New, trying to understand and seeking guidance.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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New, trying to understand and seeking guidance.

Post by Panda »

For the last few weeks, I would say that many of my thoughts have taken concrete form and have manifested themselves into my reality. Along with this I have simultaneously been seeing 11:11 for te last few weeks.

Yesterday seemed like a significant jolt in the appearance of 11. Everywhere. The one that has held strongest in my brain is it's presence on a cd player. Last week I was cleaning a room and turned on a cd. I notices the cd had stopped in the middle without explanation but was too busy to take much notice. I did not turn the cd player off and forgot about it for a few days. Last night I sat down and saw 11.

I then went out to the gym and ordered food after. Thinking to myself I was not going to eat the entire sandwich, I et into my car and the sandwich flips over, feeling almost like a force pushed it out of my hands.

Last night I was getting overwhelmed by the 11:11 happening and decided I was going to purposefully stay awake and make it past the 11:11 without it appearing. As I did this I look at my Facebook page and two notifications back to back are 12:12 and 11:11.

So, I go to sleep. Very tired and in a deep sleep, I wake up a few times throughout the night but immediately fell back to sleep. Then I awake to a feeling of a presence near me. I look at te clock and it reads 3:33. I admit, I got a bit frightened but laid there, knowing t was a good presence until I fell back to sleep. As I entered the sleep/ trance state I swear I heard a voice but it was speaking entirely too fast to decipher. I also believe I heard children laughing.

I am not sure what is happening or what I should do. I came across this forum just the other day and have done quite a bit of reading. I would really appreciate any advice you can offer.
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Re: New, trying to understand and seeking guidance.

Post by happyrain »

hi panda ! ::]
i like your name :mrgreen:
hey welocme btw
i felt good reading your post, even if you might not fully understand- i think you have a strong handle on things.
i appreciate the clarity in your words and your attention to detail. i think it's beautiful too you'd been proven wrong, trying NOT to see 11:11 and then, something outside your control acknowledges your inner experience
it's almost like the universe(or whatever one might call this... force) is saying- i here you, and gives a funny little response in return. :lol:
personal yet all encompassing
maybe... :study:
yeah its scary sometimes having these encounters. but they're so unique that it's kinda fun too, i wish i was brave enough to take it a step further. but i don't think that matters now. just breathing through the experience and absorbing, that's what matters. it's easy to scare yourself in the dark, i wonder if it's a similar situation when you're in that deep and dreamy state. hmm
i don't know, but it's beautiful- i heard laughter once too. if i had to offer you advice it would be, listen to your heart and watch for signs.
then- you decide, what's best for you ?
nourish what you believe in with love and try to mentally prepare yourself before going to sleep. remind yourself if you have another encounter with a presence, to breath and listen. you're going to get more answers there than here
but i would love it if you could share with me what you discover ! you have a beautiful gift
and a message from the Beloved is always appreciated : )
it's nice to meet you
i hope you enjoy your stay and are living freely and happily
for your peace
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: New, trying to understand and seeking guidance.

Post by Sandy »

Hi Panda,
I kept nodding my head as I read your post. Many of us have experienced something just like what you describe in your post or at least very similar. It feels strange at first, when things occur outside our comfort zone. Yet, with a gentle grasp of the loving meanings behind these experiences, they don't seem frightening or even strange at all any more.

The "voices" often seem to happen at that time when we are just falling asleep or just waking up. You are in an ideal “mindal” place to hear conversation from these realms. Sometimes these voices are directed at you, sometimes you are allowed in fact to eavesdrop on other celestial beings. I can remember some years ago as I was waking up from a sound sleep, I hearing a conversation between two beings. They were discussing spiritual progress and in the course of the conversation mentioned something that was important for the person that they named to know. I felt a strong need to remember what was I wrote it down.. The following week in one of George's posts he addressed a person we all knew and loved on the board accidentally by her real name. It was this most unusual name from the celestial conversation I had overheard. I must say I thought about it another whole week before deciding to explain what had happened to me and give her the message in a pm as I suspected it was for her and do you know, it was exactly what she needed to hear. So sometimes we can be the mouth, hands and feet of our "angelic cousins."
Some of us have the ability to be little sensors and we can pick up these conversations when we are tuned in. It is usually a good thing whether it makes sense to us what we hear or not.
I think too, sometimes it is possible for us to pick up on human conversations as well. We are learning more and more about how our thoughts vibrate and can even travel from one side of the world to another. it has been proven to me on a personal level with my own friends who often know how I am feeling before i even recognize it despite being thousands of miles away.

As far as what you should do. Well, in a way that is all up to you, as the universe stretches out before you in a zillion directions with anyone of them leading you on a unique learning adventure. But I would recommend taking your time, there is no rush to do anything. When you are comfortable and secure in knowing what you want or where you wish to search, You might consider some type of daily meditation if you are not already doing it. The answers that are specifically meant for you will come to you, in meditation, through books, websites, people in your life and even by celestial voices from within at times. It's all good.
In the meantime, I hope you will hang out with us and share your thoughts and experiences.
It's nice to have you on the board. Welcome Panda!
P.S. here are a few URLs that might help you in your search...
11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

11:11 - more questions about number sequences
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: New, trying to understand and seeking guidance.

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Panda welcome! :)

Hope you get a lot of value from the information here and keep seeing the numbers, nice to meet you!

Jack :pig:
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Re: New, trying to understand and seeking guidance.

Post by fmspirit39 »

Hi Panda,

With your honesty and openess, you will surely get what you want. When I read your post, I just kept hearing "understanding (wisdom) comes from patience and quietude. Guidance comes from humility and amenability." May you find all that you seek.
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