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Latest 11:11 Message on Reincarnation

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:18 am
by RunningScroll
Hi All

This latest one from Chris Maurus posted by George was a well-received mind-blow for me! This helped me on many levels comprehend morontia realities, and helped explain "once and for all" the interesting phenomena of young children and their knowledge of other lives at early ages. I am also very excited at the dynamism, dexterity and unity this reveals about morontia realities. (For a long time I had the feeling that the WingMakers Music was suggesting realities such as this though its musical compositions. The WingMakers materials regularly discusses the deeper unity that mankind needs to realize, this post might explain part of this equation). It is also exciting to me that we can be 'more than ourselves' through the work of morontia realities. To me, being 'more than ourselves' is a major lesson of life, and will probably be a big feature of our longer-term morontia careers.

I also am gladdened, by this post, as about a month or two ago I asked Spirit for a clear and logical explanation for the, to me, unexplained phenomena of reincarnation, as observed by people on Urantia. This post satisfies more than my request.

Did anyone else have the same reaction?

Kind regards and blessings,

Re: Latest 11:11 Message on Reincarnation

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:15 pm
by Welles
Hi Dylan,

I found that article wonderfully enlightening even though I still have the feeling that I don't understand it fully.

Long ago I personally embraced the Urantia Book's perspective that reincarnation wasn't actually how the universe works. Because reincarnation is still so prevalent I sought to understand how some of the stories that seem to support the philosophy might have occurred. There have been numerous researchers who have real experiences that seem to fit the concept perfectly. They usually use hypnosis for past-life regression.

In my attempt to understand the phenomena of past life memories I had posited two theories and an inclination. One was that some people were accessing a 'genetic' memory base. This was reinforced by the studies that discovered the epigenetic creation of long lasting gene sequences. My second theory was that some Adjustors had multiple existences and occasionally bleed-through of prior experiences might have occurred. My inclination was a sort of distrust of results rooted in hypnosis as elaborate flights of imagination that tried to justify old emotional patterns.

I was delighted to read that message from Chris and will do so several times to try and glean a bit more clarity.

Image Welles

Re: Latest 11:11 Message on Reincarnation

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:43 pm
by Welles
Hi again, Dylan

I was fascinated upon rereading the message on reincarnation that H.P. Blavatsky said she had begun her discussion of soul fragmentation in an earlier post so I just went over to Chris' web site and found that the message posted by George was the second of three Chris has recieved recently from HPB.

The first was...

“Now, I have created a controversy!” recieved on May 13 ... ersy”.html

The third was...

"Soul Fragmentation Prerequisites" recieved on June 3 ... sites.html

Collectively they gave me a feel for the concept of Soul Fragmentation. I believe it is a term to describe the individuation of personalities by the Creator during His-Her-It's process of creative expansion to develop some of the vast resevoir of potentials of infinite perfection.


Re: Latest 11:11 Message on Reincarnation

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:47 am
by Sandy
Hi Dylan,
I didn't want you to think I am shunning this post...I am still working on understanding Chris's transmit and soul Thanks too both you and Welles for your thoughts. Hopefully with all that and the additional URLS Welles provided, I'll "get there." (someday... :roll )

Re: Latest 11:11 Message on Reincarnation

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:43 am
by RunningScroll
Dear Welles

What I grasped from this interesting message is that soul fragmentation is something every personality on Mansion World 3 and beyond can do. What I comprehend is that it is taking a piece or node of one's morontia being (or fabric) to live and work aside another soul that is still in the mortal life, to collect more universe experience. It is not the birth of a new soul or personality, but simply a way to garner more universe experiences for souls on higher levels, and co-participate in the evolution of another universe being. It seemed very logical to me that the Thought Adjusters are intimately involved in this process. My growing belief is that morontia realities (which our soul here and after is made of) are intimately unified and unifiable, hence a growing sense of connection to each other and our surroundings (ie. animals and plants and all lifeforms).

Hope this clears things up a bit,

For me this message filled a piece of the cosmic 'puzzle' nothing previously had done.

Hi Sandy

No worries! No pressure from my end.

Regards to you both,

P.S. I'll make sure to read Parts 1 and 3 as well.

Re: Latest 11:11 Message on Reincarnation

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:57 pm
by Lightened717
The thought also occurred to me - if the Father can fragment himself to experience life, why wouldn't he also pass that along as a gift to his children? It just...made sense.

Re: Latest 11:11 Message on Reincarnation

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:06 am
by Amigoo
If the Father can fragment himself to experience life, why wouldn't he also pass that along as a gift to his children?
:idea: However Jesus, a divine son of the Father (and mortals are not "divine" sons), is not fragmented ... at least, in the way that the Father fragments unique personality and individual Adjusters to every mortal. Apparently, "soul fragmentation" must imply that one's personal Adjuster particpates in this post-soul-birth fragmentation ... which seems confusing:

:? This single divine entity (albeit a fragment of the Father), contributor to the birth of one human soul and destined to be fused with its associated mortal (one mortal - not many), facilitates soul fragmentation during its Paradise climb from the evolutionary world. :roll:

Rod :stars:

Re: Latest 11:11 Message on Reincarnation

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 5:58 am
by happyrain
It is certainly interesting and in need of another read. I am also blown away by the timing since I've recently read inspirations from Hazarat Inayat Khan, met a friend who proposed an idea to me about our planet and taking all this into account was equally graced by revelations on the exact subject moments before the teaching was posted for us here on the MB. While my understanding is more perspective of this reality- not on details of fragmentation and higher sphere's I don't think the two theory's interfere with each other... Moreover it is truly the timing of it all which is most surreal. All think makes me think we are indeed in a special place here on this forum, this planet and I am feeling blessed to be a part of it. To read the members post, the teachings and learn from those who come here and share really puts things in perspective.... :sunflower: I must be a young spirit because it's hard to contain how good all this feels. :P

Sleepy... Better go to bed! :bomb :alien: :study: :bike: TY
