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New hear, my 1111 story

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:33 pm
by alessio_de
Hi everyone,
So happy to have found this site, and not think i was a complete lunatic who kept noticing these numbers. Im 21, I only noticed it the last 3-4 weeks, and its happening everyday sometimes 3-4 times a day that its hard not to notice. I started noticing when i woke up twice in one week at exactly 3:33am, the first time i thought cool, second time i thought weird, and then the 11:11, 1:11, and 3:33 was happening on a daily basis. I would receive voicemails, texts,missed calls, billboards in the tube with these numbers. Ive even started taking screen shots at my phone when it happens.

Reading through the site, and how the guardian angels would send signals like turning on and off street lamps. Takes me back to when i lived in HK and 50% off the times i walked passed this particular lamp post would turn off, and there i thought it was just a coincidence. Or when i would hear a whisper of my name in my ear, then turn my head an notice that nobody is next to me.

There is so much that stems from this, like intense dreams that happen every night, sometimes of something trying to enter my body or pull me away from where i am but because its foreign i fight it off as im scared, and dont understand where they are trying to take me. When i try to scream for help nothing comes out, its all silent, and after fighting it off they give up and i finally wake up. Ive one seen the figure only once standing at the end of my bed in my sleep. Sometimes im literally hanging off the side of my bed and something is pulling by the feet trying to take me out of my bedroom door and im hanging there screaming but its silent (all while im sleeping of course) Has anyone else had this? is this me at mediation point? im trying to understand what it is, because im not dreaming, but im not awake, when i try and tell my friends they think im crazy, but the dream is so real, its beyond words.

Re: New hear, my 1111 story

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:42 am
by Sandy
Dear allessio_de,
I too am glad you have found us and would like to welcome you to this friendly group. You will find there are other posters here that are close to your age as well.

I must admit though I am concerned and confused about those dreams you are experiencing as they do not sound like anything the angels would contemplate night after night to enlighten you or get your attention. They do not wish to scare us and certainly will never take us anywhere we do not agree to go. Our Free will and comfort are of most importance.

Have you ever heard of a sleep condition called sleep paralysis? I am wondering if you may be experiencing this. We have several members who have dealt with it in the past.
Here are a few URLs... ... alysis.htm

...and here are a few of our website URls where you may find information about these numbers you are seeing. It truly are a very good thing!

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

11:11 - more questions about number sequences

What It Really Means.

Hope all this reading material helps. Nice to meet you, Alessio! :)

Re: New hear, my 1111 story

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:15 pm
by alessio_de
Thank you for the links. Definitely does help me, and nice to know there's so many of you out there, and love hearing about your stories :)

Re: New hear, my 1111 story

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:46 pm
by sammy
Hello Alessio :hithere

Wow, you are the second person to arrive at this board this week who describes something all too familiar to me - BUT, I don't believe it is a derivative of seeing 11:11. I will explain as best I can.

When I was much younger (early teens) I had a "dream" (the type that feels real and leaves you questioning if it was real vs. KNOWING it was a dream) - this dream I had, started in the kitchen of my house. I was sitting on the counter and something unseen was pulling at my feet. It felt evil. I ran upstairs to find my mom. I was sitting on her lap, terrified and telling her what happened. She was listening and scratching my back as if to calm me. I finished telling her what happened and turned to look at her only to find that something invisible was scratching my back...and again it suddenly felt evil. I awoke very shaken.

For years after I would experience a dream that left me equally shaken. Essentially, some evil feeling, unseen energy would lift me into the air and spin me violently. It doesn't sound terrifying, but the "feeling of evil" was terrible. I would wake from the dream very quickly and be terrified to sleep, much less get out of my bed. I had a more horrifying dream when I was in my early 20's. I'd rather not share the details - I will say it was different from the spinning "dream, but it effected me for years after.

At some point I heard about a method people use to stop recurring dreams: Basically, while fully awake, make a plan to implement during the recurring dream. So I did this, I made a plan to call on Jesus to save me if I had a "dream" like this again. I did and it worked. I have not had dreams like that in years, but did just recently have something similar happen during a meditation during which I think I fell asleep, and it did not occur to me to call on Jesus, rather I struggled to wake myself to no avail until the "scenario" ran it's course and then I woke suddenly.

What I can tell you about 11:11 is that this "prompt" caused me to find this wonderful forum filled with tons of love and supportive angels here on earth! There is no possible way (in my mind) that people SO filled with love could possibly be linked in anyway to the evil that occasionally sneaks up on me when I sleep. I wish I had an answer as to why it sneaks up, but I have no clue. I can only try harder to live my life sharing love and ask Jesus to be my protector and hope these "dreams" stay away.

I hope you find as much love here as I have!


Re: New hear, my 1111 story

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:16 pm
by sammy
Me Again...
I read the info on sleep paralysis. I also read several accounts of sleep paralysis. It struck me that a VERY common occurrence is for people to feel some sort of "evil entity". So although many interpret the anxiety caused by these experiences as due to the inability to move, it seems that there are a LARGE number who are more freaked out about the "evil" aspect. I know for me, I've had other dreams where I could not move, they were harmless dreams and although frustrating, they did not scare me in the manner the other dreams did.


Re: New hear, my 1111 story

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:42 pm
by KizzleKat
That's interesting, Sammy. Although I haven't had a scarey dream in years *knocking on wood*, I used to have them during emotionally stressful periods in my life and "evil" was a major theme. Wished I'd known about making a plan before sleep. As I mentioned to Lloyd in another post, the Lucifer Energy Grid could have alot to do with these kinds of dreams and the fear it creates in people's minds...makes sense to me, anyway.

~ Sharon

Re: New hear, my 1111 story

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:55 pm
by lloyd
I have to admit, the dream where they are trying to pull you away is nothing
like I have experienced with 1111. I have nightmares once in a while but I
have never associated them with either 1111 or street lamps turning off or
on when I go by.

Re: New hear, my 1111 story

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:25 am
by sammy
Oh...please let me clarify that my 1111 experience is not tied in any way, shape or form to these dreams. My 1111 experiences didn't start until my late 30's (when I was not having these dreams).
