888 prompt

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888 prompt

Post by happyrain »

:hithere hello.
just wanting to drop in and share one of my recent experiences with the 888 prompt.... have to go soon. first, i don't agree with the meaning of 888 shared here in the FAQ section.
a couple busy days ago, while at work, i had a small window of opportunity in snagging a quick lunch. i went to the nearby subway. cashier told me my total was $8.88.
it has been a while since i've heard anything like that. we both noted it as unique and i held onto the receipt.
the next day i had entered into a funk. mentally/physically. sometimes i get into these and need a means to remotivate myself. i had a customer call me at night and tell me she had a poor experience and needed a cheap truck. fortunate for her we had everything she was looking for. i took her name and number and noted the last three digits of her number ended in 888.
when she got here she told me it felt like someone was looking over her and guiding her to the right place.
later that night near the closing of her purchase decision i went outside to move a vehicle from the lot. as i walked by her car i noted the last digits on her license plate ended in 888.
i went back inside and talked to her. i asked her what she thinks of coincidence. i asked her if she thought it was any coincidence her license plate and phone number both end in 888. i then shared with her how i had been feeling and how working with her had changed my mood. she even told me that i lifted her mood up. after that i showed her the receipt from subway- i didn't know why i was holding onto it. but it really helped that i did. i layed it on the table infront of us and she told me chills rushed up and down her arms. we both felt we knew the meaning of 888 for us after that.

okay i gotta go. busybusy

love :loves
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Sandy »

Hello Eric...
That was a fabulous series of events and one that should rewrite the meaning of the 8s. LOL Yep, truly a great day! I very much enjoyed reading about it. You put me into mind of a very nice young salesman who helped me out tremendously finding just the right car for me after I had just totalled my own and desperately needed one as my husband had just had back surgery. Strangely, every other vehicle in the entire family (kids cars even my mom in law's) was not up to scratch and un reliable. He was a real life saver and I will never forget him... just as this customer will probably never forget you and how you helped her in a rough situation. :D

Have a good week end over there! :hithere
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello you two! Good to hear from you Eric.
8 for me is infinity. I love getting the 8 prompts, usually something cool happens, like with you Eric.
But I don't get it often.
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Raphah »

Recently (in the UK) there have been some TV adverts that show the free phone number 0800 440 2222.

Now straight away there is a triple 8 coming from 0+8+0+0, 4+4+0 and 2+2+2+2.

Is it possible that a midwayer made the guy (who got the advert phone number) focus, unknowingly on 888 or are there real people out there that are in direct communication with higher beings that give them codes that they have to broadcast to the world ?

i see Doreen states 'Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of the 222 and 444.' with her reference to 888, so is it just pure luck that i noticed this phone number that has a pattern in it or is this stating that the UK is going to pass through a major ascension process very soon, as this advert is broadcast nationally ?
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Sandy »

Hi Raphah,
I think one thing to possibly keep in mind with the number prompts is that they are, in reality, an individual thing... between "prompter" and "promptee." A person may recognize something in the prompt number over and over again that jumps out at them... where another might see the number as only a monotonous or repetitious number in a commercial. So what makes a prompt a prompt for one and just another number for somebody else? Is it realizing and accepting the possibility of a wisdom behind the numbers and their repetition, often in incredible synchronicityy?

Collectively humans have great strength when we finally are moved to unite on something, an issue or a cause but in the spiritual domains it begins with the individual and your own progress. So much of the time you are prompted in regards to your own spiritual welfare, your own job, your family.... Your "work" your hobbies, your interests and special causes... though these things could very well be of great benefit to other people and so the individual reaches out to the group in this way. But even if it seems you have nothing of important to share or give of yourself you are still important and you always share something of yourself with others causing ripples all around you in thought, word and deed. The midwayers and angels prompt us initially to encourage us to pursue a more spiritual life. They know that in the process of this most important activity, everything on the outside will change around us as things on the inside come into balance and harmony. And so, unknowingly perhaps, we are doing what is fondly described as "light working." ... and the world changes a little one by one.

But yes, more then one person could be prompted in this way if they have it within themselves to understand the number might mean more. But it would still be received on an individual level I think. For instance, ask yourself what that number is telling you in relation to your life and the message you accept as it's meaning? where as someone else may have a different meaning which the midwayers would understand, yet still simultaneously be able to prompt you and other at the same time.
Hmm now I think I am confusing myself... :lol: not sure that was helpful at all... :scratch:
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by happyrain »

just thought i'd share that the 888 is back. i forgot about this, since i've shared the # with other people. now it's back to remind me of that personal connection.

the other day i saw 888 on the way to yoga, what was unique about it was a falcon caught my eye and swooped behind a car with the license plate ending in 888. that same day on the way back home i saw a separate car with the numbers 888 on its plates.

808, 818 and 888 have been making themselves known.

today on my walk home from the grocery store i looked up and saw a falcon above me(again!). i don't see falcons all the time, i had to do a double take and make sure that's the bird i was seeing. when i looked down, i noticed a car parked in front of me with the license plate reading, "ANGEL 18"


:loves (((SANDY))) thank you for your reply. happy to come back here and read this now.
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Seeker13 »

That's fantastic! You must have been so excited! That's not simply random happenings.

Still wading my way through my book Animal Speak on animal totems. Maybe whatever the species of hawk is your animal totem? It's crazy, but an interesting read. Ever since starting the book, many coincidental happenings have been occurring for me... maybe they've been going on all along but now I'm just more aware of them.

what does seeing 888 represent for you? I'm happy you're receiving these affirmations, what ever they mean for you!

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by happyrain »

just that i might have a friend on the other side. that there are loving forces outside my control.

hey i'd love to know what your book has to say on the falcon! if you're up to share. :lol:
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Seeker13 »

:hithere ,
I was going to! Need more information. Do you know what type of falcon it is? Colors, direction it came from, and direction it when leaving, and how many there were.

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by happyrain »

1 each time.
the first time(tthe 888 plates) it came from right to left and swooped across me at eye level(i was sitting in my car).

this morning(ANGEL 18) i noticed 1 again out of the right side of my eye but it was circling above me.

the colors were white and brown. tried doing some research and, i think i confused myself :scratch: not sure if i saw a hawk or a falcon. it looks like we have both in tx.
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Seeker13 »

Here is a little of information to help identify the bird you saw. Falcons are smaller, crow-sized weighing about two pounds, pointed wing tips. They are faster and dive when going downward. Hawks are larger, glide down, and have rounded wing tips.

With each animal in the book, at the very beginning it has two things listed. For hawks the first is, "KEYNOTE: Visionary Power and Guardianship". The second, " CYCLE OF POWER: Spring and Fall Equinoxes and new Moon(thought this was very interesting!) Most of the information in my book is on the red-tailed hawk. It says, "This powerful bird can awaken visionary power and lead you to your life purpose. It is the messenger bird, and wherever it shows up, pay attention. There is a message coming."

For falcons, KEYNOTE: Mental Speed, Agility and Grace. CYCLE OF POWER: Year-round. Most of the information is on kestrels, which are easily identifiable, and not your bird.

Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
Brown- grounded new growth lack of discrimination
White- purity, sharing, truth scattered, overextended

1- beginnings, originality, leader arrogance, dominance

Direction: (? which direction did it come from, north, south, east or west, and go to)

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by happyrain »

this bird seemed crow size. the first bird moved really fast but the second bird had rounded wing tips. they shared the same colors though.

hmm... thanks a bunch for all the info, i don't know whether north or south but what you've provided gave me a lot to think about. what is important is that the connection felt special, acknowledged something outside myself and, i think that's enough.
guardianship from the hawk and new moon energy feel right(ANGEL 18 with new moon meditation)
agility and mental speed from the falcon feels right too(having to adapt to my role within the company, demonstrating the ability to maintain progress despite past wrong doings and stigmas by creating positive and strong impressions, having dynamic and personable involvement w/ higher ups, clients and marketing as a way to secure a future position with better income).

its a lot actually KNOK
im just going to keep it simple and do my best as a student of love

:loves (((hugs)))
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by peacockplume »

just popping in, since I just posted the meditation,,and thot I'd look before I leave...

I love your 8's Eric,,,I rarely get them...

but I just wanted to mention about that book,,,Animal Speaks,,,great book...in fact it is one of the books that I did not leave in storage. I figured travelling I would be in contact with a lot of different wild life...it's been fun!

have a great day!!

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Sandy »

Just popping in too :hithere

Enjoying the conversation. Animal Speaks sounds like a good book for my personal library. Must look into that. ;)

Eric, being "a student of Love" will lead you where you need to go every time. :kiss:

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by peacockplume »

popping again!!!

wonder if you could find one in Oz that relates to Ozzie animals, birds, reptiles etc
and with the aboriginal perspective???

kangaroo and koala are not in the American Indian interpretations,,,,I pulled the book out to check.....nada!!!

so theres a search for ya Sandy!!

:love pp
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Sandy »

Thanks PP, I hadn't even thought of that! Surely there is something of that sort for this continent. Will look into it. I would really love the Aboriginal perspective too. :sunflower:

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by peacockplume »

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Sandy »

Hey, :hithere

PP, I took your suggestion and started researching Australian Aboriginal Animal totems. Surprisingly there is much information on line. I have just started but here are a few urls to get us started. :)

https://thriveonnews.com/tag/australian ... -meanings/
https://www.recreatingthecountry.com.au ... your-totem

Here's one that keeps coming up...
http://www.lighthouseresources.com.au/b ... ng-totems/
https://www.envirostories.com.au/201401 ... al-totems/

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by peacockplume »

:hithere Sandy,,

Good Job!!! I found the links very interesting..and I learned something too...
You know of my 'connection" with rocks..lol
as long as I can remember I have always, had my eyes on the ground,,,and bringing home a stone ..or two...
but I don't remember when I actually started to 'see' what I called rock spirit...
it seems whenever I'm around large rock formations (sometimes even mtns) and I look at it,,,I see a face.

I went back to my hometown for a reunion one year and my relatives took me out to a place called Rushing River.
walking from the parking lot into the park there were huge boulders and I could see many faces (energies) in different places.
I took quite a few pictures,,,but not many peple I showed them to could see what I saw.

When we lived on the property and had a small lake dug,,,it was lined with rock...I spent many hrs taking pictures there.

The last time was driving back to Canada along the west coast,,,we were in Oregon (I think) a wild coastline for sure,,and there was a rock grouping in the water that I had to take pictures of....one was the shape of a head,,,a lady who seemed to be mourning. After we got home I actually got out my art book and drew the pic....Allan said I did the drawing really good,,that it looks like the pic....and yes you can see the rock spirit.

thanks for the links,,,afterall,,whose to say we can't be visited in dreamtime, by any totem,,,doesn't have to be just where you live...
loves,,pp :kiss: :kiss:
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Sandy »

Morning PP,
I just got carried away by one of those URLs and a whole hour disappeared. Lots of great information to go back too and I will. :mrgreen:
I love to hear about your connections to stone and the rock spirits. That is just so cool.
I'm much like a bower bird. bits and pieces of nature, be it stone, feather or plant base attract my attention and I bring them home to sit hither thither around the place. It makes sense to reach out and learn more... so that's my plan now.

A Magpie just showed up so I'm off to interconnect with a feathered companion. :sunflower:


George just got up too... :hithere
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Seeker13 »

My Peeps!
That's what I feel like reading your posts and links! Think I bought my totem book for Aleah, never intended on reading it myself, so intriguing. It wasn't until our trek to Sedona that I realized that nature was so alive! Only things I bought there were stones as gifts, and a book on the faces of nature. I've seen faces in things forever, but experiences were so crazy there, it's like something was awakened in me(that's why I talked about it all the time!) Now every time I visit a national landmark, and have 'woo woo' things happen to me, I find out it was originally a sacred Native American site.

Sandy when I began reading the section on birds I thought, "Well, Sandy should look into this!" NOt that they're related, but birds finally started coming to my birdfeeder, I was so excited! Well, happy totem hunting!

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by peacockplume »

Ooops,,I thought we were on the Secret thread... :roll:

stil no 8's,,,but the other day I went on a little trip taking someone to the airport in Las Vegas...

we made a stop at Costco on the way back, and as we were leaving we saw a ph # on a billboard,,I think,, that was just full of 7's.

will save the rest of my chatting for the coffee house n the secret thread....

xoxoxo pp
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by happyrain »

hey mrs plume, i like your new avatar. please feel free to chat away in this thread, i created it and like the homely feeling you ladies provide as i catch up on the small talk.

i admire the connection and the appreciation shared towards nature.

sandy, i too peaked into those links. the nankeen kestrel looks like a beautiful bird, i've never been to australia but my family has.

tonight i got another prompt. not 888 but another license plate prompt with the word angel. this time it said, "ANG3L 5" a calming effect happened afterwards.
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Re: 888 prompt

Post by peacockplume »

Thanks Eric :sunny:

Don't forget to join our chatty on the secret thread too...

My friend and I have a lot of laughs with prompts here, as her phone somehow gets stuck on pst, when, where we are is mst...
so we go through a lot of 10:10 and I'll text back to her,,no it's 11:11, or she'll send a 1:11 and I'll send back a 2:22,,
she's not much into the celestials,,yet....I feed a bit, now and then.

my to do list is has a job on it....resizing images....I used to be able to do it,,so I'm learning again...
then I'll retire mr plume,,,,again....I had an eagle one for awhile too that I liked...will put it up soon. It will give me some practise.

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Re: 888 prompt

Post by Sandy »

Morning guys, :hithere
It's just after 3:00 am here. I couldn't sleep. My mind became wrapped around worries that I somehow refuse to give to the celestials. And then, some stranger pulled into our back yard with a van camper at 2:00am. :shock: LOL I walked outside in my mickey mouse jammies thinking of being all big and bad but then the light went out and I figured somebody just wants a safe place to sleep soooo here I am with a stranger camped in our back yard and me typing by the light of a Led lantern so as not to wake up George. ai yi yi

PP, I too love your Mrs. Plume avi. I was wondering if it is a photo of one of your own peacocks? Just before I arrived here, many years ago, the people next door had peacocks...white ones I believe George said they were. I was sorry to have missed them. As you all well know I do love birds.
Kim, I am so pleased you finally got some birds to your feeder. Now, of course, they will eat you out of house and home and peck on your window to get your attention. But it's all good. :thumright:

Eric, I agree. The nankeen kestrel is a very beautiful bird. I think you must come for a visit and see for yourself, eh? Not in summer though...too hot! :) In fact, all of you should come. :bana: Maybe, who knows, a miracle will happen and we will have a house to put you in. LOL Otherwise you all may be camping with the other squatters. :lol: :kiss:

I've been getting lots of prompts this week. A call for healing I think. So much healing needs in the world and my own family. It can be a bit overwhelming I think when you hang onto the problems and their symptoms. (worry fear, anger, hopelessness, sadness etc... the list can go on and on) I feel a need for the "River of Love". :happy

Well enough out of me. Enjoy your Superbowl Sunday. :hithere
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