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The Adventure of Being Human II: Mother Spirit Speaks

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:47 pm
by Welles
The Adventure of Being Human II: Mother Spirit Speaks

Transmitted and Edited by Jerry Lane

In my spiritual journey I occasionally receive very strong suggestions directing me toward the best path for my development. They are a bit different and less frequent than the daily nudges that provide the step-by-step guidance I need. Recently I was visited with the notion that I must learn more about the Divine Feminine, Mother Spirit or Third Person of Divinity.

At the start of my response to that urging I had the notion that She was responsible for Mind as well as other spiritual endowments but it the ideas weren’t yet integrated into my conscious reality very well. That requires experience. To begin the quest I resorted to my old tried-and-true techniques: ask for guidance internally and expect to be presented with clues externally.

The person, for She is a person albeit so great as to be unfathomable, to whom I addressed my inquiries was Nebadonia. Her name is effectively synonymous with the Local Universe Nebadon in which we reside according to the cosmology of The Urantia Book. She is in fact the co-creator of our universe and is the Local personalization of the Third Source and Center.

So with a cosmology in place I started requesting assistance to further my goal of learning to get a feel for Her energy signature. How? Simple I stayed focused on Her reality as I walked through the woods and asked internally for understanding and guidance. Almost immediately I started receiving intuitive understanding and was drawn to external sources of information. One of them was Jerry Lane’s wonderful work, The Adventure of Being Human II: Mother Spirit Speaks.

Jerry Lane learned about the T/R phenomena in a Urantia study group back in the 1990’s with Donna D’Ingillo. She provided him with the basic information about how the T/R skill is developed and he took it from there. His second book of T/R messages was exactly what I needed to further my personal quest. For those not familiar with the term, T/R means Transmission/Receiver and a descriptive name for those who are capable of achieving such a clarity of inner stillness so they can receive messages from celestial personalities.

As revealed in The Urantia Book, Mother Spirit is the majestic source of the Holy Spirit and of life itself, and she is the creator of the vast angelic host who minister to us every day of our lives. Jerry’s book provides a selection of her teachings from many years of Mother’s “live” transmission sessions in a humble living room in Mill Valley, California, along with rich supporting materials. These unprecedented instructions on the art of soulful living render the spiritual import of The Urantia Book more accessible than ever before.

I can’t really tell you how important this work has been to me. It is the current rung in the ladder of my own personal spiritual climb. Let me provide a couple of excerpts that I found particularly valuable.

“My adjutant mind-spirits combine with what you know of as the mind functions of your physical brain; they assist you with your personality-to-body connection. At this stage of your existence you are dependent upon your physical brain functions for basic consciousness. Then, whenever you are conscious, I myself— and the Infinite Spirit through me— we are an integral part of all your mental processes, right from the most fundamental of brain functioning.

The primary function of all mind, even from the lowest animals on up, is one of quick association, tying together all the separate elements of your physical being and sensory perceptions into a single perceived reality.”

You see I’ve held the idea for years that mind itself a process of the physical existence being a receiver of spiritual components so that quote reinforced my particular viewpoint with the Universe. Our viewpoints are the conceptual foundations from which our actions are built.

“And so, my children, we can say that your soul is the fullness within the outlines of your memories.”

Wow. Is that evocative!

“We hope feelings of deep humility may give pause to any judgmental feelings you may have for one another, clear across this world of yours. You have that wonderful saying: “Walk a mile in your brother’s shoes before you begin to judge him.” But the more profound humility I am speaking of points up the impossibility of doing even that. This is what we mean when we say you are small walking infinities to each other. The unique personalities you have are creations of God, and this very uniqueness— plus the diverse ways your life conditions affect each of you in this uniqueness— makes you somewhat impenetrable and incomprehensible to each other.”

Those are examples of the truth to be discovered in this book. For me it was a Godsend.

I would like to add just a word about the Appendices written by Byron Belitsos. Byron is an author, publisher and poet who has done this world a great service in helping to document and spread the awareness of both the Urantia Revelations and how they have been extended through personal experience via The Teaching Mission and the Correcting time. You can find a good number of interviews with Byron on YouTube for he is one of the best presenters of the UB perspective I’ve encountered.

Appendix A is the excellent Introduction to the Urantia Book. Appendix B expands upon the general overview of the UB to speak specifically of Mother Spirit and Christ Michael: The Trinity in Time and Space. This provides a bit more cosmic context for Jerry Lane’s work. Appendix C is A Brief History of the Teaching Mission. It will help you understand The Teaching Mission, The Correcting Time and The Magisterial Mission. All of those movements are elements of the Divine plan to restore the spiritual circuits to Urantia and accelerate her people and the planet into a state of Life and Light.

The Adventure of Being Human II: Mother Spirit Speaks: More Lessons on Soulful Living from the Heart of the Urantia Revelation
