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Not really new, but

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:16 pm
by luvinlife
Last night I was stopped at a red light. I heard a voice in my head say "watch out for someone running the red light". When the light turned green, I cautiously went into the intersection, and sure enough, someone came barreling through the red light. I jammed on my brakes, but if I hadn't heard "that voice", I wouldn't have been cautious, and I am positive that I would have been slammed by that car (he was going really fast). Just ANOTHER story about how we're guided and protected! Love to all!

Love, Clare

Re: Not really new, but

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:48 am
by Sandy
Hi Clare!
That's awesome Clare! Thank goodness you heeded that voice and warning. :sunflower: I am most grateful to the celestial who kept you safe! :kiss: