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Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:30 pm
by Krystalshard
Today I woke during a strange dream where I was with someone, and they had a smear of many pictures of my late husband Bob. These were actual pictures I can recall are in my photo albums, and she was marking them with an X on his face. All but one, and she cut him out of it and handed it to me. I was a bit melancholy as I came awake, and as I usually do as soon as I am conscious, started to pray. This time, since I felt so low, I asked my day be better than this crummy start. I tried to get with it and be grateful and such, but I was in a funk. (Not to mention, I've been under such pressure lately at work, I couldn't bear to think of having to go there.)
So why post under this topic?: I have had multiple prompts ALL DAY! 11:11, 1:11, 1111 on addresses, on phone numbers, on signs. I AM so grateful, and I AM happy... I DO have a wonderful life, and things CAN change for me.
I realize, dreams can be symbolic, and I know I am moving on in my life. But as my brain works through this, I know I am progressing. Never knew "widow-ing" would be like this. Had no idea what to expect... how deep it would go, how long it would take.
Thank God I have my personal Advocates always near me, and to have a place like this to share these intimate thoughts. Thank you for listening.

Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:32 pm
by jack6251
Hi Jean :hithere

That sounds like a really powerful dream you had there (this is attempt 2 to post, my stupid computer butted in earlier doing an auto update and restart so I lost what I'd typed lol immaculate timing). I'm not much of a dream interpreter but I'm sure someone will help you out with it. I can relate to your waking state after it, I used to be with a girl in my early 20's, we split but over the years I've dreamed about her. For the first few minutes of waking I'd feel I was still with her...then I'd remember my reality that I'm not and that could screw my day up :roll: .

I'm sorry for your loss too there Jean with your husband, I think your dream should be pursued for the deeper meaning, I feel certain there's some value in it for you due to it being so powerful with its content.

Do you attribute any meaning to it yourself?

All the best Jean!

Jack :sunny: :pig:

Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:45 am
by Shredder
Hi :hithere
jack6251 wrote:I'm not much of a dream interpreter but I'm sure someone will help you out with it.
Me niether but I'll have a go ;)

I empathise with you Jean ( I hope I may call you that ;) . My partner of almost 20 years passed on last November and although at times I'm melancoly over her not pysically being around
I'm happy that she is right with the universe.

As for your dream my take would be that perhaps this "someone" is suggesting to you that you are cluttering up your mind with toooo many memories or afraid of loosing some ? which may be afecting your progress at dealing with your loss ? A possible way of looking at it may be that the "person" in your dreams is telling you that its ok and natural that some memories will fade but there is one most important thing to remember and learn from, which is love, perhaps
represented by that one photo ?

Just some ideas anyway, Again I truly empathise with you and it sounds like you are coping wonderfully 8)



Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 4:36 am
by Sandy

I too have awoken just after having a disturbing dream reminding me of a loss of sorts. They have left me starting the day as you aptly described it, "in a funk. " Your post helps me to remember that help in Huge ways as in your prayer and in small friendly ways with "our friends" prompts is always available for us. Thank you dear lady for sharing and even perhaps without realizing it, adding a little bit of wisdom to our days.
You are very much loved. :kiss:

Shredder and Jack you guys may not consider yourself dream interpretters but I was much inpressed whith what you both wrote. Very inspired I think... Love you brilliant musicians too. :love
XX Sandy

Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 11:52 am
by sammy
Wow Shredder...what a marvelous thought...I was thinking something along that brain didn't get quite to the love part. My thought was he should be remembered by the way he was represented in that one photo. I think you might have nailed it Shredder.

Hugs to you Jean...BIG LOVE FILLED HUGS!


Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:10 pm
by Shredder
sammy wrote:My thought was he should be remembered by the way he was represented in that one photo
Thank you Sammy, I rambled so quickly I feel I didn't get that across right.

Although some memories will fade (representitive of the crosses and fuzzyness ) that one particular photo may represent the lessons in love that you learned with your husband and that is the thing to really hold on to and grow from :)



Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 2:30 pm
by Krystalshard
Thanks you guys, I know I don't have to thank you for Love, but thank you for Love! I hadn't a clue on how to distance my self from the feeling and visual in my mind, enough to analyze... Thanks Shredder. Your thoughts really helped...
...suggesting to you that you are cluttering up your mind...afraid of loosing some.

that its ok and natural that some memories will fade but there is one most important thing to remember and learn from, which is love, perhaps represented by that one photo
And Sammy:
that one particular photo may represent the lessons in love that you learned with your husband and that is the thing to really hold on to and grow from
These ideas really helped. (((((((Shredder,Jack6251,Sandy,Sammy)))))) GROUP HUG!!
This weekend was really needed, a break from the grind! Self indulgent even... but what are weekends for if not for renewing one's body, mind and spirit?
And oh, ((((Celestial Friends)))) !


Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:47 pm
I too have had dreams and start to the day that may not be what I want for the full day. Your prayer of GOD please make my day GREAT REGARDLESS OF ITS START is just what I needed to hear so that it doesn't happen to me.

Good job serving the DIVINE COMMUNITY by sharing this post!

Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:11 am
by happyrain
it IS nice when they pick you up :loves i paused my music to grab a drink
i'm visiting the parents today, mom has a friend over
we made small talk, she was talking about her A.C. being broken, but told me it was going to be ok. and as i walked away i just remember repeating, it's going to be ok. something felt special about this- i know it's so simple, but when i looked at my music, i didn't even realize i paused the song at 4:44. this just made me smile :lol: heheh. perfect timing. such turbulent times :lol: :loves :D

look im goin through the rapids ! *sorry funny commercial :mrgreen:

Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:26 am
by happyrain
hmm. . oddly enough, another synchronicity tonight. through commercials. again at the parents. mom made some broccoli dish. i asked her, is this mac n cheese in the broccoli ? (dad had the tv running in the background) immediately almost instantaneously after the question, some kid says(from the tele) "MAC N CHEESE" O_O ! the heck

:lol: it was a really bad kfc commercial
it makes mom chuckle though :P well

neat.... :?: :shock:

Re: Prompts to pick you up

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:27 am
by Sandy
it's going to be ok.
It sounds like a good positive affirmation for many of us these days, Eric. :)
I could go for some of that macaroni and cheese. Yum! :mrgreen: ...Just had some broccoli for breakfast of all things. I really love the stuff but George can't have much of it with the medication he is taking. I like hearing about your family E. You guys sound close. That's nice! :)