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Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:43 pm
by w1gman
Hello everyone!

I have come to realize that what I thought was just me day dreaming throughout my life "don’t get me wrong sometimes it was" wasnt just that all the time. when the prompts started and I found this wonderful place which helped me understand some of what was going on which I knew was not coincidence so I started in with some stillness meditation and it helped push things along and that which I thought was just day dreaming or zoning out some might call it was another way I raised my conscientiousness to communicate with my guides unknown to me till now.because when you zone out your eyes are open and most of what you see and hear is directly from your mind not your eyes or your ears at that time and apparently thats how I communicate with my guides more often than just have to be carefull when you choose to do this while driving is not recommended trust me. :lol: anyone else experience communication this way? I know we all have our own ways just asking because it was just something I didnt realize I was doing for such a long time it just didnt click till now.

peace and love

Re: realization

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:55 am
by sammy
Hi Paul! :hithere

I do have something similar that happens...Sometimes I walk slowly around my yard...looking at different plants and such...and definitely space out. More often than not, I find myself standing in a certain spot in my yard where I always seem drawn to and it's when I am zoned out in this spot that I have lots of ah-ha moments. SO...I'd say you are certainly on to something there!


Re: realization

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:22 pm
by Sandy
Hi Paul,
You and Sammy are in good company. George talks of being in the alpha. He goes about his day, working, speaking, answering emails while in the zone and gets much help and impute from our celestial friends in this way.

Re: realization

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:28 am
by JonahBC
Now this is something that finally makes sense to me.. :hithere


Re: realization

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:33 pm
by w1gman
Its great to hear from you all and im glad to hear that some of your experience's are similiar.

peace and love

Re: realization

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:35 am
by LurkerAbyss
Hey Paul and all,

I experience my own version of this as well, definitely have the best time spent and productive work done "in the zone".

Also makes me look back to the hours I used to spend as a kid in what was basically a waking dream world that I had created and visited for years, and I wonder now if there was some sort of spiritual implication.


Re: realization

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:34 am
by jfarris
Hi everyone :hithere

Not to Hi-Jack, but I remember having an 'imaginary ' friend as a small child whose name was KYZ. At least that is what I named him. Later in life after finding this board and all, I became aware of Btuzu's handle of ABC-22, and Dr. Mendoza's (MNO-8?). Then :idea: I realized that it was likely that there was midwayer with XYZ for a designation :shock:

So then I thought that maybe had it wrong and the name was actually XYZ, since the K and X look very similar to a 3 year old.

If there is such a celestial, i surmise that he might have in close proximity with me at that young age. Just the possibility of which makes me feel :arrow: :mrgreen:


Re: realization

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:51 am
by sammy
XYZ! That's cool! Do you remember what he/she looked like?
(And nice to see you again Jody!)


Re: realization

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:56 am
by jfarris
Never actually saw him. At least not that I can recall. But apparently we played or hung out together regularly. So much so that my Mother asked me one day what his(?) name was and I just blurted out "KYZ!"

Oh and thanks :kiss: . It is truly wonderful to be a part of this group. :loves


Re: realization

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:26 am
by LurkerAbyss
I love that Jody. :)

Being as love is the only true "reality" that exists in our Universe, children are much more predisposed to behold and perceive it and I think this is why any divine source or celestial beings are much more easily able to work with young children. Children are still more "in tune" with that reality of love, well until they get older and are taught that education, money, sorrow, and fear are real too. Then they begin their life of illusion and it takes much more effort for the connection to be established.

Of course, have you thought that your old friend, if it is a celestial as we suspect, may still have been with you this whole time and waiting for you to talk and play again one day? :sunflower:


Re: realization

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:17 pm
by Sandy
Hi Jody,
It could have been a Cherubim too. Most if not all children have cherubim assigned to them. George remembers playing with his...digging holes and such. :)

Re: realization

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:28 pm
by Zachary

Thanks for the post. I recently realized the same thing too once i started my stillness. And its good to hear someone else with similar experiences. All day at work i constantly 'zone' and when i stop this zone i always get a much more clear in depth lesson learned about life. Its funny too because i could be looking at something with small meaning and somehow learn life lessons. Im at the point where im trying to figure out my celestial teachers names because they are also unknown to me. I know exactly what your saying and it sounds like we are on the same page. Im glad to have read your post.

Much LOVE,