tedious at times. I get swiftly carried away while listening to music in meditation and having songs given to me, today it was 'I'm Gonna Love You Like I'm Gonna Loose You'. Usually spend a lot of time trying to decipher what the lyrics are supposed to mean to me. Several years ago I was directed by repetitive numbers to listen to a specific song on a CD. The song was 'I'm your Angel'.

It makes sense though, if we live in a mathematical universe, we'd receive messages through music... Lord knows I wouldn't get them through geometry or calculus!

Well I'm off to listen to the melodic song of children's laughter!

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

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I've found a place in my daughter's song... in her words and melody, creating images of a sanctuary of loving, healing waters. I try to go here at least twice a day.

My only preparation is reading the growing list of names of specific people I'm praying for to be healed. Anyone who wants to join us is invited. The song begins. Closing my eyes, the image appears. It seems to be expanding and changing daily.

This is what I saw today. People emerging from the forest, stream down both sides as far as the eye can see to stand in the waters of a wide, gently flowing river. Celestials and departed love ones, fill the sky, line the banks, some enter the river with us. The sky is every shade of pink, orange, yellow and purple. As the river fills with the fears and hopes of those seeking solace and healing, individual rays of light fall on each of us. Marveling at the sky I wondered, “What would I see on God's face if it were possible to look upon it right here, right now?”

Focusing on the growing masses, across the river I see a silver haired man appear. Dressed all in white, surrounded by a halo of soft but brilliant light, he smiles at me, turns, joining in the song. I smile back and nod.

There is no reasonable explanation to believe this place exists, although my brim filled heart trusts it to be. Being here so love filled, it spills from my eyes joining the flow of river. My thoughts? “I am an Agondonter...I believe what my heart expresses to be true.”

Love to all,
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by happyrain »

:happy :sunflower:
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Sandy »

There is no reasonable explanation to believe this place exists, although my brim filled heart trusts it to be. Being here so love filled, it spills from my eyes joining the flow of river. My thoughts? “I am an Agondonter...I believe what my heart expresses to be true.”
Absolutely! :D
And so it becomes a reality.... Much like the Akashic construct library, you've created a special energetic place between worlds from which you can "work" and others can come and are drawn. What you do there...the love and emotions bonding you, engaging you, with each person who arrives, makes it personal for you. From such a place you change/bend reality for lack of a better word. " above so below as below so above..."

Go with that heart of yours every time you lovable Agondonter... It will not steer you wrong. :happy

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

:kiss: to Sandy and Eric,
Your support and understanding is truly appreciated. {{{{{{HUG}}}}} I've tried automatic writing and speaking into a recorder during meditation on various occasions with very little success. Have had to accept my form of passing on messages is simply describing what unfolds before me. It's different, but feels more authentic and flows so much more easily.

Last night was as equally fulfilling. A small sharing, my brother came down from the bank to embrace his fractured family in the healing waters. Voices of both he and your Grandpa Robert joined together booming out the words to the song. So enthusiastic was their participation, all around us couldn't help but smile broadly as their voices resonated far down the river! It is my heart felt hope that your grandpa finds his voice again on this plain. It would be a delight to hear!

Had a few minutes to visit the last site you recommended.
happyrain wrote: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:12 am
As with Autobiography of a Yogi(almost finished), it's taking me a while to savor the material.

Was particularly drawn to these excerpts:
"A church, a temple or a Kaba stone,
Quran or Bible or a martyr's bone,
All these and more my heart can tolerate,
Since my religion now is Love alone.
Abul Ala al-Maari

Sufis take the course of love and devotion to accomplish their highest aim, because it is love which has brought man from the world of unity to the world of variety, and the same force can take him back again to the world of unity from that of variety.

Love is the reduction of the universe to the single being,
and the expansion of a single being, even to God

Imagine that! It was the simple Sufi poetry that struck the deepest cord. Again, thanks for sharing.

Much love to all seeking the truth and love of the universe,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by happyrain »

Dear Kim,
By your Grace and God I visited the waters today. I set the intention, greeted you and engaged in some quick but powerful healing practices.

Thank you.
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

Aww Eric,
Almost since the beginning you and your family have been beside mine, think it's that way so my brother and your grandpa can harmonize together! Always happy to see you! I'm the round, white-haired, bespectacled grandma, waving at you, beaming with happiness. My hope is you find it as fulfilling, healing, and affirming, as I gaze about filled with wonderment.

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Kim,
Surely God is Smiling!
This is the first time I've seen the word bespectacled used in a sentence. Thank you. :lol:
Hey, your Joy is contagious! I got an inklin' that this here 'nana is most appropriate. :bana:

I want you to know that I couldn't see you in my attempts to visualize, that it was rather difficult for me to hold the image in my mind. I did however feel welcomed and when I envisioned you it was more a heartfelt acknowledgement then onto business. My healing session was quick, I entered the waters and observed an astral like casing partially submerged in the water, I helped hold it up as the faces of those I wished to heal came and went. During this "transference" I witnessed a golden light growing from the waters and expanding out and around us. I received some chills along my spine, my concentration waned as things went black and a darker green took over the imagery in my minds eye. After this I thanked you and God for allowing me to enter and then let go shifting focus back to steady breath and gentle abrasions.
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

As we are all on an individual journey I wouldn't expect you to have the same vision. You are right though, the welcoming feeling is there. Such a beautiful description, I have chills! Definitely a time for many :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: and waving :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: ! And another one for appreciating 'bespectacled' :bana: ! I love language, enjoy tossing in an underused word every now and again. Last week as the preschoolers climbed the colossal snow mountain, instead of saying, "We did it!" We cried, "EUREKA!!!"

Here's to many more mystifying meditations,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by happyrain »

eureka, I love it. =)
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

I've been involved in much contemplation this morning already. With life swirling around in utter chaos, I've concluded that I need to find out what it is that makes me stay on the side of discover what it is that makes me happy, and put that out to the world. Thus creating my own EUREKA!!! moments. With preschoolers that means pulling them right along with me in the current... I guess that goes for adults also!

My wish today is that everyone is experiencing their individual eureka moments amongst the swirling chaos, :sunflower: :bana: :sunflower:
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Re: Aleah and Noah's song- Waiting

Post by Seeker13 »

In the last few days I've really been hoping to hear how some of the people we've been praying for and joining us in The River Of Love are faring. How are your Grandpa Robert and family friend doing?

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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