Pluto and New Horizons

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Pluto and New Horizons

Post by Sandy »

We've got to include the past weeks most exciting news, hailing from the outskirts of our solar system. Thanks to the Space probe, New Horizon's (and John Hopkins University physics department) stellar as of last Tuesday we have these most intriguing views of tiny Pluto which always was and will forever be the ninth planet in our solar system. ;) :bana: :sunflower: ... est-photos

Just look at that little darling and it's moon, Charon, hanging out there billions of miles away! What a thrill it must be for the student/scientists who put this daring probe together... imagine knowing that something you touched is now billions of miles away in space busily snapping photos and collecting tons of data that will revolutionize the way we view Pluto!
Hats off to everybody who made this possible! :cheers:
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Re: Pluto and New Horizons

Post by Wichigam »

What does it mean to contact him or not?
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Re: Pluto and New Horizons

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Wichigam,
Welcome to the boards!

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Re: Pluto and New Horizons

Post by happyrain »

Sandy, that is amazing.
I don't know how I missed this years ago, and on the day of my birthday no less!


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Re: Pluto and New Horizons

Post by Sandy »

I have been having fun looking up more images of Pluto since you brought this back up again, Eric. It's still very exciting for me. Doesn't it look as if we could reach out and touch Pluto. So hard to fathom how far away this little "fella" is.

Here's a few more photos.... ... pluto-pics ... llery_id=2

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