My 11:11

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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My 11:11

Post by murlin99 »

I am so glad I found this board because this 11:11 phenomenon has had me pondering deeply about many things lately and at some points driving me crazy. I have mentioned it to my wife and her reply was "Someone must be trying to tell you something."

This started for me about 6 months ago. I was laying in bed getting ready to go to sleep and looked over at the clock. Of course it read 11:11, but that is not all. As soon as I saw that 11:11 on the clock a though slipped into my mind and it went something like this "11:11 is an important number." I thought about it for a second and questioned why 11:11 is an important number. The reply that came from my mind was "11:11 is an important number, among other things use this number in your dreams to realize you are in a dream." I thought again why is that so important I do not dream all that often. The last thought was "It just is, remember it." then i fell asleep. I did not really hear any other voice, this was just me having a conversation with my thoughts.

Ever since then I tend to always look at the clock when it is 11:11 or 1:11, not that I sit there and wait for that time I will just glance at the clock, weather its in my car, on my tv, microwave, phone, my computer at work or wherever else. I cant say that I look at it every time that it is 11:11 but much more frequently than other times. Also since that first night I have been dreaming quite frequently. Mostly about family stuff, no bad dreams, some funny ones some normal boring ones but they all have at least one member of my family in them weather it is my wife, or daughter or one of my sons. I have ran all of the possible combinations of 1111 through my mind, binary math, BCD math, general math and can not find anything related to anything math wise about this phenomenon.

Though my mind tends to work generally on logic I tend to be very empathetic , and I do believe in higher powers, just not structured religion I have been that way my whole life. My whole life I have gone out of my way to keep the peace between parties, weather it is family , work or even people I don't know in public. It puts a lot of weight on your shoulders no doubt, so after reading some of the things here I wonder if this may heighten my awareness to phenomenon such as this. As young as 8 years old I remember being able realize that I was dreaming when I was and take control of that situation. When I was around 14 years old I had a bad run with what my research has called a real "live" evil spirit that would constantly do things to try to kill me while laughing the whole time. This was not a one time even this went on for weeks to the point where I did not sleep at all for 4 days. The dream scape for all of this was my house most of them were in my bedroom. Though as I mentioned before I am not a fan of structured religion I distinctly remember one of these dreams where the spirit had me pinned down to the bed with his knees in my back pulling back in my head I assume trying to break my back or neck. I could not scream or even talk for that matter because my head was pulled back so far, so as a last resort I prayed. I looked over towards the wall after the desperate prayer for help and Jesus was standing there all of a sudden. I thought finally, someone here to help me please help me. The spirit looked over in the same direction and said "Too late, he can't help you now." In one movement of the spirit's hand Jesus was now just a picture on the wall but real blood was dripping from where his heart would have been down the picture and onto my wall. I woke up right after that and that is the point where I ended up not sleeping for 4 days, only catching very short naps in the middle of the day. When I did finally go to bed out of pure exhaustion I have never had those dreams since then. I just wonder if by chance these events are related with my new awareness of the numbers 11:11.

None of this is fake, it is all true and very real to my heart.

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Re: My 11:11

Post by sammy »

Hello Bryan, and Welcome :hithere

Geoff can probably answer this better than I can...but here are my 2 cents -

I used to suffer from dreams somewhat similar to what you've described, but for me, when I called to Jesus for assistance the horror ended. Unfortunately it took a pretty severe "dream" for me to realize I could call on Jesus for help. Personally, I don't not believe these events/"dreams" are directly related to the 1111 phenomenon, but I do believe both are an aspect of an ability to be "contacted". I think all humans are able to be contacted to some degree...some "get it" easier than others, just as some folks understand math easier than others.

The 1111 phenomenon is utilized by celestial beings that desire to be of assistance in creating a happier, healthier world - always associated with love, and never associated with evil.

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Re: My 11:11

Post by Geoff »

Dear Bryan,


Yes there are low level entities, but they cannot escape being "controlled" by more advanced beings, and so any request for help, is certain to bring relief. None of the 11:11 are in any way involved in the sort of stuff you describe. Those would be ex-mortals. Not celestials.

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Re: My 11:11

Post by Sandy »

Hello Bryan,
It is good to meet another peace maker! :) I enjoyed reading your first post and I agree with both Sammy and Geoff's asessment that the celestial providing you the 11:11 number prompt are not involved in the terrifying 4 day ordeal that you described. They always reflect the Love of the Universe Source and would never purposely scare or injure any of us.
Here are a few URLs that may help you in your search for answers regarding the prompts.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

What Are Midwayers?

Welcome to the board. :hithere
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Re: My 11:11

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hey there Bryan. :) I am very pleased you have found us.

I found your post very easy to relate to and I felt compelled to respond because I am excited and supportive for what seems to be the humble beginnings of your own unique, very personal journey. Oh and by the way, just wanted to note that the time of your post is "1:11" for me and I also looked up to see it was 1:11 my time when clicking it to respond. Not to mention looking up just now to see "1:23" as well as "5:11" on my mis-set table clock.

I tend to have a problem staying brief when I get going with these replies so bear with me. I guess I'll just begin by drawing some of the lines between you and I, and please know that I am not trying to make this about me but that I only hope my own thoughts and experiences may be useful or helpful to you in some way.

I like to consider myself a very logical person as well, and I can tell you that some people out there have a very confused or limited idea of what exactly is "logical" especially when it comes to matters of spirit and the "beyond". When I was in grade 10 about 6 years ago, I began to see and discover 11:11, and this was also the time that I started to learn and open up to religions outside of Christianity. Since then, I have become almost entirely non-religious but ever so deeply spiritual and I think that a lot of folks who get into the "11:11 thing" find themselves on a similar path; realizing that finding the "way" is not about blindly following books, teachers and groups, but about following your very own heart. Unfortunately, there are some folks who are stubborn or senile enough that they write off things like structured religion and ancient beliefs as rubbish. In my own experience, I've found that stepping away and taking my own very personal road has actually allowed me the insight and the wisdom to better understand and actually reconcile all these religions and beliefs in my mind and heart. The very reason that I have been so fortunate to understand this much is because, like you,
Though my mind tends to work generally on logic I tend to be very empathetic
A lot of people think logic means being super skeptical and believing in nothing unless you can see it or it can be "proven" true or real. In essence, they believe that "faith" and "logic" are opposites and contradict each other, but this couldn't be more wrong. At the end of the day, faith and logic cannot exist without one another because there is not a single thing in this universe that can be "proven" true or real. It can only be PERCEIVED to be real. Therefore.. we logically must have faith that there is even reality, so don't let anybody fool you into thinking that faith or believing in higher powers is "illogical" because faith is the only way that "logic" can even exist. I was going somewhere with this.. oh yeah, empathy/love.

So how does one retain sanity or make some sort of sense out of an existence that can't actually ever be proven to be real? Well, faith and logic have led me to one very simple thing that I have chosen to root my entire being in; the one ONLY thing in this universe that "seems" to be real. Love. Love, and I mean that in the greatest and widest possible sense of love that can possibly be understood. The way that I approach life, people, information, faith, and logic, is just to seek the way with the most love in it, because it is the only thing that makes the most logical sense in this world. If you truly stop to look and learn, you will realize that Love is in everything. Even though in our universe there LOGICALLY must be a polar opposite for everything (i.e. up/down, hot/cold, male/female, love/fear, truth/illusion), the reason for this is that we as mortals can't possibly understand the universe any other way. By puny human logic, in order for light to exist, there *MUST* be darkness. In order for anything to be real, there *MUST* be what isn't real. A primitive question that some humans still ask is "if the Creator is all about light and Love, then why would He or She even bother creating fear and darkness?". In order for a universe where Love is the only ONE thing that is actually real and eternal, there *MUST* be a universe where Love appears to have an opposite.

I could carry on and on but I think I have said enough for the time being. I'm sorry I couldn't touch on your dream and help you out with that at the moment, I'm just running out of time and and energy but I'd be more than happy to share my thoughts on it real soon, either here or by PM. I try not to be TOO too lengthy or wordy with my posts but if there's anything that didn't quite make sense then I have no problem with restating it in a shorter, simpler way.

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Re: My 11:11

Post by sammy »

Lucky wrote:
Love. Love, and I mean that in the greatest and widest possible sense of love that can possibly be understood. The way that I approach life, people, information, faith, and logic, is just to seek the way with the most love in it
I just wanted to thank you for the reminder. Think it might be time to change my "signature"!

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Re: My 11:11

Post by LurkerAbyss »


The truth is, your pointing out my reminder to you is also a reminder to myself! I think we all need that from time to time, especially because the hardest advice to follow is often our own.

And as far as seeking the way with the most love in it.. I don't know about you, but my little mortal mind can't understand how it could possibly be wrong or NOT make sense.

Love you girl

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Re: My 11:11

Post by murlin99 »

You know there is a story behind my why my post time is 1:11, I did not sit and wait for 1:11 to show up. As you can see I signed up at 12:30. The first time I tried to submit this post it failed, browser issue not website issue. The second time I was interrupted by something at work and had to fix a few things before I got back to actually submitting the post. Very intriguing, now there is no question in my mind that there is more going on here than coincidence.

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Re: Love

Post by 555 »

Love is the most beautiful thing in the whole world.


When you run away from God, just realize that God runs right there with you.
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Re: My 11:11

Post by Sandy »

Hi Bryan,
It always fascinates me at the way these prompts are arranged. Sometimes you wonder, "How in the world did they do that?" :D I was just reading Lee's post before coming here and he too was describing some interesting things that occurred to create the "perfect prompt" not even once but twice in the same type way. 8) Amazing friends we have.
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Re: My 11:11

Post by Sandy »

Dear Lucky...just wanted you to know I enjoyed you post. Sometimes one just can't be brief and get the point across, eh? :) (I know I sound like I am making excuses for myself :lol: ) But I must say every word you posted rang volumes. Thank you, my friend. You've given me some good things to meditate on... :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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