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Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:26 am
by hmm
I have been way off track and out of focus these past few months. I have been considering yoga classes as a way to help get focused again. Anyone else active in yoga? If so do you find it helpful?

There are two teachers here that I can choose from. I decided to email both to make sure they are currently accepting new students. One of them just answered me back and guess the time on the email....10:10! I think somebody is telling me I am getting back on the right path!

Re: Yoga

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:07 am
by LurkerAbyss
Unfortunately I am not nor have ever been active in any yoga, so I apologize if this post is useless. However, even just after reading your post I can "sense" that it is likely you are on the right track. Also, I just wanted to offer my own insight despite not being in yoga myself. I have always thought that it is a great thing to take part in, but I also feel like many people get confused about it thinking that it is "only" for exercise or good shape or something, and a lot of people do not even bother to consider a spiritual element to it.. which is the very place it was born! When considered from a spiritual standpoint and not just for "losing a few pounds" or something, I think yoga is a GREAT idea!


Re: Yoga

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:31 am
by Sandy
Hi Hmm,
It's good to see you again. :hithere As I read your post, I couldn't help thinking of my own spiritual life and its swells and "beach crashes" over the years. It seems it is not uncommon to ride the ocean of spirituality feeling great while we ride the crest and then feeling confused sometimes and less then on top of things as the waves get choppy or even calm. I believe it is a part of our understanding, learning and growing. Wouldn't it be great to easily give up our humanous and instantly be aligned with the Infinite Spiritual One. Yet, it is happening and at all times even when we feel bottomed out...We are works in process as we more adamantly begin to work with our own Divine Guidance and those fabulous celestials who walk beside us in our time on this planet. So in retrospect, I wonder if we are ever really off our path or is our path interspersed with all these little side roads and deviations that have a purpose for us...if nothing else to offer us experience and expertise, possibly allowing us to see beyond the present hurdle and adding something new and important to our eternal back packs or beach bags. (whatever the case may be. :mrgreen: )

I wish I could help you with your question on yoga but I am afraid my only experience with this interesting spiritual avenue is the Avon Yoga cards I purchased quite a few years ago. ;) :roll: Follow your intuition on this one and I suspect there is a very good chance that you may find an interesting branch to that "golden road" you're trodding. :sunflower:

Re: Yoga

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:06 pm
by blue nova
(((namaste))) hmm :D

i am a who practices kriya yoga. there are many different yogas. not a yoga that practices many body postures. it is a 'breathing technique'.....with some stretches before-hand. ( i speak of technique taught by my guru and his fellowship...other kriya teachers may differ in their technique)

there are many who offer kriya yoga....i prefer paramahansa yogananda and his fellowship called self realization fellowship :sunflower: a way of 'getting back to god' has many benefits,,,,reduction of stress,,,peace of mind....etc

yo·ga [ yṓgə ]
Hindu discipline: a Hindu discipline that promotes spiritual unity with a supreme being through a system of postures and rituals
system of exercise: a system or set of breathing exercises and postures derived from or based on Hindu yoga


Re: Yoga

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:43 pm
by luvinlife
Yes, it is nice to see you, hmm. I am finding myself in something of the same predicament. Thank you everyone for the great words and advice.

Love, Clare

Re: Yoga

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:02 am
by hmm
Went to my first class Sunday and it was great. I felt totally relaxed and focused when I left. But boy was I sore! I will definitely go back next weekend.

Re: Yoga

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:09 am
by Sandy
Sounds good Hmm! I would be sore too. I really should drag out those Yoga cards again. It would be nice to have some one experienced to help with the postures though. Some of them are quite impossible for me at this time and so I quickly shuffle them to the bottom of the pile. ;) :lol:
Keep up the good work! :hithere

Re: Yoga

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:53 am
by hmm
I have now attended two classes and I have to say that yoga is absolutely everyting I would hope for it to be and more. If I had the time and money I would go every day. I can not describe how good I feel after a class

Re: Yoga

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:21 am
by LurkerAbyss
That is certainly great to hear!


Re: Yoga

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:09 am
by theunim
Do you have an android phone, Hmm? There's an app on the market called Pocket Yoga, it costs like $2.95 or something like that~ has three variations called ocean, mountain and desert, and then there's three levels for each variation- beginner, intermediate, advanced~ it's a pretty good and low-cost way to do yoga on your own. Also, youtube is great for some sources of yoga practice, but you should always have some way to go to real classes from time to time, especially if you're just starting out, to make sure you're doing positions correctly on your own if you do practice outside of classes.

I feel like you about yoga, especially if I found a really good studio, like I did, before I left Brooklyn for California~ I found this studio that I just paid for each class, but in a lot of studios, there seems to be package deals they work out with students, so maybe there's something offered at the place you go to, that would make the per-class amount lower if you bought a little membership?



Re: Yoga

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:57 pm
by Krystalshard
Hi all, just chiming in on the yoga thing; I have the book "the Five Tibetans" which are five basic poses/movements that are simplistic and fairly easy to begin. I picked it up on Amazon very inexpensively. Good for you, keep taking care of your body, it helps clear the mind and relaxes you physically... then perhaps we can slow down enough to await the stillness.


Re: Yoga

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:40 am
by Sandy
Thanks Jean!
I'll look into that book. What would we do without amazon. :lol:

Re: Yoga

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:54 pm
by Irit
I received that book as a birthday gift and was told that they came up with a DVD too.

Re: Yoga

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:36 am
by Seeker13
Dear Hmm,
I know its' late to chime in on this thread, but had the time tonight for a little catch up. Upon seeing the title I had an, "Ah Ha! Maybe that's what I need!" moment, have been on the negative side of ornery lately.

I'm a preschool teacher and we're all about yoga moves and especially on breathing. None of it of course is focused on the spiritual, but it's amazing how a little breathing and maybe a stretch or two can help center a person no matter their age. The first thing we do if someone is beginning to spin is tell them, "Alright now stop and take a big breath," and do it with them. Many times that's all our brain needs to change the chemical balance.

So, thanks for the reminder!


Re: Yoga

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:26 pm
by hmm
Seeker13 wrote:Dear Hmm,
I know its' late to chime in on this thread, but had the time tonight for a little catch up. Upon seeing the title I had an, "Ah Ha! Maybe that's what I need!" moment, have been on the negative side of ornery lately.

I'm a preschool teacher and we're all about yoga moves and especially on breathing. None of it of course is focused on the spiritual, but it's amazing how a little breathing and maybe a stretch or two can help center a person no matter their age. The first thing we do if someone is beginning to spin is tell them, "Alright now stop and take a big breath," and do it with them. Many times that's all our brain needs to change the chemical balance.

So, thanks for the reminder!

Sorry I am so slow responding. I am glad that I inspired you. I had actually gotten off track a little and missed yoga for about four weeks before getting back on track a couple of weeks ago. I can really tell a difference from the times I go and the times I don't. BTW while I was typing this I just received a 222 prompt. :mrgreen:

Re: Yoga

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:07 am
by Sandy
Hi Hmmm,
Just wanted to say hello brother! :hithere
I love all this yoga talk even though I have yet to attend one class... some day, perhaps. ;) Anyway, Sammy too just started Yoga a few weeks ago and is enjoying the many benefits. :D

Re: Yoga

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:06 pm
by hmm
Hope that you get to go soon. It is am amazing experience. I wish I could go every day.