Meditation July 23, 2018

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Meditation July 23, 2018

Post by Seeker13 »

Reading a post from a fellow board member reminded me of this meditation, prompting it's sharing.

Meditation July 23, 2018

It was dawn, I really wanted to connect with my oldest brother. My schedule has been so crazy this summer it didn't occur to me yesterday was the third anniversary of his passing until my sister asked how I was doing late last night. I told her I'd been oblivious of the date for days. Realized, “That's probably why I've been inundated with 2's for the past week!” I was very connected with his spirit during the days he was on life support. He died at 2:22 on July 22. We saw dozens of prompts of multiples of 2's that day!

Almost immediately after setting my intention he appeared. I asked if 222 would be his new symbol for me. He explained 222 was to get my attention, but not his permanent symbol since we could only connect with numbers when they were available. It wasn't effective,... I surmised, or maybe only supposed to be for his daughter. He gave us both the sensation of his presence by placing his hand on the back of our right shoulder.

Immediately there was tingling sensation on the side of my left nostril. Most of the symbols I get from teachers, guides and family are a tingling on certain parts of my face. His image grew very large, almost transparent. He was focusing on the far horizon, it appeared as if he was totally absorbed in what he saw. There was an image of his daughters huddled together in deep sadness. They had chosen yesterday, his death anniversary, as the day to set his headstone. It has been three years and they are all having difficulty moving through their grief.

He spoke,“The view from here... is so much wider/larger than what you(the living) can see." Contentment and patience resonated from his body, I felt the peace within him. I'll add, this was not the demeanor he sported while living.

I was shown the image of him and other family members always watching over us, nurturing the garden, so to speak. Then my mom gave her symbol, as if supporting my brother's words. I thought, “Another tender of 'the garden'.

Images seemed very fluid, almost like the air was water. I saw we were all gathered at the shore of an ocean. I recognized it as the same setting for one of my stories I'd written several years ago.

The meditation proceeded with him giving a description and visual of who some of the people in our family really were. Of what we individually represented. My middle son appeared first as a stately pointed pillar of stone, like a spire, strong, supporting his family, determined. His wife, a willow tree, twined from the ground on up around my son. “Their connection is so loving, always meant to be.”

My husband was a taller and a bit wider pillar, it was explained, “From which your son sprang.” Then I saw myself as an almost transparent blue streaming figure. Realized I was the wind, “A warm zephyr,” circling around all the others, a raised cupped had to my mouth, whispering words of encouragement in their ears. I was very loving floating from one to the other(I was extremely honored to be viewed this way).

My daughter and his youngest were side by side, the same, river birches, with their roots extending deeply into the underground well spring of source energy. His oldest daughter was a quaking aspen, seeming alone, but whose roots are connected and intertwined with the rest of the family. His middle daughter appeared as a strong sturdy oak, but inflexible.

My oldest son was a creosote bush, sprawling off in all directions, going his own way, kind of oblivious to the rest of us, yet to have his value recognized, but it didn't bother him.

My brother had a daughter from a previous relationship, whom he never met. My sister and I have opened communication with her recently. She was herself inside a gossamer silver outline of a tree. Her body molded to the shape of the tree, didn't look... comfortable, like her placement in the family wasn't determined(accepted?) yet. Do not feel this is a reflection on her, but representative of her present connection to the family.

My two granddaughters and his granddaughter appeared like the fairies in Sleeping Beauty. They each had their own vivid color. My youngest granddaughter was indigo. The oldest, blue. His, purple. They transformed into colorful lights flitting about. Together they rose up into the night sky bursting into breathtaking fireworks.

That was end of the meditation.

Just received a symbol on my left cheek as I was writing this, a midwayer validating what I've written. She and her counterpart had been the facilitators, in the back ground, helping the connection with those in spirit for this meditation. Not only this meditation, but all of the interconnected experiences of all of us.

Just got very dizzy and vision blurred. Maybe representative of the intensity of the work he/she is doing with us. They seemed very pleased I made that association. Her symbol was strong on the whole side of my left cheek, like she's the one this time primarily supporting this meditation and the transcribing of it. I'm feeling a very off balance sensation lasting the duration of writing this. As I finish Nebadonias's symbol comes in very strong across my forehead, representing her approval of this interpretation? I'm feeling very disoriented now, like I'm maintaining a deep alpha state while writing. It's not easy writing like this! Spirit seems very pleased I'm trying to connect, or able to connect again.

Unfortunately I have to attend to getting ready for work. Felt woozy for the next half hour or so, having difficulty staying on task.

Many thanks to those in spirit who have been patient with me and working so hard to maintain this connection. I feel, “All is Well.”
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Meditation July 23, 2018

Post by Sandy »

Oh Kimmie... I was just hanging on your every word... I could see it as you described it so perfectly. :happy Such a priceless meditation... I am moved beyond words.... and very very happy for you. :sunflower:

A few things that have helped me come out of a deep meditation as you describe... gently pat your arms, touch the earth (helps to deflect some of the excess energy.) eat something...speak out loud, clap your hands, ....

Thank you...such a priceless personal experience that moves me and inspires and harmonises my "sometimes" wound up insides... :happy :happy :happy
Love you, sweetie... :kiss:
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Re: Meditation July 23, 2018

Post by happyrain »

:study: :flower: :sunflower: :loves

In other words, thank you!

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Re: Meditation July 23, 2018

Post by Seeker13 »

Thanks guys!
It seems there are so few meditations posted to this section of the boards. Most of mine are not consistently from one teacher and are more of a personal nature. Not really meant for the benefit of the rest of humanity, like those on the Celestial Message thread, but maybe sharing can be helpful to individuals somehow, not only to myself.

In the past I'd hesitate on posting meditations that were from, or included well known celestials. For a long time wondering if I had the right as a well, 'nobody', to make the claims these personalities would be in touch, know and communicate with me. After so many years of it now, I've accepted that you don't have to be well known to be, 'known', watched over and loved by these grand personalities, along with friends and relatives. Sometimes the meditations will only be a few minutes long, simply of me and the celestial sitting together with them holding my hand or resting my head on their shoulder. Long enough for me to feel loved and supported I guess.

Sandy thanks for the reminder of grounding myself, felt like this one didn't want me to loose the connection even after the meditation was over! Guess it's not over 'til it's over.

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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