A Symbol for God

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A Symbol for God

Post by Welles »

A couple of months ago I was inspired to ponder eternity for a moment (hah!). It was stimulated by the thought that every end is a beginning. That means every beginning is an ending. That sort of circularity is a way I can grasp a little bit of a feeling for eternity.

I liked the train of thought so much I created a Love Is The Answer card entitled Eternity. During my graphic doodling I used an infinity symbol to represent the quality of eternity. I can’t exactly understand infinity either but have a bit of a feel for it. Anyway on the backside of the card I superimposed the infinity symbol across a heart and liked the result. It implies infinite love.

I used a heart shape I had drawn years ago in Illustrator when I couldn’t find one that felt just right to me. I drew the inner path so the result was like a glyph with a hollow middle and then drew my own version of an infinity symbol. After combining the two I tweaked the paths until they looked just right to my eye.

As I did so it occurred to me that this was a perfect symbol for God. Infinite Love! That is one of the Creator’s primary qualities that all beings can feel. It can bypass thought and be immediately embraced by the heart.

I’ve become enamored with the idea of a universal symbol for God. OK that’s a little grandiose. How about a worldwide symbol for Divinity, God, The Creator? Every culture has different words for God and all of them carry various overtones that may not translate adequately into another culture’s conceptual foundations. Those cause needless conflict it seems to me.

The worst confusions between different perspectives on the Divine come because human qualities are superimposed on the Creator. It is suggested we think of a jealous God or a vengeful God or… Man might be made in God’s image but the reverse doesn’t apply.

With those thoughts I should like to offer the use of this symbol for God to be used by anyone without restriction. I know the idea of superimposing an infinite symbol over a heart isn’t original but my drawing is so I can give it away. I actually did it before finding out others had drawn it before me. I’m not surprised. It is fairly obvious when you think about it.

Oh I’ve also used the Infinite Love symbol in two other Love Is The Answer Cards. In It Takes a Universe I was pondering how it takes the Creator a universe to explore His/Her/Its potentials. In Love IS I cut out all the thoughts and got to the heart of the matter.

You can download a folder that contains an eps of the symbol as well as a Photoshop file with the paths in the Path’s palette. Enjoy!’’

https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pyuz6uik1ea6 ... l.zip?dl=0

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Re: A Symbol for God

Post by Sandy »

Hi Welles! :hithere
The symbol is perfect and as a recipient of the Love is the Answer cards I understand how powerfully they can lift your heart. I plan on taking advantage of your offer to download the symbols. I would love to make some cards to pass around our little area of Australia. It is sort of cool to think of how they might very well touch someone's day.
Thank you for sharing your creativity and your love! :kiss: :bana: :sunflower:

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: A Symbol for God

Post by Welles »

As soon as I get a little extra money, Sandy, I'm going to have the Love IS card professionally printed. I'll send you a bunch. It is the most elegant use of that symbol I've done so far except for two glass name plates in the King of Hearts sculpture that looks like this (only is sandblasted on the back of 1/4" glass plate).


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Re: A Symbol for God

Post by Sandy »

Ahhhh! ....very nice, Welles! :D Michael is the King of my heart!... and for some reason my heart swelled or opened or something when I saw your card. :cheers:

Do you have any photos of the King of Hearts sculpture? I would love to see it. :mrgreen:

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Re: A Symbol for God

Post by Welles »


The King of Hearts is a work in progress. Two parts were made over 35 years ago and re-purposed for this sculpture. Other parts are new. I have a page on my forum that documents the process of creation. The first post in the thread describes the subsequent pictures. There are two 'pages' of pics so far and will probably be into the third before the project is complete.

http://www.theoreticsinstitute.org/foru ... -by-Welles

Two weeks ago I had eye surgery. Part of the procedure included injecting a gas bubble in it. That put a delay in my sculptural progress but I've been given non-stop little realizations during the hiatus. I'm convinced they were needed before I could make the next major steps on this project. All of my creative work goes hand-in-hand with spiritual progress and you can't fake it with God. When we really do wish to grow spiritually, outward manifestations are always delayed until the inner growth is realized. I honestly feel grateful to have come as far as I have in this life.

In just a few more days I'll be back to work and there will be some dramatic progress that was nearly accomplished when I had to stop temporarily. Stay tuned!

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Re: A Symbol for God

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning Welles,

I was happy to hear your eye surgery was a success! My Mom had that gas bubble surgery on both her eyes (at diffeent times) and oh my... staying face down made for long days. Bless you!

In reading about the work I was saddened to hear about the break in and the loss. The carved table for the work 'Inquire Within' was stunning... can't imagine how this must have hurt... I mean an artist puts a little piece of themselves, their heart..soul...something into every piece they create and to see something very special...very beautiful tossed so callously aside. Well... I am speechless. Yet, knowing you, (I'm smiling now) I suspect this history and re working will create an even stronger impact. Even should a viewer not know the history...they will feel the history and a part of them will marvel in a strange way and wonder why... Now I want to cry... silly huh? For you...for the lost piece, for the thieves who sadly didn't have a clue but also in joy as I viewed the growth of this powerful new piece whose foundation grows from the "Inquire Within".

"Inquire Within" ...so important as a foundation for all things we mortals experience now and in the realms to come after death... in a funny way... it feels very right... From loss and destruction something very special is reborn :happy

Welles, I've said it before and I will say it again. You are an amazing man and it is truly an honor to know you even if it be from afar. :kiss:
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Re: A Symbol for God

Post by happyrain »

Very cool Welles! Reminds me of the Sufi Symbol.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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