First post - was this an angel experience and what does it mean?!

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First post - was this an angel experience and what does it mean?!

Post by Blossom45 »

Hi everyone,

Nice to be here. I’m a newbie, this is my first post!

To be honest, I’ve not previously thought much about angels prior to the experience I’m going to write about. Perhaps not a huge believer but not a doubted either. I guess I like to think perhaps someone is watching over us. However, around the period of this event happening and on that day, angels/spirits were not on my mind whatsoever!

This did happen quite some time ago. It wasn’t long after our baby had been born, perhaps a few months after. I was on my own and our baby was napping. I usually rushed around during this time, getting housework/laundry done etc. This time I decided to sit in the sunshine for ten minutes, in the back garden. I was relaxed, soaking up the sun when an overwhelming feeling of pure happiness and contentment came over me! Never felt anything like it before! It came out of nowhere, and it was like I felt a force come down the back of the house where I was sitting and whoosh down my back. It totally caught me off guard and then I could hear the sound of slowly flapping huge wings high above, flying over me. Honestly, I literally jumped up out of my chair, like a crazy lady and was looking all around for a big bird or something!! But the noise would have been to loud and “big”.

I was amazed and puzzled. I couldn’t believe it and felt silly telling my husband but just had to tell him! I haven’t told another soul.

Also, around the following year, I had one occasion where I jumped when I had inaudible, fast whispers in my ear, again, at an unexpected, quiet time, on my own!

Also, smell of cigarette smoke in rooms at times.

Once, we came down to toys out of the toy box in the morning.

And both my child and Niece separately, talked about hearing a voice upstairs.

Also, my child, at around 3, saw a spirit of someone that we Knew years ago (not in our house, a family members) - she described her appearance, personality and even named her!

So a few things here!!

Any views on this, particularly the experience with the amazing feeling and wing flying noise! I still cannot believe that experience to this day...

Thanks x
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Re: First post - was this an angel experience and what does it mean?!

Post by Sandy »

Hi Blossom!

It's nice to meet you and welcome to the message board.

What a beautiful experience you describe. I was telling George about it and he thinks you had an enlightening experience. These can come out of the blue and can occur in many fashions. At any rate you definitely were contacted in a form by celestials... The way you felt, overwhelming happiness an contentment is a Hallmark of beloved contact. :D :sunflower:

Your other experiences describe a person who is sensitive to spirit energies. Sometimes these things can run in families. For instance, George's Grandfather and mother were also sensitive. Have you ever meditated? Daily meditation could open the doors to further understanding and contact with your Angels, Celestial Teachers and a host of other awesome beings.... Before meditation one should also ask for guidance, protection and surround themselves with Love and Light.(imagine, see, and feel it) I rarely have had any moments of worry in this regard, but it is always a good idea to be cautious. Divine Love's brilliant white Light is very powerful... so no worries. :)

I very much enjoyed your first post and hope it is the fist of many more. Welcome once again! :hithere
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Re: First post - was this an angel experience and what does it mean?!

Post by Blossom45 »

Thank you for your lovely reply!

I actually started meditation a couple of months ago but didn’t keep it up. I think I may try again :-)
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Re: First post - was this an angel experience and what does it mean?!

Post by Sandy »

I actually started meditation a couple of months ago but didn’t keep it up. I think I may try again :-)

No worries, Blossom. it can sometimes be tricky at first to get meditation off the ground. :) But if we stick with it daily meditation becomes something we long for and miss terribly if things interfere.

My husband has been in the hospital.... just getting out last week after 11 days and I must admit during that busy time my own meditation suffered and probably at a time when it would have benefited me greatly. :roll: but oh well... all is well and don't wish to beat myself up over it. The cool thing is... that even if we aren't meditating or praying or healing or any of doesn't mean our angels and celestials aren't there for us... They're always doing their "jobs." Thank goodness for that eh? :sunflower:

Have a great week.
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Re: First post - was this an angel experience and what does it mean?!

Post by happyrain »

Hello Blossom,

Welcome to the forum! I think it means you and your family are sensitive enough to pick up on finer vibrations and uncommon layers of existence and that yes, you have experienced many times interaction with something special and divine. I was happy to read about this immense peace that came over you and thought this was due to a collection of experiences and years and years of effort from your soul through out its amazing journey- my first thought is that you've lived before and heaven on earth is a reality for you, that this experience is one you've earned and one you deserve.

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Re: First post - was this an angel experience and what does it mean?!

Post by Seeker13 »

Welcome Blossom!
Lol! I've lost a post replying to this thread at least three times on separate occasions. So, I'm just going to say, "Welcome!"

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