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White Feathers

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:45 am
by mandi2712
My grandmother passed away 3 weeks ago and today i found a white feather while cleaning her appartment. after i returned home to do my own cleaning and found another white feather in my living room. what does this mean?

Re: White Feathers

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:09 pm
by Geoff
Dear Mandi,

Sorry about your loss of your grandmother.

Welcome. White feathers, and also pennies, found in crazy places are very clear signs "from above". I dont know that it is your grandmother herself doing this, but I certainly would take it that she is saying hello.


Re: White Feathers

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:40 am
by Sandy
Hello White Feather,
I too am sorry that you have lost your grandmother. It isn't uncommon to hear of feather showing up at these times and other times too when we need a lift of our heart. For me a feather or even a stray penny symbolizes Love in all its array of manifesting... So when I receive such a gift I think of love and from what quarters it may be hailing from...Angel messengers, human friends..even my bird friends.( Long story there. :) ) Where ever it comes from it always seems to give me a boost of spirit.

Welcome to the message board. :hithere

Here are a couple URLs where there have been recent discussions of feathers...

Re: White Feathers

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:55 pm
by LurkerAbyss
Hey there Mandi

I am sad to hear about your loss and I want to first send you my thoughts and prayers.

I have never had to experience such a loss just yet in my life, but I have also received "signs" such as feathers and what I have to say is

Sandy wrote:when I receive such a gift I think of love and from what quarters it may be hailing from...Angel messengers, human friends..even my bird friends.( Long story there. :) ) Where ever it comes from it always seems to give me a boost of spirit.
^this. :)

Bless you and bless your grandmother's soul.

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:


Re: White Feathers

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:22 pm
by white_feather
Hi everybody.
I am new here but felt I wanted to share my experience of white feathers with you and how much they ment to me! I spent 3 weeks in hospital in 2010- 12 days in intensive care with a lung that refused to reinflate! excruiciatingly painful experience and i was affected badly by the whole experience terrified that it would happen again as is so often the case. When i got out i was told to take short walks each day in order to build up the strength of my lung. I used to walk around the same patch of my garden each day. I asked my angles to give me strength as i was very afraid. I tell you there must have been a few doves living in my trees as every day i went for my walk there was a trail of white feathers tracking my exact route. I mean every day the feathers were there. It gave me stength when i needed it. 5 months later i moved house- unsure if it was the right decision- again in my front garden I would find roughly 10-15 white feathers a day, I still felt lonely for my old house and community! I am now well settled here , don't find feathers in the garden any more but if I'm feeling lonely i will often find a feather in my path- I think it's a reminder that no matter how alone you are feeling or how weak you are feeling there is alway someone there looking after you and helping you along. For the O.P. take solice in the fact that your angles are telling you they are there if you need them and you are not alone. x

Re: White Feathers

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:14 am
by Sandy
Dear White Feather,
Welcome to the message board!
I thank you for that beautiful post on this "lonely morning. It is very much appreciated. :D I hope that your lung is now strong with little to no danger of collapsing again. :finger:

Re: White Feathers

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:40 pm
by overmind
How big are the feathers that people find? I found a small white feather today, but I it might be stuffing from a pillow.

Re: White Feathers

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:51 pm
by sammy
I've found 2 since Dad passed...both were on the small side.


Re: White Feathers

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:46 am
by Sandy
Mine are probably anywhere from small to medium, Overmind.
XX Sandy

Re: White Feathers

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:26 pm
by sammy
Personally, I've never felt that size matters. :lol: :mrgreen: (Sorry, couldn't help myself :oops: )


Re: White Feathers

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:15 am
by overmind
Looks like I may have gotten another form of contact, the coffee machine turned on by itself. My sister commented that we must have a ghost in the house. :lol:

Re: White Feathers

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:46 am
by Sandy
Hey Overmind,
I had a battery operated tape recorder turn on by itself in the middle of the night once. I woke up and heard a man's voice speaking. Thinking it was the TV I walked in and as soon as I realized it was the tape recorder I heard the click as the button was pushed to shut it off. :shock: I wish now I had listened more to what was being said in the middle of this taped transmit...probably a hint of the message "someone" wished to convey, but at that time all I could think about was rushing back to bed and contemplating what occurred from the safety found underneath the covers. :lol: I know how our dear True must feel at times with all these interesting phenomenon happening round her... It is startling when it happens at the time though, isn't it? Good but startling. :sunflower:

Sammyjobillybob! :lol: You are a little rascal! :mrgreen:

Re: White Feathers

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:18 am
by overmind
Hmm, maybe I should find a tape recorder then. It might provide a much easier way of communicating.