Captain's Table

A forum to discuss the Urantia Book.
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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Sandy »

I thought that something was wrong with my audio files!
I was certain that some paragraphs were reverse speech.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
If memory serve me, I think we will have some "toughies" in Part 3 as well.
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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Amigoo »

Paper 42 and holding ... :oops:
With little time for reading now, my schedule is gathering dust.
:shock: The second half of November is the beginning of lotsa reading!
Fortunately, the ship has an autopilot (he auto read as planned). :roll:

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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Sandy »

Happy Sunday, Rod, PP and everyone! :sunny:

I may go down to the lake today and read for a wee bit. I found a lovely quiet place there amongst the trees. Surprisingly, the mosquitos have left me alone while I meditate there and only biting me as I leave the woods for home. Very considerate of them, I must say. :D
I am on Paper 49 but have been there for two days now. :lol:
I'm still enjoying the interesting bits and pieces that crop up almost as if I haven't ever read them before and this after nearly two back to back readings from cover to cover and spot readings in between. (Which isn't saying much compared to some peoples decades ofUB study.) Trouble these days is that I forget quite easily so I am hoping somewhere in the dusty storage facilities of my mind the information is still there waiting to be pulled out at need in some future age. :finger: :roll

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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Amigoo »

:( Only 22 Papers behind schedule ...

After hosting a visitor for five days, spending lotsa time on the geometry research,
and now a desktop hard drive crash, I'm only 22 Papers behind schedule. :roll:

:finger: So, determination will have to be the secret to recovery of this lost time.
Fortunately, a rarely used laptop with few applications, no email,
and no internet access was waiting for the baton. :D

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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Sandy »

I'm behind too but determined I will finish on time. :finger: I have decided to do just a little bit of extra reading every day to try to make up the lost ground. Hopefully that will work if it doesn't get any worse. On a happy note I am now in Part 3, a section I love. :sunflower:
Have a good week end, Rod!
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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Amigoo »

I'm behind too but determined I will finish on time.
"You go girl!" But after many weeks of higher priority projects, including a month-long cold, my dingy finally lost its tether to the main ship when I was just confronted with serious Spring cleaning and house maintenance. At this point, speed reading the Urantia Book (re: Papers left to read) would be a questionable challenge. :shock:

Even "port" and "starboard" in this dingy currently function as "bow" and "stern". :salut:
I'm expecting better rowing once I see stars on a clear night :finger:
... if I find my bifocals. :roll:

Rod :stars:
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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Sandy »

Hey Rod,
At this point, speed reading the Urantia Book (re: Papers left to read) would be a questionable challenge. :shock:
I am in a similar dingy just trying to keep the "ship" in site. I am so far behind I do not even think that speed reading will work. :( Well as long as we hit port at some point.... I suppose that is better then not at all... :)
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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Amigoo »


Speaking of "dingy" (my misspelling of "dinghy", but "dingy dinghy" is apropos) ... :roll:

In the description of a new bread recipe (Crushed Fennel Faggots, recipe online), "Isak" is a name meaning laughter - enjoy the "legend"! And it's acceptable to increase the brown sugar when baking the Really Raisin Bread, then slather with butter. :roll

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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Sandy »

Hey Rod,
I was pondering that yummy recipe yesterday when it came in the "mail". Is there anything better then freshly made bread? I'm pretty sure that one will be a "keeper". :D Hmmm... but we must eat it sparely if we are to keep George's blood sugar close to the Doc's desire. :( (not to mention my weight ;) :mrgreen: )
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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Amigoo »


My wife had life-long diabetes complications. Other than excessive weight, the greater problem was always foods that caused sudden rise in blood sugar (processed foods, white flour, soda, candy, sugar, etc.). Whole grains, fresh fruit & vegetables, beneficial oils, some dairy, and limited portions of meat/fish/fowl were always on her shopping list.

Her Type 1 diabetes was kept in good control until she opted for peritoneal dialysis (with heavy glucose intake) when her second transplanted kidney started failing. A greater quantity of insulin was needed to control these blood sugars, but I read later that too much insulin (for months) is equally harmful to the body. Hindsight tells me that her diabetes doctor faded away from her care because he knew about the complications that would occur (her transplant doctors were primary for her care).

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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:

Creation of this file was one of several "higher priority projects" in the final months of 2014. 8)
The Sonrise design (first page) and Cup of Remembrance design (final page)
were other projects; both geometry studies of squared circles. :D

Rod ... :bike: ...
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Re: Captain's Table

Post by Sandy »

Very well done, Rod! I felt awe in viewing" The Cup of Remembrance" design. I found it very moving.

I read a book, last year, "There Is A Cure For Diabetes" by Gabriel Cousens MD that was quite inspiring. Doc Cousens has had great success in reversing the symptoms of diabetes with a program dedicated to a raw vegan diet including lots of fresh sprouts, exercise and stress relief via spiritual meditation. We have made spotty attempts at such a diet but feel we need more information in regards to safe menu planning before pulling it off completely. And, of course, it is hard to give up foods we have grown to love. But moderation and carefully monitoring how much sugar goes into his system at one time definitely helps as does exercise (George is type 2 and so far is taking medication and diet to help control his diabetes but I would love to do that completely with food. Things have changed a bit the last few months and it is a bit of a worry.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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